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Call for Thai youth to help disseminate knowledge of democracy

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Those who slam democracy: what might you propose instead? Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” ― Winston S. Churchill

Yes, USA is turning into a plutocracy. However, if people decided to wake up and take interest in government, they could change the Constitution to end that. It is their inertia, distractions, and disinterest that allows those in power to manipulate them. There is still freedom of speech, press, assembly and votes are still counted for determining who is in office. So again, just what do suggest as better? Benevolent dictatorship?

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Why is it that people actually think a "democracy" is a solution or a desired form of government ?

It is nothing else than a tyranny of the majority !!!

10 people on a skyscraper ...

6 idiots and 4 geniuses ...

democracy: the majority votes to jump ... ALL have to jump !!! That's democracy !!!

That's how stupid the democracy is everybody in this forum seems to want to have.

One big difference between the "origins" of democracy and what people think about it today:

1. Elections were NOT part of democracy !!!

2. Nobody could be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!

Best example on how idiotic the current democracies are:

Nobody wants to pay taxes but everybody does it [on plain force !!!] ... dictatorship per definition !!!

[And people actually defend this BS :-)]

There is no better system to CONTROL a population than making it believe it has anything to say.

"If elections would change anything they would be made illegal" [Marc Twain]

Wake up people and start using your own brains.

The brainwashing sits very deep and it takes some effort to get rid of it.

OK, I'll bite. What alternative form of government is better??

Edited by MZurf
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LPDR, Laos Peoples Democratic Republic

Very close and in Thailand's neighborhood.

who knows?

Maybe someday we will see PDRT or Peoples Democratic Republic of Thailand?

At least these countries admit the are a republic!

USA claims to be a democracy and wants to "give " democracy to the world.

But the USA is actually a republic itself, not a democracy!

Lets be specific:

"The United States is the world's oldest surviving federation. It is a constitutional republic and representative democracy, "in which majority rule is tempered by minority rights protected by law".

Edited by Enoon
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Lets hope they learnt that;

It is wrong to pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

It is wrong to disallow the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did wan

It is wrong to tell voters they will get what they want when they vote PTP and if they don't they will get nothing.

It is wrong to allow a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

It is wrong to intimidate families in Khon Kaen at the university that wanted to hear the Right Honorable Abhisit speak, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them

It is wrong to force the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the governments agenda.

It is wrong to lie to the public and when found out tell them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

It is wrong to tell protestors that they are garbage.

It is wrong to threaten protesters with threats of violence under the guise of democracy.

It is wrong to foster confidence in flood management even though the flood management control centre flooded

It is wrong to get away with an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest unelected criminals

It is wrong to silence the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it

It is wrong to threaten to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Thailand by the 1st of January 2013.

It is wrong to run a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

It is wrong to chair a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

​It is wrong to dissolve parliament with no plan to pay rice farmers

It is wrong to disrespect elections and then scapegoat the Junta for the coup when the defense minister refused to defend polling stations with her very own military. Not one command. Not one order. Not one promise. Not even anyone ordering the army on her behalf! She was not in the Maldives at that stage.

It is wrong to blame the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the PTP.

It is wrong to set up red villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages and ostracize people that hold a different view.

It is wrong to set up red schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush. Heay Dr Weng!

It is wrong to let terrorist act with impunity arresting 0% of government terrorists while 100% of opposition terrorists ARE arrested.

Lets hope these fine examples of the future of Thailand understand what has been wrong with democracy in Thailand instead of putting their head in the sand and ignoring it while bleating the only principle they adhere too. Elections. Then after the elections the democratic system is abused and we go full circle and the same people scream "elections" again completely ignoring the fact that there is one day of democracy in Thailand (election day) while everyday in between is an abuse of democracy.

The educated and wise don't need to send their message forth as the majority have made in abundantly clear that they understand they have been victims of a false democracy (the ones that have not committed suicide or been violently threatened by the regime previously for protesting).

