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Migrant workers in Thailand instructed to wear ID wristbands


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Just another day in the LOS (Land of Stupid).


I know , I know ... Right?

But I still keep reading Thai Visa Postings ...

Go figure.

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The nazis did some amazing things...

Oh, please elaborate on that.



Banning of Vivisection

Animal Conservation

Anti-Tobacco Movement

Welfare Programs


Modern Rocketry

Medical Advances


Yeah, and Ghengis Khan initiated globalisation of trade (on the backs of the 70 million lives that were lost during the Mongol conquests).

Oh, and while the Nazis may have banned vivisection of animals, I hope you are aware of the immensely cruel medical experiments they conducted on live human beings (including--you guessed it--vivisection).

Dear Docno,

My dear brother in arms, please ... do not soil yourself rubbing shoulders with the likes of this.

There is a bar for intelligence ... far below it are those who pretnd to not understand that in the context of this, and many conversations ... the word "nazi" is used .. as in .. "holocost" "war crimes" etc.

To debate the "good' of the nazi regeim is like arguing about the positive side effects of eating warm dog crap.

Don't fall into this rediculous argument, your adverary is a fool ... just pity him and have a good day.

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Does anyone know who, exactly, will have to wear these bands? Is it only migrant workers from neighbouring countries or ALL countries?

edit - I just read the OP and see it is neighbouring countries. It makes sense to identify Burmese and Cambodians as Thais hate them more than farang but Loatians are not so bad.

Edited by Neeranam
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Does anyone know who, exactly, will have to wear these bands? Is it only migrant workers from neighbouring countries or ALL countries?

edit - I just read the OP and see it is neighbouring countries. It makes sense to identify Burmese and Cambodians as Thais hate them more than farang but Loatians are not so bad.

Work permits / work rights are different laws if the country of origin shares a boder with Thailand.

Please review Section 14 of the "Alien Working Act, B.E. 2551

It is clear it was written spicifically for seasonal workers from neighboring countries.


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The issue of a Thai ID for Foreigners is a great idea and they could require that the ID is carried at all times.

Upon request, the Thai authorities could look at the ID, enter the number (by a portable scanning device) and check everything on the National Database.

Requiring a person to wear a visible tag at all times in public places is wrong because it draws attention to that person, that they are different - less!

This is IMO a very slippery slope!

Since (to me at least) most people in SEA look similar - will the Thai authorities require it's own citizens to wear the ID as well and if not - why not?

Re fortune 500 companies requiring employees to wear a tag.....

I worked for Reuters London in a past existance and our tag was remotely read by the door controllers in the building(s).

You could only enter the buildings, floor(s) and sections for which you were authorised!

We were not required to wear the tag in public, only whilst in a company building.

My Thai wife spends half the year in Spain with me.

Upon completion of the necessary paperwork, she was issued with a Spanish ID for Foreigners.

(Everyone in Spain has an ID number which must be renewed every 5 years)

It has her ID No., My ID No., a photo and a fingerprint, plus other details. It is good for 5 years from the date of the first application.

When I added her to my bank account, the bank looked her up on the national Database - bingo - job done!

Of course they took a copy - but all officials like copies LOL

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What an insanely sad bunch the commenters on TV are. You cannot help but see the very worse in every situation, and every situation somehow reminds you of Nazi Germany 75 years ago.

So you would proudly wear one in the unlikely event this idea catches on and is expanded...noted. Edited by bkkjames
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What an insanely sad bunch the commenters on TV are. You cannot help but see the very worse in every situation, and every situation somehow reminds you of Nazi Germany 75 years ago.

I know .. Amazing Farlang!

Thai Visa conversation ...

Hey mate, how are you?

My stomach is killing me, I had steak last night at a Thai restaurant.

I know! Right? "LOS" Lousy of Steak !!! Ha ha ha . They should take a lesson from Hitler, who they all worship ... and become vegaterians. It is amazing that Thai people do not know Hitler was a vegaterian! What do they teach them in schools? Millions of soldiers fought and died .. and do they know Hitler was a vegaterian? NO!

If it was not for us coming here and spending our hard earned pensions on booze and broads, the whole place would go belly up. I mean, do you know who would take over then? Correct. A Thai version of Hitler!

It is like a bizarre form of Tourette syndrome ...

Blank blank blank Thailand ... "Hitler!"

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And yet again, another reason to move to a friendlier place. You can live in Mexico for 180 days on a tourist visa, do ONE visa run and come right back in. In the Dominican Republic, you can live for up to FOUR YEARS on a tourist visa, turn around and do one visa run and come back in for ANOTHER FOUR YEARS.

NO immigration 90-day check-ins.

NO threat of fine or jail as long as you comply with very expat-friendly rules.

NO soapy massages . . . AHA!!! THAT's why we stay!!!


