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Request to lift hold of Obama immigration action denied


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Request to lift hold of Obama immigration action denied

HOUSTON (AP) — A federal judge in Texas late Tuesday kept a temporary hold on President Barack Obama's executive action that sought to shield millions of immigrants from deportation, rejecting a U.S. Department of Justice request that he allow the action to go ahead.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen in Brownsville refused to lift the preliminary injunction he granted on Feb. 16 at the request of 26 states that oppose Obama's action.

Hanen's latest ruling confirms the status quo — that the Obama administration is temporarily barred from implementing the policies that would allow as many as 5 million people in the U.S. illegally to remain.

The Justice Department had already appealed to a higher court, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans, to lift Hanen's injunction. The appeals court was scheduled to hear arguments on whether the injunction should be lifted on April 17.

In his order Tuesday denying the government's request, Hanen said the government hasn't "shown any credible reason for why this Directive necessitates immediate implementation."

There was no immediate comment from the White House.

The coalition of 26 states, led by Texas, filed the lawsuit to overturn Obama's executive action, arguing that it is unconstitutional and would force them to invest more in law enforcement, health care and education.

Justice Department attorneys have argued that keeping the temporary hold harms "the interests of the public and of third parties who will be deprived of significant law enforcement and humanitarian benefits of prompt implementation" of the president's immigration action.

Obama announced the executive orders in November, saying a lack of action by Congress forced him to make sweeping changes to immigration rules on his own.

Before ruling on the injunction, Hanen said he first wanted to hear from federal prosecutors about allegations that the U.S. government had misled him about the implementation of part of the immigration plan.

The first of Obama's orders — to expand a program that protects young immigrants from deportation if they were brought to the U.S. illegally as children — had been set to take effect Feb. 18. The other major part would extend deportation protections to parents of U.S. citizens and permanent residents who have been in the country for several years. That provision was slated to begin on May 19.

Hanen issued his initial injunction believing that neither of those orders had taken effect. About a month later, the Justice Department confirmed that more than 108,000 people had already received three-year reprieves from deportation and work permits, but DOJ attorneys insisted the moves were made under 2012 guidelines that weren't blocked by the injunction. The DOJ apologized for any confusion, but Hanen seemed unconvinced during a hearing last month and threatened to sanction the attorneys.

He wrote Tuesday that while the federal government had been "misleading" on the subject, he would not immediately apply sanctions against the government, saying to do so would not be "in the interests of justice or in the best interest of this country" because the issue was of national importance and the outcome will affect millions of people.

"The parties' arguments should be decided on their relative merits according to the law, not clouded by outside allegations that may or may not bear on the ultimate issues in this lawsuit," Hanen wrote.

In a separate order Hanen, told the government it has until April 21 to file to the court and plaintiffs detailed information about its March advisory about the 108,000 three-year reprieves.

The order asks the government to produce "any and all drafts" of the advisory, including information on when each draft was written, edited or revised. Hanen also asked for a list of each person who knew about the advisory.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-08

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Post #3, are you talking about legal or illegal immigrants, there is a BIG difference wether you realize it or not. The difinition of illegal is "against the law". If you break the laws you are a criminal. I am not in the least against legal immigration, but these fence jumpers, line jumpers, and sneak ins, I draw the line. The U.S. Government is way to lax on inforcing immigration laws that are already on the books. Obama is wrong on this, period!

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I dare say there remains a ray of light to check this renegade administration. Sadly, at every turn over the past years Obama et al has demonstrated a no-holds-barred approach to radically undermine many laws and accepted traditional values. I believe what we inherit socially should always be viewed, discussed, and perhaps changed through consensus. But, not happy with the slow bipartisan method, Obama is determined to inflict his will upon the American people and the underlying constitutional framework. He has been wildly successful so far and I remain cautiously optimistic that judicial oversight will roll back this outright treason.