Great article and the bitter and twisted must hate it. They prefer the above form of democracy where 1/15th is the only one respected while the majority stay victims of the party they brought to power. Luckily those poisonous undemocratic days are over.

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Why is it that people actually think a "democracy" is a solution or a desired form of government ?

It is nothing else than a tyranny of the majority !!!

10 people on a skyscraper ...

6 idiots and 4 geniuses ...

democracy: the majority votes to jump ... ALL have to jump !!! That's democracy !!!

That's how stupid the democracy is everybody in this forum seems to want to have.

One big difference between the "origins" of democracy and what people think about it today:

1. Elections were NOT part of democracy !!!

2. Nobody could be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!

Best example on how idiotic the current democracies are:

Nobody wants to pay taxes but everybody does it [on plain force !!!] ... dictatorship per definition !!!

[And people actually defend this BS :-)]

There is no better system to CONTROL a population than making it believe it has anything to say.

"If elections would change anything they would be made illegal" [Marc Twain]

Wake up people and start using your own brains.

The brainwashing sits very deep and it takes some effort to get rid of it.

If you mean Greek/Athenian Democracy when you say "origins" :

1) There were no elections because all members of the democracy had automatic and equal rights to propose, discuss and vote on legislation (of course there were rules on membership) :

"Greek democracy created at Athens was direct, rather than representative: any adult male citizen over the age of 20 could take part, and it was a duty to do so."

2) I think you will find that Athenians could indeed "be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!":

"A police force of 300 Scythian slaves carried red ochre-stained ropes to induce the citizens who loitered in the agora of Athens to attend the meetings of the assembly. Anyone with red-stained clothes who was not in the meeting was liable to a penalty"

Socrates was convicted by "a majority of the dikasts (Athenian citizens chosen by lot to serve as jurors)" and was compelled to take poision:

"in accordance with his philosophy of obedience to law, he carried out his own execution, by drinking the hemlock provided to him"

There are those who would argue that Socrates was not compelled but "chose" thus he was not "forced". His philosophy of obedience, however, left him no choice.

But then, didn't he "choose" his philosophy?

I dunno, all dis filosofy stuff is really doin my brain in, iss reelly diffykult!

It's so much easier to talk about "10 people on a skyscraper"..innit?

Edited by Enoon
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Why is it that people actually think a "democracy" is a solution or a desired form of government ?

It is nothing else than a tyranny of the majority !!!

10 people on a skyscraper ...

6 idiots and 4 geniuses ...

democracy: the majority votes to jump ... ALL have to jump !!! That's democracy !!!

That's how stupid the democracy is everybody in this forum seems to want to have.

One big difference between the "origins" of democracy and what people think about it today:

1. Elections were NOT part of democracy !!!

2. Nobody could be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!

Best example on how idiotic the current democracies are:

Nobody wants to pay taxes but everybody does it [on plain force !!!] ... dictatorship per definition !!!

[And people actually defend this BS :-)]

There is no better system to CONTROL a population than making it believe it has anything to say.

"If elections would change anything they would be made illegal" [Marc Twain]

Wake up people and start using your own brains.

The brainwashing sits very deep and it takes some effort to get rid of it.

So...I see a lot of ranting and raving, but no real solution offered.

Out of interest right down to and including your post has I solution been offered?

You would have to agree that all above is negative garbage from all the usual who never offer one solution?

Welcome to Thai Visa Thailand News.

Edited to add pleasingly some contributors have arrived with positive thoughts and views after your post.

Edited by Roadman
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It's a it hard for the establishment to teach the 15 Principles when they're ignoring them themselves, it's like don't do as I do, do as I say!! ?

Here you go. Read and literally weep!!


That document is both inspiring and sobering.

I am guessing the Youth of Thailand will not get this sort of education about democracy. sad.png

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Now in all honesty which country that the Kool aid drinkers hail from practices all 15 principles effectively?

