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Riot erupts in Baltimore after funeral for man hurt in police custody


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It appears that the dearly departed had neck surgery a week before this incident and should have been at home recovering.

EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has learned that Freddy Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

Seems like someone would have picked this up and ran with it if true. Live leak the only source?

Snopes is already addressing it...FWIW.


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It appears that the dearly departed had neck surgery a week before this incident and should have been at home recovering.


EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has learned that Freddy Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddy Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.


Seems like someone would have picked this up and ran with it if true. Live leak the only source?

If that were true Hannity would certainly have made much of it. As he hasn't it is probably a rumour.

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It appears that the dearly departed had neck surgery a week before this incident and should have been at home recovering.


EXCLUSIVE: The Fourth Estate has learned that Freddy Gray’s life-ending injuries to his spine may have possibly been the result of spinal and neck surgery that he allegedly received a week before he was arrested, not from rough excessively rough treatment or abuse from police.

The Fourth Estate has contacted sources who allege that Freddy Gray received spinal and neck surgery a week before we was arrested, and was allegedly receiving a large structured settlement from Allstate Insurance. The surgery is allegedly related to a car accident in which Gray was involved.


Seems like someone would have picked this up and ran with it if true. Live leak the only source?

If that were true Hannity would certainly have made much of it. As he hasn't it is probably a rumour.

CNN reporting he self injured in the van or purpose. At least I think that's what I heard.

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If the minimum wage was set so that everybody could afford an iphone 6 we wouldn't be having these problems.


VISA just sent me a personalized invitation to get a card that allows me to afford an IPhone 6, even with no income. 90 days, same as cash- and I can stretch out the payments for up to 84 months. By that time, the Repubs will be back in office and they promise things will be better and good jobs will grow on trees. And I believe them.

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There is nothing like showing your support for a dead person than looting, and burning your community down. Baltimore is 64% black, has a black mayor, and black police chief. The city has been run by blacks for decades.

Blacks make up 55% of Baltimore"s police department. The blacks would make up a larger portion of the police department but it is difficult finding enough blacks who can pass the selection process.

Baltimore ranks 5th in the nation for violent crime. The reason they rank 5th, is there are whites, hispanics, and asians who still live there, otherwise they could have been number one. These people make the bubonic plague look like the flu.

This might not be the "hope and change" Obama was referring to when he ran for office but he played a key role in making this happen.

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There is nothing like showing your support for a dead person than looting, and burning your community down. Baltimore is 64% black, has a black mayor, and black police chief. The city has been run by blacks for decades.

Blacks make up 55% of Baltimore"s police department. The blacks would make up a larger portion of the police department but it is difficult finding enough blacks who can pass the selection process.

Baltimore ranks 5th in the nation for violent crime. The reason they rank 5th, is there are whites, hispanics, and asians who still live there, otherwise they could have been number one. These people make the bubonic plague look like the flu.

This might not be the "hope and change" Obama was referring to when he ran for office but he played a key role in making this happen.

And lest we forget, the city is under the control of the Democratic Party and the labor unions and has been for years.

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There have been so many stories of blacks African Americans being murdered accidentally killed by American police that this is a none story.

It really is just not news anymore............

Clearly, it is an outrage. However there always so many apologists that it's just not worth discussing

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There have been so many stories of blacks African Americans being murdered accidentally killed by American police that this is a none story.

It really is just not news anymore............

Clearly, it is an outrage. However there always so many apologists that it's just not worth discussing

I would think, people rioting, looting, and destroying their community should be an 'outrage" but thats just me.

93% of black people are killed by other blacks? It seems this fact would be far more troubling than a black person being injured or killed by police while resisting arrest.

As for the police, it takes a spacial person to risk so much for people who care so little.

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There have been so many stories of blacks African Americans being murdered accidentally killed by American police that this is a none story.

It really is just not news anymore............

Clearly, it is an outrage. However there always so many apologists that it's just not worth discussing

It is not a matter of apologists posting -- I suppose you mean for the police.. Not many doing that ... but those who raising questions like me -- wish to put the discussion in perspective...

First ... More white people are killed in America by police officers than are blacks each year / decade. Certainly not a good thing -- but the proper perspective must me understood...

