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Thaivisa forum attitude


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It would be good for all of us if those who dont like Thailand pack their bags and go home to the paradise they left

Do you equate mentioning something 'really bad' that happened in Thailand with not liking living in Thailand?

No I dont. But many feel there is nothing right in the country so why stay? If you hated a job you would leave this is no different

Which poster do you feel is guilty of this?

I can't think of any. Name one?

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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It would be good for all of us if those who dont like Thailand pack their bags and go home to the paradise they left

Do you equate mentioning something 'really bad' that happened in Thailand with not liking living in Thailand?

No I dont. But many feel there is nothing right in the country so why stay? If you hated a job you would leave this is no different

Which poster do you feel is guilty of this?

I can't think of any. Name one?

You never seem to come across with anything positive for Thailand but there are others you are not the only one

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Dear OP,

I must admit that after I joined TVF and started reading threads, I rather felt like you.

I might even have made a post similar to yours or at least thought to do it, because I could not understand the bitterness in many of the posts.

Nor the pissing contests.

However, with time, I guess I have learned the know which posters are OK or not.

I do notice that some members disappear, only to reappear with a new name and Avatar!

As has been mentioned, there is great help to be obtained in this forum and not only for the super advice re visas et al.

Look at the support given to the man who finally gave up smoking or the man (a newbie) who needed advice about the do's and dont's of falling in love with a Thai girl.

Yes, there are some poor folk who have nothing to do, are bored and seem to exist only to piss in the pot and stir in these threads.

Give yourself more time and start feeling sorry for them rather than feeling angry.

Otherwise you may find that you have allowed yourself to be pulled down to their level.

Stay calm and good luck.

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You never seem to come across with anything positive for Thailand but there are others you are not the only one

The hookers are great.

The availability of much younger women for relationships and breeding is great (not sure if you count those two as the same thing)

The mountain biking in the jungle is great.

The housing is cheap.

Electricity price is great.

General cost of living is great.

The free health care for my family is great.

Nursery school for my kid is almost free.

Not having to pay fines for motoring offences is great.

I've posted all those things many times before.

What do YOU think I have posted that's negative about Thailand (with links please), can you find one thing?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You never seem to come across with anything positive for Thailand but there are others you are not the only one

The hookers are great.

The availability of much younger women for relationships and breeding is great (not sure if you count those two as the same thing)

The mountain biking in the jungle is great.

The housing is cheap.

Electricity price is great.

General cost of living is great.

The free health care for my family is great.

Nursery school for my kid is almost free.

Not having to pay fines for motoring offences is great.

I've posted all those things many times before.

What do YOU think I have posted that's negative about Thailand (with links please), can you find one thing?

There you go. You have come out of your shell. Just out of interest how hard is working as an English teacher in Thailand really? It seems to av a lot of problems

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What country doesn't have incidents like that? Please don't say it wouldn't happen in the USA as it is a country of nutters who have guns. Yes it was terrible but is that enough to condemn a country? I think not unless you live in Utopia which you don't. Please put things is perspective and don't let your imagination run away with you.

You said you didn't see 'anything that is really bad' happening in Thailand over the last 30 years.

I pointed out quite a lot of bad things happening as a result of just one crime about 6 months ago.

Bad things happening in another country are beside the point.

Just questioning your powers of observation.

Or are you suggesting rape, murder, homophobia, police corruption, sexism, racism and injustice aren't 'really bad'.

You are going to take this one incident and beat it to death every chance you get.

Doesn't matter what the thread is about you'll find a way to put the Koh Tao murders in.

Give it a rest. It's old news.

I think the 2 burmese scapegoats dont think its "old news" - they live it every day until "Somebody" probably decide to get ride of them ...

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You never seem to come across with anything positive for Thailand but there are others you are not the only one

What do YOU think I have posted that's negative about Thailand (with links please), can you find one thing?

There you go. You have come out of your shell. Just out of interest how hard is working as an English teacher in Thailand really? It seems to av a lot of problems

So you can't find a post I made being negative about Thailand then?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You never seem to come across with anything positive for Thailand but there are others you are not the only one

What do YOU think I have posted that's negative about Thailand (with links please), can you find one thing?

There you go. You have come out of your shell. Just out of interest how hard is working as an English teacher in Thailand really? It seems to av a lot of problems

So you can't find a post I made being negative about Thailand then?

No offence but you are not that important that I would want to keep track of the posts you make.

