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Problems Downloading!


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Hi, O/S windows XP Home.

Have just got a TOT 1MB ADSL installed and ran a speed test and got 900kb as my speed so happy there.

I have tried to set up my pc for downloads and have put these settings in my modem. And have enable EPnP


And have put these into my windows firewall settings but I'm still getting nothing but 1-3kb/s.


Have I done this all right, looks like I have but still no joy. If you could help I would owe you a beer or 2. If more info is needed please let me know and I'll send you a PM.

Thanks for your help


Edited by agsnowdon
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Hi, i'm not too sure what you are trying to do with those settings there... shouldn't really be affecting your download speeds. Maybe someone more knowledgable could give you advice on that.

What i wanted to ask was have you tried downloading from a different site? It could just be a slow server you are trying to access.

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Judging from the images you have posted you trying to open a port for playing a game?

This is not the same as downloading.

Check at the web site shown in the first image for more details about what you need to set up

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We'll need some more of it to know what you're doing/want to achieve!

My guess is you're talking about P2P downloading.

What kind of modem you have? USB version or a router feeding the internet via an ethernet cable to your PC...

If it's the latter you'll need to set up port forwarding in your router, so that traffic arriving at your router can be properly sent on to your PC.

Most common P2P programs require you to forward port 4662 (default, can be changed in your P2P settings if you like).

If you are using a USB modem, then you are clear out of luck because TOT will be packetshaping P2P traffic. I know TOT does this in certain areas in Pattaya where they have a lot of subscribers. You'll be lucky to get 5 kBps then... Reason they do this is to keep speed available for "regular" internet use like surfing and e-mailing...

Most ISP's do this on their home packages and require you to upgrade to some kind of business package to get full P2P speeds. Some even block VOIP!

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