Second the automatic application of racism - whites being racist against blacks as being involved... when 3 of the 6 prosecuted police officers in this case are black. Blacks in America - younger blacks and youth commit most of the violent crimes - even most of the violent crimes against whites... Black youth are frequently in confrontations with police... Why? Because they choose a life of crime -- from petty crime - advancing to more serious... In short - the 'in the hood' - 'gangsta' lifestyle of the inner city black youth -- mainly young men is the prime cause of their problems with the law... With dozens of confrontations with police -- probability sets in -- sooner or later something bad is going to happen,,, dealing drugs, illegal possession of guns and other lethal weapons cause bad things to happen - statistically.

Third ... The protesters who become violent - claiming justice must come through their violence are not dealt with properly ... they destroy communities but little happens to them because of political correctness.

Fourth -- the Claim of Racism in America is bogus, exaggerated, embellished ... it comes from welfare dependency - and expectations of entitlement for the better life without getting even a minimum of education and training to have a better life. It is all going to happen by magic -- big Rap star. big sports figure... They cannot count and figure out that only a few hundred to a few thousand blacks become those people. Even though the rosters of sports teams are filled with blacks - rich ones by the way.

The current wave of racism claims is based on a political movement engineered by leftist to make sure blacks turn out for the next election... Race baiters and black racists in the Obama Administration have been stirring the racist pot for years now... on purpose.

And - Rogue cops -- violent cops - law breaking cops should be prosecuted - absolutely. But by far most cops are not racist - violent or rogue...

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"This is all that is given us"....... I rest my case....

New York Times Stumbles onto the Truth About Baltimore

We’re just angry at the surroundings–like this is all that is given to us?–and we’re tired of this, like nobody wants to wake up and see broken-down buildings. They take away the community centers, they take away our fathers, and now we have traffic lights that don’t work, we have houses that are crumbling, falling down.


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"This is all that is given us"....... I rest my case....

New York Times Stumbles onto the Truth About Baltimore

We’re just angry at the surroundings–like this is all that is given to us?–and we’re tired of this, like nobody wants to wake up and see broken-down buildings. They take away the community centers, they take away our fathers, and now we have traffic lights that don’t work, we have houses that are crumbling, falling down.


Another perspective - 'Lord of the Flies' comes to Baltimore - John Blake - CNN (no less)

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Yea maybe it should all burn down. Those that say racism doesn't exist ((classism for that matter) should just shoot themselves. What good is life without any perspective on reality.

Racism does exist - all over the world. But in this subject matter ... the racism and the level as depicted by the American news media for white racism directed towards blacks as touted by the Obama Administration, by the black looters and burners and the other protesters is a hyper exaggerated distortion of the truth. Dislike of blacks in America has risen over the past 6.5 years or so due to the fact that they are being lead around by the nose by radical community organizers and creating a great deal of problems.. You know those community organizers that rise to high office such as POTUS and AG? In 6.5 years blacks have been acting out - creating problems when the justice system did not pronounce someone guilty 30 minutes after the incident happened - so they rioted and burned and looted. The provocateurs worked very hard to turn the T. Martin case into national rioting, it failed ... so they jumped on the Ferguson MO. case -- only local ignition.. no national fireworks - not to the extent that was wanted anyway... then the NY incident fizzled... So they waited ... then the provocateurs jumped on the Baltimore incident... six cops pronounced guilty overnight - and the media talks of racism being involved ... whoops - 3 black cops -- how embarrassing! Then the cops were prosecuted on flimsy evidence and circumstances - after being pronounced guilty... The radical community organizers are working hard - and having some success in turning the Baltimore incident into a national firestorm... All the while more than 6.5 years ago --- before the pot stirrers fanned the flame of claims of white racism - racial relations were in fact improving ...

Those running the show - the radical community organizers are the biggest racists in America ... Blacks hating whites -- racist die-hards - racial supremacists - who have the nerve to say in several different ways that only Blacks can be the recipients of Racism ...

We live in an Alice in Wonderland World ... Down is up - Up is down -- down the rabbit hole... and nothing good will come of it.

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At least they won't be blaming whitey this time as Baltimore is a 'black' city.

..or am I too optimistic?laugh.png

Wait till the race baiters arrive. Not only will it be whitie's fault, they will make sure the Republicans are to blame, and probably Bush.

Sharpton has already announced he is going to Baltimore. Jackson will surely not be far away.

The mayor and the police commisioner are both black, along with most of the city council, and they still can't fix the system. Perhaps it's because they are Dems and don't believe in making people get a job, preferring to give them stuff to ensure the vote.

