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Hi guys, I take valium for flying and need about 20mg per flight, slightly more for long haul. I do not abuse them and am prescribed them back in the UK for the same thing. I had a friend get me some in Cambodia but they didn't have and he returned with 300 xanax lol unfortunately I find I feel rough after them and they seem to last not as long as valium.

I have tried 3 different drug store and all basically say no that I need to see doctor. I finally did this and was given just 20 2mg tablets as they is all they had.

I would like to just get a stock for all my flights, maybe say 100 10mg tablets and preferably Roch. Does anyone know if this is doable anymore in BKK? I was even unsuccessful in India would you believe at 3 stores. Seems pretty strict.


I wonder if you could get a beta blocker. I took them once for "stage fright" and it was amazing. I couldn't use a tranquilizer because I needed all of my faculties. I needed them only 3 or 4 times before I got used to being there and never needed more.

I believe they block the release of adrenaline and something else but they are widely prescribed "off label" for your issue. They are a high blood pressure med I think which won't hurt you if you don't need it for that. You might not need a prescription in LOS.

Read a bit here.



I would be very careful where you are travelling carrying that kind and quantity of medication without a valid prescription or Doctors note to support it.


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Valium and all other benzos as strictly controlled substances in Thailand, completely illegal to obtain other than on prescription and at a hospital. Outside pharmacies are not even allowed to stock them, only hospital pharmacies.

You are taking a huge risk in having a large quantity of xanax on you without a prescription...one that could land you a long jail sentence in Thailand. Would be similarly risky to develop a "stock" of valium.

Best is to obtain what you need in the UK, with prescripotion, and then if entering Thailand be sure to follow the instructions here for bringing in a controlled substance: http://narcotic.fda.moph.go.th/faq/upload/guidance%20for%20travelers%20version%204.doc._e1a4.pdf (If entering with only a very small quantity, just having a doctor's note with you and the meds in a clearly labelled prescription bottle will probably suffice but if more than a few tablets you really should follow the procedure for getting FDA permission to the letter.)


I've been stressed as hell and suffer from anxiety. I've never been one to pop pills but the opportunity presented itself to me as a visiting friend had some extras and didn't want to bring them on the plane back. I have taken them and feel quite relieved. I do not want to abuse them but my mind is always in flight or fight mode and they (Xanax) really cut the edge and tension out of my day (I have only used them 3 days now. I break a 1mg alprazolam in half and take it about an hour before I battle traffic and the rat race) when I arrive at work my feathers aren't quite as ruffled, the noise and rif raf dissipate and I feel I can function.

Do people really take these as a long term maintenance drug or are they meant to be taken for "episodes" or when you're in a funk. Basically, I want to acquire something properly as I genuinely need it as I am in transition with work. Is there anything comparable? I've heard of something with a name like boraxatine or something like that. If I go to a hospital which department do I visit?


Try atarax, legal and cheap, if they don't knock you out they relax you

Atarax is an anti-histamine with tranquilizer effects..

I personally know this drug to have killed a guy who was trying to adjust to jet lag,

He probably took too much... but just because it is legal over the counter does not mean it is not dangerous.


I've been stressed as hell and suffer from anxiety. I've never been one to pop pills but the opportunity presented itself to me as a visiting friend had some extras and didn't want to bring them on the plane back. I have taken them and feel quite relieved. I do not want to abuse them but my mind is always in flight or fight mode and they (Xanax) really cut the edge and tension out of my day (I have only used them 3 days now. I break a 1mg alprazolam in half and take it about an hour before I battle traffic and the rat race) when I arrive at work my feathers aren't quite as ruffled, the noise and rif raf dissipate and I feel I can function.

Do people really take these as a long term maintenance drug or are they meant to be taken for "episodes" or when you're in a funk. Basically, I want to acquire something properly as I genuinely need it as I am in transition with work. Is there anything comparable? I've heard of something with a name like boraxatine or something like that. If I go to a hospital which department do I visit?

There are non-addictive alternatives to benzos which work well for anxiety. You should see a psychiatrist specializing in anxiety disorders. You should also see a counselor for short-term therapy, as the combination of medication and therapy work far better than either alone.

Benzos are highly addictive and should never be taken on an ongoing basis (they will also stop working, requiring higher and higher doses). They also should never be taken before you drive!!!

  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys. For some reason I never received these follow up posts. I was told by someone about atarax but forgot the name as it was about 2 years ago.

I really don't know if therapy is even an option in Asia. I can remember when I lived in China and my room mates' girlfriend tried to kill herself (something she threatened often and unfortunately is quite a common result of narcisim there) anyways, I took her to a "psychiatrist" and they diagnosed her with hypochondria. I was told that counselors or psychologist in China are certified the way fitness trainers are in the US.

I have since found out about benzos and was told that basically they are like alcohol from an addiction/withdrawal lose your life standpoint.......oh, big pharm you've followed me from my home country! I know what you want (an addicted slave) NOT THIS ONE!

Exercise Exercise, a calm swim, and a little sunshine


Counseling is an optoon and there are a number of well qualified western therapists here. See the pinned mental health thread at the top og this forum

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