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Canadian Protests Against Thailand Kfc

sriracha john

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Canadian activist Ashley Fruno, 20, crouches and confines herself in a cage in front of a KFC outlet in downtown Bangkok September 4, 2006. The PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) member from British Columbia is protesting what she says is the abusive treatment of chickens by the fast-food chain.


I know this has been a bit of a lads thread, but did she really think Thai people give a s--t about how a chicken ends up on a plate, I've lost count of the number of times my wifes uttered those immortal words 'oh look she's not going to die' and then procceed to saw thru the fully conscious chickens neck another couple of centimetres, not to mention the fully conscious pigs that are held down or up and stabbed thru the heart. Don't get me wrong I don't agree with it but thats Thai life. Hope she enjoys her bbq chicken and pork off the street stalls.

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You are very harsh with this young canadian lady. :o

I agree 100 % with her "fight". But not for the same reason...

It's not against "abusive treatment of chickens" we should condemn. It's "abusive treatment of innocents customers" !

KFC's so called "food" is absolutly disgusting. Bad for your mental and physical health.

A mort KFC !

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Hey its OK if they protest.

And its OK if you want to eat that stuff. Grease tastes good, and the world is overpopulated anyway ...

I'm hoping they open Popeyes. They give their chickens Thai massages before they behead them.


Edited by Thaiquila
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I'm hoping they open Popeyes. They give their chickens Thai massages before they behead them.

They had some Popeyes in Thailand before the Crash of 97 and they seemed to be doing well.

GREAT American sourdough bisquits and pretty good vegetarian side dishes like fried okcra and New Orleans rice.

Too bad it didn't survive! :o

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Well, for those guessed... there was no relaxingly long, soothing, Thai beach vacation for our friend Ashley. Sorry, but you were wrong. Her high priorities and moral convictions wouldn't allow that.

After her protest on Silom Road, she headed straight off to Singapore to continue the KFC Asian Tour 2006, but with a twist from the Thai version.... nudity :o :

She's been shown the door...

Animal rights group members ordered to leave Singapore

Singapore - Two members of an international animal rights group were ordered to leave Singapore on Friday after disclosing plans to protest outside a KFC restaurant in the nud_e, the organization said. Jason Baker and Ashley Fruno, citizens of the United States and Canada, respectively, "were tracked down by police on Thursday and questioned for nine hours before being ordered to leave Singapore," said a statement from the Asia-Pacific branch of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The pair had planned to hold a protest outside the KFC restaurant in downtown Singapore wearing nothing but a banner reading, "Naked Truth: KFC Tortures Chicks."

Continued here:


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I would of picked the cage up and taken her home.

Dear Donz,

yet again you use incorrect language....." I would HAVE....." NOT " Would OF...."

have you no shame ,sir, to publicly demonstrate your linguistic incompetence?

No he doesn't......and quite honestly why should he? :o

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I would of picked the cage up and taken her home.

Dear Donz,

yet again you use incorrect language....." I would HAVE....." NOT " Would OF...."

have you no shame ,sir, to publicly demonstrate your linguistic incompetence?

Who gives a toos, its not a spelling competition

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I would of picked the cage up and taken her home.

Dear Donz,

yet again you use incorrect language....." I would HAVE....." NOT " Would OF...."

have you no shame ,sir, to publicly demonstrate your linguistic incompetence?

Who gives a toos, its not a spelling competition

What's a "toos"? :o

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  • 2 months later...

UPDATE... apparently her friends are in town:


Condom clamour

Volunteers from the Unesco Bangkok group cover themselves with mock-up condoms to attract passers-by as they distribute leaflets about HIV/Aids protection at a skytrain station. The activity was held as a curtain-raiser for World Aids Day on Friday.


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Miss, Canadian activist, Ashley Fruno, 20, better stays at home, protesting against the brutal killing of thousands of baby sealions back in Canada..year in, year out..... :o


Both her and the neantrathal seal clubbers are an embarrasment to our country.

I'll bet she's never even been on a KFC contracted farm. They have the strictest standards of any processor for keeping the birds in clean and healthy conditions.

The battery hens wind up in instant soups and noodles. Maybe she should protest outside a noodle shop.


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I'm all for protesting for whatever one believes in... but as I understand it, PETA isn't necessarily against the fact that KFC slaughters millions of chickens world-wide. Does anyone know what humane manner PETA is advocating to kill chickens as that is what they ARE protesting for? I'm presuming we can rule out old age or starvation.

Are you also saying they need a eulogy for each and every chicken slaughtered? :o

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I'm all for protesting for whatever one believes in... but as I understand it, PETA isn't necessarily against the fact that KFC slaughters millions of chickens world-wide. Does anyone know what humane manner PETA is advocating to kill chickens as that is what they ARE protesting for? I'm presuming we can rule out old age or starvation.

Are you also saying they need a eulogy for each and every chicken slaughtered? :o

Although the chickens might find that comforting, I was actually just wondering what method of slaughtering the chickens is the PETA in favor of? Or for that matter, how does KFC choose to kill its chickens and why is it inhumane in PETA's mind?

