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Texas cartoon contest organizer known for inflammatory rhetoric


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The truth is plain to see, Islam is replacing tolerance and freedom of speech with the murderous violence of the Third World and 7th Century barbarism.

What is your view about buddhists in Burma who kill muslim minority?

They see that it is time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

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When someone puts a crucifix of Christ in a botle of piss and call it art no one goes out and grabs a gun. These sicko terrorists have to learn that free people can do and say as they please as long as it is within the law. People have a right to be stupid and do outlandish things like the Piss christ for example. If you don't like it thats too bad. Open discussion and debate cannot be stifled because some bozo gets offended.

Just try to do the same with a Buddha figure here, and see how nice and civilized the people will be...

We all know that this texan event (one of the less racist state of course) did this for only one purpose :give the fingers to the Islam religion. Not only the extremists but all the muslims community.

I don t hear a lot about chistian cartoons in USA and i am quite sure it is never happening.

So, are you slandering Thais or Texans? Because muslims have done far, far worse. Remember the Buddhas blasted into smithereens by the Afghan Taliban? Or the Christian churches and artifacts destroyed in Egypt and Syria? Or the ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian artifacts smashed to pieces throughout Iraq? No prob, eh? But let somebody draw a cartoon and it's time to kill'em all.

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Just try to do the same with a Buddha figure here, and see how nice and civilized the people will be...

We are not living in a democracy and the incident did not happen in Thailand. Try the same thing in American and the most you could expect is a big YAWN.

You have never seem anti-Christian cartoons in America? Are you serious?

Recently in my ultra-liberal city of Portland, I found myself driving behind a car with just one bumper sticker. "So many Christians," it read, "So few lions."


Wowwww : harsh, hateful speak

Recently in my ultra-liberal city of Portland, I found myself driving behind a car with just one bumper sticker. "So many Christians," it read, "So few lions."


It is not what i call a cartoon contest which main goal is to provoke muslim community. Don t see that a lot in texas...in fact i am quite sure this could lead to unrest in this wonderful state.

Now i agree about freedom of speech, but turning it provocative hateful event is of course legal but plain stupid.

And by saying this i not justify the shooting, which was obviously done by two retards

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"Moderate" Muslims have no influence over extremist Muslims because they live amongst them and they are terrified of them.

But in the civil wars coming our way in the near future the moderate Muslims WILL take the side of the extremists. So can we stop talking about "moderate" Muslims please!

Good point and Brigette Gabiel doesn't mention that probable eventuality here when stressing the irrelevancy of moderates of several historic ideology-driven tyrannies:

Edited by MaxYakov
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The truth is plain to see, Islam is replacing tolerance and freedom of speech with the murderous violence of the Third World and 7th Century barbarism.

What is your view about buddhists in Burma who kill muslim minority?

I'm not an expert, but it seems that the Buddhists (aka: the Burmese) feel that their country has been invaded by people from Bangladesh who are muslim and engage in rape and murder. That is their side of the argument, at least. I'm sure there is a Rohingya case to be made. Although it is clear as a bell that wherever muslims emigrate, trouble follows. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-18395788

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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

what part of fee speech don't you understand? are you from the UK? and what would you do to address the muslim extermism? they destroy anything that does not agree with them, they behead men women and children, they have sex with goats(,check out the military videos of the "muslims banging a goat before trying to attack an outpost). no wonder they are looking for 72 virgins!

The guy they were drawing a picture of was a pedophile. Most pedophiles get nervous about their picture being circulated. Perhaps that's what all the fuss is about.

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Muslims know they cannot gain power militarily, but they know that they can do it with political correctness and insisting that we respect their freedom of religion, even though they have no respect for others.

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Just my opinion but what a stupid event to hold, just asking for trouble

I can remember a few years back in Europe that was a big story about a paper publishing a cartoon of the prophet Mohamed

The organizer asking for trouble, those in attendance as also asking for trouble

No good can come from something like this

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My 2 cents.

I will forever defend the rights of extremists of ALL types to voice their thoughts - however offensive. I will forever decry violence as a response to being offended - no one deserves to die for their opinions. I wish Geller felt the same...

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Back to the specifics of the OP, which insinuates that Geller is up to something greedy and nasty because she has a $192,000 salary. Okay, well enough. But if you are worried about money tainting somebody's point of view, how about the source the article cites to smear Geller, the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose chief trial counsel, Morris Dees, makes $350,000 and whose CEO, Richard Cohen, makes $345,000. Oh, and what about the SPLC's offshore bank account in the Cayman Islands? As one popular left wing site's story put it: "The SPLC's new 2009 IRS 990 filing shows they have a bank account in the Cayman Islands. Now, stop for a good long minute and ask yourself what the hell is a supposed poverty-fighting Alabama-based tax exempt organization doing with such an account. Then ponder this: how much money is in it." Yes, this from a left wing site, not Fox News. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2010/11/26/923486/-Southern-Poverty-Law-Center-s-Cayman-Islands-bank-account#

And one other clue as to how the SPLC operates is in this OP. Geller heads AFDI and the group Stop the Islamization of America. One person. But the SPLC counts it as two of its nearly 800 "hate groups." It's numbers games like this that the SPLC uses to dupe people into pouring their cash into Morris Dees' private jet aircraft and posh houses and cars. Elsewhere, the SPLC has identified individual people who may belong to one group and classified them as separate organizations. Bottom line: the SPLC is a racket. And the AP is using it as its primary source in this article.

