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Australian caught with Marijuana and Crystal Meth in South Pattaya

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How did that cop on the left sneak into the photo?. He has no parachute wings on his uniform. Isn't that a pre-requisite for pictures?. thumbsup.gif

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How did that cop on the left sneak into the photo?. He has no parachute wings on his uniform. Isn't that a pre-requisite for pictures?. thumbsup.gif

Sorry, the right!


What wrong with saying that drug dealers or users of illicit drugs get all the deserve? How can anyone compare the legal tobacco and alcohol to the same as the ones that are against the law?


What wrong with saying that drug dealers or users of illicit drugs get all the deserve? How can anyone compare the legal tobacco and alcohol to the same as the ones that are against the law?

Go to Amsterdam and all cops in the picture will point to the same bottle...


Mr. Vreeken was told by Pattaya Police, that if he pointed at the evidence he would get a year off at sentencing. He then proceeded to point everywhere...


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

And the guy who starts his day with a Cigarette and a few cups of coffee then has a few beers in the evening, what does he deserve ?


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

And the guy who starts his day with a Cigarette and a few cups of coffee then has a few beers in the evening, what does he deserve ?

The opportunity to repeat the offence for at least one more day.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

What's that mean? Money and a buzz?


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

And the guy who starts his day with a Cigarette and a few cups of coffee then has a few beers in the evening, what does he deserve ?

Last time I checked they were legal substances Brainiac.


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

So does that include tobacco and alcohol, both bigger killers than any illegal drugs.

And before you start foaming at the mouth, I don't take any, not even alcohol, I am just not idiotic enough to think that throwing drug users in jail actually solves the problem. War on drugs is an utter failure.

It is all part of the business. There are many people involved in the supply and delivery of illicit drugs. Especially here. If you're not clever enough to get involved with the right people. This is what happens. They arrest you and throw you in jail and hand you over to the "lawyers" for their cut. Get it?


Mr. Vreeken claimed the drugs were not his and were owned by a friend but he reportedly confessed to consuming the drugs and would also invite Thai women into the room to consume the drugs.

I wonder wh the tip off was from, anyway, this guy is a twit and would know the harsh punishments here for doing this, it was his choice.

He should have grown up by now!

Who tipped off the police ? probably the angry mangda.


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

So does that include tobacco and alcohol, both bigger killers than any illegal drugs.

Last time I saw a smoker they weren't breaking into houses to steal stuff to pay for their habit. Or rampaging out of control like a wild animal after smoking 5 cigarettes in a row.

You obviously havent ever had experience with Meth users and the harm to others and themselves that they can cause so will cut you some slack on your tired old analogy.


The foreigner in the pic is a volunteer who works with the Thai Police Volunteers as opposed to Tourist Police and/or Foreign Police Volunteers.

This info is given to put an end to any more posts about him as that is NOT the topic here and further posts about him will be removed.


cheesy.gif People from various parts of Britain will remember the stunts that students used to get up to on their charity based Rag Days such as how many people can you get in a telephone box or a Mini ?

Here the BIB try how many officers can you get in a photo with an arrested person ?

AND he's pointing at a bottle, Guilty as Charged My Lord !

The bottle (if you look closely) has been made into a pipe to smoke the weed.

There is a much smaller Crack smoking apparatus further down the table.


here we are again another useless creature bites the dust and it looks as if half of the police force were used to apprehend him do we reward them all for doing a good job.


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

I wonder what you're on to come up with such an absurd sweeping statement.

Oh yes, I remember now, it's called self-righteousness : a widespread drug which causes unfathomable harm around the world.

So wots wrong with u? I totally agree with bridge2bridge, Hope the stupid Aussie gets 10yrs in bkk Hilton. We got enough Thai druggies here esp in soi kopai without lowlife farangs prob on the run coming over here to do their dirty work.


A former friend of mine was dealing in Phuket as well.

He would put his big Rotweiller in his car and pickup a bunch.

He was rather large himself..so not much room.

He told me what he was up to, and I was out of the car like a shot.

Think he had moved on to Krabi...or Hawaii.