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There are rather grave short comings in Thailand, and some people will take advantage of you if you allow them. My wife was caught in a scam in Thailand, but never did it ever occur to either of us to blame the average Thai or Thailand as a whole. The scam involved Thai elites at the highest level and foreigners.

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Have to agree with most of that.

Many of the farangs who post on these forums sound like they are being held here against their will.

Many are not even actually living in Thailand...

Most do not live here, I think. Of the ones that do live here, most get all their news from here (which is funny, since TVF is run out of Hong Kong and has very necessarily carefully selected news).

Go figure.guitar.gif

Edited by FangFerang
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There are rather grave short comings in Thailand, and some people will take advantage of you if you allow them. My wife was caught in a scam in Thailand, but never did it ever occur to either of us to blame the average Thai or Thailand as a whole. The scam involved Thai elites at the highest level and foreigners.

Trust no one is the way to go until they prove they are trustworthy

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Some people come here with high expectations for happiness and fulfilment...their experience with the Thai people shape their current view...expressions of joy or disdain for Thais is a healthy release of passion or frustration...neither should be discouraged...IMHO

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Have to agree with most of that.

Many of the farangs who post on these forums sound like they are being held here against their will.

Many are not even actually living in Thailand...

Some of them have but prefer to live in the real world.

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It is sad that you have to expose this but you are right in your experience.

Thailand like other countries is not perfect but it is the destination of global travelers many who have decided to make Thailand their home why!? because it fulfills so many persons needs and is much more affordable than other countries. Is there room for improvement you bet there is; but show me a country in the west that has no room for improvement and it is in a Disneyland movie.

Thailand is where I now live. It is a great place "warts and all" Thais are very community mined, they will try to make you feel welcome no matter where you come from. So dear Thai reader, please don't put all farangs in the same bucket; we are quite different.

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I don't know, but maybe the OP is shooting the messenger? I mostly read complaints on here that I find to be real issues. It is often useful to me to read what people are going through. I like trying to see if I have an angle or insight so I can help others as well. It also helps me to consider many things help me work things out in advance before I have the same problems. If I want sheer entertainment and a laugh a minute I can go watch television or sports or what have you. I think there are other better venues than web forums for unadulterated fun and entertainment.

Many internet forums are pretty similar as well. There's a lot of moaning and sniping on all of them and I don't think Thaivisa is that much worse than most.

I know plenty of Thais who complain a lot as well about the same things that we do. It isn't necessarily some kind racist attack on the nation to air a problem you have with the culture or what often happens.

Sure there is "Thai Bashing" to be found on here, but I also find a lot of one upmanship based digs at people from other farangs calling them Thai bashers for complaining about things that happen in Thailand and happen to be done by Thais. You can bet there is plenty of farang bashing going the other way as well, so it is just normal to encounter problems because of cultural differences and it is normal to encounter problems and want to try and solve them by telling others who may have an insight or suggestion.

I think also, it is unfair to call people who may be basically happy here, grumpy, unhappy and therefor not normal just because they have a problem that they cannot solve and say something about it. Many aspects of life here are not easy or any where in this world at this time for that matter. There are few people in the world who are truly happy or fulfilled, so I dont think it is abnormal to be a bit disgruntled at times and it is certainly healthier to say something about it, be it to your friends, family or on an internet forum, than it is to never express yourself and bottle it up until you finally explode and seriously harm someone or do some passive aggressive thing to others that could be truly devastating.

While we might just go home if we don't like it, as goes the tired refrain around here, many of us have a responsibility to take care of our families, our businesses, or jobs and cannot leave at the drop of a hat so easily just because of some pervasive annoyance. Sometimes people are struggling with something in their lives here and if it helps them to post here, all the better, I think it should be encouraged.

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Guess What!!

This is the only way TV members can ventilate whats in their chests.

You think they can do it at their house that isnt theirs or talk to the wife thats obviously a hiso full of tattoos. He paid for the house and car thats in her name because he wanted it so, and not because he didnt understand better now 20 years ago. So now he have Children in a louzy schoolsystem. Children dont give fack about him. Wife and her family same. Now finally someone post something in TV and he sees a opportunity to be something he isnt

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Have to agree with most of that.

Many of the farangs who post on these forums sound like they are being held here against their will.

It is NOT "many of the farangs" at all, it's some of them, TV has thousands of members not hundreds, it's the Thai bashing brigade a few dozen members maybe, always the same, when I see some avatars I know in advance it will be the same old story with many many likes, also from the same ones.coffee1.gif

Same for the apologists, also with many likes from the same ones.