Hhhmmm... problem is, quandow that most likely one will neither survive those 180 days on Ground Taco, nor the 4 years in Dominoland... As much as I despite the Thais for their racist ways, as much safety does the country provide. Here, most doors are open and even unlocked during the day, very few windows have steel bars installed, almost no houses have those (typical for South America, Costa Rica, "Mechico", etc.) 3 to 4m high walls with barbed wire or glass shreds on top... Undoubtedly, a lot of things are not ok here in LOS, but that doesn't make another country better or more worth living in just because of lax visa regulations (which can be changed at any given moment, just like in LOS)...

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

It seems that our commenter(s) here have much in common with the average Thai, and have no working understanding of the Nazi movement, or the policy of requiring their own citizens (of Jewish decent) ... to wear the Yellow Star of David)

None of the people with the wrist bands are to be stripped of their material possessions, thrown from their homes, herded into ghettoes, starved and used in salve labor camps, and eventually systematically exterminated.

It is a rather long stretch to employ this historical reference, in very poor taste, inaccurate and disrespectful to both Holocaust victims, and Thailand's decision makers.

We can debate the efficacy of this "wristband" idea ... but with the world community (rightly) complaining about the horrid human trafficking record in SEA, this is their idea of a quick and "Bureaucratic Lite" solution.

Yes, one could forge the wristbands, but the wearer would then face dire consequences when that is discovered. (Note to the seller of fake wristbands, these people drop dime at the count of three)

I know it is impossible for anyone to do anything in Thailand that does not solicit swift derision from the All Knowing Thai Visa Thai Bashing Boardroom above the Clouds.

Would any of you boy geniuses like to climb down from Cloud 9 and tell us how the Thai Government can quickly and easily begin to track those migrants who are allowed to cross the border much more easily than any Farang Expat?

Do you understand that there is genuine fear in the hearts of these people to be found here without proper documentation, and this Wristband thing ... just might get a lot of folks to register pronto - presto?

As for the human traffickers, it certainly might be a dark day to be found with a dozen "Sorry, no wristband" folks in your van.

But, I forgot. EVERY Thai idea is a bad one.

Funny, seems like Thai Visa is long on whining, and very short on solutions.

(PS: Do you people understand that in the Fortune 500 companies, it is Standard Operating procedure for every emplyee to wear a photo ID around thier neck at all times? I worked for IBM , and you could not move around your building, or the corporate campus without one. That applies to most big companies.

What they are saying is "Who are you?" "Do you have the right to be here/" Do you have the right to WORK HERE?" ETC.

That does not make them the SS ... it makes them smart and responsible people who want to know who is on their property. )

Wha a collection of Chicken Littles this site has become !!!


when a farang comes to thailand you get a visa number in your passport

you are then registered by immigration

if you get a work permit you get a number and registered with labour department

when you start a bussiness you get a tax number and registered by revenue department

you are required by law already to carry ID in thailand

so what is the difference to this wrist band apart from it is publicly visible [instead of being in your pocket/wallet ]

because we are not sheep and don't want to be treated like that, simple as that.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

To all foreigners and expats who have seen this article, please have it send to the media back in your home countries and also your government officials back home. The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded by those morons in charge here. The ban of not only seafood products but all products from thailand should be enforced fast to change things here for these migrant workers. Now they are treated like dogs with "pet collars and tags". Whats next?

The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded... alt=blink.png>

And pray tell how is wearing a wrist band disregarding ones human rights ?....is it no different than being forced to carry an passport or an ID card

grow up

I can assure you if the issue to these arm bands allowed the people something "for free" in Thailand ie access to free medical etc, then farangs would be queuing up for them and if they were refused on the grounds they are not migrants, then they would be howling on TV about how they are being discriminated against and racism

Looks like Bangkok has gotten to you. Get some fresh air. If you hate your fellow farangs so much why are you on this forum?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

To all foreigners and expats who have seen this article, please have it send to the media back in your home countries and also your government officials back home. The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded by those morons in charge here. The ban of not only seafood products but all products from thailand should be enforced fast to change things here for these migrant workers. Now they are treated like dogs with "pet collars and tags". Whats next?

The countreis in the EU and US needs to how human rights issues are being disregarded... alt=blink.png>

And pray tell how is wearing a wrist band disregarding ones human rights ?....is it no different than being forced to carry an passport or an ID card

grow up

I can assure you if the issue to these arm bands allowed the people something "for free" in Thailand ie access to free medical etc, then farangs would be queuing up for them and if they were refused on the grounds they are not migrants, then they would be howling on TV about how they are being discriminated against and racism

Looks like Bangkok has gotten to you. Get some fresh air. If you hate your fellow farangs so much why are you on this forum?

where is the hate in my post dear boy? , Nick167's premise relating to human rights violations was absolute hysterical BS, a bit like your post

further the second paragraph in my post is absolutely valid, this is exactly what would happen, and why do your believe I hate my "fellow farangs" ?

let start with the basic's what makes you think they are my "fellows" to start with ?....just because your perception is I am a middle aged white westerner and all "fellow farangs" should sit around the camp fire singing kumbaya, group hugs and supporting each against the oppressive Thai regime who hates westerners ? blink.png

If you object to my opinion's then by all means report me, but I have just as much right to have my opinions as you have

BTW I don't live in BKK thumbsup.gif

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Reminds me of those yellow stars three generations ago - for religious reasons though at that time - very, very scary as it also could communicate the lawlessness sad.png

That is exactly the first thing that came to mind when I saw this? This is the problem with not teaching complete or at least well rounded world history in schools.