Loser... I don't go to prison for anyone... dummy too...in Thailand !


cheesy.gif People from various parts of Britain will remember the stunts that students used to get up to on their charity based Rag Days such as how many people can you get in a telephone box or a Mini ?

Here the BIB try how many officers can you get in a photo with an arrested person ?

AND he's pointing at a bottle, Guilty as Charged My Lord !

Funny post, thnx!

The bottle is been made into a so-called water-pipe, if you zoom in you can see why they are pointing at it...

These so-called paraphermalia are on sale everywhere in Pattaya I noticed, even in tuk com there are a few booths that sell those, strange....


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

So does that include tobacco and alcohol, both bigger killers than any illegal drugs.

Last time I saw a smoker they weren't breaking into houses to steal stuff to pay for their habit. Or rampaging out of control like a wild animal after smoking 5 cigarettes in a row.

You obviously havent ever had experience with Meth users and the harm to others and themselves that they can cause so will cut you some slack on your tired old analogy.

I will take the bait on this one.

Firstly, the original post said (ANY drug dealer or user) which implies ANY drugs since no distinction was made.

That would mean anyone whom has taken aspirin, panadol, vaccinations, anti-biotics, (alcohol, cigarettes), contraceptive medication, ointments for burns, cuts, blisters etc etc etc. is a drug user and deserves what they get.. (hopefully that includes an infection free cut or a head that is ache free...??) ( as a side note: I agree that we all should get what we deserve on all levels eg. if you present yourself or children for vaccinations without performing adeqate due dilegence regarding their ineffectiveness then you probably deserve the consequences - the lesson being not to trust corporations or their hijacked governments to tell us the truth, especially when billions in profits are concerned).

However, I will presume based on the article that the OP was referring to illegal drugs.

If this is the case, then the original statement (ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get), is so incredibly short-sighted, it perhaps stems from either a bad experience related to 'illegal' substances or a distinct lack of knowledge and understanding surrounding the issue of 'drugs', and not from any form of critical thinking stemming from independent research.

Lets not also forget that many of the gunmen responsible for various massacres and shootings were reportedly taking or trying to 'come off', anti-depressants. ( I have never read claims about a gunmen being stoned or on crack, heroin, speed, mushrooms, LSD etc, but would be interested in seeing the blood toxicology reports if they existed).

There are zero recorded deaths attributed to smoking cannabis, so please explain to the readers why you think its banned, why its so dangerous, how it ruins lives, & how it encroaches on societies ability to self-regulate therefore requiring government intervention, (please provide irrefutable scientific and historical facts)

Top cops have gone on the record to say that during their time on the force they had never made a house call or an arrest regarding a violent pot smoker... now compare this to alcohol and other legal substances and the argument should be concluded.

May I suggest you make a distinction next time considering 'drugs' and their 'uses' and 'users' on the premise that cannabis should be labeled a food or medicinal plant and not placed in the same category as purely man made substances.

But now that there is long standing and increasing evidence to prove the countless medical benefits of cannabis, things are changing. Monsanto is already creating GMO pot so they can patent it and then control it too which is the dominant reason for its original ban (it was too difficult to regulate since anyone could grow it). Same story with mushrooms and other beneficial psychedelics and such as DMT and LSD. (the latter now demonstrating their superiority over all other pharma based anti-depressants)

What of the increasing claims that the 'illegal' drug trade is dominated by high-end government officials therefore will remain illegal to allow for maximum profits? I smell another rat.

On one hand the government lies about the statistics regarding the use and societal damage caused by 'illegal' drugs because if the truth was exposed the public would realize that the so called 'War on Drugs' has only exacerbated the problem whilst making some very influential people filthy rich. On the other hand, you have the hidden truth regarding the insane number of deaths and permanent injury caused by pharmaceutical drugs - Iatrogenicide (not just overdosing and contraindication cases - but outright misdiagnosis), collusion between government regulating bodies ie, FDA, USDA, CDC etc and big industry and the desperate push by the United Nations to enforce Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius to replace our natural food chain with laboratory created monstrosities, exponentially increasing the rate of cancers & debilitating illness, wholly supported via consent by the people by virtue of them voting - (yes voting is a scam created to acquire the consent of the people via deceit so as to not abrogate freewill). Yes, you are in the midst of a spiritual war you probably don't yet see)

As 'concerned' citizens we should question the motives of the legislators far more than we do.

