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Video: Don't drink and drive - new anti drive campaign in Thailand.

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Is this broadcast on major TV stations? The problem is that Thais believe in fate, and that if its going to happen it's going to happen. They are not in control of their destiny, so they don't bother with safety measures. The exceptions are the more educated and worldly among the populace. Let's hope it has some impact.

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Is this broadcast on major TV stations? The problem is that Thais believe in fate, and that if its going to happen it's going to happen. They are not in control of their destiny, so they don't bother with safety measures. The exceptions are the more educated and worldly among the populace. Let's hope it has some impact.

Unless they know that you have to pay 10,000thb for each violation, and the second time they have to follow a course against drinking and driving, and if they don't like to do, put them 3 months in prison.

I am convinced that also the Thai will listen.

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Superstitious fatalists who believe their dead relatives are reincarnated as feral dogs - you think a little video (which probably has had more viewers on TV than anywhere else) will convince them to change their ways? Still a "developing" country.

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What's needed is a change in culture starting with education in school's before people get their licence. Advertising campaigns don't work with Thai's.

You are so right! The people in this country especially those that have the power just do not get it! We have gone through this before, we who post negatives will get at least one or two each time other foreign posted saying it is their country if you do not like it go home. But day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year it is the same stuff. Wasted time and money while majority of the deaths are Thais it is really sad maybe a form of population control.

If they seriously and actually did anything about it there would not be a Songkran to celebrate each year. If it is not a video it is a tent set up along the side of the road with BIB sitting under them but there is no one to do any checking.

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I believe this tragic and heartbreaking video should be seen by all members of the government; by every driver before next getting into their vehicle, and in every school/university.


(warning: graphic images)

This might at last persuade the authorities to increase random breathalyszing to a nation-wide maximum, to cancel the driving licenses of convicted offenders for 5 years in the first case, and for life for re-offending.

In each case, a long jail sentence and a hefty fine.

If not, more and more innocent people will die. And God forbid, it might be one of our own loved ones.

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Is this broadcast on major TV stations? The problem is that Thais believe in fate, and that if its going to happen it's going to happen. They are not in control of their destiny, so they don't bother with safety measures. The exceptions are the more educated and worldly among the populace. Let's hope it has some impact.

The exceptions are........ Do you really believe that? Obviously you do not follow the news.coffee1.gif

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I believe this tragic and heartbreaking video should be seen by all members of the government; by every driver before next getting into their vehicle, and in every school/university.


(warning: graphic images)

This might at last persuade the authorities to increase random breathalyszing to a nation-wide maximum, to cancel the driving licenses of convicted offenders for 5 years in the first case, and for life for re-offending.

In each case, a long jail sentence and a hefty fine.

If not, more and more innocent people will die. And God forbid, it might be one of our own loved ones.

Unfortunely, most Thai drivers do not have a drivers license. And if they are caught by a routine police check they just get a B200 fine, that allows them to drive for another week...

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What's needed is a change in culture starting with education in school's before people get their licence. Advertising campaigns don't work with Thai's.

tell my wife that when she has just got used to tele /online shopping

but yes i agree with your opinion on driving campaigns

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Is this broadcast on major TV stations? The problem is that Thais believe in fate, and that if its going to happen it's going to happen. They are not in control of their destiny, so they don't bother with safety measures. The exceptions are the more educated and worldly among the populace. Let's hope it has some impact.

Unless they know that you have to pay 10,000thb for each violation, and the second time they have to follow a course against drinking and driving, and if they don't like to do, put them 3 months in prison.

I am convinced that also the Thai will listen.

Dream on.

Until the day the Thais have respect for the law and law enforcers they will not give a monkey's about anything.

That day is a long way off.

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Superstitious fatalists who believe their dead relatives are reincarnated as feral dogs - you think a little video (which probably has had more viewers on TV than anywhere else) will convince them to change their ways? Still a "developing" country.

Undeveloped and developing are not the same.

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If you had maybe 3 pints in England and they had little effect ,on your way home you would still think that the plod might pull you over, even on empty roads. Here ( at least where I live up North ) there are no BIBs so drink what you like ...you won't get stopped. If you are involved in an accident ,maybe a bit of grief. I go to my pub 1k away in the car as I feel safer , I might at the most drink 4 glasses of Sangsom & coke over 2 hours. IF there was a chance of a breathaliser I might be over the top. But then I see the locals coming out of the bars ,they can barely start their scooters, do they care of course not, the local plod are all in bed. If royalty is coming through from further north on AH2 , be it day or night , every soi has a BIB to make the road safe for the important ones. I guess when the VIPs have passed by it is back to bed.

Thing will only improve when the BIB appear after dark and do their job , park opposite bars and do something about those that are drunk and should not be riding/driving anywhere. But as has been said so many times ......who gives a sh1 T.

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I hope the programs and campaigns can save lives as proven by numerous countries that have long ago initiated such campaigns while backing them up with laws that are strictly enforced.

However, this is Thailand so you just have to be cynical and wonder how exactly the authorities will corrupt this public issue and turn it into a lucrative money maker for "some" of the enforcers and or those in a position to create a money making enterprise while enforcing the rules and regulations and laws...and..at the same time, being publically praised while looking good in eyes of the public while they perform their duties.


Edited by gemguy
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0% tolerance of alchohole intake before driving

In my old homecountry, Sweden, we have probably the best rule regarding drinking and driving. We use the Zero tolerance level of alchohole intake before driving.

Since peoples responses of alchohol intake varies regarding body mass and other circumstances, there is very hard to determin how much you can drink before you hit thje maximum alchohole level in your blood.. So this is why the use a system of a minimum alchohole level in your blood when driving, is a bad way of dealing with this problem. It is so easy to misscalculate the alcohole intake.

If you instead use the Swedish model of 0% Alchohol tolerance before driving, it is very easy to come to termes with drunken drivers. The Swedish model just tell the drivers not to drink before they drive.

If you plan to go to a party or visit a restaurant, and want to have a nice evening and drink alochohole, then just leave your car pr motorbike at home, or have a designated driver who is sober to drive you back home. And there is always Taxis to use if you can´t arrange with your own sober driver.

The extra money you have to spend on a Taxi is very well spent money, instead of risking your own or others lives, because you caused an accident when you was to drunk to drive safely.

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If they're really serious about a campaign to reduce drink related accidents then maybe they should consider putting some "hard-hitting" video footage on prime-time TV showing the end result of drinking & driving, including the grief of those family & friends left behind to pick-up the pieces.

A dose of reality in-between non-reality drama's might have an effect!!

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If they're really serious about a campaign to reduce drink related accidents then maybe they should consider putting some "hard-hitting" video footage on prime-time TV showing the end result of drinking & driving, including the grief of those family & friends left behind to pick-up the pieces.

A dose of reality in-between non-reality drama's might have an effect!!

Multiple road blocks with breathalyzer and other tests.

Squad cars pulling people over and testing them if driving erratically.

Vehicle confiscated if over the limit.

Minimum sentence of jail time and hefty fine.

During prime time TV, they go and make a drink during the soap commercial.

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Lengthy gaol sentnecing is fine... how many more gaols will they need to build to accomodate all the offenders.

It will take a long time for the change in attitude required to take effect.

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What has worked well in other countries to reduce drunk driving is if you are over the limit and are caught driving you go directly to jail and are tested again for blood level alcohol and if you are indeed over the limit, you are arrested and charged. after a while even the most fatalistic, superstitious, alcohol addled get the picture. Of course, none of this means anything if the process is short circuited by extra- judicial police malfeasance, misfeasance, or nonfeasance.

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