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Clinton gives glimpse of how she plans to run as a woman


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Countdown to Hillary's withdrawal announcement.


I'll be sure to check back in on May 5th to give you the opportunity to reflect on this post. giggle.gif

I believe that Secretary Clinton can be beaten in 2016, but it certainly won't be in anyway related to anything connected this silly countdown clock.

Edited by up-country_sinclair
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I'm not much interested in 2016 Presidential pre-primary politics but THIS is getting to be fun:


Obama escalates push-back against Elizabeth Warren and other trade deal critics

It's pretty simple, really. Warren is one possible replacement for Hillary. She gets herself into the news by attacking Obama. She also distances herself from Obama's emperor-like behavior in making deals without approval of Congress. After all she is a congresswoman and even congressional Democrats are pushing back about things like Iran and this trade deal.

I think she smells blood in the water and is probably being encouraged by the same left wingers who are publicly attacking Hillary. It's no coincidence that the liberal press has "suddenly" gone after Hillary with these newest allegations. They don't want her and they never did and now they see daylight for getting rid of her.

I expect to see Warren continue to do things to try to position herself to knock off Hillary just as Obama did 8 years ago. The Democrat Party insiders hate Hillary and I think all of this is the tip of the iceberg.

The bad news is that as president, Hillary would be more experienced and more reasonable than Warren. Warren is a loon.

I've been posting on here since the beginning that Hillary is a proven loser who was knocked off by an unknown named Obama and I have predicted that Hillary will stay a loser. She simply has too many enemies.

Time will tell.

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Countdown to Hillary's withdrawal announcement.


I'll be sure to check back in on May 5th to give you the opportunity to reflect on this post. giggle.gif

I believe that Secretary Clinton can be beaten in 2016, but it certainly won't be in anyway related to anything connected this silly countdown clock.

I sell a sense of humor to any member here who needs one at a steep discount. PM me for details. tongue.png

Edited by NeverSure
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I guess this is more of that "humor" you're trying to unload?

It's about the mainstream media's recent turn against Hillary for her own actions. At first she'll try to make excuses but her own Democrat Party is busy taking her down. She's simply too dirty to win a presidential election and the powerful Dems know it.


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I guess this is more of that "humor" you're trying to unload?

It's about the mainstream media's recent turn against Hillary for her own actions. At first she'll try to make excuses but her own Democrat Party is busy taking her down. She's simply too dirty to win a presidential election and the powerful Dems know it.


Sometimes the truth is not humorous...

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Americans generally place a Puritanical prism on politicians. Bill Clinton's shenanigans with the overweight intern come to mind. In France, for example, a top politicians getting a 12 minute touchy-feely in the closet would be smirked about. In the US, it prompts the right wing attack squads to sharpen their battle axes and charge in formation, while concurrently yelling from the ramparts, as if all the generals had been beheaded in their sleep the night before.

Maybe I should read the details about Hillary's alleged mis-steps, but I've got other things I'd rather read. I don't expect the lady to be Joan of Arc perfection. As an American, I want the best person for the top position. Nobody is going to be spotless. If they claim to have a spotless reputation, then that, to me, would be more of a drawback than an attribute. It would show they never went out on a limb to venture something different, or try something which others said was unattainable. My favorite people are those who venture to try unusual things which mainstream says are foolish or unattainable. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes not, but it's the quest which counts more - than being Mr. or Mrs Orthodox and always trying to be as mainstream safe and goody-goody as possible.

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Did you know the Scooby van was clocked at 92 mph during a recent trip to New Hampshire going between political meetings.

NO! I didn't know! Thanks for keeping us updated!

Any more juicy gossip you'd like to share?


Yeah. Did you know Hillary has not driven a car since 1996?

All this trivia sort of reminds me of the Marco Rubio thread.

Simple solution, live with it or don't read the threads.

Edited by chuckd
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Did you know the Scooby van was clocked at 92 mph during a recent trip to New Hampshire going between political meetings.

NO! I didn't know! Thanks for keeping us updated!

Any more juicy gossip you'd like to share?


Yeah. Did you know Hillary has not driven a car since 1996?

Goodness gracious! That is important!

Please continue to keep us updated on any other gossip!


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