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Tropical Park


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Years ago I rented a bike,an hour or so riding it came across a tropical park Mostly all I can remember is it had a pool which was supported on one side by concrete stilts that bedded into a river,also had large hill at rear of it that could be climbed. Nice place

Forget if it was phuket or Krabi I rented the bike ,would like to find the place again tho

Advice kindly received

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The adjective "tropical" doesn't give much of a clue in these parts, "arctic" for instance would narrow down the options considerably. But a situation described as " it had a pool which was supported on one side by concrete stilts that bedded into a river" is rare, could ring a bell somewhere. Hope you find your paradise.

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The adjective "tropical" doesn't give much of a clue in these parts, "arctic" for instance would narrow down the options considerably. But a situation described as " it had a pool which was supported on one side by concrete stilts that bedded into a river" is rare, could ring a bell somewhere. Hope you find your paradise.

Thanks for the replies, but no. all I remember taking a hike with the bike,getting a bit fed up at the distance and there it was left hand side as I whizzed through from Krabi or Phuket.

Grand entrance,nicely laid out gardens,cafe to the left with a hill backing onto it at left of the park.

yes the only thing that would ring a bell,outside pool nice one ,but one side was supported with concrete supports that went into a small river at the bottom

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