Living in this country I prefer a hundred times "what you called" the apologists, at least they have a positive mind compared to the other grumpiest. If one man's family and friends are mainly apologists life will be easy, on the other hand ...help!

You have the right to think what you want, to say what you like, this is all the more true since on a forum it's easy not to finish to read it tongue.png

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Things to remember:

1) rude posters and nose-picking drivers have a lot in common - they are enabled by their feelings of impunity. Think it over...

2) this forum exists for one and only one purpose: lining the pockets of its owner. As such, trainwrecks are held to a strategic level - enough to generate interest, but not so intense as to drive the average reader away. Everybody loves trainwrecks, so long as they aren't in the pathway. The owner of Thaivisa loves them, too, BECAUSE THEY GENERATE CLICKS.

3) people who don't understand the above, and invoke fairness and/or free speech are delusional.


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These are just things that I have observed.

You aren't the first or only one.

For many it's as simple as that: Thai bad, farang good.

For many this is the first time they've been in a minority and rest assured when they were in the majority in their home countries they kvetched continually about the people who weren't native born there.

Many are here because they couldn't afford life in their own country and they're in a perpetual state of bitterness over their own sordid lives.

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I wonder if there are any Thai expat forums overseas and what the Thais say about their adopted country and its folk......

i do not think so, that would require that euro/visa or wherever to have thais complain about each other, their wifes, there jobs (jobs?) , poor police protection overseas , the laws, self appointed leaders ( coup peeps) , the poor state of education in their host country , the standard & quality of life , double priceing ( ehhh... its a thai thing) , euro trash bargirls , & dog shit everywhere , well that the way i see it . :-)
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western people see something wrong they tend to complain about it , not to whine but to improve . that is the first step to change what is wrong to what could be right . life without change is a static way of life almost all western people will refuse . this is applied to all things thai, the police , laws , food stands , edu , fairness , standard of liveing , stores , anything . the thais must get in line with change, otherwise they will have the same bad cops, leaders , magia's & all around bad guys forever. look at the beach chair problem that the police , navy , & army have been working on for at least a year this time. any change that anybody understands ? nope not at all . now the navy wants to buy subs & flat tops to patrol the beaches , now i gave myself a headach , gotta go take a nap :-)

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For every Negative, it takes 10 Positive Things to erase that. So for some people there is a lot of catching up to do.

I don't think there is as much Thai Bashing as you make it out to be. If most people here disliked the Thais so much, and Thailand, they wouldn't come here or live here. Which I think the majority of people here do. So one page does not make a book and one persons story about a recent bad shopping experience, or border crossing, does not mean they hate Thais, or Thailand.

There are, as you say, some bitter people here who do hate everything Thai, but I just right that off as a bitter experience here. Like a Bitter Divorce to a Thai Woman. A Divorce can make anyone bitter against everything, and the reason I left my Home Country in the first place. Especially when Land Ownership is impossible for some.

But this Thaivisa Forum is for people who plan to come here, have been here already, or live here. It is an Open Topic, so they can write about anything, although the majority is there experience here, or what they can expect when they come here. I know for myself I would not be here if it weren't for the fact I live here, and joined because I was coming here. So I don't think this Forum was for Thai People who live here. They have Facebook for that.

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You never seem to come across with anything positive for Thailand but there are others you are not the only one

The hookers are great.

The availability of much younger women for relationships and breeding is great (not sure if you count those two as the same thing)

The mountain biking in the jungle is great.

The housing is cheap.

Electricity price is great.

General cost of living is great.

The free health care for my family is great.

Nursery school for my kid is almost free.

Not having to pay fines for motoring offences is great.

I've posted all those things many times before.

What do YOU think I have posted that's negative about Thailand (with links please), can you find one thing?

You should not bother if you have posted some negatives about Thailand. The main thing for me is, out here the positives far outweigh the negatives, where in my home country it is the exact opposite.

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Have to agree with most of that.

Many of the farangs who post on these forums sound like they are being held here against their will.

It is NOT "many of the farangs" at all, it's some of them, TV has thousands of members not hundreds, it's the Thai bashing brigade a few dozen members maybe, always the same, when I see some avatars I know in advance it will be the same old story with many many likes, also from the same ones.coffee1.gif

Same for the apologists, also with many likes from the same ones.

I must apologise for my Thai family behaviour during the high season this would have never happened back in Germany back in the old school day

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