How can you teach the 15 principles when there's isn't really a eutopia out there that does?

Sure it's a foundation but the reality is far from it.

Making comparisons between old regimes about the 15 principles is like telling the world the Titanic was unsinkable!! There is zero benchmark to use as a baseline.

Without a doubt the PTP were rank rotten, and didn't practice many, if any, but we're talking about Western democracies as baselines and that's again comparing apples to oranges.

The interesting tidbit for me was about respecting the law..

Riding down the road to collect your 200 baht seedless watermelons without a helmet on, shows a blatant contempt for the same very laws of the land.

Given the new constitution being pushed forwards no government in Thailand will ever be able to achieve the 15 principles so there's no point is harping on about them is there?

Why would anyone take kids that would be out of their comfort zone to political speeches who are not even able to understand where babies come from, never mind the 15 principles of democracy for " daddy" to spin it into nothing more than his own hate speech?

If you knew that there were sharks swimming in the water, would you let your kids play in it ? bad parenting never mind hostility towards the Sharks is partly to blame!!

Edited by Fat Haggis
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"Young participants of the project have demonstrated their determination to improve their potential and to learn about all aspects of the country, from politics to economy, social affairs, environment and technological invention."

How about learning absolutely anything at all about something that isn't "of the country" so schools aren't churning out a completely ignorant populace? Oh, hang on, a completely ignorant populace is the intention, isn't it?

As to Democracy in Thailand, there is no interest in it whatsoever beyond its use as a buzzword for attempted whitewashing.

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It's a it hard for the establishment to teach the 15 Principles when they're ignoring them themselves, it's like don't do as I do, do as I say!! ?

Here you go. Read and literally weep!!


This is a very good list, but I only count 14 principles, so I don't think this is djjamie's secret, possibly imaginary, 15 Principles of Democracy.

I know of no democracy that fully and properly implements all these principles, and such a society may never exist. The Yingluck government, and all Thai governments that preceded it, fell far short, but the junta ignores all of them, and the proposed constitution will be a big step away from democracy.

However perfect should not be the enemy of good. As I and others have frequently posted, democracy in Thailand needs time to mature into a better, stable form. This requires cycles of elected government without intervening coups. The misnamed Democrats need to take note of the principle "A culture of accepting the results of elections". And this ridiculous proposal of having children teach the junta's twisted concept of democracy needs to be abandoned..

Edited by heybruce
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Now in all honesty which country that the Kool aid drinkers hail from practices all 15 principles effectively?

How can you teach the 15 principles when there's isn't really a eutopia out there that does?

Sure it's a foundation but the reality is far from it.

Making comparisons between old regimes about the 15 principles is like telling the world the Titanic was unsinkable!! There is zero benchmark to use as a baseline.

Without a doubt the PTP were rank rotten, and didn't practice many, if any, but we're talking about Western democracies as baselines and that's again comparing apples to oranges.

The interesting tidbit for me was about respecting the law..

Riding down the road to collect your 200 baht seedless watermelons without a helmet on, shows a blatant contempt for the same very laws of the land.

Given the new constitution being pushed forwards no government in Thailand will ever be able to achieve the 15 principles so there's no point is harping on about them is there?

Why would anyone take kids that would be out of their comfort zone to political speeches who are not even able to understand where babies come from, never mind the 15 principles of democracy for " daddy" to spin it into nothing more than his own hate speech?

If you knew that there were sharks swimming in the water, would you let your kids play in it ? bad parenting never mind hostility towards the Sharks is partly to blame!!

Come now Haggis, you don't really believe all that about his children being made to cry by the reds do you?

Mind you if I was a toddler and my father took me to a political rally I would probably cry too! wink.png

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Why is it that people actually think a "democracy" is a solution or a desired form of government ?

It is nothing else than a tyranny of the majority !!!

10 people on a skyscraper ...