Exposing the truth regarding the drug industry (both legal and illegal) would make this a very lengthy article but hopefully this is enough to encourage some real research into the subject and increase healthy debate.

It also serves as a small reminder that things are not always as they appear especially when it comes to drugs and the governments stance for or against them.

This excerpt below alludes to the criminal behaviour of those responsible for the labeling or defining of words associated with legislation surrounding drugs and is certainly thought provoking.

This notice and disclaimer regards recently passed FDA regulations, section 201(g)(1)(cool.png of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and the dangerous deceptive Act itself [21 U.S.C. ; 321(g)(1)(cool.png defining a "drug" as ANYTHING said, written, or claimed to "cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease, ailment, or illness." Sunlight is a "drug" under these laws for curing infantile jaundice as per claims written in medical textbooks.

Soon you will need a permit or a prescription to go outside, since the sun has tremendous healing properties.

BE FULLY INFORMED AND WARNED: regardless of what the FDA and these laws say; as clearly the word "DRUG" like the word "immunization" has been redefined in an organized criminal conspiracy to enable the pharmaceutical industry to control natural healing methods, materials, their manufacturers, distributors, and consumers; "DRUG" is hereby responsibly decreed to mean, "Degenerative Regulators Undermining Go(o)d" as evidenced by the FDA's violation of Federal RICO laws section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91-452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted 1970-10-15), and Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. ; 1961-1968, as well as the documented despicable effect of FDA-approved drugs--the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States according to published medical statistics.


(i just noticed the woman in the photo has earings that represent a 6 pointed star... This is very telling and shows with whom her allegiance resides)


cheesy.gif People from various parts of Britain will remember the stunts that students used to get up to on their charity based Rag Days such as how many people can you get in a telephone box or a Mini ?

Here the BIB try how many officers can you get in a photo with an arrested person ?

AND he's pointing at a bottle, Guilty as Charged My Lord !

That bottle, to which you refer, has been made into a bong--note the bowl in the side of the bottle. I find it more interesting to see the apparent farang in the back of the group of photo-op recipients.


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

I wonder what you're on to come up with such an absurd sweeping statement.

Oh yes, I remember now, it's called self-righteousness : a widespread drug which causes unfathomable harm around the world.

Well said.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

So does that include tobacco and alcohol, both bigger killers than any illegal drugs.

Last time I saw a smoker they weren't breaking into houses to steal stuff to pay for their habit. Or rampaging out of control like a wild animal after smoking 5 cigarettes in a row.

You obviously havent ever had experience with Meth users and the harm to others and themselves that they can cause so will cut you some slack on your tired old analogy.

I will take the bait on this one.

Firstly, the original post said (ANY drug dealer or user) which implies ANY drugs since no distinction was made.

That would mean anyone whom has taken aspirin, panadol, vaccinations, anti-biotics, (alcohol, cigarettes), contraceptive medication, ointments for burns, cuts, blisters etc etc etc. is a drug user and deserves what they get.. (hopefully that includes an infection free cut or a head that is ache free...??) ( as a side note: I agree that we all should get what we deserve on all levels eg. if you present yourself or children for vaccinations without performing adeqate due dilegence regarding their ineffectiveness then you probably deserve the consequences - the lesson being not to trust corporations or their hijacked governments to tell us the truth, especially when billions in profits are concerned).

However, I will presume based on the article that the OP was referring to illegal drugs.

If this is the case, then the original statement (ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get), is so incredibly short-sighted, it perhaps stems from either a bad experience related to 'illegal' substances or a distinct lack of knowledge and understanding surrounding the issue of 'drugs', and not from any form of critical thinking stemming from independent research.

Lets not also forget that many of the gunmen responsible for various massacres and shootings were reportedly taking or trying to 'come off', anti-depressants. ( I have never read claims about a gunmen being stoned or on crack, heroin, speed, mushrooms, LSD etc, but would be interested in seeing the blood toxicology reports if they existed).

