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Thai Tourism Min boasts jump in tourist number in past 6 months


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Tourism Min boasts jump in tourist number in past 6 months

BANGKOK, 21 April 2015 (NNT) – The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has announced its success in pushing up the number of tourists by over 15 percent during the past six months.

During her presentation of the ministry’s six-month achievements, Tourism and Sports Minister Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul revealed that political stability in Thailand has been the main factor restoring foreigners’ confidence. As a result, the count of foreign visitors between October 2014 and March 2015 rose 15.42 percent year-on-year to 16.74 million while nearly 824 billion baht of tourism income was generated, an increase of 17.81 percent.

Chinese tourists represented the largest group of visitors to the Kingdom, with a growth of almost 70 percent, followed by those from Malaysia, Russia, Japan and Singapore respectively. The most popular destinations, meanwhile, were Chiang Mai, Phuket, Songkhla, Pattaya and Krabi. The ministry is also maintaining its revenue target for this year at 2.2 trillion baht, 1.4 trillion of which coming from foreigners and the other 800 billion from domestic travelers.

Ms Kobkarn stated that the ministry is coordinating with tourism operators in drafting a long-term tourism reform plan, which would seek to adjust tourism in each area in correspondence with the local way of life and accentuate the identity of each community. The minister is confident the plan will be finished within July, after which it will be proposed to the Cabinet.

-- NNT 2015-04-21 footer_n.gif

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"Chinese tourists represented the largest group of visitors to the Kingdom, with a growth of almost 70 percent, followed by those from Malaysia, Russia, Japan and Singapore respectively"

I guess most of those Nationalities don't bother with travel insurance then?? political stability Hmmm?? still equals military Junta and I thought that invalidated most travel insurance...obviously not world wide wai2.gif wai2.gif

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"Chinese tourists represented the largest group of visitors to the Kingdom, with a growth of almost 70 percent"

Oh Lordy!

I am sure that the issues in the South China sea and the anti Chinese sentiments in Vietnam have nothing to do with this increase biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

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And yet:

- turnout of inbound tourists (South Korea & Japan) for the Thai New Year was somewhat disappointing due to limited airline

- occupancy rates ran from 50-60% in the month and up to 70% during Songkran

- revenue generated for the entire year will likely be around 1.28 trillion baht, falling short of the target of 2.2 trillion baht.

- a drop of 52.11 percent is likely to be seen in the number of Russian tourists this year.
- domestic market for tourism should continue to grow although this might happen at a slower pace than previously anticipated

The Nation 2015-03-20

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Chinese tourists bring their camper vans (no need for those double priced hotels), and buy their own food at the public market (no need for double pricing restaurants). Yes, not all of them are like that - but it does happen. I have seen those with my very own eyes. So I sincerely wonder how much money those Chinese tourists brought into the Thai Economy compared to say the regular Korean or Japanese Tourist?

Edited by toybits
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Here in Pattaya ,its becoming more of a nightmare than usuall ,bumper to bumper tour buses ,most with a dozen Chinese quality tourists being ferried to some Chinese restaurant or tourist spot where they spend nothing ,all included in the tour price ,

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Ms. Kobkarn announced her departments supposed successes but didn't mention they top the Guinness Book of Records for the biggest amount of BS issued by a single government department on a sickeningly regular basis.

Time & time again, people post that these figures are lies, fantasy etc.... but they have no basis for stating this , other than the general opinion of the bar they visit doesn't seem to be as full.

The figures that TAT come out with can easily verified, or not by independent sources, but the post saying that TAT is lying & no one is visiting Thailand, always seem to be popular amongst the Thailand bashers. You don't need any links, or facts to help prove it, just state that the Thai goverment is lying & your get lots of approval ticks.

Are all the other financial institutions also in on this TAT act--are Mastercard & other banks that track tourism spending etc also lying & conspiring with TAT.

Is Bloomberg Business, that tracks spending also joining this secret sect to tell lies about tourist figures--or could it just be, that although it may upset some ex-pats here, that Thailand is in fact doing quite well, attracting tourist.

I would like to see a link or 2 showing me that it isn't the case. Instead of bar opinion.

They're coming back. Tourist arrivals in Thailand rose almost 30 percent in February from a year earlier, the biggest jump since Dec. 2012. Bloomberg Bank USA. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-02/tourists-are-back-in-thailand-for-now


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Ms. Kobkarn announced her departments supposed successes but didn't mention they top the Guinness Book of Records for the biggest amount of BS issued by a single government department on a sickeningly regular basis.

Time & time again, people post that these figures are lies, fantasy etc.... but they have no basis for stating this , other than the general opinion of the bar they visit doesn't seem to be as full.

The figures that TAT come out with can easily verified, or not by independent sources, but the post saying that TAT is lying & no one is visiting Thailand, always seem to be popular amongst the Thailand bashers. You don't need any links, or facts to help prove it, just state that the Thai goverment is lying & your get lots of approval ticks.

Are all the other financial institutions also in on this TAT act--are Mastercard & other banks that track tourism spending etc also lying & conspiring with TAT.

Is Bloomberg Business, that tracks spending also joining this secret sect to tell lies about tourist figures--or could it just be, that although it may upset some ex-pats here, that Thailand is in fact doing quite well, attracting tourist.

I would like to see a link or 2 showing me that it isn't the case. Instead of bar opinion.

They're coming back. Tourist arrivals in Thailand rose almost 30 percent in February from a year earlier, the biggest jump since Dec. 2012. Bloomberg Bank USA. http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-04-02/tourists-are-back-in-thailand-for-now


The Bloomberg graph source is the Bank of Thailand so no vested interest there.

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# 20 If you actually read the Bloomberg article you'll discover that it's in fact less than encouraging ! I'd wager little or no research involved. Source quoted as Bank of Thailand,who get their Tourism figures from whom exactly ???, regurgitated by Bloomberg.

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Numbers she has. Spending power by these bottom feeders estimate without B & B around Bht 100 a day

Government services required to service these millions of cheapskates would be double that.

CP's 7/11 maybe OK though. See a trend here ?

They just pollute with their rubbish & excrement & go home.

They even bring their own food with them

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