6 idiots and 4 geniuses ...

democracy: the majority votes to jump ... ALL have to jump !!! That's democracy !!!

That's how stupid the democracy is everybody in this forum seems to want to have.

One big difference between the "origins" of democracy and what people think about it today:

1. Elections were NOT part of democracy !!!

2. Nobody could be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!

Best example on how idiotic the current democracies are:

Nobody wants to pay taxes but everybody does it [on plain force !!!] ... dictatorship per definition !!!

[And people actually defend this BS :-)]

There is no better system to CONTROL a population than making it believe it has anything to say.

"If elections would change anything they would be made illegal" [Marc Twain]

Wake up people and start using your own brains.

The brainwashing sits very deep and it takes some effort to get rid of it.

So...I see a lot of ranting and raving, but no real solution offered.

Clearly it wasn't one of the four posting.

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Lets hope they learnt that;

It is wrong to pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

It is wrong to disallow the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did wan

It is wrong to tell voters they will get what they want when they vote PTP and if they don't they will get nothing.

It is wrong to allow a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

It is wrong to intimidate families in Khon Kaen at the university that wanted to hear the Right Honorable Abhisit speak, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them

It is wrong to force the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the governments agenda.

It is wrong to lie to the public and when found out tell them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

It is wrong to tell protestors that they are garbage.

It is wrong to threaten protesters with threats of violence under the guise of democracy.

It is wrong to foster confidence in flood management even though the flood management control centre flooded

It is wrong to get away with an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest unelected criminals

It is wrong to silence the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it

It is wrong to threaten to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Thailand by the 1st of January 2013.

It is wrong to run a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

It is wrong to chair a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

​It is wrong to dissolve parliament with no plan to pay rice farmers

It is wrong to disrespect elections and then scapegoat the Junta for the coup when the defense minister refused to defend polling stations with her very own military. Not one command. Not one order. Not one promise. Not even anyone ordering the army on her behalf! She was not in the Maldives at that stage.

It is wrong to blame the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the PTP.

It is wrong to set up red villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages and ostracize people that hold a different view.

It is wrong to set up red schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush. Heay Dr Weng!

It is wrong to let terrorist act with impunity arresting 0% of government terrorists while 100% of opposition terrorists ARE arrested.

Lets hope these fine examples of the future of Thailand understand what has been wrong with democracy in Thailand instead of putting their head in the sand and ignoring it while bleating the only principle they adhere too. Elections. Then after the elections the democratic system is abused and we go full circle and the same people scream "elections" again completely ignoring the fact that there is one day of democracy in Thailand (election day) while everyday in between is an abuse of democracy.

The educated and wise don't need to send their message forth as the majority have made in abundantly clear that they understand they have been victims of a false democracy (the ones that have not committed suicide or been violently threatened by the regime previously for protesting).

Great article and the bitter and twisted must hate it. They prefer the above form of democracy where 1/15th is the only one respected while the majority stay victims of the party they brought to power. Luckily those poisonous undemocratic days are over.

You never miss a chance for a paranoid anti-red rant, do you? You also once again express your contempt for elections and allude to your secret 15 principles. Any comment about the OP? Care to explain where how child democracy tutors are going to learn the subject themselves?

Paranoid? So you think the above examples are acceptable under a democracy? You cannot even address one of my examples of blatant disrespect of democracy the PTP have abused while simply ignoring their it and falling back on the elections which is my whole point of the above comment. You don't care about democracy. If you did you would address the above. You ignore it thus ignore the majority. You ignore 14 principles for 1. I respect 14 principles with 1 principle (elections) as the gateway to democracy.

Elected or otherwise the Junta were never elected yet they never abused the principles the PTP did.

Paranoid. You bet I am. When democracy is practiced 1 day ever 4 years then I am very worried about the democratic process in Thailand. Very worried.

All you have done is highlight that you have no respect for democracy yet harp on 1. You don't care if the democratic process is abused as long as 1 principle is adhered to.

