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Call for Thai youth to help disseminate knowledge of democracy


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House of Representatives' inspector-general calls for Thai youth to help disseminate knowledge of democracy


BANGKOK, 1 May 2015 (NNT) – The inspector-general of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives has called on Thai youth to help disseminate knowledge of democracy to people across the country.

Inspector-general of the Secretariat of the House of Representatives Kallayarat Kao-sam-ang on Thursday delivered a speech and presented certificates to participants of the youth reconciliation and participation promotion project.

The project was part of the plan to help strengthen democracy in Thailand through the democratic youth workshop.

Ms. Kallayarat said that the project has been a success thanks to cooperation from all involved and is now believed to be helpful in educating young citizens so that they will be able to contribute to the development of Thailand and the democratic rule.

Young participants of the project have demonstrated their determination to improve their potential and to learn about all aspects of the country, from politics to economy, social affairs, environment and technological invention.

Ms. Kallayarat said she hoped that all youth would embrace everything they have learnt and accordingly share it all with people around them.

-- NNT 2015-05-01 footer_n.gif

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So the kids will be teaching the adults. Firstly the true meaning of democracy must be taught and the way things are here and the current definition being sprouted is not democracy. there is no such thing as controlled democracy. Lesson number 1. Lesson 2 everyone has the same and equal right of vote. Lesson number 3 the military should not interfere and have Coups.

I guess after this lesson it would be back to ' the selective democracy model' that seems to be getting pushed to the people on a daily basis.

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And the Youth shall have uniforms, and they shall stand in formation.

They shall recite the 12 Core Values each day.

For it was written by the Self_Appointed Prime Minister:

7. Understanding, learning the true essence of democratic ideals with His Majesty the King as the Head of State

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One wounders where to go with this as there is not to many within the Thai population that even knows that "D" is the starting word in Democracy , one thing for sure , the junta is showing its few colours left , that they haven't a clue.coffee1.gif

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Der Führer also had his youth organization. Is this going to be like that as well? Just wonderin...

Oh, and don't forget the former name of East Germany - German Democratic Republic.


Edited by toybits
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There are 3 kids at my child school whose parents support the ptp . All the names were put up on the door in nice colours. Those 3 kids had a big red ring put around their names. Their report cards labeled them unpatriotic.
Many of the other kids stopped speaking to them.
In another school near my home kids got children of ptp parents and put them in a fake prison. They were then spit on and kicked. The children were 10 and 11 years old. They thought it was extremely funny.
Politics should be kept out of the schools.

Certainly is a topic of concern, pity , all we get is TAT and its BS predictions.

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Why is it that people actually think a "democracy" is a solution or a desired form of government ?

It is nothing else than a tyranny of the majority !!!

10 people on a skyscraper ...

6 idiots and 4 geniuses ...

democracy: the majority votes to jump ... ALL have to jump !!! That's democracy !!!

That's how stupid the democracy is everybody in this forum seems to want to have.

One big difference between the "origins" of democracy and what people think about it today:

1. Elections were NOT part of democracy !!!

2. Nobody could be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!

Best example on how idiotic the current democracies are:
Nobody wants to pay taxes but everybody does it [on plain force !!!] ... dictatorship per definition !!!

[And people actually defend this BS :-)]

There is no better system to CONTROL a population than making it believe it has anything to say.

"If elections would change anything they would be made illegal" [Marc Twain]

Wake up people and start using your own brains.

The brainwashing sits very deep and it takes some effort to get rid of it.

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The project was part of the plan to help strengthen democracy in Thailand through the democratic youth workshop.

​How on earth can you strengthen something that no long exists? Obviously they don't have the slightest idea to the differences between a legitimately elected government by a public vote (democracy) and an act of treason that results in a military takeover (coup / junta / dictatorship).

Must be a Thainess thing I'm missing or something far more insidious as brainwashing kids into thinking that a military dictatorship is a form of democracy.

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Has anyone read the propoganda material from the democratic youth workshop?

I'm curious to how they define 'democracy'. And what examples they use.

Edited by rijb
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Why is it that people actually think a "democracy" is a solution or a desired form of government ?

It is nothing else than a tyranny of the majority !!!

10 people on a skyscraper ...

6 idiots and 4 geniuses ...

democracy: the majority votes to jump ... ALL have to jump !!! That's democracy !!!

That's how stupid the democracy is everybody in this forum seems to want to have.

One big difference between the "origins" of democracy and what people think about it today:

1. Elections were NOT part of democracy !!!

2. Nobody could be forced to do something he/she does not want to do !!!

Best example on how idiotic the current democracies are:

Nobody wants to pay taxes but everybody does it [on plain force !!!] ... dictatorship per definition !!!

[And people actually defend this BS :-)]

There is no better system to CONTROL a population than making it believe it has anything to say.

"If elections would change anything they would be made illegal" [Marc Twain]

Wake up people and start using your own brains.

The brainwashing sits very deep and it takes some effort to get rid of it.

" Democracy is the dictatorship of 51 % of the people over the other 49 %". = Quoted from a gentleman named Mohammar Ghaddafi.


The resident-Farangs, howling to get rid of the "Red Shirts" at the time, are getting now what they have asked for: A democracy based on "Thainess". Enjoy! Some alert "Farang-howlers" may have discovered in the meantime, that the "red's" were far more Farang-friendly than the current (and future) "Thainess-Democrats".


Apart from this: Would any elected government in western Europe or the US have the balls to govern against the wishes of "Big-Industry, big-money or big interconnected Money-Aristocracies" ?

- Do certain Universities ( in the "western-world") already offer Curriculum's and Diplomas as a "Certified Lobbyist", with the goal of helping out overwhelmed members of parliament in their decision-making?

THE POINT: Democracy is in the eye of the beholder(s). In the 3rd Reich the "Volksgemeinschaft" was accepted as the ultimate form of democracy.

I just wonder, what new and "creative" variations of democracies will be presented to the world in this brand new century. Unfortunately, I am too old to see this spectacle unfold and see it through to the bitter end.


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In the future, I believe there will be virtual democracies. If we don't blow ourselves up (or aliens invade us) before then.

Technology will enable people to vote real-time on issues and candidates.

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LPDR, Laos Peoples Democratic Republic

Very close and in Thailand's neighborhood.

who knows?

Maybe someday we will see PDRT or Peoples Democratic Republic of Thailand?

At least these countries admit the are a republic!

USA claims to be a democracy and wants to "give " democracy to the world.

But the USA is actually a republic itself, not a democracy!

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a true working demoracy takes a long time, losts of effort, blood and sacrefice and and brillent compromiseing people working for the good of the majority. history has made a few runs at establishment of what is wanted, made several tweks to their system,(likely to make more) but some say some countries are on the road to success.

we can see good in some countries governments and the way they operate as well as bad in those that have/are failing. i think the big hold up on getting what is needed and will work fairly if finding those smart, people who can compromise and accept that they can be wrong and others right and the ''others'' should be listened to and their ideas adopted in the majority of times,

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I believe that it is not uncommon for political movements, particularly those of shall we say a more authoritarian leaning, to employ their youth organisations to disseminate their views on things....

yup.. I worked well for Hitler & Mussolini

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