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(Thai consulate in France) I must stay 3 months out of Thailand between 2 tourist visas !?

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I was in LoS december/january/february with tourist visa + 30 days extension.

Got the tourist visa at consulate in France (Lyon)

Going back to Thailand 29 April to 10 July, so I send the usual email to get the latest official forms from the consulate, for tourist visa request.

I notice this scary sentence in the middle of the email from the consulate : (in French) " the tourist visa can be delivered only after expiry of a 3 month delay out of Thailand ".

Geez, did I miss something or is it a new condition ?

Is it only in France ? Is it enforced ?

Thanks :)

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That is know already, and not even only limited to France.

If you can't or don't want to deal with this consulate, with them you can enter visa exempt, extended 30 days and then get the visa in Laos or Malaysia as needed. If entering visa exempt give a look to the following.


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whistling.gifNo this is not true.

That law was from a previous government which has been out of power for a while now, and that rule is no longer true for several years

It keeps popping up every now and then but it is not true and not been the policy for number of years with the change of governments in Thailand.

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whistling.gifNo this is not true.

That law was from a previous government which has been out of power for a while now, and that rule is no longer true for several years

t keeps popping up every now and then but it is not true and not been the policy for number of years with the change of governments in Thailand.

There is no law that sets the rules for tourist visa issuance. It is often set by an embassy or consulates policy.

It is certainly true for France.

I think most people are aware the rules vary from embassy to embassy or consulate to consulate. For example some will only issue single entry visas and others up to 3, Also the length of validity for a 2 entry visa can be 3 months or 6 months dependent upon where it is obtained.

Singapore has refused visas if a person was just in Thailand before applying. It does not matter if a person was on a visa or a visa exempt entry.

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I double checked and this is indeed the first time this clause appears in the documents I got from the consulate (previous documents were 5 months ago). Doesn't mean it's new, but could mean its being enforced more than previously.

I will stay in Samui so now my plan would be :

_ reach Samui 30 april (30 days exemption)

_ go to Kuala Lumpur on 22 may (6000 baht with Bkk Airways)

_ back to Samui the next day (30 days exemption, again)

_ ask for a ~20 days extension at samui immigration, and back to France on 10 July

Looks correct ? any better idea ?

Is it OK to stay just 1 day / 1 night in KL or should I stay like 2 or 3 days ?

Could Bkk Airways deny to let me fly from KL to Samui since my outgoing ticket to France will be more than 30 days after ? (I guess they technically could but should I actually worry about it too ?)


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It would be better that you get the tourist visa if [possible, because that would be cheaper and would avoid flying out, etc.

Otherwise do the first entry visa exempt and then go get a Tourist visa in Penang.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Went to the consulate today.

3 people before me didn't bring all the required files and were refused. Tensed atmosphere. Bad words spoken.

I seat with my perfectly complete and sorted files.

After a 30 seconds hesitation, staring at my last departure stamp and obviously aware of the 3 month delay not yet reached, the consul looks at me and asks "you are going there for what ?" _ "to practice the language. It's my hobby"

I got a "Bon voyage Monsieur" and my precious Visa.

I might have been lucky and other French people reading this thread should consider the possibility of being less lucky ! Please post your experiences about it

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