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Riot erupts in Baltimore after funeral for man hurt in police custody


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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

And of course that means the mobs are allowed to burn and loot? These mindless actions cheapens and destroys the support by the greater community across the nation for the wrong that has been done by the police. Every act of looting and rioting means fewer and fewer white people give a damn about the injustice ... That is just the way it is... no one can change it ... it is human nature. Had they formed long lines in protest, bearing signs speaking of the injustice, bearing flowers in honor of their neighbor, had speakers on podiums telling the story, asking for support, the white community across the nation - by in large would have embraced sympathy for the man and the black people Baltimore as they watched the news. BUT NO - burn and pillage is all these fools know ...

Notice that the violent riots, burning and looting takes place in black neighborhoods ... not in the white communities in small towns and suburbs... Why ? - because these rioters know the people living there have guns and will defend their property and lives against the violent actions of hooligans.

Please don't attempt to put words in my mouth as you are implying that I condone the actions of the rioters... I do not condone the actions of the animals on either side of this situation...

There are too many cases where civilians die at the hands of police in the US and this one stinks to high heaven... Had the cops not killed this kid on the way to the police station, the riots would not have taken place... Cause and effect...

There have been 380 people killed by police in 2015 alone...


All part of the reason I left the US as this sort of thing is escalating at an alarming rate... Both the change in tact by the police and the breakdown in civility as demonstrated by the riots... It is only going to get worse...

"Had the cops not killed this kid on the way to the police station, the riots would not have taken place" Reads like excuse making to me... verging on condoning... It is never acceptable to riot - burn and loot to somehow think that it is seeking justice...

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Riot erupts after funeral for man hurt in police custody

The headline should read "man died in police custody"

His only crime was looking at a policeman, this drawing their attention, after which he ran away in fear... Some time between this point and when he arrived at the police station, his spinal column had been severed and was refused treatment...

And of course that means the mobs are allowed to burn and loot? These mindless actions cheapens and destroys the support by the greater community across the nation for the wrong that has been done by the police. Every act of looting and rioting means fewer and fewer white people give a damn about the injustice ... That is just the way it is... no one can change it ... it is human nature. Had they formed long lines in protest, bearing signs speaking of the injustice, bearing flowers in honor of their neighbor, had speakers on podiums telling the story, asking for support, the white community across the nation - by in large would have embraced sympathy for the man and the black people Baltimore as they watched the news. BUT NO - burn and pillage is all these fools know ...

Notice that the violent riots, burning and looting takes place in black neighborhoods ... not in the white communities in small towns and suburbs... Why ? - because these rioters know the people living there have guns and will defend their property and lives against the violent actions of hooligans.

Please don't attempt to put words in my mouth as you are implying that I condone the actions of the rioters... I do not condone the actions of the animals on either side of this situation...

There are too many cases where civilians die at the hands of police in the US and this one stinks to high heaven... Had the cops not killed this kid on the way to the police station, the riots would not have taken place... Cause and effect...

There have been 380 people killed by police in 2015 alone...


All part of the reason I left the US as this sort of thing is escalating at an alarming rate... Both the change in tact by the police and the breakdown in civility as demonstrated by the riots... It is only going to get worse...

"Had the cops not killed this kid on the way to the police station, the riots would not have taken place" Reads like excuse making to me... verging on condoning... It is never acceptable to riot - burn and loot to somehow think that it is seeking justice...

What is happening today in Baltimore is just a large-scale version of all the flash mob robberies and knockout games that have been proliferating throughout "urban America" for the past 6 or 7 years. These gangsters want confrontation, disorder, anarchy, and arson. And they can't wait to commit murder and get away with it. These are the tactics of Fallujah without IEDs and ambushes--so far. But I do believe that the latter is coming.

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Obama sends a white house representitive to Freddie Grays funeral.

The mayor of Baltimore (dem) says give them room to destroy

You can't blame the rioters for kicking off when they are getting all this support from the democrats.

On what evidence is available there are some Baltimore police who should be facing at least manslaughter charges for the killing of Freddie Gray but that is no reason for people who should know better putting other good cops in harms way by offering tacit support to riot.

I've just read that Obama actually sent three representitives from the white house to this funeral.

Do you know whose funerals he did not send a white house rep to? Margaret Thatcher and Chris Kyle

And failed - probably refused to send any Administration rep to the funeral of a Major General killed in Afghanistan only last year.... Obama seeds these problems - stirs the pot of racism.

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Police in America are in fact out of control to a fairly significant extent, unnecessarily killing dogs, people, injuring people with no provocation, stopping a vehicle without probable cause - no knock - no warrant home invasions... however these actions are done to white people too at a high rate... White people though wait for the criminal justice system -- which sometimes fails to prosecute the cop -- but then they take civil action to get monetary satisfaction... Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?

