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Clinton gives glimpse of how she plans to run as a woman


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What i haste most is the obscene amount of money driving this election...nearly 3 billion USD! Just think what that amount could do to help the less well off,(40% seeking food stamps).

Surely in a true democracy private funding should be illegal,and only funding from taxpayers money allowed?

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Anyone notice Fox news is banging on about it 24/7 and the book's author is funded by the Kochs and a bloke who is bankrolling Cruz?

Another "scandal".....

Fox News, along with the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times. A typical right wing conspiracy. cheesy.gif

I didn't mention a right wing conspiracy, even though they are milking it. I'll get to that later. However, it sells newspapers.

But like all good scandals, it doesn't need to be true.

The book and the subsequent shoddy reporting tries desperately to imply that Uranium One bribed the Clintons to get a deal approved.

Relying largely on research from the conservative author of Clinton Cash, today's New York Times alleges that donations to the Clinton Foundation coincided with the U.S. government's 2010 approval of the sale of a company known as Uranium One to the Russian government. Without presenting any direct evidence in support of the claim, the Times story -- like the book on which it is based -- wrongly suggests that Hillary Clinton's State Department pushed for the sale's approval to reward donors who had a financial interest in the deal. Ironically, buried within the story is original reporting that debunks the allegation that then-Secretary Clinton played any role in the review of the sale.

Forget the fact that nine different agencies had to approve this deal, including the Canadian government. That would ruin a really good tale wouldn't it?

And wouldn't you know it, "Clinton Cash" is published by Harper Collins.

Guess who owns Harper Collins? News Corporation, owners of...... yes, Fox News.

Anyone who falls for this nonsense is obviously a...... Fox News viewer.



In another report Wednesday, The Washington Post found that Bill Clinton, since leaving the White House in 2001, took home $26 million in speaking fees paid by organizations that are also major donors to the foundation. The fees made up one-fourth of his speaking income between 2009 and 2013.

Nice work if you can get it.


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Could the liberal media honeymoon with Hillary be over?


Unraveling: Liberal Common Cause demands Clinton Foundation, Hillary audit
BY PAUL BEDARD | APRIL 24, 2015 | 12:29 PM
The financial issues plaguing Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign have become too much even for liberal groups, and now Common Cause is calling for an independent audit of donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Amid suggestions that foreign governments donated to the foundation in hopes of getting special treatment from President Obama's State Department when Clinton was his top diplomat, the group on Friday said a "thorough review" is needed.
"Six years ago, at Mrs. Clinton's confirmation hearing for her appointment as secretary of state, then-Sen. Dick Lugar observed that 'that foreign governments and entities may perceive the Clinton Foundation as a means to gain favor with the secretary of state.' He was right, and his remarks remain relevant today as Mrs. Clinton seeks the presidency," said Common Cause President Miles Rapoport.
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A good scandal might not need to be true, but isn't it so much juicier when it actually might be?

Perhaps it all depends on what the meaning of the word "is", is.


Clinton Foundation Caught Straight-Up Lying To New York Times Reporter [VIDEO]
Media Reporter
5:21 PM 04/23/2015
In a preview of Fox News’ upcoming special on the allegations that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traded political favors for donations to the Clinton Foundation, The New York Times reporter Jo Becker revealed that the Clintons straight-up lied to her about whether Bill Clinton had attended a key meeting. (VIDEO: Josh Earnest Dodges 10 Consecutive Questions About Clinton Foundation)
One of the revelations in the Times piece is that Bill Clinton played a key role in the insuring acquisition of key uranium mines from the Kazakh state-owned uranium mining company Kazatomprom to Canadian millionaire Frank Giustra. After the transaction, Giustra gave over $30 million to the Clinton Foundation.
But when Becker asked for details about a meeting between the three men, the Clintons denied it ever happened. “When I first contacted both the Clinton Foundation, Mr. Clinton’s spokesman and Mr. Giustra they denied any such meeting ever took place,” she told Fox News.
“But then when we told them, well, we already talked to the head of Kazatomprom who not only told us all about the meeting, but actually has a picture has a picture of him and Bill at the home in Chappaqua that he proudly displayed on his office wall, they then acknowledged that yes, the meeting had taken place.”
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But when Becker asked for details about a meeting between the three men, the Clintons denied it ever happened. “When I first contacted both the Clinton Foundation, Mr. Clinton’s spokesman and Mr. Giustra they denied any such meeting ever took place,”

To precise, it ought to read "The Clinton Foundation, Mr.Clinton's spokesman and Mr. Giustra denied it ever happened".

You are so correct when you emphasise that words are important.

Doesn't sound to me like they ever spoke to the Clintons.


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My guess would be that either Hillary or Bill would be welcome guests on any news show to discuss the questionable donations.

Investigative reporters can't ask them questions when they are hiding behind closed doors.