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Just for the record and information for the great unwashed among us, this event wasn't even open to the public.

It was by invitation only and one could only enter the exhibition with the appropriate credentials.

Perhaps our recently deceased Muslim friends didn't understand they were not invited and decided to crash the party in a blaze of glory. Their entry was denied by one lone Garland police officer with a hand gun.

Was the event controversial? To Muslims, of course it was. They probably weren't crazy about it but, then, they were also not on the invitation list.

One thing to consider is there are many things that are controversial to Muslims. To name just a few...

Educating girls

Women not covering their heads in public

Israel and the Jewish people

Women driving cars

Short skirts and sleeveless tops (does not include kilts and wife beaters)

Western civilization

Maybe the problem isn't with the cartoon event after all.

Maybe it is the intolerance of the Islamic way of life.

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It is very interesting to follow the rise of Pamela Geller and the money trail such as the OP Fairbrook Foundation that supports her. Well worth a Google. Try http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/aubrey_chernick_and_the_fairbrook_foundation

Check where most of their money ends up.

She has a domestic axe to grind somewhere to the right of the Tea Party and a sometimes not so hidden foreign policy agenda also mentioned in the OP

“In 2012, the transit authority was forced to run Geller ads that read: "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad. She paid for similar ads in San Francisco, Detroit and Washington.”

That was extremely generous of her. She seems to have very deep pockets or someone else certainly does!

After she had jumped aboard and helped create the Islamophobic hysteria after 911, Obama as Democrat candidatewith a Muslim father was a godsend to her. She campaigned vigorously against him on behalf of the far right playing on voters’ racist fears, sometimes bordering on the ridiculous that Obama was Malcom X’s love child.. Fortunately the American public could see through that smokescreen.

I feel sorry for all the Islamophobes around the world who think it is their patriotic duty to hate Muslims but who are in fact being used as pawns by this evil woman and others to fight a proxy religious and political war elsewhere.

But the dark forces behind this hate filled bigot should be wary. Bogeymen eventually fade away in people’s minds, and there’s always some other focus of hatred to replace them..and it could possibly be them.

Don't accept things at face value. The propagandists would love that. Do some research and read between the lines.

Edited by dexterm
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Good for PAMELA GELLER. Her methods might be disturbing, but her message needs to be heard. wink.png

The Southern Poverty Law Center have made major screw-ups, so not to be taken too seriously. They also described the Family Research Council - a conservative Christian organization - as a '"hate group" , because of their traditional stance on marriage. FRC were attacked by an armed terrorist who admitted he chose his target based on the the Southern Poverty Law Center web site. An affidavit filed in the case stated that the attacker had told the guard of the building that 'I don't like your politics.'

Not sure if you're on the right side of this one....


Regarding the CNN hit piece on Geller, following is the side the author of the piece is coming from:


Haroon Moghul
Haroon Moghul is the Fellow in Muslim Politics and Societies at the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School. He's a graduate student at Columbia University, a widely-recognized speaker on Islamic thought and Muslim history, and the author of The Order of Light (Penguin 2006). Haroon's writings have been featured on Foreign Policy, Boston Review, Salon, Tikkun, Religion Dispatches, Al-Jazeera and Dawn. He is a Fellow at the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding and Senior Editor at The Islamic Monthly. His essay, "Prom InshAllah," is featured in Salaam, Love: American Muslim Men on Love, Sex, and Intimacy (Beacon 2014). Follow him on Twitter @hsmoghul.
Hardly an unbiased voice from the wilderness.
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It is very interesting to follow the rise of Pamela Geller and the money trail such as the OP Fairbrook Foundation that supports her. Well worth a Google. Try http://theamericanmuslim.org/tam.php/features/articles/aubrey_chernick_and_the_fairbrook_foundation

Check where most of their money ends up.

She has a domestic axe to grind somewhere to the right of the Tea Party and a sometimes not so hidden foreign policy agenda also mentioned in the OP

In 2012, the transit authority was forced to run Geller ads that read: "In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad. She paid for similar ads in San Francisco, Detroit and Washington.

That was extremely generous of her. She seems to have very deep pockets or someone else certainly does!