There has currently been a protest of sorts by the same judge that enjoined the administration as to why the administration were continuing to break the judge's order? This administration did not once stop implementing the order as it was required, appeal or not. Like every other manner of effort [they] seek to foist change ("Fundamental[ly] Transform[ation]") upon America by brute force and savage the fabric that binds Americans as a people. A cursory look at highlights of this administration reveals an unmistakable pattern of deceit, sedition, obfuscation, and blatant lies. The only reason to have such fabulous tools and spokespersons of disassembly is to railroad as much down American's throats and keep them dizzy until it is all after the fact, and the country lost. Allowing criminals to basically invade a country is not compassion; they are not refugees. This administration is simply surrendering the culture, the people, and the State to invaders. In no other time or country in history (including today) would such treason continue.

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Not being able to dictate American policy will really piss the Tsar of America off...if I was that judge...I would watch my back and stay squeaky clean to avoid Obama coming after him...

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If 26 states voted against and got the court to decide - and 50 states in USA than that's democracy - more against than for

It is a untrue that America is a Democracy. America was never intended to be a Democracy. In fact the founders of our country loathed the disastrous consequences Democracies ultimately enable. As recently as WWI military training manuals listed "Democracy" right up there with "communism," "fascism," "socialism," and "despotism" as anathema to the American way of life. Democracy is mob rule.

Democracies have no inherent mechanism to finally protect the rights of a minority. As evidence of mob rule all one has to do is look at the self evident nature of government hand-outs, the controversy regarding Romney and the "47%" comments, and the incessant drive to quickly reach the 51% tipping point of population dependency through unlimited illegal immigration. In this manner Obama hopes to raise to the majority the population of Americans who will continue to vote themselves the fruit of the 49%'s industry. The brilliant "Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell certainly anticipates just this sort of "PNR" Point of No Return.

America is a Representative Republic with democratic processes. The failed Wilson Progressives of the WWI error retired from their push for the League of Nations and set out to tirelessly re-educate Americans through co-opting word meaning (ex. "liberal"), and infesting public education. This is not conspiracy, these are long standing staples of the liberal left (previously liberals were conservatives- "Co-opt" meaning, degrade language).

I see no mechanism by which America can continue not only as a superpower but even as a constitutional republic without bloodshed. The marker for turning this around is in the rear view mirror. I will not even labor to imagine what might save America; my effort is better spent planing how to save myself because America will most certainly fail in my life time. I used to think I condemned most those who sought such malevolent ends upon my country but lately I reserve my greatest recriminations for the entire American population for allowing themselves to be meekly led to the gallows. This immigration debacle will destroy this nation.

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"...and of third parties who will be deprived of significant law enforcement and humanitarian benefits..."

Boo hoo, if you come here illegally then you should expect to suffer the consequences.

If every Democratic president will eventually give all the illegals a free ride. What's the point in having immigration laws?

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I dare say there remains a ray of light to check this renegade administration. Sadly, at every turn over the past years Obama et al has demonstrated a no-holds-barred approach to radically undermine many laws and accepted traditional values. I believe what we inherit socially should always be viewed, discussed, and perhaps changed through consensus. But, not happy with the slow bipartisan method, Obama is determined to inflict his will upon the American people and the underlying constitutional framework. He has been wildly successful so far and I remain cautiously optimistic that judicial oversight will roll back this outright treason.

There has currently been a protest of sorts by the same judge that enjoined the administration as to why the administration were continuing to break the judge's order? This administration did not once stop implementing the order as it was required, appeal or not. Like every other manner of effort [they] seek to foist change ("Fundamental[ly] Transform[ation]") upon America by brute force and savage the fabric that binds Americans as a people. A cursory look at highlights of this administration reveals an unmistakable pattern of deceit, sedition, obfuscation, and blatant lies. The only reason to have such fabulous tools and spokespersons of disassembly is to railroad as much down American's throats and keep them dizzy until it is all after the fact, and the country lost. Allowing criminals to basically invade a country is not compassion; they are not refugees. This administration is simply surrendering the culture, the people, and the State to invaders. In no other time or country in history (including today) would such treason continue.

Very well said. Australia is now mirroring the US. They are also selling us out, the biggest buyer, China, the illegals are coming from the middle east, south east Asia and some parts of Africa. If they keep going, down the gurgler in 50 years. I won't be around but my grandchildren will be and heaven help them.

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Not being able to dictate American policy will really piss the Tsar of America off...if I was that judge...I would watch my back and stay squeaky clean to avoid Obama coming after him...

