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Think I might need some more fibre in my diet and read that Psyillium works wonders, but where can I buy in Pattaya?


I can't say specifically for Pattaya, but in Bangkok Villa Market sometimes has it so maybe try Villa Matket in Patts.

You could also instead of Psyillium, just eat prunes and oatmeal -- both available at all the supermarkets


I can't say specifically for Pattaya, but in Bangkok Villa Market sometimes has it so maybe try Villa Matket in Patts.

You could also instead of Psyillium, just eat prunes and oatmeal -- both available at all the supermarkets

Thanks, I eat both of those now, but wondering if that's enough. I do eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well, so maybe the Psyllium might be overkill.


Psyllium is great stuff... it is the active ingredient in Metamucil .... but at low percent. Psyllium is the husk of a tiny grain called India Wheat and absorbs many times its weight in water... forming a gel that moves through your intestine and it just slides along carrying everything along with it. You do have to drink a LOT of water with pure psyllium as it could harden in the gut it mixed and taken without supplementary water.

PS. It has been used to pave parking lots mixed with sand... jing jing...


Psyllium is great stuff... it is the active ingredient in Metamucil .... but at low percent. Psyllium is the husk of a tiny grain called India Wheat and absorbs many times its weight in water... forming a gel that moves through your intestine and it just slides along carrying everything along with it. You do have to drink a LOT of water with pure psyllium as it could harden in the gut it mixed and taken without supplementary water.

PS. It has been used to pave parking lots mixed with sand... jing jing...

Yes, have read up on it a bit. It can also cause a choking feeling in some people. I used to add natural oat bran to my cereal in Australia, but haven't seen that here.


I can't say specifically for Pattaya, but in Bangkok Villa Market sometimes has it so maybe try Villa Matket in Patts.

You could also instead of Psyillium, just eat prunes and oatmeal -- both available at all the supermarkets

Thanks, I eat both of those now, but wondering if that's enough. I do eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well, so maybe the Psyllium might be overkill.

If you regularly eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies as well as oatmeal and prunes you are likely already getting enough fiber, yes.

Though the pysillium won't do any harm.


Psyillum can cause a choking in some people when mixed with too little water, drank slowly, or a period of time passes before you drink it. This non soluable husk fiber thickens when standing. If you mix with appropriate water and drink quickly, it will pull fluids into the bowel and the fiber will aid in passing stools regularly. It does enable a shift of fluids from compartments in the body so it is also wise to have moderate to a lot of water intake- I always recomend this in any event. Psyllium husk has the added note that it actually has been demonstrated to lower cholesteral. While I am uncertain as to the mechanism I am pretty sure if binds to fat solutes in the the intestine and pulls fat through the system. For this reason I always take metamucil before my icecream; Does it work? I dont know. I think so. I have taken it since 30 years old as I am a veggie and it helps with regularity and such. I have difficulty finding it in Thailand and will explore some tips here on this post. I would recomend this to every single person. It is just smart health care. If you have too much fiber you will know, your stools will become loose. Otherwise, its a good bet it assists you.


If you can't find psyllium in your local pharmacy, try asking for "ispaghula." It's another name for the same thing.


I ran out of my Metamucil, and went searching for - asking for Psyillum husk as metamucil was unknown, and really got nowhere at first...

so I was adventurous and mentioned Fibogel and by-golly-jeez they recognised that; and supplied me with one of those 30 sachet packs.

The pharmacy was up on the Pattaya/Na-Kluea Rd, near Lek Villa


Many of the pharmacies in Chiang Mai stock Mucilin which seems to be the same thing as Metamucil. It's sold in sachets and also as a loose powder in a bottle.

Sometimes you can find Kellog's All Bran cereal in the grocery stores. Rim Ping, a Chiang Mai chain has it. Tops normally doesn't. Perhaps it's available in one of the Pattaya grocery store chains we don't have here. All Bran has the highest fiber content and lowest sugar of the high fiber breakfast cereals. A little sprinkled on yogurt and fruit does the trick.

Also helps to take a daily probiotic supplement.


Many of the pharmacies in Chiang Mai stock Mucilin which seems to be the same thing as Metamucil. It's sold in sachets and also as a loose powder in a bottle.

Sometimes you can find Kellog's All Bran cereal in the grocery stores. Rim Ping, a Chiang Mai chain has it. Tops normally doesn't. Perhaps it's available in one of the Pattaya grocery store chains we don't have here. All Bran has the highest fiber content and lowest sugar of the high fiber breakfast cereals. A little sprinkled on yogurt and fruit does the trick.

Also helps to take a daily probiotic supplement.

I do take a probiotic, but haven't seen All Bran in Macro or Lotus.

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