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Riot erupts in Baltimore after funeral for man hurt in police custody


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Police in America are in fact out of control to a fairly significant extent, unnecessarily killing dogs, people, injuring people with no provocation, stopping a vehicle without probable cause - no knock - no warrant home invasions... however these actions are done to white people too at a high rate... White people though wait for the criminal justice system -- which sometimes fails to prosecute the cop -- but then they take civil action to get monetary satisfaction... Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?

Detroit 1943.

72 years ago ... Do you have any photos - link on that...

Sure. Knock yourself out (not literally) - White Riots in the US -wiki

My favorite so far is the Zoot Suit Riots in LA in 1943.

So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

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Part of the Obama factor is that many suffering African Americans unreasonably got their hopes up that something magical would happen to improve their lives. Obama just isn't that magical. No man really is.

Let's see if a woman can make the difference then. HRC must be cursing that she is going to have to deal with the problem. I doubt Obama is even going to try in his last few months of presidency.

Well, she's got the Clinton brand name. Bill has always been well loved by African Americans.

Anyway, the current situation is pretty depressing.

Another good reason not to be living there I suppose.

Edited by Jingthing
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Another man dies from police brutality. Nothing new there. What's new is the video record. Cops some day may be held responsible for either their cowardice, racism, or stupidity. Racism in USA is alive and doing quite well and that's a fact.

People like to cite the risks and sacrifice the boys in blue provide for us. Spend a few minutes and Google job related deaths and injury. Eliminate the K9 deaths and normal health related instances of death and you have not only a small number but statistically being a cop is one of the safer jobs you can find.

Plus they get to be grade A <deleted> and bullies on the taxpayers dime.

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I am in no way justifying what could have been use of excessive force or negligence by the Baltimore police in this incident and it should be investigated and justice served, however:

If Freddie Gray's alleged arrest record is accurate (Ref: Liveleak and others), what was he even doing on the street?

Profiled? If one doesn't want to be profiled, one should not be a career criminal and/or attempt to play "Catch Me if You Can" with the police.

The violent Baltimore protesters should be warned that their violence could be taken as a protest of the arrest and death of one of their own.

Latest News: Baltimore is under a state of emergency and schools are closed. Maryland National Guard troops are on their way to Baltimore.


You don't happen to have a copy of his conviction record, too, do you? Arrests do not equal guilt. Almost all of those arrests were for drug offences, none of them for capital crimes. Even if they were, the police still do not have the authority to execute a suspect. I have to wonder how many of those arrests came out of the way he looked at a cop.

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It is a colour of your skin riot, had he been a white guy nothing would have happened, its an excuse to rob and riot, then blame every one else, they even rob their own pathetic, reply back I don't give a shit, that's how I see it and many others, get over it and stop using the past as an excuse to rob and riot,

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Another man dies from police brutality. Nothing new there. What's new is the video record. Cops some day may be held responsible for either their cowardice, racism, or stupidity. Racism in USA is alive and doing quite well and that's a fact.

People like to cite the risks and sacrifice the boys in blue provide for us. Spend a few minutes and Google job related deaths and injury. Eliminate the K9 deaths and normal health related instances of death and you have not only a small number but statistically being a cop is one of the safer jobs you can find.

Plus they get to be grade A <deleted> and bullies on the taxpayers dime.

Police officer death rate should be low . . . They carry guns, have bullet proof vests and trained to handle volatile situations in a defensive manner so they don't get killed.

How many other occupations involve a significant number of murders as occupational deaths. You typically don't have well armed loser gang bangers targeting and trying to kill fishermen or loggers.

Having people intentionally trying to harm you or targeting is the factor that places police officers on edge and is not present in other occupations.

Numbers are easily manipulated and rarely convey a complete story. Cops in large cities in the dangerous areas have dreadfully stressful jobs and are constantly on guard or in defense mode. Death related injuries are low simply due to their training and the manner in which they handled volatile situations. Nevertheless, being a cop is the second most hazardous job from an OJI perspective in the US.

