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Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls

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So a Thai academic says "thai women are most beautiful"? hmm surprise surprise!

and then they pick a picture with some run of the mill women riding a bicycle.........they look more Vietnamese to me, when was the last time a Thai chick flashed you a peace sign?? Happens in Vietnam fifty times a day.thumbsup.gif

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Beauty is only skin deep, I would rather date a regular looking Thai woman, who has a good heart, and can be

trusted. Like any other country in the world, Thai women can be gold diggers just like anywhere else.

I remember that a few of my friends in Phuket came to a quick end, when they married, had a bar

business going well, then were found dead in a tragic car crash, where they went over a coastal cliff in

their car. It always was stated that they were depressed and ended their own lives that way, but I

have been suspicious, as I knew most of them were doing okay mentally just a few months earlier

when I was visiting them.

Just my opinion on women and beauty.


"For Ukraine, he wrote Ukraine is well known for women beauty, striking, stunning and ever smiling fairy angels make this place heaven for men, one of the best in business."



I used to think the same about Thai women until I woke up and noticed that there are more ugly ones than beautiful ones. It's only when one really pulls his head out of his a-rse and stops looking only at the beautiful ones that you also start to see the ugly ones. I didn't even see any ugly ones for the first few years. I thought all Thai women were gorgeous. Slowly that changed and now I am lucky to see a beautiful one only a few times a day. Beauty is skin deep and for the shallow minded. Before all you 'wise guys' start posting your defensive replies my wife is a good looker but after you've seen her daily for the last 4 years this also starts to wear off.

And I bet your wife thinks exactly the same thing, only difference is, she is probably too polite to come out and say it.

...................."Slowly that changed and now I am lucky to see a beautiful one only a few times a day.".................................

Your problem sounds pretty easy to fix, you need new glasses ! clap2.gif


So a Thai academic says "thai women are most beautiful"? hmm surprise surprise!

and then they pick a picture with some run of the mill women riding a bicycle.........they look more Vietnamese to me, when was the last time a Thai chick flashed you a peace sign?? Happens in Vietnam fifty times a day.thumbsup.gif

Ah, the Vietnamese peace sign................... After spending 4 months in that wonderful country and loving every minute of it, I had long lost count of how many times I had seen the "two-fingered salute".

I believe the average Vietnamese saluter was thinking - ......................."F-u, we kicked your asses in the war"......................... biggrin.png


Interesting subject to think about when "back home". Don't know about you guys but when I am in Australia I can't help comparing the locals to the Thai girls I see when in Chiang Mai, BKK etc.

Go to an Aussie supermarket and it will save you a trip to a zoo, countless obese hippos pushing their shopping carts up the aisles, speaking some insane language that I cannot understand.

Occasionally you will see small groups of 2-3 teenage girls with tattoos, pot bellies exposed complete with navel stud or ring.

When in CM my wife and I sometimes go shopping at Central Airport Plaza, a completely different scenario.

I also think a lot of TV members base their opinion of Thai ladies on the ones they see every day - bar girls. And if they are not bar hounds then they have just become bitter and twisted, and I bet it was caused by them, not the ladies of Thailand. biggrin.png


If you dont like the comments why on earth do you post private photos? I must admit she/he has big hands smile.png

Comments is one thing,

but to receive disgusting "allegations", which are multple time repeated, also the status has already been sat that they are wrong, are sure not why people post something.

You English, you like to bet?

Place the necessary sum for a sex test on a Thai Visa account, we can find out,

I show up with that woman at Thai Visa office in about 2-3 month and we let make that test.

How much you like to bet if you loose? Until than, the outcome, or when you now not agree, SHUT UP!


Ok Yes we love to bet I Bet my cxck is bigger than yours smile.png

So, you lied when you opened your Thai Visa account and you are not a female? rolleyes.gif

As I said before,i was in my camp mode. Anyway lighten up a bit. I take it you are from the EU ? What part?


A country consisting for 80% out of midgets has the most beautiful girls. Some people may have a different opinion about beauty.

And so we have another Thai bashing thread.

Your types who probably come to Thailand because you`re probably not considered desirable by women in your own country, than start holding grudges when you obtain negative results with Thai woman also.

I find petite, cute, feminine Thai girls very desirable and agree with the OP, that they must fit in to the top of the charts as the most beautiful girls in the world.

Why not give them a bash, most deserve it. The rest of your post,speak for yourself. Lighten up,life is too short.


Let us not forget the fine line between male and female in Thailand, There are many that dress in drag at night,and pose as Lady Boys most of the blokes can pass as a female

I can see, you English woman, do not have much experience.

I presume, your BF, husband? got lost with some Asian lover(s) what gender ever

and now you hitting against everything. rolleyes.gif

Yes at least I have a black box Not a hole where the dick used to be smile.png

Again, not much experience.

You do not know, that the by far, vast majority of LB's, shemales still have their dick?

Only a small percentage go all the way.

Has more than one reason for that, not only a financial. tongue.png

I can assure you that I accidently picked a ladyboy up once in 2007 or 2008 - that had had (no typo) the full chop, it was a 60% "proper job," IMHO - which means it looked quite weird..

