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'kidnapping' And Other Bad Stuff...


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Hello Everyone,

First of all, I'm relaying this story with all due respect to "Thai Culture" and Thailand. It's my hope that 'only a few' people will rush to judge me instead of everyone :o. I certainly don't mind if anyone who can assist with the current situation that I'm about to explain, can help with either advice, tales of a similiar experience, or even support. I especially wouldn't mind if there happens to be a lawyer in Thailand who's reading this; but after today I'll assume that I might not be a lucky type of person. But nonetheless, my other fear of telling my whole story here is that some people might assume that I'm just "some kid" who met a Thai girl and lost my head (which might be true). But the truth that I cannot fully convery in this post that I've never been so sure in my life that I wanted to spend "my whole life" with one person. But I feel that way tabout my fiancee, that I initially met on the internet, and not at a bar (not that I'm saying anything bad about that).

Keep in mind that I'm a 23 American who's lived everywhere from Canada to Fiji. I've been self-employeed in San Francisco for a year. I don't have any family to lean on for support and I actually grew up in a foster home. Then I saved up enough money through hard work and I decided to volunteer to teach English in Asia (Laos, and Malaysia) the past 6 months while I travel on a major budget. Presently I'm a tourist in the Kingdom of Thailand, and I leave every 30 days. Basically, all that I want from this post is to perhaps come in contact with some interesting people who are on these forums and of coarse to seek advice into the awful part of this situation and how to be with the love of my life in America.

It also doesn't help that it's Saturday and the American embassy and consulate are both closed. I'm not even sure how much help they can be.

One last thing that I need to mention. Due to the urgency of what's happened today I do feel a bit rushed to post on this topic. I'm quite tired and didn't check for spelling errors, so please don't hold it against me :D....

Today "N" age 21 (my fiancee) did a pregnancy test and she discovered that she's pregnant. Her and I are both very happy. Our plan is / was to live in Chiang Mai for a couple of months while I apply to sponsor her to bring her to America. Her and I have a lot in common including that we agree and can joke about almost everything that we commonly consider important, including how to have our family.

N's parents and sister allegedly arrived to Chiang Mai this morning. Their first step was to go to the police. This is one day after N called them to say that she's happier than she's ever been in her life (both of us are). N is 21 years of age; which places her over the legal age and therefore should be considered an adult by the laws of Thailand. She should be enabled to the rights and protections that a every adult citizen of Thailand has.

N's parents recieved information from the police about a guesthouse; where I stayed. But I moved out of the guesthouse yesterday when N arrived. Nat and I slept and woke up early to go and get breakfast and then to go "apartment finding". However, one block over from our guesthouse, undercover police approached us. They signaled for N parents to then come over to where we are standing. Right then, the secret police and her family demand us into the police truck.

They bring us to the provincial police station of Chiang Mai located in the "old city". N and I were told that we had to go upstairs of the station. In fact, it was the building behind the main police building. Obviously this building worked much better for concealing what the police and family assumingly plotted and were planning to do.

They put N and I in a room with all of her family there; mum, dad, and sister. They also brought along the girl; that worked at the old guesthouse that I stayed at before N arrived to Chiang Mai. At around 11AM, her family began to scream at N and I while the several police offers watched and laughed at our misfortune. Then it became '4 against 2' with all of the help that the police officers could give. N and I explain how much we love each other and that her and I plan to marry as soon as possible. We also go detail by detail over the research that we've done into being together in America. N's father says that N has to come to Bangkok. She is not given the choice; but rather she is forced against her will.

An hour later her family is still screaming, the police say something to N's parents and then the police dangerously leave the room, even though I request they please stay for security reasons. The father of N threatens to kill me if N does not return to Bangkok. He walks over to me and is about to punch me when I "wai" him, and he becomes more civil again. Her family demands that N return to Bangkok at once and that her and I never see each other again. A half an our later during discussions, her father is allowed to threaten me by putting a wire that he finds in the room around by neck. I scream for the police or somebody to help me; but sadly nobody comes in or cares. I then run out of the door to ask for one of the police to please come in. My request is rejected. The shouting and abuse continues for 4 1/2 hours. Then the head police officer walks in and starts saying bad things at me while pointing his finger. That N and I are 'evil people' for not listening exactly to her parents. I listen peacefully and patiently, and I give as much respect as possible regardless of the fact that both N and I are tired and hungry at this point.

