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TV shows to promote Thai govt's achievements


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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

This is exactly what they have done----- NOTHING ----- this is what you want to hear ??? problem is you are not interested in whatever improvements are made........picking out the above examples you posted are ridiculous.

Quote " threats to execute people" you are a person living here (or not) are amongst the type of people that need shutting up. IF your posts are balanced you would gain respect.

NO I am not in favour of all that is or has been done so far BUT it is better than Thailands money being thrown into PTP etc pockets, and at least IF you care to listen and look around you may be able to see some real improvements, but I have a good idea you are not interested.

You believe that there have been significant positive changes such that they justify the suspension of basic civil liberties and the removal of an elected government. Can you please provide some tangible examples?

I'll get you started: The number of illegal restaurants on Hua Hin beach has been reduced. The reduction of sunbeds is a welcome change.

Suthep has been running scared and has taken refuge as a monk (although this isn't the military's doing, but it seems the man is scared.)

GK. Yes I do believe, I live in Issan ----quote "Removal of an elected government" why not if it is law breaking and reaping the countries monies. ??


Suthep sunbeds, and a town called Hua Hin some restaurants closures, Is that your answer ?? that is a poor response. I thought you may have come up with some serious national issues FOR and AGAINST, but no, the usual to keep the happy the minority on TVF.

You don't remove a corrupt government through military takeover. You remove a corrupt government through the courts. It was happening, but the military didn't care, they saw an "opportunity" and exploited it.

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From soap operas to bleach theatre- who says there is no development in the entertainment industry. Costas will need to spend money on industrial strengths popcorn packs and a comfortable TV-chair.

Hopefully he is saving up for brain surgery....................coffee1.gif

Wouldn't that require a "smart" decision?

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From soap operas to bleach theatre- who says there is no development in the entertainment industry. Costas will need to spend money on industrial strengths popcorn packs and a comfortable TV-chair.

Hopefully he is saving up for brain surgery....................coffee1.gif

Wouldn't that require a "smart" decision?

Catch 44 !!

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

Watch the programs and you can find out! Maybe Mrs Chooka can translate for you.

No doubt they will be as riveting as the party political broadcasts in the UK and as informative as Yingluck telling everyone prices weren't going up, only in your imagination.

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

Watch the programs and you can find out! Maybe Mrs Chooka can translate for you.

No doubt they will be as riveting as the party political broadcasts in the UK and as informative as Yingluck telling everyone prices weren't going up, only in your imagination.

All ready asked the missus and unfortunately she couldn't name a single thing, her answer was they do nothing for the people. She comes from Chai Nat and not Isaan Edited by chooka
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You believe that there have been significant positive changes such that they justify the suspension of basic civil liberties and the removal of an elected government. Can you please provide some tangible examples?

I'll get you started: The number of illegal restaurants on Hua Hin beach has been reduced. The reduction of sunbeds is a welcome change.

Suthep has been running scared and has taken refuge as a monk (although this isn't the military's doing, but it seems the man is scared.)

GK. Yes I do believe, I live in Issan ----quote "Removal of an elected government" why not if it is law breaking and reaping the countries monies. ??


Suthep sunbeds, and a town called Hua Hin some restaurants closures, Is that your answer ?? that is a poor response. I thought you may have come up with some serious national issues FOR and AGAINST, but no, the usual to keep the happy the minority on TVF.

You don't remove a corrupt government through military takeover. You remove a corrupt government through the courts. It was happening, but the military didn't care, they saw an "opportunity" and exploited it.

The opportunity as you put it was created because someone was cranking up the murders and violent attacks on those protesting against the PTP caretaker administration and nothing was being done to prevent it or to try and arrest those responsible.

Now whether you believe they were all "false flag" self inflicted attacks as some poster on here suggest; or you believe they were orchestrated and financed by Thaksin and carried out by thugs hired by his red shirt militia as others suggest; or even that they were carried out by the mysterious "third hand" as the drunk Chalerm claimed when he regularly warned the protesters of the likely attacks on them, yet failed to prevent any or catch anyone, is your choice.

I agree, far more desirable to remove a corrupt government through the courts and likewise punish the individuals responsible. However, a tad difficult when the corrupt government openly refuses to obey the law, or to accept any judgement from courts that it doesn't like; controls the corrupt police and allows it supporters and hired thugs to use violence and murder as it wants.

Who really instigated and exploited all this is very debatable, and may have changed as events changed.

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

Watch the programs and you can find out! Maybe Mrs Chooka can translate for you.

No doubt they will be as riveting as the party political broadcasts in the UK and as informative as Yingluck telling everyone prices weren't going up, only in your imagination.

All ready asked the missus and unfortunately she couldn't name a single thing, her answer was they do nothing for the people. She comes from Chai Nat and not Isaan

She's watched these planned shows already - wow. impressive.

And did you ask her what the PTP or previous Thaksin controlled parties did for the people?

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When I first came to Thailand, I would have been shocked at such a news item and would be seriously questioning who is in charge to resort to propaganda tactics like this.

