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Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls

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Sorry still not heard of him.

The part Dum Kum ( on your list ) sounds a bit odd

I can tell you really like lady boys and I sympathize with you but sorry to disappoint the lady above is a female.

Most people who have been in Thailand a few days can spot the difference. Here's a good link to help you in the future, "http://www.bangkok.com/magazine/ladyboys.htm." Good luck and don't give up if at first you are still confused. Many find lady boys are a bit of fun, eh?


New York City. Has the most beautiful girls from all over the world to work as models. #1 in diversity. Nowhere in Thailand is so diverse....

I didn't know New York City was a country. Who would have thought it.

Topic Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls

He was stating a fact New York out classes all Thailand,and the rest of the world. As far as your soap star goes, she/He would not get a look in,in NY

If you have any thought for him/her at all, Why oh Why make a fool of her/him on a light hearted forum.? This whole forum is fun thats all,and also taking the piss

out of the published comment.


New York City. Has the most beautiful girls from all over the world to work as models. #1 in diversity. Nowhere in Thailand is so diverse....

I didn't know New York City was a country. Who would have thought it.

Topic Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls

He was stating a fact New York out classes all Thailand,and the rest of the world. As far as your soap star goes, she/He would not get a look in,in NY

If you have any thought for him/her at all, Why oh Why make a fool of her/him on a light hearted forum.? This whole forum is fun thats all,and also taking the piss

out of the published comment.

She (the Thai lady in the above photo) starred in a movie directed and produced by two British fellows Tom Waller and Mark Duffield.

I have a condo in NYC but choose to live in Thailand because women from NYC are legendary in one particular category, think "Joan Rivers" who was born in Brooklyn.

I was married to a woman from NYC. Her ex husband gave me a $10,000 cash wedding present because he got off the hook. He was the happiest guy at our wedding.

Things a single man should know about women from NYC. 1. They like to shoot men with mace. 2. They like money more than any women from anywhere. 3. You are never higher than #4 behind clothing, bags, Jewelery and credit cards. 4. They can tell your job by the shirt you are wearing. 5. They judge by how much you tip. 6. They are aggressive and jaded. 7. Being a "New Yorker" is as important to them as being Thai is to a Thai girl. 8. They are snobs. 9. They are promiscuous.

If you want more. http://wallstreetinsanity.com/20-things-men-should-know-about-single-women-in-nyc/


Sometimes I feel like a dirty old man. So many female body parts discussed here, still one missing :D

Just for statistics:

What makes a girl sexy?


Sometimes I feel like a dirty old man. So many female body parts discussed here, still one missing biggrin.png

Just for statistics:

What makes a girl sexy?

How she makes a man feel. It is personal each man and each woman is different. I know where to maximize my chances of finding a women who makes me feel she is sexy and that's why I live in Thailand.


Over 2 billion women in the world of age, hundreds of countries and sub-cultures, and this dork visits 40 and produces HIS list. Self proclaimed experts the world over... Most are egotistical including this joker.

"What amazes me are the horrors of aging prostitutes hanging around lower Sukhumvit bars esp soi 4. With all the beautiful women in Thailand, I'd have thought that the TAT would sort this out. Seriosly, I played pool down there and although nice personalities, they were over the hill and no oil paintings at all"
Any man criticizing Thai women for ageing and being "over the hill" should be required to post a photo of themselves...
It is only right that you allow us to see what a fine, young, and handsome man you are!
What side of the hill do you live on Neeranam?
Are you an "Oil Painting"?
( hint: 48 is not a young man! )
I'm in my prime!
Some of them were late 30s and possibly early 40s. What 48 year old man would rent a 40 year old hooker? I certainly couldn't call them bar GIRLS and bar women sounds weird.
After living in Bangkok for many years I found out the best places to go for that kind of thing. Unfortunately, I got married not long after.

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You forgot already? There's more between her cleavage..ahhhh..thick gobs of it.. now you remember alt=giggle.gif>

Poor girl - not only does she have her photo all over the internet without her consent, she has an ugly wide flat nose that only farang will want and now subjected to crude sexual references. Surely there is a law against it.

What amazes me are the horrors of aging prostitutes hanging around lower Sukhumvit bars esp soi 4. With all the beautiful women in Thailand, I'd have thought that the TAT would sort this out. Seriosly, I played pool down there and although nice personalities, they were over the hill and no oil paintings at all. But I suppose a drunken Norwegian oil rig worker or Ozzie miner doesn't know the difference.