N's mum starts crying as N makes clear that she has decided to stay with me. N's mum starts to pass out and I yell at the top of my lungs for one of the police officers to please help. They completely ignore me while her mum lays crying on the table complaining of chest pains.

At this point I go out of the closed door to ask for help and I am forced to go to a seperate soon by the police where they shout the word "go" at me over and over in a rather ugly way. At this point I am begging them to please help N and I. I am instructed to go to a seperate room from N.

N's father comes out of the room and finds me and he then threatens again to punch me, and the police don't do anything.

I give the situation a few minutes to calm down. I then return to N and I tell her that her and I should peacefully walk out. Neither her or I have broken any law. But N's parents have somehow bribed or convinced the police to do all of this. However, as we stand up her family grabs me and then the police officers tell me that I am not allowed to leave the building. As soon as I am grabbed, N's family grab N and they physically drag her downstairs.

The scene is that, N is crying and screaming at the top of her lungs that she will "not go". At the time there was several people in the main room of the upstairs of the building as witnesses. N attempts to physically push her family away because she says over and over again "NO!". This is nothing short of kidnapping. They take her downstrairs and physically against her very will, throw her kicking and screaming into a waiting truck. They drive off and an officer instructs me away from the truck.

The officers from the upstairs of the building scream at me to "go" (leave the property). Apparently they no longer wanted to hold me against my will, 6 hours later. My next move was to rush to the phone to contact the tourist police; because I needed someone that could speak English. I talk to the nice man on the phone; but he tells me that "no one can help me".

Welcome any replies,


[email protected]

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Today "N" age 21 (my fiancee) did a pregnancy test and she discovered that she's pregnant. Her and I are both very happy.

N's parents and sister allegedly arrived to Chiang Mai this morning. Their first step was to go to the police.

Jeez. You came as a tourist, you make a baby with the girl (I do not want to sound disrespectful, by a DNA test could be of some help,...) and the parents go to the police.

She is 21, you love her and she loves you.

Please, wake up,...

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Guest IT Manager

The tourist police were right. No one can help too much since it is her family pulling the police strings.

Only if you can get her away from her parents, by her own choice, can you save it, and I can't see the consul being hugely helpful, but weirder things have happened. Lets face it Dung got away with murder.

Good luck. Sorry I can't give you more hope.

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Take a chill pill Shaun and regroup. It ain't the end of the world although it may feel that way to you right now.

If it's meant to be, you'll get her back. And, the suggestion of a DNA test might be, as Martha Stewart USED to say, a Good Thing! :o

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Please keep us informed, I am sure that there will be people who are willing to help. or to try. I can't imagine if someone is to seperate me and my wife.

I feel so sad that I am unable to do anything. But I do think if both of you don't give up, you will succeed one day. "Dong mee suk wan Dong mee suk wan....."

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The tourist police were right. No one can help too much since it is her family pulling the police strings.

Only if you can get her away from her parents, by her own choice, can you save it, and I can't see the consul being hugely helpful, but weirder things have happened. Lets face it Dung got away with murder.

Good luck. Sorry I can't give you more hope.

and IT ...it sounds as though the family has a really good grip on the strings, and that they'll continue to pull 'em.

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Two pieces of advice.

Fisrt and foremost -- Blood is thicker than water.

This story is not going to end here, if and it is a big if, you get your girl back you are going to have to deal with this all your life, and believe me, she's Thai - Thai blood is a lot thicker than water.

Secondly - This accusation of disrespect to her parents - That is exactly how the police and anyone else sees it, they see a Thai girl who has disrespected her family and has gone off with a Farang into the bargain.

As someone else says, chill.

I doubt very much the US Embassy is going to be able to help, she is not a US citizen.

I think I'd be planning to move on if I were you, try and keep in touch and see how it works out remotely. Her father has already threatend you, the next step he might actually do it or pay someone else a few dollars to do it for them.

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