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Thailand's financial sector ready for AEC integration


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Thailand's financial sector ready for AEC integration

BANGKOK, 28 April 2015 (NNT) - The Finance Ministry has hosted a seminar to prepare the country’s financial sector for the launch of ASEAN Economic Community.

Deputy Finance Minister Wisudhi Srisuphan said that the ministry has prepared four strategies to prepare for the regional integration, which has been set to take off later this year.

The four strategies include the turning of Thailand into a joint production base, the promotion of competitiveness, the equal economic development, and the integration of the local economy with the global economy.

According to Mr. Wisudhi, all the strategies will help Thailand ready for the integration, saying that the ministry has been preparing the country in many aspects during these past years.

He stated that Thailand is now around 87% ready — a comparatively higher percentage than the 77% average of other regional countries.

-- NNT 2015-04-28 footer_n.gif

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He stated that Thailand is now around 87% ready a comparatively higher percentage than the 77% average of other regional countries.

When you read this dont you just think this figure was obtained by the same people who do the PMs approval rating.

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"He stated that Thailand is now around 87% ready — a comparatively higher percentage than the 77% average of other regional countries."

78%-100% is comparatively higher than 77%. So what?

Despite any criteria of what "readiness" means that leads to 87%, Thailand offers ASEAN the following economic indicators:

- lowest GDP growth rate in the Asia-Pacific region

- out of control household debt

- declining exports

- unprofitable agricultural industry

- lack of government funding for infrastructure

- declining industrial index

- lowest of Southeast Asian countries on english proficiency

- lack of representative government

- lowest tax collection in the world

Maybe the other ASEAN countries are better not being as "ready" as Thailand.

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