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Police reform cannot be put off any longer

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Enforced RULE OF LAW will help change Thailand. No need for debate/ brainstorming/ suggesting/pleading etc. Just enforce the existing laws AND put the guilty where they belong.


Umm, to really enforce laws, police would have to arrest themselves, their buddies, and some of their relatives. Can you picture a head cop putting handcuffs on himself, then ordering his underling to book him and put him in the slammer until trial? Not likely.
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"Moreover, there were even times, he said, when police were told to suspend their investigations."

They admit this in public and it's just accepted and swept under the rug?!?!?

The REAL crime is that they could make so much MORE money if they upheld the law, maintained order on the roads issuing tickets to speeders and erratic drivers, ensuring every driver had a license and insurance, charging drunk drivers, ALL of this saving lives etc. etc. etc.

I guess that's why it's still a "developing" country.

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What a red herring this is, and anyone believing anything else is deluded. No one has any reason more than I to loathe the RTP, BUT there are some genuinely good and able police officers, including some from the top. This is merely another 'red' - aka Taksin allied - cleaning of the opposition exercise. What happened to the Russian kidnap case involving soldiers on Phuket? Who won? None so blind as those who will not see.

My goodness! 13 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Surprising when you consider that there were no corrupt lawmen before he came to power.

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What a red herring this is, and anyone believing anything else is deluded. No one has any reason more than I to loathe the RTP, BUT there are some genuinely good and able police officers, including some from the top. This is merely another 'red' - aka Taksin allied - cleaning of the opposition exercise. What happened to the Russian kidnap case involving soldiers on Phuket? Who won? None so blind as those who will not see.

My goodness! 13 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Surprising when you consider that there were no corrupt lawmen before he came to power.

Yea, but T also did police training in Texas, so he not only had inside knowledge of police activities, he was also well-versed in Thai-style ways of getting ahead (pay for promotions, etc). Then there was his lack of moral turpitude & compass, but that's too big a topic, so I'll sign off. . . . . .

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Enforced RULE OF LAW will help change Thailand. No need for debate/ brainstorming/ suggesting/pleading etc. Just enforce the existing laws AND put the guilty where they belong.


I think you should have put the emphasis on the first word in your comment!

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The potential policeman has to pay money to get into the Thai police force.

He does so , because he knows it is a money spinner , not because he wants to uphold the law.

You cannot blame them from wanting a return on the thousands they had to pay out just to get on the first rung.

Now we understand the term "Born Again".

Evil embedded in the seed of a heart cannot sprung a righteous man.

Understand and agree with the first bit from NE1, but "Evil embedded in the seed of a heart cannot sprung a righteous man."?

What sort of gobbledegook is that?

Possibly that "a leopard cannot change its spots"? But I agree - gobbledegook - not needed.

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"Moreover, there were even times, he said, when police were told to suspend their investigations."

They admit this in public and it's just accepted and swept under the rug?!?!?

The REAL crime is that they could make so much MORE money if they upheld the law, maintained order on the roads issuing tickets to speeders and erratic drivers, ensuring every driver had a license and insurance, charging drunk drivers, ALL of this saving lives etc. etc. etc.

I guess that's why it's still a "developing" country.

Agreed they could MAKE more money, but if they did everything you say, they wouldn't be able to KEEP it!

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More committees and panels and nothing will happen. The BIB is a big organisation inherently rotten and corrupt not to mention inefficient.

Reform is quite a mountain to climb and I doubt it can ever be achieved. The system suits too many at the top of various trees.

if never started,

of cause never ever something will happen !

Inactive post should be replaced by lodge in BKK Hilton ,

or send to Koh Tao;

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One has to start somewhere. Improve the training (get professional help from abroad). Increase salaries. Punish corruption severely. Make finances from higher ranking officers and their families transparant. It all will probably take generations.

Singapore or Hong Kong PDs are possible role models.

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