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Actually 2 suggestions.

1. I notice on other forum I attend that in a thread when the member who started the thread makes a post, there will be an OP mark in a bright color under his usename. I consider this very convenient, especially in threads that cover a few pages, as you don't have to scroll up each time to know who the OP is. Maybe a possibility for TVF.

2. Maybe a pinned topic in this forum where members can post suggestions to improve the forum would also not be a bad idea.

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An idea is more likely to be picked up if it's either an already implemented feature of the Forum Software or can be included in a future revision of the Forum Software that ThaiVisa uses, especially if it can enabled separately in the administrator/owner options.

While some features might sound great, simply having a programmer add them and keeping them in place when the base software gets updated isn't an easy task -- as we're currently experiencing with the notification system being broken (due to such a modification or revision update).

But it's nice to dream.

I would like an option where I can send an animated hand-grenade or rocket-launched missile against a post I dislike, have that post completely decimated (with graphic animation) and have the forum remember that and never render that post for me again.

But I'm pretty sure George is a pacifist and would never allow it.

Edited by RichCor
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