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a turtle or toitoise, dunno the difference got stuck in my garden. about 5 inches in diameter, head pops out once in a while with yellow lines to the side of it. what do i feed it??? hate to throw it out into the wild wild paddy fields. or should i just do that??? would make a good pet i reckon.

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Sounds more like a turtle. I kept a small one once as a pet here in Phuket and made the mistake of putting it in a large bowl with my fish – next morning all I had was a very contented turtle. They seem to eat almost anything you give them. Be careful if you pick it up, they can bite.


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Tortises/turtles have pretty specific diets, I'd let him go. I got a couple of Indian Star Tortoises from JatuJak about 2 years ago, thinking you know easy upkeep, NOT! first they got a respiratory infection from the wrong bedding, then bad stomachs from the wrong diet!

I spent a nice chunk a change on vets bills and ended up doing a ton of research on them, so they're ok now!

(BTW if it's a tortoise they like Hibiscus leaves :o )

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i used to have red eared sliders (with yellow or red stripes on the sides of their heads), which are the little turtles that are the size of a quarter that they sell illegally in chinatowns in the US. they are very difficult to take care of properly, and they grow to be up to a foot in length. they have to have clean water to swim in, a strong light to bask in, and they can eat a lot. the hardest part is keeping the water clean. if you aren't going to get a big tank and put in the work you should just let it free in a pond or something. good luck.

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i used to have red eared sliders (with yellow or red stripes on the sides of their heads), which are the little turtles that are the size of a quarter that they sell illegally in chinatowns in the US. they are very difficult to take care of properly, and they grow to be up to a foot in length. they have to have clean water to swim in, a strong light to bask in, and they can eat a lot. the hardest part is keeping the water clean. if you aren't going to get a big tank and put in the work you should just let it free in a pond or something. good luck.

i think thats what i would do. Let it out at the pond near by. there are so many man made ponds here in san kampheng. just let it be free and eat whatever it finds there. thanks everyone for your posts.

I did put a lot of hibiscus leafs where it hangs out in my garden.

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Sounds to me like an asian box turtle my mother in law (vegitarian) brought one home from the market so I could see it then release it. I know it will just make them catch another to sell but she has a good heart and has saved several turtles and tortoises. I would recommend releasing it near a pond but not in the pond.

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Sounds to me like an asian box turtle my mother in law (vegitarian) brought one home from the market so I could see it then release it. I know it will just make them catch another to sell but she has a good heart and has saved several turtles and tortoises. I would recommend releasing it near a pond but not in the pond.

Oppss.. i did release it today but i threw it into the pond. Does that mean it wont survice?? I'd hate to think he would drown. Always thought they can swim. I did have good intentions though.

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Sounds to me like an asian box turtle my mother in law (vegitarian) brought one home from the market so I could see it then release it. I know it will just make them catch another to sell but she has a good heart and has saved several turtles and tortoises. I would recommend releasing it near a pond but not in the pond.

Oppss.. i did release it today but i threw it into the pond. Does that mean it wont survice?? I'd hate to think he would drown. Always thought they can swim. I did have good intentions though.

Release by throwing into the pond :D

Don’t fret my boss would probably have “released it” by turning it into a tom yum :o

Oh yes and she would have claimed best intentions as well :D

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