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handymanservice - AVOID

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Hi All

I posted a few threads here earlier asking for advice on a renovation project I was undertaking for my condo in Bangkok. Unfortunately, I chose these guys to do the painting and make some custom made furniture. Its taught me the age old adage when it comes to workmen (probably magnified if Thai) that only ever to go on recommendations. I found these guys on the net and the experience was absolutely dreadful and that that's putting in mildly. The quality of paintwork was absolutely dreadful, I probably could have done it better myself, in fact, my senile granny could probably have done a better job. They also didn't complete the other work i engaged them to do, and have run off with my deposit and are now unreachable. AVOID AT ALL COSTS. <deleted>

(PM if you require details.)

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Buy all the supplies for a job. Then get a quote for labor.....they work....job done......you pay. No deposits less hassle.

And if they walk out on you with the job incomplete you are not only stuck with the material but with a job that no one else will touch because they don't want to be stuck with someone elses mistakes

Do your research and get positive recommendations from trusted individuals. Just don't pick someone because you find them on the NET or see a flyer in your mail box. That is how you avoid the OP's situation

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It can be hard to get quality work done in Thailand especially when whoever is doing the job knows its probably a one-time job, especially jobs that take a brief time. Plus, what may be seen as perfectly good/acceptable/quality work by a Thai may not meet the expectations of a farang. Generally Thais seem to accept a lower quality of work and don't want to complain (or will complain very little) about less than desirable work.

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Thanks everyone for your comments. Yes all I can say is i was very naive. Unfortunately, though, I don't live full time in Thailand and just didn't have the time to do it the proper way. Oh one more thing - avoid these guys like the plague.

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Just noticed - the name of the contractors has been deleted. Why??

Because we don't permit name-and-shame threads due to Thailand's draconian libel / defamation laws.

We need to protect Thaivisa (obviously) and our members from criminal (yes, libel is a criminal offence here) cases.

Apparently something like 90% of libel / defamation cases that get to court find in favour of the complainant.

EDIT I thought I posted a notice to that effect when I fixed the OP. Odd, possibly a bad day for the database, sorry for any inconvenience.

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