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How many of us are there?


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This is a summary of estimates of the gay populations, mainly in US and UK, starting with Kinsey's famous figure of 10%.

About 9 million Americans are LGBT, and about 1.2 million Britons. Far larger numbers claim to have had some homosexual experience in their lifetimes.

In other words, about 2 1/2% of Americans, and 1 1/2% of Britons. (since the figures are arrived at by different methods, they should not be directly compared).

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In the Direct Report treatment, 11% of the population reports that they do not consider themselves heterosexual (8% for men, 16% for women). In the Veiled Report treatment, this increases to 19% (15% for men, 22% for women).


Comparing the two methods shows sexuality-related questions receive biased responses even under current best practices, and, for many questions, the bias is substantial. The veiled method increased self-reports of non-heterosexual identity by 65% (p<0.05) and same-sex sexual experiences by 59%

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