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My guess would be that either Hillary or Bill would be welcome guests on any news show to discuss the questionable donations.

Investigative reporters can't ask them questions when they are hiding behind closed doors.

True enough.

But I'm sure the Republicans are already working on another congressional witch hunt.

Or perhaps, in this case, not.


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What i haste most is the obscene amount of money driving this election...nearly 3 billion USD! Just think what that amount could do to help the less well off,(40% seeking food stamps).

Surely in a true democracy private funding should be illegal,and only funding from taxpayers money allowed?

This may be correct but also suggests the nature of the problem; America is not a true democracy, was never intended to be, and making the square peg of "true democracy" fit into the round hole of a representative republic reveals itself in such fractures. I remain uncertain that a "corporation is a person" in the way modern humans would use it but the historical jurisprudence led to that announcement, thus the continued and unrestrained purchasing of our liberty.

Not sure what the solution is but then again I already think its pointless in any event; America is a done deal. Durant, Gibbon, others... I am sure they never noted a superstate collapse as swiftly and as insidiously as America; indeed in a single generation. It proves Marcus Tullius Cicero's prophetic admonishment "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within." It no longer matters who funds what. I would assert hope was there a single and intelligent argument to be made how it is possible to have hope America prevails as an intended State.

NOTE to previous posters: Koch brothers are no where near the top of the money seeding list; they are far behind other actors such as unions, and the diabolical Open Society Soros and his hydra-headed despotism.

Edited by arjunadawn
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NOTE to previous posters: Koch brothers are no where near the top of the money seeding list; they are far behind other actors such as unions, and the diabolical Open Society Soros and his hydra-headed despotism.

And you deduced this how?

I say that because:

The political network led by billionaires Charles and David Koch plans to spend nearly $900 million on the 2016 elections. NPR's Peter Overby reports that's roughly as much as the Republican Party's three national committees spent in the last presidential election cycle four years ago.
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NOTE to previous posters: Koch brothers are no where near the top of the money seeding list; they are far behind other actors such as unions, and the diabolical Open Society Soros and his hydra-headed despotism.

And you deduced this how?

I say that because:

The political network led by billionaires Charles and David Koch plans to spend nearly $900 million on the 2016 elections. NPR's Peter Overby reports that's roughly as much as the Republican Party's three national committees spent in the last presidential election cycle four years ago.

Would it be too much to ask if you could provide links to those quotes you make?

Please advise where the NPR article can be found.

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Following you will find the list of top donors to the various federal campaigns run in the US during the 2014 election cycle.

Fahr LLC is a Tom Steyer funded Democratic party organization.

The top 8 gave nearly exclusively to the Democratic party cause.

Labor Unions represented 17 of the top 50 and donated heavily to the Democrat's cause.

The Koch brothers ranked 14th.


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It proves Marcus Tullius Cicero's prophetic admonishment "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within."

True. Was it Truman who had the sign on his desk - "The business of America is Business" That was the start.

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Following you will find the list of top donors to the various federal campaigns run in the US during the 2014 election cycle.

Fahr LLC is a Tom Steyer funded Democratic party organization.

The top 8 gave nearly exclusively to the Democratic party cause.

Labor Unions represented 17 of the top 50 and donated heavily to the Democrat's cause.

The Koch brothers ranked 14th.


Really Chuck, I expect better of you.

However, I'll play along.


And there's more. Their exact contributions are shrouded in secrecy but here's a sniff:

The Koch donor network, comprised of a constellation of wealthy conservative donors, was an outgrowth of biannual retreats Charles Koch and Koch Industries began hosting in 2003. Not long after President Obama took office, these confabs, held in locations including Palm Springs and Aspen, became a well-oiled fundraising juggernaut. The Kochs and their allies pooled their resources and channelled money through a maze of trusts and nonprofits, some of which seemed to exist only to obscure their fusing source. The beneficiaries of the Koch network—which in scope and sophistication has come to resemble a political party in its own right—have included dozens of political nonprofits and advocacy groups that have spent millions to elect Republican and advance a free market, anti-regulatory agenda. Among the recipients of Koch donor network funds (and contrary to the Koch brothers’ libertarian beliefs) are social conservative groups that have fought abortion and gay marriage, engaging in the culture war battles that the Kochs have largely steered clear from.

Dollar figures show the amount each group has received from key Koch organizations.

Click a group for more details.