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Police in America are in fact out of control to a fairly significant extent, unnecessarily killing dogs, people, injuring people with no provocation, stopping a vehicle without probable cause - no knock - no warrant home invasions... however these actions are done to white people too at a high rate... White people though wait for the criminal justice system -- which sometimes fails to prosecute the cop -- but then they take civil action to get monetary satisfaction... Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?

Detroit 1943.

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FREDDY GRAY’S ARREST RECORD: Here’s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They’re Destroying Baltimore Over

Posted on April 27, 2015...

This story and graphic do not condone or justify in any way the police shooting claimed as wrongful or not.... However it does tell the story of how young black men like Freddy get into confrontations with the police - often violent confrontations -- TIME and AGAIN....



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"We also gave those who wished to destroy space to do that as well."

- Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake


In the video they're conspicuously all dark skinned. Wouldn't it be better to have mixed races in their presentation to show unity?

Yes ... well ... maybe they couldn't find any on such short notice. Anyway, they later showed the unity within the city government here.

Edited by MaxYakov
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nice city where they give a free for all hooligans, robbers, whatever, to plunder the city

They simply don't have enough police. Which is why they've called in the National Guard and will start a week long curfew from tonight.

One would hope that will have the desired effect.

We had the same problem in England a while back when police shot an armed criminal. Out came the "protestors" who then proceeded to loot and burn their way through parts of London.

The police backed off but they filmed everything.

Once it had all died down, they systematically went around and arrested virtually all of the looters and prosecuted them one by one.

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What is happening today in Baltimore is just a large-scale version of all the flash mob robberies and knockout games that have been proliferating throughout "urban America" for the past 6 or 7 years. These gangsters want confrontation, disorder, anarchy, and arson. And they can't wait to commit murder and get away with it.

These are the tactics of Fallujah without IEDs and ambushes--so far. But I do believe that the latter is coming.

This is a Muslim deal and it's about time Americans woke up.

"Nation Of Islam and Gangs To Embattled Cities: We’re In Control."
2:48 PM 04/27/2015
"The reaction from authorities and activists to the violence exploding from protests in Baltimore appears to be a start of a pattern.
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings Blake “thanked the Nation of Islam” Saturday, “who have been very present in our efforts to keep calm and peace in our city.”
The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross asked the mayor’s office about her comments relating to giving “space” to those who wish to “destroy.” The mayor’s office would only say her comments were taken out of context."
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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Before I clicked on this topic, I knew it was going to be the usual racist teapublicans somehow blaming Obama.

Along with all the rest of the despicable racist comments usually working Obama into it, ya all.

Haters gonna hate, huh?

I realized the same thing before I read on, but for different reasons. I knew there'd be such comments because Obama is demonstrably racist. From Holders pacification of black panthers to insinuating into a local police matter in MA without know,edge, to the Trayvon Martin coulda been my son, to the scandalous Civil Rights Division of Justice Department entirely realigned to seed civil agitation and send agents to teach how to agitate, etc., ad Nasuseum. I as others knew there'd be such posts because racial division from a black militant theology member could hardly be overlooked. It's a bully pulpit. The divide thing is actually quite Alisnsly like and powerfully useful. Obama reeks of contempt of others. Personally, I think he equally dislikes blacks. But yes, his ilk agitate these crimes as defensible. Long ago civil protest morphed into this Liberia like state of affairs. Obama thrives on race issues. That's why there always around him.
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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Not that well in the area of the black underclass.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So . . . you want to give them yet more free stuff?

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You know, when I first saw this vid I thought the two taller guys behind who are obviously flanking the mayor looked like Black Panthers but I dismissed it. Now I know they are her go-to guys. What is she? whistling.gif

Whey aren't there police officers there instead?


Edited by NeverSure
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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Not that well in the area of the black underclass.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So . . . you want to give them yet more free stuff?

I don't have any answers.

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Not that well in the area of the black underclass.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So . . . you want to give them yet more free stuff?

I don't have any answers.

Nobody does... but the topic should be frankly discussed.

The only thing that can be said for certain is that the answers and solutions already tried have been a manifest failure.

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You know, when I first saw this vid I thought the two taller guys behind who are obviously flanking the mayor looked like Black Panthers but I dismissed it. Now I know they are her go-to guys. What is she? whistling.gif

Whey aren't there police officers there instead?


These heavy dudes look more like the Black Muslims' Fruit of Islam than they do Black Panthers.

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Police in America are in fact out of control to a fairly significant extent, unnecessarily killing dogs, people, injuring people with no provocation, stopping a vehicle without probable cause - no knock - no warrant home invasions... however these actions are done to white people too at a high rate... White people though wait for the criminal justice system -- which sometimes fails to prosecute the cop -- but then they take civil action to get monetary satisfaction... Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?

Detroit 1943.