Yeap. You can bet somebody at the IRS is working overtime nights & weekends on that judge's returns ... (Oh, wait a minute - the Obama IRS wouldn't do that. Would it?)

Edited by hawker9000
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Good for Judge Hanen. This is yet another attempt to bypass Congress and the constitution by the Emperor President. Don't let him get away with it.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen's decision NOT TO REVERSE HIS RULING is no surprise. The government will get the reversal at the Court of Appeals.

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Good for Judge Hanen. This is yet another attempt to bypass Congress and the constitution by the Emperor President. Don't let him get away with it.

Breaking: US 5th Circuit Appeals Court will hear DOJ motion to lift injunction in GOP Texas immigration case

Good news for the good guys because this is an extraordinary and exceptional action by any US appeals court.

Indeed, the one single thing the far right wants in this case is delay, delay, delay. The tea party federal Judge Hanen down there in Texas had been doing everything he legally can to drag the case out so his injunction can remain in place, through at least the remainder of this year. This is not good news to the right wing's chosen and darling hero Judge Andrew Hanen.

Twelve states have filed in the federal court in support of Prez Obama's immigration action and the US Conference of Mayors and the National League of Cities have filed in the federal court in support of the president.

Significance of the filings is that those petitioning the courts in support of the president have the vast majority of the immigrant population in the US, while the 26 Republican party controlled states that filed with Judge Hanen have the the fewest number of immigrants, such as Montana, Idaho, Nebraska, Utah and the like. Very few of the 26 Republican controlled states that filed with Judge Hanen have any substantial or significant immigrant populations.

US Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals to Expedite Obama Executive Action Lawsuit Hearing

NEW ORLEANS -- A court hearing has been set for April 17 on whether a temporary hold on President Barack Obama's immigration executive action should be lifted, a federal appeals court announced Tuesday.

The Justice Department [last month] filed an emergency motion with the 5th Circuit, asking it to lift Hanen's preliminary injunction, arguing the order interferes with the Homeland Security Department's ability to protect the country and "secure our borders."

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans said each side will have an hour to make their arguments about the injunction.




In agreeing to fast-track the appeal, the 5th Circuit is signaling that it is taking the timing of the process as a whole very seriously.

“It all shows how the 5th Circuit seems to recognize that it is a very important case,” said Carl Tobias, law professor at the University of Richmond.

“It is highly unusual for courts to schedule oral arguments on requests for an emergency stay and it’s even more unusual for each side to have an hour of legal arguments,” Crow said.

Tobias agreed, calling the hearing “extremely rare.” Pointing to same-sex marriage appeals as examples of similarly important, time-sensitive cases that impact a number of people, Tobias said, “I think it shows how important the court believes this particular case is,” he said.

“The 5th Circuit has a reputation as the most conservative appeals court in the country,” Tobias said, “but then, you really never know what to expect on this issue.”


All of SCOTUS case precedents in US immigration law tell the appeals court to throw out Judge Hanen's injunction.

The most recent SCOTUS case related to this one was in February and the Court decided it unanimously in favor of the federal government. Constitutionally and in all the SCOTUS body of case law precedent since 1868 are that the states have absolutely no say in immigration law, which directly affects national borders, national security, the president's Constitutional prerogatives in foreign policy relations with foreign governments.

We should expect the rule of law, that's what we should expect. So let's see what we in fact get.

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Oh no! That's up to 5 million voters the Dems won't get.


Illegal aliens cannot vote, do not vote.

In 2012 Prez Obama and the Democratic party got 71% of the Hispanic/Latino voters.

Next year in the general election the percentage will approach 80% and may exceed it. Republicans need 40% of the Hispanic vote to be competitive. laugh.png

The Republican party is looking at another big general election loss in November next year as Asian-Americans, black-Americans, single women, continue to vote in one-sided proportions for the Democrats, and the youngest voters aged 18-29 continue to vote 60 percent-plus for the Democrats.

The newest development is that a significant number of suburban Republican women throughout the country will this time vote for the Democrat for president.

Republicans keep running out of voters. So it's no wonder the far right is railing against and denouncing democracy.

Maybe the extreme right likes generals better.