Seems that the problem has spread to New York now, with 60 arrests when I last watched the news.

Don't have to wait for Al and Jesse. The big race-baiter has already blamed the Republican Congress for "not investing in urban communities".

He said the Republican Congress not the white honkey congress maximus so there's nothing racial in the president's statement no matter how deep the far right digs to find anything of the sort.

The Republican party wrote off the black vote in the early 1970s with the Nixon-Strom Thurmond Southern Strategy to appeal to white voters and to give white voters what they want, which is to ignore black Americans in the urban centers, so that's how, why, from when, all of this had begun to fester.

Prez Nixon, R Senator Thurmond of South Carolina and others in the Republican party terminated LBJ's resource programs of Urban Renewal and his War on Poverty. The Republican party publicly declared its new policy of "benign neglect" of black Americans which has in fact been, as we see in Baltimore and from coast to coast, a policy of malignant condemnation.

Republicans and others on the far right condemn themselves when they condemn black riots, which no one here endorses or encourages, and for which Republicans and the far right created the inevitable pre-conditions decades ago. The Republican party hit-man Lee Atwater used the N word without hesitation or reservation.

Lee Atwater’s Infamous 1981 Interview on the Southern Strategy


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What you seem to be saying is the Democrats have been toothless in their fight to raise up the living standards of black people since the 70's.

The current riots in Baltimore can be laid at the feet of some group of Republican politicians in the 70's and there is nothing the Democrats could do about it in the last 40+ years?

Perhaps the voters should have considered electing somebody other than Rep. Elijah Cummings during that same 40 year period.

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We have seen for 200+ years how little can be accomplished by one party alone.

LBJ got his Urban Renewal policies and programs through only after his party's landslide win in 1964. Prez Obama got Obamacare after his decisive win that gave him control of both Houses of Congress. Reagan and Tip O'Neill collaborated, so did Clinton and Gingrich and they are not the only ones.

Republicans consciously and deliberately wrote off the black vote in the early 1970s and not much has been possible to accomplish in the core inner cities since.

Baltimore is typical which is not encouraging as this "slow rolling crisis" continues throughout the nation.

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We have seen for 200+ years how little can be accomplished by one party alone.

LBJ got his Urban Renewal policies and programs through only after his party's landslide win in 1964. Prez Obama got Obamacare after his decisive win that gave him control of both Houses of Congress. Reagan and Tip O'Neill collaborated, so did Clinton and Gingrich and they are not the only ones.

Republicans consciously and deliberately wrote off the black vote in the early 1970s and not much has been possible to accomplish in the core inner cities since.

Baltimore is typical which is not encouraging as this "slow rolling crisis" continues throughout the nation.

Where have you been? We thought you were going to let this "fast rolling crisis" in Baltimore go to waste.

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We have seen for 200+ years how little can be accomplished by one party alone.

LBJ got his Urban Renewal policies and programs through only after his party's landslide win in 1964. Prez Obama got Obamacare after his decisive win that gave him control of both Houses of Congress. Reagan and Tip O'Neill collaborated, so did Clinton and Gingrich and they are not the only ones.

Republicans consciously and deliberately wrote off the black vote in the early 1970s and not much has been possible to accomplish in the core inner cities since.

Baltimore is typical which is not encouraging as this "slow rolling crisis" continues throughout the nation.

Publicus, Publicus. You are missing it again. Black people tried to loot and burn down their neighborhood this past week with no one requiring them to do it. Much of the neighborhood burned.

Another thing that burned was the concept that blacks are put down by "the white man." Baltimore has for a long time had a black government. It has a black mayor, city council, chief of police, prosecutor and on and on. The blacks have elected Democrats since at least the 1970's.

This episode differs greatly from Ferguson in those ways.

Another thing that burned was the concept of a Great Society which could be fueled by affirmative action in education and jobs, and, well, money. That program is 50 years old which is older than almost anyone who participated in this rioting. The progressive Utopian belief which as usual is to throw money and laws at something failed to materialize once more. 50 years.

Another thing that burned was the longstanding moral concept that government's first job is to protect people. That would of course be to first protect the law abiding. That means to rip into rioters, looters and arsonists but of course that didn't happen. The law abiding suffered the consequences of the actions of the criminal rioters. Justice burned in the streets.