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O.K I will spell it out for the slow..We are talking about the picture. A girl fighting for the rights of her feathered friend. While a picture of girl say dancing/working/What ever in similar attire would have some in an uproar.. Very easy.. Both using their bodies in some way but which is more demeaning and is it not a point of view?

Now who was not thinking me or you?

Does that also mean that if she were fully clothed, she wouldn't get the message across? :D

Man! I better go naked to my boss next time I want to convey a message across. :o

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O.K I will spell it out for the slow..We are talking about the picture. A girl fighting for the rights of her feathered friend. While a picture of girl say dancing/working/What ever in similar attire would have some in an uproar.. Very easy.. Both using their bodies in some way but which is more demeaning and is it not a point of view?

Now who was not thinking me or you?

Does that also mean that if she were fully clothed, she wouldn't get the message across? :D

Man! I better go naked to my boss next time I want to convey a message across. :o

I have no doubt her attire drew the attention of many more Thai men than if she had been wearing a sweater. She might have even conveyed a message to them had she written her posters in Thai.


I am sure most Thais that saw this were very upset that someone would cage a person and leave them laying around. :D

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Why is she half naked

my thoughts exactly

You gotta love the little farang girls when they are 20, naive and still think the world works in gentle ways.

what does this have to do with being farang?

She is naked because she can do it and it brings notice to her cause.

Its amazing that there has been no uproar about her displaying her body and it being demeaning and she is being used as a piece of meat.

But if say a male poster put up a picture of a Thai girl on stage with a number on her shoulder there would be a huge uproar.

gogo dancer/stripper vs animal rights activist. Am i correct in interpreting your comment to mean to you they are the same thing?

come on man, do you beleive that, or did you just not think before posting?

O.K I will spell it out for the slow..We are talking about the picture. A girl fighting for the rights of her feathered friend. While a picture of girl say dancing/working/What ever in similar attire would have some in an uproar.. Very easy.. Both using their bodies in some way but which is more demeaning and is it not a point of view?

Now who was not thinking me or you?

They are both a point of view just as you are expressing one. Each is based on values and necessity. Both are either demeaning or not depending on your point of view and your set of morals. A picture can mean very different things to different people. Your opinion is no more or less valid than the others.

I do agree they mean different things. Using your body to eat is not the same as using your body to make a point. I don't know...but I would assume most working girls would not choose to use their body to make a point OR to eat if they had better options. I could be wrong on this but I doubt it. So which person really is worse? The one choosing to exploit herself or the one trying to eat? Easy to argue both sides of that one.

What if she chose to put a number on and stand next to a pole but held up her sign "down with KFC"? How far is it ok to go for her before she crosses a line. Was it crossed in Singapore? The cause does not make all actions right.

Maybe this was cause she likes attention and doesn't give a sh#t about chickens.


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She would have made more of an impression at the USA KFC headquarters rather than here in Thailand, why bother here?

the same reason why english teachers dont go to somalia and tusnami volunteers didn't help the victims of famine in ethiopia.


Bang on :D Many NGO's come out here on some trendy sounding mission and accomplish <deleted> all rather than do something useful in a dangerous place.

Kid and human trafficking that should be done in Cambodia, China or Burma for one. Or how about the end users in the West, Russia, Korea, Japan, Europe? Its the same with the yanks and drugs. They invade, kill and destroy opium growing farmers in third world countries rather than shoot the <deleted> users on the streets of NY.

No way, they would rather come here and bleat about womens rights and red light districts in a Country where most of us (Falang and Thai) men are shit scared of the local women.... when riled.

As part of their brief, they should be made to plant rice for one week, then go back and harvest it for one week, in order to gain an insight as to why people leave the villages. Should be part of the Work Permit requirement that they learn something about their subject before spouting.

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O.K I will spell it out for the slow..We are talking about the picture. A girl fighting for the rights of her feathered friend. While a picture of girl say dancing/working/What ever in similar attire would have some in an uproar.. Very easy.. Both using their bodies in some way but which is more demeaning and is it not a point of view?

Now who was not thinking me or you?

Does that also mean that if she were fully clothed, she wouldn't get the message across? :D

Man! I better go naked to my boss next time I want to convey a message across. :D

Well if your message is "I want a pay rise" you've probably a better chance than me, clothed or naked. :o

Anyhow, the purpose of her methodology is to gain media attention for her cause (still don't understand why Thailand except it provides for a good jolly). The problem for all these kind of protests is that the media's, and the majority of the public, attention span is limited to one edition. Following day it's back to the same old mental <deleted> (sorry cant spell diarhea) of minor celebrities and their meaningless "lives".

btw what is PETA's stance on the inhumane treatment of meng daa and the fact that they are cooked alive! :D

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There are a lot worse things going on in the world that could use more concern and attention than chickens. :o

Must be nice to travel the world and live off the donations of other people, and occasionally protesting something that isn't likely to change any ways.

I'd have bought a bucket of chicken and sat down next to her to eat.

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