We are just not all as sophisticated as you. burp.gif

Come on then, give us a laugh, post a picture of what you think qualifies as an attractive female.

Instead of sitting there with your pack of Tennent's Supers and a bottle of Buckfast making somewhat racist slurs about indigenous looking Thai women.

I haven;t had the Super for many years but i used to be my choice of booze along with Buckie when I was living near Airdie, the home of Buckfast.


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The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?

Hey Emptyhead Black Box , what do you think?

That is a very pretty Thai girl, but she is 1 in 200


And oversized hands for a girl.

would you say "no" rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

Yes dont like suspected trannys, I would as Alberto said to do a Sex test on her first smile.png

At least keep my name right = Alfredo

To your question in another posting,

yes from EU and live in the Thai North Eastern Countryside = Isaan, since a decade+ .

You bashed me to much, I will not get more in detail, there is also a possibility for PM on Thai Visa. smile.png


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


She is cute, but where was she when god was giving out thighs?

I'll take her just the way she is, thighs have no purpose on a pretty girl like this


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Oh, so she lied to me ! My wife told me the place was Surin........wub.png


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Oh, so she lied to me ! My wife told me the place was Surin........wub.png

Forgot to mention, as long as they dont forget to shave:)


the gik . behave yourselves boys.

Wearing a mans watch???

555 and if that was a lb then what would you think ?

Nice sofa

Sorry I meant nice watch


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Yeah, sure. I especially love the hairy legs, body odor, and cottage cheese thighs. And, the use-by date is about 25-30 years..


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Yeah, sure. I especially love the hairy legs, body odor, and cottage cheese thighs. And, the use-by date is about 25-30 years..

Yes the hairy legs and the smell of garlic mixed with roquefort is a very desireable taste As i said before,anything that cant get up a tree!!


Years ago on my first visit to Thailand,I was invited out for a drink with a mate who had been living in Bangkok for a while.

Someone came approached us, and asked him if he had any naked photos of his wife, he looked shocked and replied NO. The guy said do you want to buy some?


I have friends that have been around the world on a motorcycle. I

posed the question to them about who were the sexiest women

in the world. The hands down answer was Columbia. I myself

have traveled extensively in Asia. Chinese women are like men

with long hair. Philippine women have the bodies of a goddess.

Vietnamese women are cute as bugs and smart. Khmer women

have breasts that are beyond belief. Don't know about

Malaysian women, but the fact endless Malaysian men travel to

Sadao to partake of Thai prostitutes does not speak well of them.

And finally, Thai women are best at making you laugh.


Years ago on my first visit to Thailand,I was invited out for a drink with a mate who had been living in Bangkok for a while.

Someone came approached us, and asked him if he had any naked photos of his wife, he looked shocked and replied NO. The guy said do you want to buy some?


The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


Those thighs remind me of the time I was working in London in a shoe shop, One day i was working alone,and this Thai Girl walked in the shop and asked how much the boots were in the window. I replied 125pounds madam.

To cut a long story short,she did not have the cash ,so I did a deal Sex for the boots

I locked the door and took her to the store room. She kept saying But i dont like Sex!! So we started,after about 3 minuets her Thighs were wrapped around my neck.

I exclaimed, Thought you did not like Sex? She said I dont,I am just trying on the boots!


From a post above: That (TangMo) is a very pretty Thai girl, but she is 1 in 200. So how many do you need?

Interesting choice of nickname. Tang Mo - watermelon. I wonder if it's referring to the shape of her boobs?



The best looking and sexiest woman on the planet are French,,,

Maybe -- but those of us here in Thailand may just have to settle for the likes of this:


Those thighs remind me of the time I was working in London in a shoe shop, One day i was working alone,and this Thai Girl walked in the shop and asked how much the boots were in the window. I replied 125pounds madam.

To cut a long story short,she did not have the cash ,so I did a deal Sex for the boots

I locked the door and took her to the store room. She kept saying But i dont like Sex!! So we started,after about 3 minuets her Thighs were wrapped around my neck.

I exclaimed, Thought you did not like Sex? She said I dont,I am just trying on the boots!

That's multitasking :D

Hope the sex test was also fun :D

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