Don't they know that tattooing registration numbers are the worker's arms is more efficient?

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Inflammatory posts, offensive posts, and some off topic posts and replies have been removed. I don't think we need any more Nazi generalization posts here either.

Perhaps if your family lost kin during the German tagging campaign you would feel different. Even the Scarlet Letter was written with sympathy to the tagged.

I agree that Thailand needs to keep its immigrant worker program under control, and hate to see all of these illegals here when I have to go through so much to keep it legal. However, the government is punishing the innocents and not the illegals with this tagging.

Would you go around in your home country and refer to every immigrant that you encounter as "Foreigner". Personally, I hate being referred to as "Farang". Thais living in America wouldn't like it if people said, "Hello Foreigner" or "Hey, Asian, come here". They would raise Hell and demand apologies and compensation. Unfortunately, most Thais have little education and are not worldly. I know for a fact that Thai's who have lived overseas, for the most part, would see the ignorance in a pogrom like this.

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Inflammatory posts, offensive posts, and some off topic posts and replies have been removed. I don't think we need any more Nazi generalization posts here either.

Perhaps if your family lost kin during the German tagging campaign you would feel different. Even the Scarlet Letter was written with sympathy to the tagged.

I agree that Thailand needs to keep its immigrant worker program under control, and hate to see all of these illegals here when I have to go through so much to keep it legal. However, the government is punishing the innocents and not the illegals with this tagging.

Would you go around in your home country and refer to every immigrant that you encounter as "Foreigner". Personally, I hate being referred to as "Farang". Thais living in America wouldn't like it if people said, "Hello Foreigner" or "Hey, Asian, come here". They would raise Hell and demand apologies and compensation. Unfortunately, most Thais have little education and are not worldly. I know for a fact that Thai's who have lived overseas, for the most part, would see the ignorance in a pogrom like this.

Seems you have the american habit of making a mountain out of a molehill. Pity you can't sue somebody.

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A slight rewording of a placard in the KL Dachau:

One day the came for the Lao workers.

But I am not Lao, so I remained silent.

Then one day they came for the Burmese.

But I am not Burmese, so I remained silent.

Another day they came for the Red Shirts.

But I am not a Red Shirt, so I remained silent.

Then one day they came for the homosexuals.

But I am not gay, so I remained silent.

Then one day THEY CAME FOR ME!

But there was no one left to speak for me.

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Lots of Pish being said here!!

Company IDs don't have to be worn in public places and we don't have to wear our passports around our necks either infcat didn't immigration state that a copy of your passport was suffice?

Did they ever make farangs wear their passports in plain view for all to see?

No they didn't passports were out of sight out of mind.

Tagging people is just asking for trouble and I don't mean electronic tags, I mean any form of item tha identifies them as non nationals.

Exactly WHY do registered immigrants need to wear Stipid tags?

Back in the 90s car hire firms overseas stopped placing certain types of number plates on their cars to prevent tourists from being identified and attacked, it was to STOP attention being drawn to them!!

Soldiers in the UK had to stop wearing the uniform of their country for fear of terrorist attacks against them.

If these workers are registered and have the right documentation there's NO need to highlight who they are.

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Inflammatory posts, offensive posts, and some off topic posts and replies have been removed. I don't think we need any more Nazi generalization posts here either.

Perhaps if your family lost kin during the German tagging campaign you would feel different. Even the Scarlet Letter was written with sympathy to the tagged.

I agree that Thailand needs to keep its immigrant worker program under control, and hate to see all of these illegals here when I have to go through so much to keep it legal. However, the government is punishing the innocents and not the illegals with this tagging.

Would you go around in your home country and refer to every immigrant that you encounter as "Foreigner". Personally, I hate being referred to as "Farang". Thais living in America wouldn't like it if people said, "Hello Foreigner" or "Hey, Asian, come here". They would raise Hell and demand apologies and compensation. Unfortunately, most Thais have little education and are not worldly. I know for a fact that Thai's who have lived overseas, for the most part, would see the ignorance in a pogrom like this.

Seems you have the american habit of making a mountain out of a molehill. Pity you can't sue somebody.

Disgusting comments!!

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