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Bangkok:- The Moral Promotion Center is trying to reduce road accidents during the so-called Songkran’s Seven Dangerous Days through an unusual campaign.

The center seeks to promote seven virtues, as the dangerous period starts Thursday this year.

“We believe that road casualties will reduce if people embrace these seven virtues,” the center’s director Sin Seusuan says at a press conference.

These virtues are: discipline, tolerance, kindness, sacrifice, responsibility, mindfulness and carefulness.

Millions of people hit the road in Thailand during the Songkran period either to visit their home provinces or to enjoy their vacation. The festive season, however, is not all about happiness as hundreds of people have also lost their lives in road accidents during the Songkran period each year.

For example, the Songkran 2014 saw 322 deaths during its seven dangerous days. This is in addition to the number of injured victims.

Relevant authorities, therefore, have tried hard during the past many years to raise public awareness of accident risks and to nudge drivers to be more careful.

Anti-alcohol networks have waged campaigns against drunk driving, while police promise to strictly enforce laws. Many other organizations have also joined such efforts.

Sin says the Moral Promotion Center also pitches in this year as it hopes to reduce road tolls.

“We hope people can celebrate Songkran safely and mindfully,” he says.

His center, a public organization, also launches the “Return Home, Hug, and Show Respect” campaign that encourages Songkran revelers to show their love and gratitude towards their elders during the Songkran Festival.

Songkran is the traditional Thai New Year.


Can't immediately see any direct reference to improving driving skills and obeying road traffic laws............................

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It must have taken this committee at least 2 months, 3 study trips abroad and 20 million baht for a sticker xampaign to come up with these 7 virtues. Great job from the Moral Promotion Center. Sometimes I wonder in which century we are living.


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“We believe that road casualties will reduce if people embrace these seven virtues,” the center’s director Sin Seusuan says at a press conference.
These virtues are: discipline, tolerance, kindness, sacrifice, responsibility, mindfulness and carefulness.
Utter tripe! How many meetings did it take to come up with 7 words?

Pissed as a fart and doped to the eyeballs are 8 & 9 whilst driving on a road, any road, within the boarders of Thailand.

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See Fast and Furious 7 before leaving for the Songkran Holiday for some quick tips on how to control your vigo at high speeds.

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See Fast and Furious 7 before leaving for the Songkran Holiday for some quick tips on how to control your vigo at high speeds.

Yeah and then watch them flip over like this idiot out near Bang Pa-in did a few years ago on Phahonyothin road, the highway to Saraburi. His female passenger had to climb out of the passenger door, but instead of the door being to her left, it was above her!

The accidents here should be in the Guinness book of world records for being the wackiest and weirdest anywhere. I've never thought it to be possible for a taxi to get stuck on top of the concrete barrier on an overpass, precariously hanging partly over the edge and then squashed by a truck on the other side. How the hell do drivers here manage to do these kind of things? Maybe that particular taxi driver was a stunt driver for Fast and Furious 7? Or just a wannabe? Either way, it's amazing what he managed to do.

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rinse, wash, repeat yearly....

Until they come up with a SOLID traffic enforcement plan, that includes immediate suspension of driver's licences AND seizure of the conveyance that is being used to commit the offence, nothing will change.

I've always wondered how Vietnam can manage to do exactly that, but much richer Thailand can't? It boggles the mind! Nothing has changed here over the past 15 years since I've been either a resident visitor or resident, absolutely nothing. So sad...

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Thai males drive like tw**s every single time they go out..there is no law on the roads of this nation, & every driver is free to flash/bully the driver in front (including minivans who's driver is responsible for his passengers also) out of his way. If his lane does not allow Somchai to maintain 120/140kph he'll swerve left across to the hard-shoulder and undertake every other vehicle before cutting back again just so he does not have to slow-down any.

Until these dip****s in Fortuners etc.. who are always hidden from view behind their black glass are caught, & stopped, then penalised properly

(Hi-so's made to watch as their SUVs are 'cubed' in the crusher)...the carnage will never cease.

By adding drink/driving into the plot you have the recipe for yet another year's '7 deadly days'..& we all know it will never change..

...Speed, arrogance, ignorance, & Thainess = death...daily!

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You know what, if the police and the legal system in Thailand were to exhibit these 7 virtues perhaps there would be less roadway carnage. Enforcement of laws is the answer for curbing violations. Promoting moral virtue as a solution is just a pipe dream and an excuse for a government's dereliction of duty.


8. Accountability (would love to see this as a Thai virtue but I fear it does not translate)

Rather a racist thing to say.

It does translate - สามัญสำนึกในหน้าที่ sorry forgot no Thai script - saman samneuk nai natii


Thai males drive like tw**s every single time they go out..there is no law on the roads of this nation, & every driver is free to flash/bully the driver in front (including minivans who's driver is responsible for his passengers also) out of his way. If his lane does not allow Somchai to maintain 120/140kph he'll swerve left across to the hard-shoulder and undertake every other vehicle before cutting back again just so he does not have to slow-down any.

Until these dip****s in Fortuners etc.. who are always hidden from view behind their black glass are caught, & stopped, then penalised properly

(Hi-so's made to watch as their SUVs are 'cubed' in the crusher)...the carnage will never cease.

By adding drink/driving into the plot you have the recipe for yet another year's '7 deadly days'..& we all know it will never change..

...Speed, arrogance, ignorance, & Thainess = death...daily!

You know... I don't care if Thais die. If they don't respect their own life, why should I?

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7 virtues promoted to reduce road death toll

fricking incredible.....not one of the 7 virtues is drivers education.........duhcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m

Parallel parking would be a good start.


these 7 virtues should therefore be applied to every aspect of life including government and business and THEN eliminate the education of students since these 7 virtues can therefore replace education. Then the biggest chunk of the governments budget can be spent in other areas (and other pockets) for the betterment of of a one leader country.

Go Lucky 7!!!!! You rock man.


8. Accountability (would love to see this as a Thai virtue but I fear it does not translate)

Rather a racist thing to say.

It does translate - สามัญสำนึกในหน้าที่ sorry forgot no Thai script - saman samneuk nai natii

oh dear the boy scouts are out,you have been paying attention in class,what else have they drummed into you

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'The Moral Promotion Center' sound like something out of N. Korea's hard labor and detentions


forget about morality, this is nothing to do about morality, more honest cops on the road, to

make sure revelers are aren't doing what they not suppose to do, non stop TV programs

of graphic scenes of road accidents and the price people pay blitz showing the horrors,

and maybe you'll be able to make a different....


Sure.... Try change habits for one week a year. Just enforce traffic laws properly and year round, number of accidents will drop like a stone.

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