Chances of being injured on the job (based on Insurance data, not some bs political spin):

1. Pet shop workers 13.6%

2. Police officers 11.7%

Not making the top 15 . . .

Commercial Fishing 0.8%

Construction 4.2%

Roofers 5.3%


Number of occupational deaths n 2011:

Drivers / sales workers and truck drivers - 683

Farmers and ranchers - 300

Police and sheriff's patrol officers - 133

Industrial machinery repair and installation - 96

Aircraft pilots and flight engineers - 70

Roofers - 57

Logging workers - 59

Fishers and related fishing workers - 29

Refuse and recyclable material collectors - 26

Mining machine operators - 23

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I am in no way justifying what could have been use of excessive force or negligence by the Baltimore police in this incident and it should be investigated and justice served, however:

If Freddie Gray's alleged arrest record is accurate (Ref: Liveleak and others), what was he even doing on the street?

Profiled? If one doesn't want to be profiled, one should not be a career criminal and/or attempt to play "Catch Me if You Can" with the police.

The violent Baltimore protesters should be warned that their violence could be taken as a protest of the arrest and death of one of their own.

Latest News: Baltimore is under a state of emergency and schools are closed. Maryland National Guard troops are on their way to Baltimore.


You don't happen to have a copy of his conviction record, too, do you? Arrests do not equal guilt. Almost all of those arrests were for drug offences, none of them for capital crimes. Even if they were, the police still do not have the authority to execute a suspect. I have to wonder how many of those arrests came out of the way he looked at a cop.

Few on this thread are taking up for the cops - especially in this case ... Two points only - at least for me ... black teens and young men are constantly in confrontation with police because of their own willful actions -- getting into drug dealing, petty robberies, gang banging, burglaries, gun possession - gun theft and a host more law breaking activities, they choose to remain uneducated - drop out.. they have no future by their own making... getting into confrontation with cops - at the high rate it is -- means sooner or later one of those confrontations will go bad... it is a numbers game. Two - riots - burning - looting - violence and destruction VACATE any sympathy for them from the white community and white people all over America... Black youth and those in their 20's are their own worst enemies - worse enemies than cops.... Then go look at the drive by shootings and gang warfare in Baltimore... see where the problem lies... Cops need to be held to a high standard and punished when they commit crimes --- But cops are hardly the real problem in Black urban communities in America -- the residents are their own worst problem. Cops are just the referees ...

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This sad event highlightens a century old problem of the US, not yet solved until today


It goes through the history like a snake through a fence, unstoppable. I concerns all sides of the society not only the mob's explosion as shown in this episode. What is shown here is only a consequence of another problem of violence, not yet solved.

(Weapon) Violence is protected by the so called law - and don't shake your had - by the US constitutuion. You can violently use your gun, if somebody invades your land. Makes everybody a judge to use (uncontrolled) violence. Absurd. Only one example.

Police violence is protected by (sometimes) race prejudice.

How can a country solve violence problems if violence is already guranteed in the pathetic constitution and some laws?

You are reading too much of the lopsided liberal - leftist 'The Guardian'... You have no idea what the U.S. Constitution is about... only slanted crap that you have read...

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FREDDY GRAY’S ARREST RECORD: Here’s The Rap Sheet Of The Dude They’re Destroying Baltimore Over

Posted on April 27, 2015...

This story and graphic do not condone or justify in any way the police shooting claimed as wrongful or not.... However it does tell the story of how young black men like Freddy get into confrontations with the police - often violent confrontations -- TIME and AGAIN....



Surely more than three strikes..........

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Freedom, to me, means a safe place to work, live and play....

America was once the land of the free.... but the very fabric of freedom has worn thin.

In fact, many Western Nations have taken in minority groups...and have paid the price.

Our biggest strength...has now become our weakness.

The tired and poor are now the discontented. Seems to me, that a bigger rift is growing between the haves and have nots.