There are zero recorded deaths attributed to smoking cannabis, so please explain to the readers why you think its banned, why its so dangerous, how it ruins lives, & how it encroaches on societies ability to self-regulate therefore requiring government intervention, (please provide irrefutable scientific and historical facts)

Top cops have gone on the record to say that during their time on the force they had never made a house call or an arrest regarding a violent pot smoker... now compare this to alcohol and other legal substances and the argument should be concluded.

May I suggest you make a distinction next time considering 'drugs' and their 'uses' and 'users' on the premise that cannabis should be labeled a food or medicinal plant and not placed in the same category as purely man made substances.

But now that there is long standing and increasing evidence to prove the countless medical benefits of cannabis, things are changing. Monsanto is already creating GMO pot so they can patent it and then control it too which is the dominant reason for its original ban (it was too difficult to regulate since anyone could grow it). Same story with mushrooms and other beneficial psychedelics and such as DMT and LSD. (the latter now demonstrating their superiority over all other pharma based anti-depressants)

What of the increasing claims that the 'illegal' drug trade is dominated by high-end government officials therefore will remain illegal to allow for maximum profits? I smell another rat.

On one hand the government lies about the statistics regarding the use and societal damage caused by 'illegal' drugs because if the truth was exposed the public would realize that the so called 'War on Drugs' has only exacerbated the problem whilst making some very influential people filthy rich. On the other hand, you have the hidden truth regarding the insane number of deaths and permanent injury caused by pharmaceutical drugs - Iatrogenicide (not just overdosing and contraindication cases - but outright misdiagnosis), collusion between government regulating bodies ie, FDA, USDA, CDC etc and big industry and the desperate push by the United Nations to enforce Agenda 21 and Codex Alimentarius to replace our natural food chain with laboratory created monstrosities, exponentially increasing the rate of cancers & debilitating illness, wholly supported via consent by the people by virtue of them voting - (yes voting is a scam created to acquire the consent of the people via deceit so as to not abrogate freewill). Yes, you are in the midst of a spiritual war you probably don't yet see)

As 'concerned' citizens we should question the motives of the legislators far more than we do.

Exposing the truth regarding the drug industry (both legal and illegal) would make this a very lengthy article but hopefully this is enough to encourage some real research into the subject and increase healthy debate.

It also serves as a small reminder that things are not always as they appear especially when it comes to drugs and the governments stance for or against them.

This excerpt below alludes to the criminal behaviour of those responsible for the labeling or defining of words associated with legislation surrounding drugs and is certainly thought provoking.

This notice and disclaimer regards recently passed FDA regulations, section 201(g)(1)(cool.png of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, and the dangerous deceptive Act itself [21 U.S.C. ; 321(g)(1)(cool.png defining a "drug" as ANYTHING said, written, or claimed to "cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease, ailment, or illness." Sunlight is a "drug" under these laws for curing infantile jaundice as per claims written in medical textbooks.

Soon you will need a permit or a prescription to go outside, since the sun has tremendous healing properties.

BE FULLY INFORMED AND WARNED: regardless of what the FDA and these laws say; as clearly the word "DRUG" like the word "immunization" has been redefined in an organized criminal conspiracy to enable the pharmaceutical industry to control natural healing methods, materials, their manufacturers, distributors, and consumers; "DRUG" is hereby responsibly decreed to mean, "Degenerative Regulators Undermining Go(o)d" as evidenced by the FDA's violation of Federal RICO laws section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L. 91-452, 84 Stat. 922, enacted 1970-10-15), and Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the United States Code, 18 U.S.C. ; 1961-1968, as well as the documented despicable effect of FDA-approved drugs--the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States according to published medical statistics.


(i just noticed the woman in the photo has earings that represent a 6 pointed star... This is very telling and shows with whom her allegiance resides)

Bait taken nicely mate wai2.gif


ANY drug dealers or users deserve what they get.

And the guy who starts his day with a Cigarette and a few cups of coffee then has a few beers in the evening, what does he deserve ?

Did you miss the word "dealers"? Are you suggesting "a cigarette . . a few cups of coffee . . . a few beers . . ." are dealing? Or, just that they are drugs?

Perhaps we should also realize it has not been proven the aussie was a dealer, but the quantities of weed and ice the article states would be difficult to convince a judge is for personal use only.

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