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Still 500 Baht for a Residency Certificate at Chiang Mai Immigration

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I was charged 500 Bhat for my Residency Certificate today in the Chiang Mai Immigrations Office opposite the Promonade, asked why and was told fee will get it in 2 days else wait from 2 weeks to a month. The payment is for fast track application was what I was told. Even though I could see the sign through the window about the service being free and not to pay anything. Have noticed that the payment is taken by non-offical administration staff and not actual Immigration Staff. Could be a good buffering technique :)

The goverment is missing a good opertunity of making some money by making this fee offical as it seems to charge for every other service provided by immigration.

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The more we pay they the more they will want.

The only way to stop this corruption is to report it.

Take photos with your phone, (discreetly).

Post them on line with times and dates.

The next thing will be NO Phones allowed.

Powerful, reputable evidence.

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Depending on nationality, the 500 baht "fee" is still cheaper than going to your consulate.

Depending on what you need it for, if your an Australian, a stat' dec' from the honorary consul in Chiang mai may suffice and is free and he'll do it on the spot.

Edited by dickyknee
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I have no problem paying for a good service. At my age I have had money extorted from all walks of life and the worse ones are the "legalised" forms.

For instance:-

UK service industries such as BT, Virgin, British Gas, etc. who cause you problems with bad service then insist that you phone them on a premium phone line, take you on a long timely tour of different options to land on a queue to wait. This takes time and they are charging you for the privilege.

UK Government who charge me a Tax such as national security, then when I don't have a job due to redundancy they won't pay me anything until I have spent all my savings then sold my house.

UK Government who again charge me Tax and then when I retire abroad they stop the yearly increase because I am no longer in the UK, but still insist that I pay any tax due on the payments.

Parking Fees when I visit hospitals as the land which was owned by the National health Service has been sold off to people like NCP.

And don't forget all Tax laws where started by land owners (such as the meanest bunch with swords etc.) demanded that the local populace paid a levy or as would be called a protection racket if it was done by people outside the legal law. This could even be construed as payment by menaces.

My observation was that the officials at the top do not seem to have control of there own systems or people. I am not in Thailand to change their system of government or working methods, I was unable to do that in my country of birth so am sure I will have little impact here.

I even feel some what that the description of corruption is used by a legalised body to show their frustration at not having a piece of the pie :)

The 500 Bhat may not be an official fee but in some way is more economical as some of the money is distributed locally without the overheads of bureaucracy.

I hate the entity of Company Law in the UK and possibly other countries which is used by many nasty people to legitimately extract money from people and the system without any come backs.

Such as the Bankers who made trillions on the back of governments and ultimately people who now own the debt.

Make a company charge people, run up debts, don't provide any service or poor service, pay yourself lots of money and before any one can do any thing, fold the company and make another.

Sorry for the rant, I have time, have seen a lot and find observation is a nice way of passing time.

Most Governments are no more than legalised thugs who demand money with menaces from hard workers (easy targets), and will not go after hard targets until it impacts them to much.

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I'm amazed at why those who have no backbone don't take their wives/gfs.

What would you do if your country' s immigration charged her for something that they were supposed to give free?

It is EXTORTION and every single person who has paid is as bad as those extorting and making it worse for everyone else.

No wonder we have problems integrating when we bend an take it up the ar** for 500 baht.

The thug at immigration needs to be reported and fired... for taking 500 baht for something he is suppose to be doing for free.

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I have no problem paying for a good service. At my age I have had money extorted from all walks of life and the worse ones are the "legalised" forms.

For instance:-

UK service industries such as BT, Virgin, British Gas, etc. who cause you problems with bad service then insist that you phone them on a premium phone line, take you on a long timely tour of different options to land on a queue to wait. This takes time and they are charging you for the privilege.

UK Government who charge me a Tax such as national security, then when I don't have a job due to redundancy they won't pay me anything until I have spent all my savings then sold my house.

UK Government who again charge me Tax and then when I retire abroad they stop the yearly increase because I am no longer in the UK, but still insist that I pay any tax due on the payments.