I don't have a clue how we are going enable a society where the poor, inner city minorities are going to blend in .

The time is coming when certain freedoms will be put on the back shelf...and the streets will be patrolled even more harshly.

I can not promise my wife, that she will be safe in my city..should we move back.

She would be like a babe in the woods.....

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Based purely on what I have seen and me making a lot of assumptions like everyone else, the cops broke that guys back perhaps when tackling him to the ground. The guy was a miserable POS with a long record (based again only on what I have seen on the unreliable Internet) and should have already been behind bars so this would not have happened, but he did not deserve to die and should have been provided immediate medical assistance. Screw these these cops and they deserve serious consequences if the assumptions are true and they failed to get the guy immediate medical assistance.

That said, these idiots running around the streets, looting, slicing hoses while firefighters are attempting to put out fires of innocent business owners and that are jumping up and down on top of cars like a bunch of animals in a jungle . . . Seriously? No place in society for people that act like that and is there any wonder there are such problems in the urban areas.

I mean just look at them. Who or what acts like this?



Yep, I always hold my nuts while jumping up and down on cop cars (PIC 1)

. . . and score . . . (PIC 2)

and double score. (PIC 3)




Edited by F430murci
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That's pretty pathetic.

Looting is bad enough but looking like you think getting a pack of toilet paper is a good haul ... that's a different level.

Here's a solution ... bring Thai style bum guns (for the toilet) to Baltimore.

Edited by Jingthing
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Freedom, to me, means a safe place to work, live and play....

America was once the land of the free.... but the very fabric of freedom has worn thin.

In fact, many Western Nations have taken in minority groups...and have paid the price.

Our biggest strength...has now become our weakness.

The tired and poor are now the discontented. Seems to me, that a bigger rift is growing between the haves and have nots.

I don't have a clue how we are going enable a society where the poor, inner city minorities are going to blend in .

The time is coming when certain freedoms will be put on the back shelf...and the streets will be patrolled even more harshly.

I can not promise my wife, that she will be safe in my city..should we move back.

She would be like a babe in the woods.....

It is still safe. There are definitely bad areas one should not go into, but they are relatively isolated and few and far in between.

How do we been in people that do not want to work, be responsible or do what it takes to better themselves. Candidly, African Americans don't have a good track records for better themselves in the US or in African countries where things are an absolutely disaster.

The poor and minorities in the US are given more and better opportunities to educate themselves or attend college that the middle or upper middle class. They are basically provided free school at public colleges whereas middle class families can either not afford or barely afford college tuition because they are unable to qualify for grants and other government programs that cover higher education costs.

Blows me away how many Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic and Central Americans I know that come to the US with nothing and who can barely speak English, yet they work hard and make something of themselves through hard work, determination and dedication. The we have those here that can speak the language and are provided all kinds of government assistance and subsidies that do nothing but take, complain, loot and play victim when their actions get them into trouble.

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That's pretty pathetic.

Looting is bad enough but looking like you think getting a pack of toilet paper is a good haul ... that's a different level.

Here's a solution ... bring Thai style bum guns (for the toilet) to Baltimore.

It ain't about tilted paper, its about beating the system and getting something, anything, free . . .

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Part of the Obama factor is that many suffering African Americans unreasonably got their hopes up that something magical would happen to improve their lives. Obama just isn't that magical. No man really is.

Jing you hit the nail on the head. The blacks in America want someone else to improve their lives. The reality is each and every person on this earth is responsible for his own happiness and wellbeing . It is impossible for someone else to fix a persons problem be he white or black. As soon as the blacks stop blaming and asking others to take care their problems and face life on lifes terms we will always have these problems. Immature irresponsible people blame others.

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Part of the Obama factor is that many suffering African Americans unreasonably got their hopes up that something magical would happen to improve their lives. Obama just isn't that magical. No man really is.

