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Thais welcome His Majesty short trip

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Bangkok: HM King Bhumibol Adulyadej made a short recreational trip to the Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall on Friday, bringing much delight to his loyal subjects.

Thais who heard of his planned private trip gathered along the route between Siriraj Hospital and the convention hall for a glimpse of their much-beloved monarch. When they saw the royal motorcade, they loudly chanted “Long Live the King” and some shed tear of joy.

His Majesty, 87, has stayed at the Siriraj Hospital for medical care throughout the past many months. The car ride from the hospital to the convention hall took about 10 minutes.

The king came to the hall to admire the beautiful view of the Chao Phraya River and many of Bangkok’s landmarks such as the Grand Palace.

The hall was also the venue where His Majesty and foreign royals watched a grand royal-barge procession together on June 12, 2006. That memorable moment was a part of the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of His Majesty's Accession to the Throne. On that special occasion, royal members around the world came to Thailand to convey their congratulations and attend the celebrations in response to the invitations sent out by Thailand.

The Thai king is the world’s longest living monarch. In Thailand, he has commanded overwhelming love and respect from his people.

His Majesty spent about one hour at the Royal Thai Navy Conventional Hall Friday afternoon. He returned to the Siriraj Hospital at about 3.30 pm.

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