Contempt for election…I love elections. I embrace them. I want the people to vote. I also want the govt that hare voted in to represent the people…They didn't before. They represented a criminal fugitive…I want elections to represent the people. I want those people to be able to protest without being threatened with violence or called garbage if they do protest. I love elections as long as democracy is practiced after them.

Any comment on the OP? You bet ya…Inform the population that democracy does not involve the above abuses of it that I have highlighted. Remember all the "it is wrong to" comments I made….? Remember or is that blinded out with the word "elections"?

Where will the Thai youth learn about democracy? They won't leant it in UDD schools up north that are held in red villages that ostracize anyone or intimidate anyone holding a differing viewpoint. The schools that have no international standing or structured academic framework. Schools whose curriculum is based on the teaching of Dr Weng and Jatuporn whose teachings come from the Maoist teachings of Vietnam. This school run by the UDD don;t even respect their own principles yet they teach democracy. They applaud terrorism yet they teach democracy. They ignore criminal activity yet they teach democracy. The leaders hide like cowards when bail hearings are held and come out when a favorable response is received yet they teach democracy. They threaten and abuse protestors when those protestors don't suit their agenda, but the teach democracy.

The students of democracy will learn it in the echelons of society that the UDD most fear. Universities and high schools. Places of education that the UDD fear to tread. Places that are academically recognized around the world. Not just in in Issan.

AGain for you to ignore every abuse of democracy that I have highlighted to harp on about 1 tiny part of democracy (elections) shows the students could teach you a thing or 14 about democracy too. Shame on you my friend that you ignore the abuses of a regime you blindly defend.

The majority deserve better and you have shown through your comment you have no regard for the majority. Just the majority being used as a tool to further an agenda.

Edited by djjamie
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You can't argue or hope for "true" or "western" democracy in Thailand when "no one" in Thailand understand what it means as not a single living person in Thailand would agree that you should be able to say and write anything you want about family X and that family X should not have any whatsoever powers in either domestic or international affairs.

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There are 3 kids at my child school whose parents support the ptp . All the names were put up on the door in nice colours. Those 3 kids had a big red ring put around their names. Their report cards labeled them unpatriotic.

Many of the other kids stopped speaking to them.

In another school near my home kids got children of ptp parents and put them in a fake prison. They were then spit on and kicked. The children were 10 and 11 years old. They thought it was extremely funny.

Politics should be kept out of the schools.

What province did this happen in?

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"Young participants of the project have demonstrated their determination to improve their potential and to learn about all aspects of the country, from politics to economy, social affairs, environment and technological invention."

Does this mean try are legally able to read the secret history of Siam now?

That would be nice.

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Lets hope they learnt that;

It is wrong to pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

It is wrong to disallow the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did wan

It is wrong to tell voters they will get what they want when they vote PTP and if they don't they will get nothing.

It is wrong to allow a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

It is wrong to intimidate families in Khon Kaen at the university that wanted to hear the Right Honorable Abhisit speak, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them

It is wrong to force the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the governments agenda.

It is wrong to lie to the public and when found out tell them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

It is wrong to tell protestors that they are garbage.

It is wrong to threaten protesters with threats of violence under the guise of democracy.

It is wrong to foster confidence in flood management even though the flood management control centre flooded

It is wrong to get away with an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest unelected criminals

It is wrong to silence the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it

It is wrong to threaten to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Thailand by the 1st of January 2013.

It is wrong to run a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

It is wrong to chair a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

​It is wrong to dissolve parliament with no plan to pay rice farmers

It is wrong to disrespect elections and then scapegoat the Junta for the coup when the defense minister refused to defend polling stations with her very own military. Not one command. Not one order. Not one promise. Not even anyone ordering the army on her behalf! She was not in the Maldives at that stage.

It is wrong to blame the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the PTP.

It is wrong to set up red villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages and ostracize people that hold a different view.