But after 10 years I can completely understand it. Virtually every red-shirt who posts here comes across as schoolboy-level intellect having a tantrum because someone took his sweets away (which he stole himself earlier). I now realise there is no point reasoning with logic : they have none. They need to be told how it is by someone else who actually understands the world beyond cheating and corruption.

Of course it is all futile : you can't change a culture of corruption by telling them that it is wrong. They simply don't care. But it is a glimmer of hope that someone is prepared to try.


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When I first came to Thailand, I would have been shocked at such a news item and would be seriously questioning who is in charge to resort to propaganda tactics like this.

But after 10 years I can completely understand it. Virtually every red-shirt who posts here comes across as schoolboy-level intellect having a tantrum because someone took his sweets away (which he stole himself earlier). I now realise there is no point reasoning with logic : they have none. They need to be told how it is by someone else who actually understands the world beyond cheating and corruption.

Of course it is all futile : you can't change a culture of corruption by telling them that it is wrong. They simply don't care. But it is a glimmer of hope that someone is prepared to try.

You assume everyone who doesn't support the junta is a redshirt. That raises legitimate questions about your intellect.

You imply that you understand the world. Do you understand that military governments have never turned out well in Thailand? Do you understand that new democracies can not become mature democracies if they are toppled by military coups every seven or eight years?

Not everyone who doesn't support the Junta is a Shin supporter. And neither are all those that comment against the Shins supporters of the Junta. Although the Shin supporters and apologists on here usually claim they are as a way of trying to discredit their comments. Like Liberals in the West always shout "racist, homophobic or anti-Islam if you say anything they don't like or can't answer.

Agree military governments rarely turn out well. But neither does a new democracy in which a single family or clan becomes dominant and corruption is used to fund and control that dominance, with corrupt law enforcement, violence and intimidation.

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

Watch the programs and you can find out! Maybe Mrs Chooka can translate for you.

No doubt they will be as riveting as the party political broadcasts in the UK and as informative as Yingluck telling everyone prices weren't going up, only in your imagination.

All ready asked the missus and unfortunately she couldn't name a single thing, her answer was they do nothing for the people. She comes from Chai Nat and not Isaan

She's watched these planned shows already - wow. impressive.

And did you ask her what the PTP or previous Thaksin controlled parties did for the people?

I didn't realise we actually had to wait for the shows to find out what he has done. Are his achievements closely guarded secrets for television ratings?

No didn't ask her what Thaksin did as she hates the guy with a passion and didn't want to get her started. I didn't ask her what the government of 1984 did either as I didn't think it was relevant. I seriously thought the shows were about Prayuth's achievements and not the achievements of governments throughout Thai history.

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The government has achieved very little, and nothing in Education Reform, Lottery Reform, or Cronyism Reform.

Concurrently, if it had not been for the News 3 reporter running a report on Thais human trafficking Thais, that little Indonesian Island Resort would still be in business. As a response, the current PM uttered threats on the way out of the country, then --hint,hint -- completely changed his tune after AP ran the story...

As writer in the BP noted, every coup claimed it was necessary because of corruption. Every coup was subsequently found to be populated with suspiciously wealthy officers. Every time I hear a pro-government rant it is a historically uninformed opinion.

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

Watch the programs and you can find out! Maybe Mrs Chooka can translate for you.

No doubt they will be as riveting as the party political broadcasts in the UK and as informative as Yingluck telling everyone prices weren't going up, only in your imagination.

All ready asked the missus and unfortunately she couldn't name a single thing, her answer was they do nothing for the people. She comes from Chai Nat and not Isaan

She's watched these planned shows already - wow. impressive.

And did you ask her what the PTP or previous Thaksin controlled parties did for the people?

PTP and Mr T did enact the 100 baht medical program, and quite a few important initiatives.....the best criticism of Mr T I ever heard was "Thais always take cookies, even while people are watching. He tried to take the whole jar..." Cracked me up.

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in related news, the Junta government has put out tenders to all audio visual manufacturers such as Samsung, Sony etc, for the next generation of Thai TV sets. These will be installed in every room in every home in Thailand by the year 2020. They will have no off switch, and they will play approved programmes 24 hours per day. They are also designed to contain webcams which can be controlled by the ministry of information, and can be used for refining the public response to the approved programmes.

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I thought it was illegal for the government to promote themselves through radio and television.

Could someone explain to why pug nose had to step down because of the cooking programme .

Isn't this the same.

Can somebody enlighten me please.

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When I first came to Thailand, I would have been shocked at such a news item and would be seriously questioning who is in charge to resort to propaganda tactics like this.

But after 10 years I can completely understand it. Virtually every red-shirt who posts here comes across as schoolboy-level intellect having a tantrum because someone took his sweets away (which he stole himself earlier). I now realise there is no point reasoning with logic : they have none. They need to be told how it is by someone else who actually understands the world beyond cheating and corruption.

Of course it is all futile : you can't change a culture of corruption by telling them that it is wrong. They simply don't care. But it is a glimmer of hope that someone is prepared to try.

You assume everyone who doesn't support the junta is a redshirt. That raises legitimate questions about your intellect.