60 Plus Association : $53,880,446

American Commitment : $12,899,544

Center to Protect Patient Rights (now known as American Encore): $118,667,000

American Energy Alliance : $2,614,960

American Future Fund : $76,822,409

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC): $1,019,958

American Values Action: $230,000

Americans for Job Security : $4,945,000

Americans for Limited Government : $7,160,000

Americans for Prosperity: $60,470,808

Americans for Responsible Leadership : $25,552,800

Americans for Tax Reform : $5,502,000

Americans United for Life Action : $624,000

Center for Shared Services: $8,500,387

Citizen Awareness Project : $1,000,000

CitizenLink: $8,980,218

Club for Growth: $1,365,000

Common Sense Issues: $160,000

Concerned Women for America: $11,401,573

Donors Trust: $8,890,000

EvangChr4 Trust: $6,135,000

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $1,430,561

Free Enterprise America : $3,627,500

Freedom Partners

Freedom Partners Action Fund: $4,000,000

Generation Opportunity: $14,699,211

Hispanic Leadership Fund : $692,000

National Association of Manufacturers : $3,670,000

National Federation of Independent Business : $2,710,783

National Rifle Association : $6,615,000

National Right to Work Committee : $1,000,000

Philanthropy Roundtable: $338,945

Public Notice: $17,466,943

Republican Jewish Coalition : $700,000

Revere America : $2,300,000

RightChange.com: $850,000

Susan B Anthony List : $1,560,000

TC4 Trust

Tea Party Patriots : $230,000

The Libre Initiative Trust: $3,957,366

Themis Trust: $24,831,000

US Chamber of Commerce: $3,000,000

West Michigan Policy Forum : $1,250,000


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The NY Times editorial board’s vote of no confidence in Hillary Clinton

the evidence that presumably would exculpate Clinton was destroyed by her own hand. That reality certainly complicates the editorial board’s effort to exonerate the prohibitive Democratic nominee.


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Anyone who falls for this nonsense is obviously a...... Fox News viewer.

Or a New York Times reporter. laugh.png

Like I said, using information to them fed by the author.... and they've sold a load of newspapers and generated a load of hits.

That's their core business isn't it?


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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Democrats, you've been warned: As new reports on the Clinton Foundation's foreign donations surface, Hillary Clinton might be increasingly radioactive in a general election
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Thursday, April 23, 2015, 12:51 PM

The NY Times editorial board’s vote of no confidence in Hillary Clinton

the evidence that presumably would exculpate Clinton was destroyed by her own hand. That reality certainly complicates the editorial board’s effort to exonerate the prohibitive Democratic nominee.


I'm just surprised that the liberal media is so slow to attack Hillary. They hate her guts and she's dirty. The dirt may/should cost her the election. Yet she's been given a free ride until she has become the heir apparent to the Dem nomination.

Hillary's supporters have acted like it's only the right wing that has problems with Hillary's ethics and have tried to excuse her ethical screw ups. The truth is that everyone except her willfully blind lemmings knows she's dirty.

Now if they come out strong and knock Hillary off there is no one else with any momentum to take up the sword for the party. It's like watching a slow train wreck.

You go, Dems. Hillary all the way to the end of your train wreck.

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A long but very interesting tale of how the Russian government gained control of 20% of the US uranium production from the Obama cabinet, State Department and, perhaps, even Obama himself.

Certainly the Clinton machine was involved and millions of dollars changed hands.


Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
APRIL 23, 2015
The headline on the website Pravda trumpeted President Vladimir V. Putin’s latest coup, its nationalistic fervor recalling an era when its precursor served as the official mouthpiece of the Kremlin: “Russian Nuclear Energy Conquers the World.”
The article, in January 2013, detailed how the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.
But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.
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I do not think for a minute Hillary can win, despite the mindless mob calling themselves feminists now. I generally lean Democrat, but I am not voting for Hillary. Strategically, they know they have to get the swing voters on board, and they both have not and will not.

She used her political clout to secure the nomination, or will in short order, and nothing on earth seems to stop the Democrats from losing -- this is like Kerry the Wooden Candidate all over again.

Strategic idiots.

I have often said this, she has no chance whatsoever of winning. Like you say,

a repeat of Kerry. Which is just as well, after two terms of Obama, not sure

the country could survive a Hillary term. She is carrying so much baggage

not sure why she even thinks she can win. Must be an ego thing. Regarding

her " strategy" of not using the female card, that makes sense. If a male

candidate tried to play the male card, he would be the laughing stock

of world media.

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Charity watchdog: Clinton Foundation a ‘slush fund’

The Clinton family’s mega-charity took in more than $140 million in grants and pledges in 2013 but spent just $9 million on direct aid... The group spent the bulk of its windfall on administration, travel, and salaries and bonuses, with the fattest payouts going to family friends.


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How foreign cash made Bill and Hillary ‘filthy rich’
By Bob FredericksApril 20, 2015 | 10:48pm
"Hillary Rodham Clinton used her clout as secretary of state to do favors for foreign donors who gave millions to her family foundation — and who paid millions more to her husband, Bill, in speaking fees, a new book charges.
Records show that of the $105 million the former president raked in from speeches over 12 years, about half came during his wife’s four-year tenure at the State Department.
The claims in “Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich” come just a week after she launched her presidential campaign."
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