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Thailand agrees closer military ties with China during visit by top Beijing official

Lite Beer

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The 'muricans weren't wrong. Soon Thailand is indeed the same as Taiwan.

And is it a problem for Thailand if Thailand becomes the same as Taiwan ? :)

People go on about how some of the Thais look the same as Chinese people. Well, Taiwan is practically full of people who look the same as Chinese people. And Taiwan IS a democracy. The democratically elected government of Taiwan has no problems with the increasing flood of Chinese tourists and Chinese money entering Taiwan.

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Oh, oh... bad move! Does our beloved "leader" really want the US of A to bomb this country to bits in order to "liberate" its people, or what? I truly am NOT a Yank lover, but still prefer uncle Sam sitting at my porch over sharing my bed with the communists. This could end bad, real bad...

My prediction is that a certain person here in Thailand (who thinks he stands above all, is untouchable and who obviously is blinded by his sudden rise to power and influence) will forcefully be removed soon. Then, all hell will break loose. May god have mercy on our (the expats') souls sad.png

Bombing Communist parts of a country , while defending and arming the "" freedom pro democracy "" part goes back a very long way with America-

Thailand ( like some posters here) has shown great inexperience and gullibility in swallowing the Communist hook, bait to simply ensnare Thailand into its South East China Sea politics , as it rises in the region.

I heard Obama talk in 2012 about America"s intension to Halt China"s aggressive stances in this region.

The contentious issues involve several countries that are aligning with both the American position , and their own hopes of sovereign rights to ownership of areas.

By seeking military ties ( with China) the Thais have become a pivot in a chess game.

It has key strategic importance not just geographically , but more importantly politically.

Having the majority who voted a particular way in free elections to gain representation democratically , will suffice the American Argument , that their voices legitimise the rights of all Thais.

And base a future call to elections , free and fair without Charter restraints on this right.

The democracy of Thailand needs to be central to negotiations avoiding sanctions.

Of course Thailand will eventually , drop the smoke and mirrors and resign itself to China.

Knowing to hold on to power by taking away freedoms (like self governance by democratic means) in a true sense is all but exposed as a sham for what it is.

America then can begin its propaganda war.

The spotlight will begin on the people being silenced in Thailand .

Political friends once running the Nation and elected , most likely imprisoned by years end.

Dramatic shifts are in the wind.

China as we speak are building landing strips in disputed areas in the South China Sea , while American forces do Exercises near by.

George Bush used to coin a phrase "" for or against US " after 9/11 , to signify a more focused American perception of policy.

So far Obama has been tame.

Thailand however gives him the reasons to demonstrate his resolve.

He can take on China by proxy here in an issue that's more black and white.

Democracy and freedom and human rights of the oppressed Vs China and the military rulers of Thailand seeking to unlawfully ( by their definition ) to remove democracy.

The bases to then perhaps help any forces internally will be cast.

CIA controls the issues .

Like in so many other regions and wars.

Thailand may indeed find American Bombs dropping on its military bases and weaponry .

China won't do a thing either about it.

What they forgot ( the Thais ) is how powerful and routine the Americans are.

And when the Reds so disdained by Bangkok now , suddenly have Americans Praying for their righteous cause , and funding and arming them and setting up bases and bombing airstrips in the north to fight off the Communists influenced South - then reality will set in.

Now it's not a question of civil war .

But when.

And the stage and players are being set and introduced.

Only the very small and boyish fools can't see here the enormity of this act ahead.

It has all the central characters , politics , drama , and importance.

This really is the real deal.

A total powder Keg .

With no point of return now.

I cashed in and got out .

I know many westerners who know This isn't like "" the other times""

Once the Chinese style Press releases and The slogans about "" returning the happiness to the people"" started many placed their assets up for sale.

My guess is there is still plenty of time 9-18 months before things really get serious.

But I wouldn't leave things to late.

Many westerners here have Stockholm Syndrome and can't see what's about to occur.

It always happens.

But the author above is correct in the claim this military will end up getting bombed by the Americans.

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I doubt very much the US could give a flying fig about Thailand cozying up with China.

They, Thailand and the rest of the world know, for all of America's issues, the Thai's would jump back in bed with the US in a heart beat over China, Russia or anyone else.

Thailand can flutter their eyes and try playing games as much as they want, but they are not fooling anyone and i expect the US could not give a hoot.

Rest assured, they do! Thailand is and always was a strategically important stronghold against communism. Plus it is a strategic necessity for the US marine and army. You truly think they will sit back and watch Thailand being pulled from under their feet? You must be kidding me! By getting cuddly with the Communists, our Fuhrer basically signed his own death warrant.

Again correct , America has acted historically in Asia where democracy is under threat.

And now the charter makes it very clear democracy is dead in Thailand .

And Chinese military relations sought ...it's really just a case of going through the hoops.

First stage is demonstrate how tough life can become ( sanctions)

Pull strings internationally ......

Then it will after Thailand holds its course with China ...be about the D word...and freedoms.

By years end the much stronger language will occur .

About the same time Strong Anti western propaganda begins there.

It's amusing to see people here talk about Thailand being mistreated by friends and having every right to go off with communists.

If their neighbours wife kept showing up with a black eye would you say something to the neighbour ?

Democracy and voting is like that.

It's a right and freedom.

Not to be taken by gun.

America is dealing not with a government of Thai people elected , but one who came to power by gun.

Once you get that rephrase the Friend part.

They ( this military ) are not friends with the American people.

Nor the Australians who ban them.

EU or United Nations ....

They don't represent the people of Thailand .

And there is a growing perception that they are oppressive.

So it's likely the Americans are going to stop them from belting up the Thai populace with this kind of governance which is military rule by another name.

That's what good guys do.

They step in.

Stop the cowards from hitting on their family.

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Welcome to the 21st century where cause and effect exist.

Go pander to China .

Write anti American rants.

But when bans on seafood commence please don't complain.

Thailand is under the guise of good governance and choose Communist Chinese ties.

Naturally bad things happen

Try loss of face as number one

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