I''ll spare you the full-blown description of the act itself, because I could offend someone's fine sensibilities, if I described the ladyboy's new female sexual organ (at that time - it may be worn out by now) in any finer detail...giggle.gif

Suffice to say the ladyboy liked it the traditional way still..


This one's quite nice.


I'd die for this babe! Nice one, JohnG thumbsup.gif

What is the white sticky looking substance on her forehead?

You forgot already? There's more between her cleavage..ahhhh..thick gobs of it.. now you remembergiggle.gif


On a previous forum was " What did you do for Sonkran ? " Or something similar. I went with my wife to a family gathering over in the N.E near Nan.of uncles ,aunts, cousins , the lot. Amongst them was this girl of about 20 yo I think . I asked my wife who this in the pic was . " Oh a niece " What a beautifull young lady , my wife thought she looked like a ladyboy. Hmmm.!

Because of all the inbreeding in Thailand, as well as all Asian countries (and in the west) you get about 20 basic certain "looks" in the LOS, and this is about number 8

The popular girl is look 4


I agree too. Look at the Adam's apple area.

Greenjob...what the hell is a black box?

English slang,for the female hairy part,that drives this Forum, :)


Mine's not a stunner, but 34 looks 25, pretty and pretty OK to me!

Few None of us have stunners ( solid "9's" and "10's") mate, they are genuinely few and far between, often seen strolling with a steroid monkey farang along the Pattaya strip.

They often have a sour look on their otherwise drop-dead gorgeous face..

Be happy - because the "7's" and "8's" are usually pretty jai dee mak mak to boot.

Back home try getting a 7 or an 8, 15-20 years younger than your good self....cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif


This one's quite nice.


I'd die for this babe! Nice one, JohnG thumbsup.gif

What is the white sticky looking substance on her forehead?

You forgot already? There's more between her cleavage..ahhhh..thick gobs of it.. now you remembergiggle.gif

I did not understand!! come again?


This one's quite nice.


I'd die for this babe! Nice one, JohnG thumbsup.gif

What is the white sticky looking substance on her forehead?

You forgot already? There's more between her cleavage..ahhhh..thick gobs of it.. now you remembergiggle.gif

Poor girl - not only does she have her photo all over the internet without her consent, she has an ugly wide flat nose that only farang will want and now subjected to crude sexual references. Surely there is a law against it.

What amazes me are the horrors of aging prostitutes hanging around lower Sukhumvit bars esp soi 4. With all the beautiful women in Thailand, I'd have thought that the TAT would sort this out. Seriosly, I played pool down there and although nice personalities, they were over the hill and no oil paintings at all. But I suppose a drunken Norwegian oil rig worker or Ozzie miner doesn't know the difference.


To all of you guys who do not think Thai women are beautiful and refer to them as dark skinned midgets with flat noses who are stupid....

I strongly disagree with you, but respect your opinion.

Do not give up hope,

The kind of woman you crave are in Thailand!

I just spent time in the southern tourist areas of Thailand and was amazed at all of the very tall, large floppy boobed, fat assed, white, American, Euro and Aussie women with big noses that I saw there!

Being foreigners with the means to visit here, I am sure they were all very intelligent as well!

Just look at this one with her large nose ( and everything else ).

Does she make you drool?


Women like this scare me!

Make mine a Thai please!


Hopefully you don't confuse sex with gender biggrin.png

As you realize I am not native English, so replace every wrong written "sex" with "gender"

Mr.Hair-splitter tongue.png

Sorry for splitting hair, but there's a difference between a gender check and a sex test.

You know what I mean?


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You forgot already? There's more between her cleavage..ahhhh..thick gobs of it.. now you remember alt=giggle.gif>

Poor girl - not only does she have her photo all over the internet without her consent, she has an ugly wide flat nose that only farang will want and now subjected to crude sexual references. Surely there is a law against it.

What amazes me are the horrors of aging prostitutes hanging around lower Sukhumvit bars esp soi 4. With all the beautiful women in Thailand, I'd have thought that the TAT would sort this out. Seriosly, I played pool down there and although nice personalities, they were over the hill and no oil paintings at all. But I suppose a drunken Norwegian oil rig worker or Ozzie miner doesn't know the difference.

We are just not all as sophisticated as you. burp.gif

Come on then, give us a laugh, post a picture of what you think qualifies as an attractive female.

Instead of sitting there with your pack of Tennent's Supers and a bottle of Buckfast making somewhat racist slurs about indigenous looking Thai women.


"What amazes me are the horrors of aging prostitutes hanging around lower Sukhumvit bars esp soi 4. With all the beautiful women in Thailand, I'd have thought that the TAT would sort this out. Seriosly, I played pool down there and although nice personalities, they were over the hill and no oil paintings at all"

Any man criticizing Thai women for ageing and being "over the hill" should be required to post a photo of themselves...

It is only right that you allow us to see what a fine, young, and handsome man you are!

What side of the hill do you live on Neeranam?

Are you an "Oil Painting"?

( hint: 48 is not a young man! )


I will concur with this. Thai ladies for the most part are gorgeous smile.png

And cheap..... But only if you keep them one night ..... suck em and chuck em...!!! w00t.gif Plenty more in the cupboard..!


looking at the thai dating site attached to this topic, its hard to find an ugly one.

Not ugly ones, but the ones having distinct Chinese features are unappealing. Luckily that's only about 1/4th of the population.

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