The Constitutional right to not be arrested without probable cause burned as the black city prosecutor has prematurely charged police officers for things she can't yet prove any one individual did. She'll need more time to prove who did what. This is more of the farce of being politically correct instead of following the law.

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These situations have been about police brutality and the militarization of the police. They have also been about racism. One does not exclude the other. Do you really think that only racist police are brutal or that brutality only happens to blacks?

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@ Neversure # 143 ... I wish I had 1000 likes .. a great summation of the tragedy in Baltimore.

This series of incidents in Baltimore cannot be spun and have it come out of the wash machine smelling like a rose. Baltimore now smells like most of the streets - the stench of rotting garbage on the curb. This incident in Baltimore shows FAILED State Government, FAILED City Government, FAILED Police Administration, a Failed citizenry... and more. The incident in Baltimore was nothing more than a herd of indolent Blacks - wannabees who hate their surroundings but have done nothing about it personally that one can see to resolve the mess they live in. All chanting for justice - but actually insisting on revenge and a kangaroo court... all bleating RACISM only to find out 3 of the 6 accused officers are black. Then to top it all off ... the anarchists in the streets are given the go ahead by the black mayor to have ROOM TO DESTROY... as she put it. The real racists in Baltimore are the protesters, the rioters, the Mayor and the Prosecutors.

It is nauseating to watch my wonderful country turned into a sewer by a hoard of sullen ne'er-do-wells.


Here is a typical aggrieved upstanding citizen of Baltimore protesting the unneeded curfew in Baltimore...

‘We don’t NEED NO CURFEW! We GROWN ASS people!’ – Baltimore woman

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Because I donot understand the Black problem in America I looked up the civil war. It appears to me the industrialized part of America at that time fought and died for black slavery to end. They won that. Then they gave them jobs in factories and attempted to make them contributing part of society. A job at a factory,can live a responsible good life. But now I see 150 years later,,these northern cities being terrorized by blacks who say they were done wrong. Industry driven out. Baltimore,Detroit,Cleveland gave them a new start and what did they do,brought the whole area down to one big slum ghetto. How is the rest of America responsible for their actions to refuse to work with what is given them to improve their lives. Other ethnic groups do quite well with a little assistance from the American people, after they arrive on their shores. Blacks have been beating the race drum way to long.

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Because I donot understand the Black problem in America I looked up the civil war. It appears to me the industrialized part of America at that time fought and died for black slavery to end. They won that. Then they gave them jobs in factories and attempted to make them contributing part of society. A job at a factory,can live a responsible good life. But now I see 150 years later,,these northern cities being terrorized by blacks who say they were done wrong. Industry driven out. Baltimore,Detroit,Cleveland gave them a new start and what did they do,brought the whole area down to one big slum ghetto. How is the rest of America responsible for their actions to refuse to work with what is given them to improve their lives. Other ethnic groups do quite well with a little assistance from the American people, after they arrive on their shores. Blacks have been beating the race drum way to long.

It certainly isn't that simple.

The American civil war was started to preserve the Union.

When Abe Lincoln linked the war to emancipation, there were riots in the cities of the north.

Many northerners felt betrayed. They didn't mind fighting to preserve the Union, but, there was no way that they were fighting to free the slaves.

For most of the civil war, blacks weren't even allowed to fight for the North.

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Because I do not understand the Black problem in America I looked up the civil war. It appears to me the industrialized part of America at that time fought and died for black slavery to end. They won that. Then they gave them jobs in factories and attempted to make them contributing part of society. A job at a factory,can live a responsible good life. But now I see 150 years later,,these northern cities being terrorized by blacks who say they were done wrong. Industry driven out. Baltimore,Detroit,Cleveland gave them a new start and what did they do,brought the whole area down to one big slum ghetto. How is the rest of America responsible for their actions to refuse to work with what is given them to improve their lives. Other ethnic groups do quite well with a little assistance from the American people, after they arrive on their shores. Blacks have been beating the race drum way to long.