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Good for Judge Hanen. This is yet another attempt to bypass Congress and the constitution by the Emperor President. Don't let him get away with it.

take two asprins and don't call anyone in the morning. you have fallen through one of the cracks, nobody can see you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A three judge panel of the US 5th Circuit Court of Appeals held its extraordinary hearing Friday and most legal eagles expect some kind of a decision as soon as this week, perhaps Monday (today).

Of the three judges on this most conservative federal appeals court in the country, one was appointed by Reagan, one by old man Bush, and one was appointed by Prez Obama. The judge appointed long ago by Reagan once described himself as a "former right winger" in what he said was a tongue in cheek throwaway remark that most legal beagles rather take as literal and still applicable.

So we shall see what may come of the appeal by the DoJ.

The appeal, specifically, is for the 5th Circuit to lift Judge Hanen's temporary injunction against the immigration executive action until the 5th Circuit itself decides the entirety of the case on appeal. The 5th Circuit is expected to decide the case on appeal sometime around July.

Legal eagles say the DoJ took a conservative and limited approach in its appeal of the Hanen injunction. That is, rather than try to kill the injunction, DoJ is asking the appeals court to simply lift the injunction until the three judge panel of the full court decides the whole of the case itself and according to the expected July timeline.

If the appeals court decides for the Obama Administration, it will be a big win for 5 million immigrants to include a number of illegals. If the 5th Circuit rejects the government's request, then the case sooner or later will go to SCOTUS in one way or another where Judge Hanen will be quashed.

Bid to halt Obama's immigration plan likely to fail, legal experts say

Federal judge Andrew Hanen issued an injunction, but analysts say courts tend to side with presidents and could overturn ruling soon

Appointed by George W Bush to the federal court in south Texas, Hanen has emerged in recent years as a more colorful arbiter of jurisprudence than many of his peers consider acceptable. In 2013, he accused federal officials of helping achieve “the criminal conspiracy” of an immigrant mother’s attempt to reunite with her child: “Instead of arresting [her] for instigating the conspiracy to violate our border security laws, [the government] delivered the child to her – thus successfully completing the mission of the criminal conspiracy," he wrote.

*Edited for Fair Use*


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The Guardian link is dated 17 February 2015 and is simply more liberal mud slinging.coffee1.gif

Can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

The law is the law and the SCOTUS as a whole will need to ultimately assert the fact of the law in this case, as it has done consistently since its first immigration ruling in 1868.

After the US 5th Circuit appeals court announces its expected 2-1 decision of the three-judge panel against the president, DoJ will need to appeal to SCOTUS Justice Antonin Scalia, who is the SCOTUS circuit justice for 5th Circuit appeals of urgency.

Most people expect Scalia to support his fellow right wingers Judge Hanen and the two judge appeals court majority against the president and immigrants. Recall Scalia, Hanen and the two appeals court judges in the expected majority were appointed by Reagan or a Bush.

When the full SCOTUS gets the case however, Judge Hanen will be thrown out with his bath water political opinion that has nothing to do with the law. The tea party Judge Hanen wrote a political opinion, not a legal opinion. Hanen's severe failure as a judge is that he failed completely to consider the governments arguments, accepting only the anti-immigration arguments of the Republican controlled states, Texas in particular.

Judge Hanen did not write a legal opinion because he either does not know the law, or he simply chose to ignore the Constitution and the SCOTUS case precedents in the law.

Recent Fifth Circuit Immigration Decision in Crane v. Johnson Foreshadows Executive Action Victory

April 14, 2015

The Fifth Circuit's decision last week in Crane v. Johnson might portend misfortune for the Texas-led coalition in Texas v. U.S.

In its decision, the Fifth Circuit repeatedly cited the Supreme Court's 2012 reaffirmation of the federal government's broad discretion in Arizona v. U.S.

The Fifth Circuit chose to begin its decision with three citations to Arizona v. U.S. and the following quote therefrom: "The Government of the United States has broad, undoubted power over the subject of immigration and the status of aliens."


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Did I mention the 5th Circuit's unanimous decision in the Crane v Johnson case two weeks ago was by a three-judge panel of two Republican appointed judges and one Democrat appointed judge. Three judges, three votes for the federal government on immigration law.

And that Johnson is none other than the same guy in the tea party Judge Hanen's case, Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson.