Parking Fees when I visit hospitals as the land which was owned by the National health Service has been sold off to people like NCP.

And don't forget all Tax laws where started by land owners (such as the meanest bunch with swords etc.) demanded that the local populace paid a levy or as would be called a protection racket if it was done by people outside the legal law. This could even be construed as payment by menaces.

My observation was that the officials at the top do not seem to have control of there own systems or people. I am not in Thailand to change their system of government or working methods, I was unable to do that in my country of birth so am sure I will have little impact here.

I even feel some what that the description of corruption is used by a legalised body to show their frustration at not having a piece of the pie :)

The 500 Bhat may not be an official fee but in some way is more economical as some of the money is distributed locally without the overheads of bureaucracy.

I hate the entity of Company Law in the UK and possibly other countries which is used by many nasty people to legitimately extract money from people and the system without any come backs.

Such as the Bankers who made trillions on the back of governments and ultimately people who now own the debt.

Make a company charge people, run up debts, don't provide any service or poor service, pay yourself lots of money and before any one can do any thing, fold the company and make another.

Sorry for the rant, I have time, have seen a lot and find observation is a nice way of passing time.

Most Governments are no more than legalised thugs who demand money with menaces from hard workers (easy targets), and will not go after hard targets until it impacts them to much.

It may be nothing for you but some of us have pride. Please don't make it worse for me. They make me look like I am breaking a law when I refuse to pay All because of idiots who smile and pay.
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  • 1 month later...

I used your link to go to the website but didn't see any place to register a complaint. There's a forum for questions, but you have to register. When I clicked on register, it said "Forbidden".

I went there this afternoon to get two of these certificates and was told it's 500 baht each, pick it up tomorrow. Bolstered by what I read on this thread, I told the friendly young man it's supposed to be free. He said, "OK, but have to wait one month and we only give you one." Kind of pissed me off and I decided to wait, so he lead me to Window 2 (I think) where a less friendly, older man checked my documents and gave me a tiny slip of paper (5cm x 8cm) with a date stamp of June 14, one month from today, indicating when I am to return to pick up my document. There must have been a dozen applications scattered about on his desk, each with a 500 baht note paperclipped to it.

I'm planning on buying a motorbike this weekend, but I suppose I will have to wait for this document to register change of ownership, etc. As for complaining, I looked around online and found an app on Google Play (in Thai) called "Bribespot Thailand", where I read "What Wikipedia did for education, Bribespot could one day do for corruption monitoring", which tells me it's not going to help at all. Now wondering how far down this rabbit hole I want to go. Just a little concerned it may be risky for me to report this, and may make my situation worse.

I wonder if they'll give it to me if I just show up next week and ask for it.

Edited by claaay
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The more we pay they the more they will want.

The only way to stop this corruption is to report it.

Take photos with your phone, (discreetly).

Post them on line with times and dates.

The next thing will be NO Phones allowed.

Powerful, reputable evidence.

Yeah go ahead and pay the US Embassy 50 dollars and hopefully you have a consulate locally or you will be dealing with Bangkok. Really not a bright ideal, if you want free wait easy enough.

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This thread comes up constantly a year or so ago some of our more honest folks raised a stink at immigration and they stopped issueing the certificate. Then you got to pay the more outrageous sum of 50dollars if american. All you folks who do not mind waiting thats fine by me but I have no problem paying for something to expidite it yeah I know suppose to be free, well set on it for free and do not get your business taken care of.

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This thread comes up constantly a year or so ago some of our more honest folks raised a stink at immigration and they stopped issueing the certificate. Then you got to pay the more outrageous sum of 50dollars if american. All you folks who do not mind waiting thats fine by me but I have no problem paying for something to expidite it yeah I know suppose to be free, well set on it for free and do not get your business taken care of.

Now 3,040 baht from UK and now it can only be obtained in Bangkok.

I think 500 baht sounds better and if you wait free sounds great!!

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Free at Phuket and takes less than 15 minutes on slow day.

Believe in Phuket the local newspaper confronted the immigration Boss and asked what the "official fee" was for a free service !


This link explains !



Please remove the link if it breaks forum rules

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