It is wrong to set up red schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush. Heay Dr Weng!

It is wrong to let terrorist act with impunity arresting 0% of government terrorists while 100% of opposition terrorists ARE arrested.

Lets hope these fine examples of the future of Thailand understand what has been wrong with democracy in Thailand instead of putting their head in the sand and ignoring it while bleating the only principle they adhere too. Elections. Then after the elections the democratic system is abused and we go full circle and the same people scream "elections" again completely ignoring the fact that there is one day of democracy in Thailand (election day) while everyday in between is an abuse of democracy.

The educated and wise don't need to send their message forth as the majority have made in abundantly clear that they understand they have been victims of a false democracy (the ones that have not committed suicide or been violently threatened by the regime previously for protesting).

Great article and the bitter and twisted must hate it. They prefer the above form of democracy where 1/15th is the only one respected while the majority stay victims of the party they brought to power. Luckily those poisonous undemocratic days are over.

U oh. Somebody has been reading The Nation. (and believing it).

Put that crap newspaper away and read the stuff the Army banned. Then you will be able to contribute to the discussion.

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Lets hope they learnt that;

It is wrong to pass an amnesty bill that the majority did not want, but one unelected, accused mass murderer, accused terrorist, convicted criminal fugitive did want

It is wrong to disallow the opposition to debate constitutional amendments that an unelected fugitive did wan

It is wrong to tell voters they will get what they want when they vote PTP and if they don't they will get nothing.

It is wrong to allow a convicted criminal to run the country under the guise of democracy

It is wrong to intimidate families in Khon Kaen at the university that wanted to hear the Right Honorable Abhisit speak, but had to take their crying children home because of the fear that was installed in them

It is wrong to force the majority (at the barrel of a gun mind you) to stop protesting because the voice of THAT majority did not suit the governments agenda.

It is wrong to lie to the public and when found out tell them white lies don’t count because it is installing confidence.

It is wrong to tell protestors that they are garbage.

It is wrong to threaten protesters with threats of violence under the guise of democracy.

It is wrong to foster confidence in flood management even though the flood management control centre flooded

It is wrong to get away with an unelected criminal pining the insignia on a police chief that is supposed to arrest unelected criminals

It is wrong to silence the opposition by telling the media "The driver did it

It is wrong to threaten to behead themselves if an unelected leader of a government is not back in Thailand by the 1st of January 2013.

It is wrong to run a country with only a 40% parliamentary attendance rate

It is wrong to chair a rice scheme with a 0% attendance rate

​It is wrong to dissolve parliament with no plan to pay rice farmers

It is wrong to disrespect elections and then scapegoat the Junta for the coup when the defense minister refused to defend polling stations with her very own military. Not one command. Not one order. Not one promise. Not even anyone ordering the army on her behalf! She was not in the Maldives at that stage.

It is wrong to blame the tax payer, the rural doctors, the rice farmers,the corn farmers, the woman's league, the first car buyers that defaulted on loans, the environmentalists (garbage), the rubber farmers, academics, unions, businesses, students, teachers, academics, public servants, consumer advocates, economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors and soldiers for all the faults of the PTP.

It is wrong to set up red villages to intimidate opposition that live in those very villages and ostracize people that hold a different view.

It is wrong to set up red schools to "teach" a form of democracy that would make the Maosit teachers of China blush. Heay Dr Weng!

It is wrong to let terrorist act with impunity arresting 0% of government terrorists while 100% of opposition terrorists ARE arrested.

Lets hope these fine examples of the future of Thailand understand what has been wrong with democracy in Thailand instead of putting their head in the sand and ignoring it while bleating the only principle they adhere too. Elections. Then after the elections the democratic system is abused and we go full circle and the same people scream "elections" again completely ignoring the fact that there is one day of democracy in Thailand (election day) while everyday in between is an abuse of democracy.