Jing you hit the nail on the head. The blacks in America want someone else to improve their lives. The reality is each and every person on this earth is responsible for his own happiness and wellbeing . It is impossible for someone else to fix a persons problem be he white or black. As soon as the blacks stop blaming and asking others to take care their problems and face life on lifes terms we will always have these problems. Immature irresponsible people blame others.

Heck yeah, many are dealt raw deals or bad hands in their life and they still rise above through hard work, determination and dedication. It amazes me how people can fail out of or drop out of high school and all of a sudden they are a victim because they cannot get a job making 6 figures or buy fancy cars and big houses. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with one's complete inability to show even the minimal responsibility and dedication that is required to get even a high school diploma or a college education. That does not translate well in the job market, but one can still get an entry level job, work hard, prove themselves and potentially advance. Many, however, don't even try. They get pissed about an entry level job or realize they can get just as much through social programs or more selling drugs and etc.

Fast food workers now demanding $ 15.00 per hour??? Hello, operating a milkshake lever and shoveling fries into a cardboard fry box was not meant to be a career track or 20 year job for adults. Heck, do educated teachers make $ 15 an hour in private schools?

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These riots and looting aren't for Freddie Gray. They are an excuse for the rioters to loot stores, steal, and create general mayhem.

The rioters are doing this for themselves and they are showing just how selfish they are. They are tearing their own town and neighborhood apart showing how little things mean to them. What kind of animal in nature burns and tears his own habitat down?

Humans are the kind that do it. Look at global warming

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These riots and looting aren't for Freddie Gray. They are an excuse for the rioters to loot stores, steal, and create general mayhem.

The rioters are doing this for themselves and they are showing just how selfish they are. They are tearing their own town and neighborhood apart showing how little things mean to them. What kind of animal in nature burns and tears his own habitat down?

"What kind of animal in nature burns and tears his own habitat down?"

A caged and abused animal, not one running free & unmolested in "nature."

I agree the looting was just people seizing an opportunity to get what they want for themselves, but passively accepting brutality from the police and hoping things will improve sometime can't go on forever. Like it or not, violence and civil disobedience are sometimes the only thing that ever spurs change. Patience and forbearance are far more attractive to those who are comfortable with their circumstances and feel they have some control over their own lives.

Yes, violence and civil disobedience has certainly worked wonders for that neighborhood.

How about, they shut up, keep their hands to themselves, go to school, and learn something that will be of value to an employer.

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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

Edited by MaxYakov
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Interesting video here of a mother pulling her teen age son out of the protests and giving him a thumping and taking him home.

If Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown's mothers had been equally concerned the two of them might still be alive and much of this nonsense would not be happening.

Good for her...and her son

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Interesting video here of a mother pulling her teen age son out of the protests and giving him a thumping and taking him home.

If Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown's mothers had been equally concerned the two of them might still be alive and much of this nonsense would not be happening.

Good for her...and her son

I was just about to post something about this. This is the kind of parenting I've seen where I grew up. They were not going to tolerate their kids going out and causing trouble, and they would beat their ass. Mothers have always had a strong leadership role, but I guess that's the way it has to be, when you don't have men with a set of balls in the community, showing some leadership.

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Freedom, to me, means a safe place to work, live and play....

America was once the land of the free.... but the very fabric of freedom has worn thin.

In fact, many Western Nations have taken in minority groups...and have paid the price.

Our biggest strength...has now become our weakness.

The tired and poor are now the discontented. Seems to me, that a bigger rift is growing between the haves and have nots.

I don't have a clue how we are going enable a society where the poor, inner city minorities are going to blend in .

The time is coming when certain freedoms will be put on the back shelf...and the streets will be patrolled even more harshly.

I can not promise my wife, that she will be safe in my city..should we move back.

She would be like a babe in the woods.....

It is still safe. There are definitely bad areas one should not go into, but they are relatively isolated and few and far in between.

