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One problem for regular posters is that the "rules" are not the "real" rules. If they were, this would be one of the most boring web-sites in existence. However, because posters are allowed to bend the rules on Thaivisa.com, this is one of the best web-sites around, but, once one makes friends here, it can get nerve-wracking trying to decide how much the rules can be bent - completely in the interest of a more interesting post, of course - if one doesn't want to get thrown off for 1,000 days, or even 1,000 years. :o

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Guest IT Manager
One problem for regular posters is that the "rules" are not the "real" rules. If they were, this would be one of the most boring web-sites in existence. However, because posters are allowed to bend the rules on Thaivisa.com, this is one of the best web-sites around, but, once one makes friends here, it can get nerve-wracking trying to decide how much the rules can be bent - completely in the interest of a more interesting post, of course - if one doesn't want to get thrown off for 1,000 days, or even 1,000 years. :o

G-P, lets get a few facts straight.

You, not me, not anyone else, came bawling to 3 admins, that The Gentleman threatened you.

You started it. Now I will finish it for you.

The gentleman was not ousted for 1,000 days, it was 9,999 days.

YOU asked for him to come back. He came back and began again.

I voted for you to be whacked as well. I lost.

I voted for gent to be kept out. I lost.

You keep saying you had the gent banned which in a minor way is true. What actually happened, was that your crying resulted in him going off the deep end and upsetting admins, badly.

If you don't like the way the place is run, get lost.

If you feel you are being hardly done by, don't complain, leave.

We have tried to keep it interesting, and I think we do a fairly reasonable job of it. You seem to want to turn it into your private playground. Well go make your own. This is not the place for tears and whispers.

I am tired beyond belief of trying to make sure the place keeps going and stays interesting, so you, can have a fun day ripping into people for fairly held personal opinions. Enough. Take your Credit card and get a site name, get a host, and you set up 10,000 pages of information and then let 3 idiots come in and spoil it with their rubbish.

The bear pit was something I thought would be a good place for a bit of banter, but YOU and your little playmate stuffed it. You are unable to control yourself, or to direct your obvious intelligence to anything but saying that anyone who dislikes YOUR country is a terrorist or some such drivel.

NEWS item: many, many people do not like your country. It is because of people like you. Shut up.

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Maybe it's fun for you and people of the Politically Correct persuasion, but, believe it or not, some people don't enjoy being ridiculed on a daily basis.

I think IT replied to that quite a few times, he hates being ridiculed (like most of us anyway,...)

Now, as to your last sentence, that people don't like American's because of people like me. Pushy people; Loud people; Aggressive people

This one, I do not agree with it. I am a European and I sure do not despise American people for all the reasons you mentioned (and I'm sure IT is the same,...)

American people are ill informed and very naive (on average) but it sure does not make them bad,...

Am I starting a bear pit discussion again? :o

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Bluecat: Do you really think that well informed and sophisticated Europeans use sweeping generalities, as you have done, in describing Americans?

American people are ill informed and very naive (on average) but it sure does not make them bad

Perhaps you really meant to say that the average person in the world is naive and ill informed and that you didn't intend the comment to sound condesending? That is certainly what I would expect the sophisticated and well informed Europeans I have known to say.

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