The educated and wise don't need to send their message forth as the majority have made in abundantly clear that they understand they have been victims of a false democracy (the ones that have not committed suicide or been violently threatened by the regime previously for protesting).

Great article and the bitter and twisted must hate it. They prefer the above form of democracy where 1/15th is the only one respected while the majority stay victims of the party they brought to power. Luckily those poisonous undemocratic days are over.

You never miss a chance for a paranoid anti-red rant, do you? You also once again express your contempt for elections and allude to your secret 15 principles. Any comment about the OP? Care to explain where how child democracy tutors are going to learn the subject themselves?

Paranoid? So you think the above examples are acceptable under a democracy? You cannot even address one of my examples of blatant disrespect of democracy the PTP have abused while simply ignoring their it and falling back on the elections which is my whole point of the above comment. You don't care about democracy. If you did you would address the above. You ignore it thus ignore the majority. You ignore 14 principles for 1. I respect 14 principles with 1 principle (elections) as the gateway to democracy.

Elected or otherwise the Junta were never elected yet they never abused the principles the PTP did.

Paranoid. You bet I am. When democracy is practiced 1 day ever 4 years then I am very worried about the democratic process in Thailand. Very worried.

All you have done is highlight that you have no respect for democracy yet harp on 1. You don't care if the democratic process is abused as long as 1 principle is adhered to.

Contempt for election…I love elections. I embrace them. I want the people to vote. I also want the govt that hare voted in to represent the people…They didn't before. They represented a criminal fugitive…I want elections to represent the people. I want those people to be able to protest without being threatened with violence or called garbage if they do protest. I love elections as long as democracy is practiced after them.

Any comment on the OP? You bet ya…Inform the population that democracy does not involve the above abuses of it that I have highlighted. Remember all the "it is wrong to" comments I made….? Remember or is that blinded out with the word "elections"?

Where will the Thai youth learn about democracy? They won't leant it in UDD schools up north that are held in red villages that ostracize anyone or intimidate anyone holding a differing viewpoint. The schools that have no international standing or structured academic framework. Schools whose curriculum is based on the teaching of Dr Weng and Jatuporn whose teachings come from the Maoist teachings of Vietnam. This school run by the UDD don;t even respect their own principles yet they teach democracy. They applaud terrorism yet they teach democracy. They ignore criminal activity yet they teach democracy. The leaders hide like cowards when bail hearings are held and come out when a favorable response is received yet they teach democracy. They threaten and abuse protestors when those protestors don't suit their agenda, but the teach democracy.

The students of democracy will learn it in the echelons of society that the UDD most fear. Universities and high schools. Places of education that the UDD fear to tread. Places that are academically recognized around the world. Not just in in Issan.

AGain for you to ignore every abuse of democracy that I have highlighted to harp on about 1 tiny part of democracy (elections) shows the students could teach you a thing or 14 about democracy too. Shame on you my friend that you ignore the abuses of a regime you blindly defend.

The majority deserve better and you have shown through your comment you have no regard for the majority. Just the majority being used as a tool to further an agenda.

You are amusingly predictable. Whenever you find a topic in which there is no way for the junta to look good, you try to derail discussion with an off-topic rant. I decline to accommodate you on this, and I sincerely hope that annoys the heck out of you.

I will comment on your one on-topic comment:

"The students of democracy will learn it in the echelons of society that the UDD most fear. Universities and high schools."

I'm not aware of any kind of democracy being taught in high school. I am aware that the junta has detained students calling for elections and forbade a planned university seminar on democracy. Where does your certainty that students will be allowed to learn about democracy come from?

BTW, you once again allude to your secret 15 principles of democracy yet again decline to list them. Every time you do that people become more convinced they are imaginary.

As for as your claim:

"All you have done is highlight that you have no respect for democracy"

I oppose an unelected military junta that came to power through a coup against an elected government, rules without any check on power, and has drafted a blatantly undemocratic constitution. You support this affront to democracy. Who has no respect for democracy?

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