Believe me ... if you go on line and read American news websites on this subject --- CNN, ABC, MSNBC, NY Times and a host of others, you will come away with the idea that blacks are near slaves trodden upon by slave master like Whites here in 2015 in America... I urge to go read some of it ... it is more than amazing in the degree of exaggeration, embellishment and outright fabrication on the subject of these 'racial' incidents of the past year a more and for an additional 40 years

The manner in which American news media 'colors' the news (pardon the pun) about racism and how prevalent it is and pervasive and awful racism is in America... you would think they were talking about South Africa back in the days of apartheid - not modern day America

What these liberal / leftist media outlets do not tell anyone is the huge number of success stories of blacks who have achieved in areas not related to sports or Rap Music -- there are many outstanding examples ... one difference - these successful blacks worked their butts off in the same manner as successful white people. Also as another example -go look at a national roster of High School Valedictorians, Salutatorians and Honor Students for each year for 20 years running-- you will find large numbers of Asians - especially Vietnamese at the top of the ranks... But Whites are xenophobic you know -- how were Asians - descendants of Vietnamese Refugees of only 35-40 years ago able / allowed to climb to the top ... Answer -- FAMILIES -- hard work,, dedication and sacrifice -- a trilogy of attributes not widely known in the black communities in America... That is how...

Also what the American news media does not publish - when they are not actively hiding it -- is the large number of successful black Conservative Republicans there are in America. But to the Liberal/Leftist and so called Black Leaders - these black people are just Uncle Tom's kissing up to the white slave master... Having nothing to do with their bright minds, successful university and sometimes military records and their personal achievements. In short -- these fine Black Professionals and Politicians are just not Black Enough and being a Black political Conservative is as bad as being the Devil in the eyes of the Liberals leftist and black radicals... So much for the much sought out EQUALITY for this cut of successful Black people ... Equality is denied to them by liberals, leftists and black racist activists.

lovelomsak -- thank you for doing your own research ... your conclusions are not totally accurate -- but definitely on the right track -- thank you for having your own mind and checking things out -- as an 'outsider' looking in ...

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Because I donot understand the Black problem in America I looked up the civil war. It appears to me the industrialized part of America at that time fought and died for black slavery to end. They won that. Then they gave them jobs in factories and attempted to make them contributing part of society. A job at a factory,can live a responsible good life. But now I see 150 years later,,these northern cities being terrorized by blacks who say they were done wrong. Industry driven out. Baltimore,Detroit,Cleveland gave them a new start and what did they do,brought the whole area down to one big slum ghetto. How is the rest of America responsible for their actions to refuse to work with what is given them to improve their lives. Other ethnic groups do quite well with a little assistance from the American people, after they arrive on their shores. Blacks have been beating the race drum way to long.

It certainly isn't that simple.

The American civil war was started to preserve the Union.

When Abe Lincoln linked the war to emancipation, there were riots in the cities of the north.

Many northerners felt betrayed. They didn't mind fighting to preserve the Union, but, there was no way that they were fighting to free the slaves.

For most of the civil war, blacks weren't even allowed to fight for the North.

The New York draft riots of 1863 occurred to oppose the war for two reasons. The first reason is that labor competition would be increased if the war was won, since the belief that African Americans would emigrate to the North and steal jobs from white men. The second reason is that the draft would ensure the loss of jobs for white men and force anti-war oriented people to fight in the very war they opposed. Opposition to the draft did not always occur in an organized form, however. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opposition_to_the_American_Civil_War

If you know of any other riots in the North during the civil war please be specific and list them.

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Scolding tirades hollering falsehoods of black racism or pretentious lectures that are designed to sound condescending contribute nothing to the discourse. The same would be true of instant knowledge that supports either.

The national profile of police is conservative white Republican male high school general education graduate of a low socio-economic status, so nothing is going to change in police-community conflict in the many inner cities until the police become neutral professionals who exemplify open minded diversity and stop shooting unarmed black men, to include especially runaway black men stopped by police on their routine patrols.

The white patrols to capture runaway slaves formed the basis of many of the first organized urban police departments. The police then enforced the Jim Crow laws, then vigorously attacked the civil rights demonstrators of the middle third of the twentieth century. Now they shoot unarmed black men or kill them in custody as just occurred in Baltimore.

The Fraternal Order of Police, the largest police union, nearly absolutely endorses Republicans for president.

Police need to actually serve and to protect the people rather than to stop and kill them.

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I don't think do. There is room for compassion for those born into a depressed situation ... regardless of race.

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Why is it that you never see Asian race riots in the US- because they believe in education for their children so that they can get a proper job and have a better life.

Blacks seem to think that education is unnecessary, and perhaps it is if your dreams extend only to being a gangsta rapper.

The world is fast running out of compassion for those that won't even try and better themselves.

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