In other words, lookit what happens when judges read the Constitution and the laws, and base their judicial decisions on SCOTUS case law precedents dating back to 1868, when the 14th Amendment was adopted.

The right and its political judges of the right such as Andrew Hanen lose in the long run because whether it is sooner or later, judges act as, well, judges.

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Court chilly to Barack Obama immigration moves
It's likely the White House will have to take its case to the Supreme Court within days.
By JOSH GERSTEIN 4/17/15 9:31 PM EDT
"The oral arguments before the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in New Orleans were being closely watched by both sides in the heated immigration debate as a sign of whether the administration will be able to move forward with its plan to grant quasi-legal status and work permits to about 4 million illegal immigrants. Notably, one Republican-appointed judge used the president’s own comments to put the Justice Department on the defensive.
By the time the court session wrapped up, it appeared likely the appeals judges will rule, 2-1, against the administration’s request for a stay of a district court injunction, which would most likely leave the Supreme Court to decide whether the program can move ahead while lawsuits play out in the states.
If the administration can’t get its new moves underway sometime this year it may have difficulty getting them done before Obama leaves office."
Emphasis mine. Full Article
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If the administration can’t get its new moves underway sometime this year it may have difficulty getting them done before Obama leaves office."

That is the whole point, yes, everyone knows. I had read the article and others and they all confirm the point. This has been obvious from the outset.rolleyes.gif

The right is doing everything it can to tie this up in the courts, starting with the tea party Judge Hanen down there in Texas that the right cherrypicked for the case and the most conservative federal appeals court in the country.

The right knows however it doesn't have a prayer of winning this case at the SCOTUS so they just want to delay immigration action for as long as possible.

The right thinks the next president is going to reverse Prez Obama's immigration executive action cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

When the fact is in 2017 the next president will get a new and needed comprehensive immigration reform law out of a new congress. thumbsup.gif

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The right is doing everything it can to tie this up in the courts, starting with the tea party Judge Hanen down there in Texas that the right cherrypicked for the case and the most conservative federal appeals court in the country.

"...that the right cherrypicked for the case and the most conservative federal appeals court in the country."

No one "cherry picked" shit. It is the court which has jurisdiction in this matter. No one had a choice, counselor.

If anyone had a choice, the Obama administration would have taken it to Helen. smile.png

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The current anti-immigration Texas lawsuit that the tea party Judge Hanen has endorsed was in fact authored by Kris Kobach, the notorious anti-immigrant lawyer and Kansas Secretary of State who authored Arizona’s SB 1070 which was thrown out by SCOTUS in 2012 and who is infamous for his disastrous advice to Romney to run on the platform of “self-deportation.”

A Washington Post article published shortly after the President’s immigration executive order noted Kobach was already drafting a lawsuit and that Texas was interested in being a plaintiff. While Koback is not himself involved in the current suit, Koback is its author and its generator.

As for the extremist tea party Judge Hanen himself, in one case Hanen criticized the federal government for not bringing criminal charges against an undocumented immigrant mother whom DHS allowed to be lawfully reunited with her child, a law enacted during the administration of George W. Bush who was the same president who appointed Judge Hanen to the US District Court in southern Texas which is where the current case was filed.

In another case, Hanen wrote a 4-page opinion criticizing federal immigration policy, even though the policy had nothing to do with the legal immigrant defendant. (Source: U.S. v. Cabrera,711 F.Supp.2d 736 (S.D. Tex. May 4, 2010)).

In several other cases Judge Hanen attacked DHS for observing various existing rules and regulations that apply to certain immigrants and which are mandated or permitted by the immigration laws. http://blogs.ilw.com/entry.php?8483-Judge-Hanen-s-Anti-immigrant-Executive-Action-Ruling-Was-No-Surprise-By-Roger-Algase

The Republican party obliterated itself in California with its anti-immigration policies of Republican Gov Pete Wilson and Prop 138 during the 1970s. and 1980s. Since then, California has become a minority-majority state that the Democratic party has dominated in its voting over the past five elections of the president, in elections of its governor and for both houses of its state legislature. So keep it going nationally youse guyz cause you're making the GOP into the Gone Old Party of the United States exactly as it did to itself in California.