How do we been in people that do not want to work, be responsible or do what it takes to better themselves. Candidly, African Americans don't have a good track records for better themselves in the US or in African countries where things are an absolutely disaster.

The poor and minorities in the US are given more and better opportunities to educate themselves or attend college that the middle or upper middle class. They are basically provided free school at public colleges whereas middle class families can either not afford or barely afford college tuition because they are unable to qualify for grants and other government programs that cover higher education costs.

Blows me away how many Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic and Central Americans I know that come to the US with nothing and who can barely speak English, yet they work hard and make something of themselves through hard work, determination and dedication. The we have those here that can speak the language and are provided all kinds of government assistance and subsidies that do nothing but take, complain, loot and play victim when their actions get them into trouble.

Too many government freebees......so why would they want to work? You have to have pride first...most immigrants have that pride, so they blend in to the mainstream much better. Some even make it to the middle class.

"Others" use racial issues as an excuse to not blend in...and to demand more freebees. Food stamps, welfare checks and brick "project housing". I was always amazed at the number of expensive cars in these areas...

Edited by slipperylobster
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Freedom, to me, means a safe place to work, live and play....

America was once the land of the free.... but the very fabric of freedom has worn thin.

In fact, many Western Nations have taken in minority groups...and have paid the price.

Our biggest strength...has now become our weakness.

The tired and poor are now the discontented. Seems to me, that a bigger rift is growing between the haves and have nots.

I don't have a clue how we are going enable a society where the poor, inner city minorities are going to blend in .

The time is coming when certain freedoms will be put on the back shelf...and the streets will be patrolled even more harshly.

I can not promise my wife, that she will be safe in my city..should we move back.

She would be like a babe in the woods.....

It is still safe. There are definitely bad areas one should not go into, but they are relatively isolated and few and far in between.

How do we been in people that do not want to work, be responsible or do what it takes to better themselves. Candidly, African Americans don't have a good track records for better themselves in the US or in African countries where things are an absolutely disaster.

The poor and minorities in the US are given more and better opportunities to educate themselves or attend college that the middle or upper middle class. They are basically provided free school at public colleges whereas middle class families can either not afford or barely afford college tuition because they are unable to qualify for grants and other government programs that cover higher education costs.

Blows me away how many Russians, Ukrainians, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic and Central Americans I know that come to the US with nothing and who can barely speak English, yet they work hard and make something of themselves through hard work, determination and dedication. The we have those here that can speak the language and are provided all kinds of government assistance and subsidies that do nothing but take, complain, loot and play victim when their actions get them into trouble.

Too many government freebees......so why would they want to work? You have to have pride first...most immigrants have that pride, so they blend in to the mainstream much better. Some even make it to the middle class.

"Others" use racial issues as an excuse to not blend in...and to demand more freebees. Food stamps, welfare checks and brick "project housing". I was always amazed at the number of expensive cars in these areas...

Yep, our PC butts refuse to even require that people pass drug tests to get welfare or government hand outs.

I too have seen the nice cars parked in front of section * and government housing. In Nashville, there are a couple of Section 8 type housing developments that are actually very attractive, new nice appearing homes and condos. I was blown away when someone told me one such development was "projects" or Section 8 housing and I kid you now, there are BMWs, Caddies, Mercedes and etc. all over the place there. I kind of chuckle because most of the apartment complexes where 20 something working kids and families live are not near as attractive or have near the nice cars.

Perhaps those living in subsidized housing and driving German cars are the smart ones and those 20 somethings waiting tables and working hourly jobs to get through school living in most apartment complexes are the dumb ones.

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Interesting video here of a mother pulling her teen age son out of the protests and giving him a thumping and taking him home.

If Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown's mothers had been equally concerned the two of them might still be alive and much of this nonsense would not be happening.

Good for her...and her son

That is what it will take.

She is one of the good ones.