You imply that you understand the world. Do you understand that military governments have never turned out well in Thailand? Do you understand that new democracies can not become mature democracies if they are toppled by military coups every seven or eight years?

Not everyone who doesn't support the Junta is a Shin supporter. And neither are all those that comment against the Shins supporters of the Junta. Although the Shin supporters and apologists on here usually claim they are as a way of trying to discredit their comments. Like Liberals in the West always shout "racist, homophobic or anti-Islam if you say anything they don't like or can't answer.

Agree military governments rarely turn out well. But neither does a new democracy in which a single family or clan becomes dominant and corruption is used to fund and control that dominance, with corrupt law enforcement, violence and intimidation.

Yes, but with democracy the people have a peaceful means to remove the corrupt government. The people of Central and South America, which have plenty of experience with corrupt democracies and corrupt military governments, prefer the democracies. So do I.

I also believe that it's easier for the voters to reform a democratic government than for subjects to reform a military government.

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

This is exactly what they have done----- NOTHING ----- this is what you want to hear ??? problem is you are not interested in whatever improvements are made........picking out the above examples you posted are ridiculous.

Quote " threats to execute people" you are a person living here (or not) are amongst the type of people that need shutting up. IF your posts are balanced you would gain respect.

NO I am not in favour of all that is or has been done so far BUT it is better than Thailands money being thrown into PTP etc pockets, and at least IF you care to listen and look around you may be able to see some real improvements, but I have a good idea you are not interested.

You believe that there have been significant positive changes such that they justify the suspension of basic civil liberties and the removal of an elected government. Can you please provide some tangible examples?

I'll get you started: The number of illegal restaurants on Hua Hin beach has been reduced. The reduction of sunbeds is a welcome change.

Suthep has been running scared and has taken refuge as a monk (although this isn't the military's doing, but it seems the man is scared.)

GK. Yes I do believe, I live in Issan ----quote "Removal of an elected government" why not if it is law breaking and reaping the countries monies. ??


Suthep sunbeds, and a town called Hua Hin some restaurants closures, Is that your answer ?? that is a poor response. I thought you may have come up with some serious national issues FOR and AGAINST, but no, the usual to keep the happy the minority on TVF.

You don't remove a corrupt government through military takeover. You remove a corrupt government through the courts. It was happening, but the military didn't care, they saw an "opportunity" and exploited it.

You can remove a government through the ballot box, when as the previous one did (and lets not ignore this oh so inconvenient fact) it offers itself up for reelection.

Now why was the election blocked and the conditions for the coup created? That would make an interesting TV documentary wouldn't it?

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

This is exactly what they have done----- NOTHING ----- this is what you want to hear ??? problem is you are not interested in whatever improvements are made........picking out the above examples you posted are ridiculous.

Quote " threats to execute people" you are a person living here (or not) are amongst the type of people that need shutting up. IF your posts are balanced you would gain respect.

NO I am not in favour of all that is or has been done so far BUT it is better than Thailands money being thrown into PTP etc pockets, and at least IF you care to listen and look around you may be able to see some real improvements, but I have a good idea you are not interested.

Most of his posts mention 'execution' - it is a fixation.

AND he does not live in Thailand, he lives in Australia.

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What exactly have they done apart from the coup, banning orgies, happy endings, selfies, mini skirts, bikinis unless your fat and ugly and introduced Artical 44 along with threats to execute people.

This is exactly what they have done----- NOTHING ----- this is what you want to hear ??? problem is you are not interested in whatever improvements are made........picking out the above examples you posted are ridiculous.

Quote " threats to execute people" you are a person living here (or not) are amongst the type of people that need shutting up. IF your posts are balanced you would gain respect.

NO I am not in favour of all that is or has been done so far BUT it is better than Thailands money being thrown into PTP etc pockets, and at least IF you care to listen and look around you may be able to see some real improvements, but I have a good idea you are not interested.

Most of his posts mention 'execution' - it is a fixation.

AND he does not live in Thailand, he lives in Australia.

Really, damn Australia is so much like Thailand these days. When exactly did I return to Australia to live? You know more about me than I do.
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I thought it was illegal for the government to promote themselves through radio and television.

Could someone explain to why pug nose had to step down because of the cooking programme .

Isn't this the same.

Can somebody enlighten me please.

Prayuth and his crew gave themselves amnesty and nothing they do whilst in control can be deemed ilegal.
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Watch the programs and you can find out! Maybe Mrs Chooka can translate for you.

No doubt they will be as riveting as the party political broadcasts in the UK and as informative as Yingluck telling everyone prices weren't going up, only in your imagination.

All ready asked the missus and unfortunately she couldn't name a single thing, her answer was they do nothing for the people. She comes from Chai Nat and not Isaan

She's watched these planned shows already - wow. impressive.

And did you ask her what the PTP or previous Thaksin controlled parties did for the people?

PTP and Mr T did enact the 100 baht medical program, and quite a few important initiatives.....the best criticism of Mr T I ever heard was "Thais always take cookies, even while people are watching. He tried to take the whole jar..." Cracked me up.

"He tried to take the whole jar."

Take the whole jar? ......... Thaksin took over the bloody bakery.

Edited by ratcatcher
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