72 years ago ... Do you have any photos - link on that...

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Police in America are in fact out of control to a fairly significant extent, unnecessarily killing dogs, people, injuring people with no provocation, stopping a vehicle without probable cause - no knock - no warrant home invasions... however these actions are done to white people too at a high rate... White people though wait for the criminal justice system -- which sometimes fails to prosecute the cop -- but then they take civil action to get monetary satisfaction... Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?

Detroit 1943.

72 years ago ... Do you have any photos - link on that...

Sure. Knock yourself out (not literally) - White Riots in the US -wiki

My favorite so far is the Zoot Suit Riots in LA in 1943.

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You know, when I first saw this vid I thought the two taller guys behind who are obviously flanking the mayor looked like Black Panthers but I dismissed it. Now I know they are her go-to guys. What is she? whistling.gif

Whey aren't there police officers there instead?


My guess is that it was kept monochrome and without uniforms to avoid having the situation "devolve" as I believe the Mayor put it at one point. They look more like "go-for" guys to me (bodyguards). What is she? Good question.

Obama, Lynch and Hillary are keeping a low profile on this. Anyway, after all these incidents the black Democrat vote for 2016 locked-in (if it hadn't been already), regardless of the high black unemployment rate and the illegal-immigrant quasi-amnesty policies.

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Another day in Obama's America.

How's that hope and change working out for ya all??

Six years of a man that blacks all over the world claimed would help them, and nothing has changed for them or the black community in America. In fact, in the US blacks are now worse off than they were under Bush when it comes to employment.

Whatever, this riot isn't about the death of a black man in police custody, it's an explosion that needed a trigger.

Strange though, that whenever the blacks riot they burn down their own neighbourhood. Apparently Watts still hasn't recovered.

If as has been reported the gangs now start killing cops, but if that happens it will all be on. The cops have been busily militarising over recent years. Perhaps they knew this was coming.

Two things that surprised me when I saw the riots on tv-

the area that the riots are taking place, ie the deprived area of Baltimore, looks very prosperous, certainly compared with other countries I have seen

did you notice how fat American cops are? Most of them seem too fat to do the job, which is perhaps why they have been running away, up till now at least. They stood and watched as the rioters burned and looted when they should have been getting stuck in.

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Obama is a good symbol for black Americans but the truth is he really couldn't be only the president for black people. He would have never been elected twice that way. Yes, I do think, ironically, that racial harmony has been degraded under his presidency. Don't think you can give him all the blame for that, but on the other hand, any promise people had related to his race in that regard proved empty.

Edited by Jingthing
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Not that well in the area of the black underclass.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

So . . . you want to give them yet more free stuff?

I don't have any answers.

Nobody does... but the topic should be frankly discussed.

The only thing that can be said for certain is that the answers and solutions already tried have been a manifest failure.

Giving people enough they don't have to work is always a recipie for trouble. When youths don't have work they are forming gangs and looking to make trouble. Nothing unknown about that.

If they want to stop riots and problems like those happening now, make the companies that have left to exploit poor people overseas so they can make bigger profits move back to the States and employ Americans in real jobs.

quote removed to allow posting.

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These riots and looting aren't for Freddie Gray. They are an excuse for the rioters to loot stores, steal, and create general mayhem.

The rioters are doing this for themselves and they are showing just how selfish they are. They are tearing their own town and neighborhood apart showing how little things mean to them. What kind of animal in nature burns and tears his own habitat down?

"What kind of animal in nature burns and tears his own habitat down?"

A caged and abused animal, not one running free & unmolested in "nature."

I agree the looting was just people seizing an opportunity to get what they want for themselves, but passively accepting brutality from the police and hoping things will improve sometime can't go on forever. Like it or not, violence and civil disobedience are sometimes the only thing that ever spurs change. Patience and forbearance are far more attractive to those who are comfortable with their circumstances and feel they have some control over their own lives.

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Obama is a good symbol for black Americans but the truth is he really couldn't be only the president for black people. He would have never been elected twice that way. Yes, I do think, ironically, that racial harmony has been degraded under his presidency. Don't think you can give him all the blame for that, but on the other hand, any promise people had related to his race in that regard proved empty.

Have to agree with that smile.png .

Unfortunately Obama always plays the race card as he makes sure he is surrounded by blacks whenever he goes on tv, even while doing nothing for them. Even the illegals he has helped aren't black.

I remember the scenes of black Kenyans rejoicing because they were sure Obama was going to give them stuff. That didn't work out for them so well though!

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Part of the Obama factor is that many suffering African Americans unreasonably got their hopes up that something magical would happen to improve their lives. Obama just isn't that magical. No man really is.

Let's see if a woman can make the difference then. HRC must be cursing that she is going to have to deal with the problem. I doubt Obama is even going to try in his last few months of presidency.

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