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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

And still no relevance to modern times of the last 73 years... One white event and there are at least 5-6 significant black race riots since... not to mention that the new laws of the 1960's made serious discrimination illegal and has been followed.... Not only that many tens of millions fully respect that Martin Luther King Jr. conducted his protest peacefully and won equal rights for blacks that are still in effect today. Race relations were advancing just fine until Obama came along and stirred the pot. Rights for housing and education made major strides ... The problem in the black community is all the benefits to poor people mostly black over the years has caused a dependency cycle ... The major unintended consequence from the out pour of government benefits was to see it evolve to a point that pregnant women and young mothers in the black community (and white too) received more benefits if there is NOT a husband / man in the household. As as result Fatherless Black Home skyrocketed over 30 years to the point that finding a black home in urban inner cities with a Father in the house is a rarity. Young black children have not guidance from Fathers - practically NONE... What that does to young black boys is assure that they will be led astray. Notice that the parent that showed up to forcefully remove the son from the riots was the MOM... Dad was no where to be seen.

The ROOT SOURCE of violence in urban America is Black upon Black violence not white violence upon black and not cop violence upon blacks.... Several Black Police Chiefs in America keep getting on TV and pointing this out but it falls on deaf ears as people want to be victims ... victims get noticed ... get on TV ... get money ... Drive by shootings in America in Black Neighborhoods kill and maim 10 times more blacks than are ever injured by police actions. And that is a very conservative estimate.

In short because of their chosen life style Blacks get into confrontations with police at a high rate... Probability and statistics say that sooner or later cops will injure or kill black people....

There is no high degree of racism involved and the black protests that occur again and again are NOT JUSTIFIED... it is just Thugs and Thug wanabees who are out there rioting. As you see from your own attempt at slanting the information about white riots -- it only happens once every 73 years no every 7 years or every 7 months....

Edited by JDGRUEN
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So after all the years that have gone by ... 53 - 63 - 73 - 83 - 93 - 2003 - 2015 ....how does white riots in 1943 have relevance to the black riots over this modern era? Especially with two black riots here in a matter of months. Making any comparison between the two is stretching things a bit.

You wrote, "Whites are wronged in America by police -- But when is the last time you have seen white mobs burning - rioting and looting to seek revenge?"

I wrote, "1943." Poor whites and blacks moved to Detroit to find jobs in the newly created defense industry. The riots were about housing. The anti war riots were basically not racial and I'm guessing more white than black people protested. I don't know - I wasn't there and didn't watch it on TV. The riots after sporting events are mostly fans and not racially motivated.

I think you can compare all riots. The big difference that I see is all of the riots in the USA before this one the cops fought back and who was the dummy who let the HS kids out of school?

Sorry, the riots in Detroit in 1943 were race riots and not primarily about housing, according to this Wiki entry. Yes, the racist whites did not want the blacks living in their housing tracts, but you should have consideredt the deeper problem in your research.

And race relations were not looking so good even before the riots. From the above Wiki entry:

"Later, in June 1943, three weeks before the riot, Packard Motor Car Company promoted three blacks to work next to whites in the assembly lines In response, 25,000 whites walked off the job, effectively slowing down the critical war production. It was clear that whites who worked with blacks in the same plant nevertheless refused to work side-by-side with them. During the protest, a voice with a southern accent shouted in the loudspeaker, "I'd rather see Hitler and Hirohito win than work next to a nigger."

The Detroit race riots were about housing (among other things) and the Army came in and stopped the riots. http://www.detroits-great-rebellion.com/Detroit---1943.html

My point was that armed troops stopped the riots. It happened again 24 years later in Detroit and armed troops again stopped the riots and the people who did not riot moved out of Detroit and that was the end of Detroit as a major city.

Edited by lostoday
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This is the liberal / leftist mindset in America ... disgusting ... Fabricate stories about hungry kids --- but what they really hate is just that the National Guard got fed ....

Liberals angry at Whole Foods for feeding National Guardsmen in Baltimore

Posted at 3:37 pm on April 28, 2015 by Twitchy Staff |

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