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The current anti-immigration Texas lawsuit that the tea party Judge Hanen has endorsed was in fact authored by Kris Kobach, the notorious anti-immigrant lawyer and Kansas Secretary of State who authored Arizona’s SB 1070 which was stricken by SCOTUS in 2012 and who is notorious for his disastrous advice to Romney to run on the platform of “self-deportation.”

A Washington Post article published shortly after the President’s immigration executive order noted Kobach was already drafting a lawsuit and that Texas was interested in being a plaintiff. While Koback is not himself involved in the current suit, Koback is its author and its generator.

As for the extremist tea party Judge Hanen himself, in one case Hanen criticized the federal government for not bringing criminal charges against an undocumented immigrant mother whom DHS allowed to be lawfully reunited with her child, a law enacted during the administration of George W. Bush who was the same president who appointed Judge Hanen to the US District Court in southern Texas which is where the current case was filed.

In another case, Hanen wrote a 4-page opinion criticizing federal immigration policy, even though the policy had nothing to do with the legal immigrant defendant. (Source: U.S. v. Cabrera,711 F.Supp.2d 736 (S.D. Tex. May 4, 2010)).

In several other cases Judge Hanen attacked DHS for observing various existing rules and regulations that apply to certain immigrants and which are mandated or permitted by the immigration laws. http://blogs.ilw.com/entry.php?8483-Judge-Hanen-s-Anti-immigrant-Executive-Action-Ruling-Was-No-Surprise-By-Roger-Algase

The Republican party obliterated itself in California with its anti-immigration policies of Republican Gov Pete Wilson and Prop 138 during the 1970s. and 1980s. Since then, California has become a minority-majority state that the Democratic party has dominated in its voting over the past five elections of the president, in elections of its governor and for both houses of its state legislature. So keep it going nationally youse guyz cause you're making the GOP into the Gone Old Party of the United States exactly as it did to itself in California.


Publicus my friend, when you write something that long which is heavily interspersed with terms like "extremist", "tea party," notorious", "disastrous" and so on, I don't read it. It is OTT verbosity, and contumelious, contemptuous and supercilious.

Could you please try to be more pithy?


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The current anti-immigration Texas lawsuit that the tea party Judge Hanen has endorsed was in fact authored by Kris Kobach, the notorious anti-immigrant lawyer and Kansas Secretary of State who authored Arizona’s SB 1070 which was stricken by SCOTUS in 2012 and who is notorious for his disastrous advice to Romney to run on the platform of “self-deportation.”

A Washington Post article published shortly after the President’s immigration executive order noted Kobach was already drafting a lawsuit and that Texas was interested in being a plaintiff. While Koback is not himself involved in the current suit, Koback is its author and its generator.

As for the extremist tea party Judge Hanen himself, in one case Hanen criticized the federal government for not bringing criminal charges against an undocumented immigrant mother whom DHS allowed to be lawfully reunited with her child, a law enacted during the administration of George W. Bush who was the same president who appointed Judge Hanen to the US District Court in southern Texas which is where the current case was filed.

In another case, Hanen wrote a 4-page opinion criticizing federal immigration policy, even though the policy had nothing to do with the legal immigrant defendant. (Source: U.S. v. Cabrera,711 F.Supp.2d 736 (S.D. Tex. May 4, 2010)).

In several other cases Judge Hanen attacked DHS for observing various existing rules and regulations that apply to certain immigrants and which are mandated or permitted by the immigration laws. http://blogs.ilw.com/entry.php?8483-Judge-Hanen-s-Anti-immigrant-Executive-Action-Ruling-Was-No-Surprise-By-Roger-Algase

The Republican party obliterated itself in California with its anti-immigration policies of Republican Gov Pete Wilson and Prop 138 during the 1970s. and 1980s. Since then, California has become a minority-majority state that the Democratic party has dominated in its voting over the past five elections of the president, in elections of its governor and for both houses of its state legislature. So keep it going nationally youse guyz cause you're making the GOP into the Gone Old Party of the United States exactly as it did to itself in California.


Publicus my friend, when you write something that long which is heavily interspersed with terms like "extremist", "tea party," notorious", "disastrous" and so on, I don't read it. It is OTT verbosity, and contumelious, contemptuous and supercilious.

Could you please try to be more pithy?


He cannot. His writing is a reflection of his immutable thought processes.

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