After she had jumped aboard and helped create the Islamophobic hysteria after 911, Obama as Democrat candidatewith a Muslim father was a godsend to her. She campaigned vigorously against him on behalf of the far right playing on voters racist fears, sometimes bordering on the ridiculous that Obama was Malcom Xs love child.. Fortunately the American public could see through that smokescreen.

I feel sorry for all the Islamophobes around the world who think it is their patriotic duty to hate Muslims but who are in fact being used as pawns by this evil woman and others to fight a proxy religious and political war elsewhere.

But the dark forces behind this hate filled bigot should be wary. Bogeymen eventually fade away in peoples minds, and theres always some other focus of hatred to replace them..and it could possibly be them.

Don't accept things at face value. The propagandists would love that. Do some research and read between the lines.

The problem is the Saudi's with their theology of Wahhabi and Deobandi and our political elite have been bowing down to them for years.

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Good for PAMELA GELLER. Her methods might be disturbing, but her message needs to be heard. wink.png

The Southern Poverty Law Center have made major screw-ups, so not to be taken too seriously. They also described the Family Research Council - a conservative Christian organization - as a '"hate group" , because of their traditional stance on marriage. FRC were attacked by an armed terrorist who admitted he chose his target based on the the Southern Poverty Law Center web site. An affidavit filed in the case stated that the attacker had told the guard of the building that 'I don't like your politics.'

Not sure if you're on the right side of this one....


Regarding the CNN hit piece on Geller, following is the side the author of the piece is coming from:


Haroon Moghul
Haroon Moghul is the Fellow in Muslim Politics and Societies at the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School. He's a graduate student at Columbia University, a widely-recognized speaker on Islamic thought and Muslim history, and the author of The Order of Light (Penguin 2006). Haroon's writings have been featured on Foreign Policy, Boston Review, Salon, Tikkun, Religion Dispatches, Al-Jazeera and Dawn. He is a Fellow at the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding and Senior Editor at The Islamic Monthly. His essay, "Prom InshAllah," is featured in Salaam, Love: American Muslim Men on Love, Sex, and Intimacy (Beacon 2014). Follow him on Twitter @hsmoghul.
Hardly an unbiased voice from the wilderness.

Take a look at the nutjob stance that she is coming from. Claims blacks are conducting a genocidal war against whites in South Africa, supported the Serbian perpetrator of the Bosnian War and genocide, Radovan Karadžic, ..more at..


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Good for PAMELA GELLER. Her methods might be disturbing, but her message needs to be heard. wink.png

The Southern Poverty Law Center have made major screw-ups, so not to be taken too seriously. They also described the Family Research Council - a conservative Christian organization - as a '"hate group" , because of their traditional stance on marriage. FRC were attacked by an armed terrorist who admitted he chose his target based on the the Southern Poverty Law Center web site. An affidavit filed in the case stated that the attacker had told the guard of the building that 'I don't like your politics.'

Not sure if you're on the right side of this one....


Regarding the CNN hit piece on Geller, following is the side the author of the piece is coming from:


Haroon Moghul

Haroon Moghul is the Fellow in Muslim Politics and Societies at the Center on National Security at Fordham Law School. He's a graduate student at Columbia University, a widely-recognized speaker on Islamic thought and Muslim history, and the author of The Order of Light (Penguin 2006). Haroon's writings have been featured on Foreign Policy, Boston Review, Salon, Tikkun, Religion Dispatches, Al-Jazeera and Dawn. He is a Fellow at the Institute of Social Policy and Understanding and Senior Editor at The Islamic Monthly. His essay, "Prom InshAllah," is featured in Salaam, Love: American Muslim Men on Love, Sex, and Intimacy (Beacon 2014). Follow him on Twitter @hsmoghul.



Hardly an unbiased voice from the wilderness.

Take a look at the nutjob stance that she is coming from. Claims blacks are conducting a genocidal war against whites in South Africa, supported the Serbian perpetrator of the Bosnian War and genocide, Radovan Karadžic, ..more at..


Blacks are conducting a genocidal war against whites in South Africa

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Pamela Geller is purposely going around the U.S. and other countries spreading the word of the threat of radical Islam and of jihad .. .AND GOOD FOR HER... Someone has to do it ...

It is just Too Damned Bad if some are annoyed or insulted ... In the U.S. at least - she has the right of Free Speech regardless of who is annoyed, insulted ... That is the LAW of the 1st. Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ... If you don't like it too bad...

Muslims in the U.S. have no right to attempt to stop her... They have every right to criticize ... Mrs. Geller has no obligation to shut up - none.

Life is full of trials and tribulations -- nothing in the U.S. Constitution says you are to be shielded from insult -- it is a part of life - get over it.

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Are the progressives bored with attacking the second amendment so they have now turned to attacking the first? Incidentally the rhetoric coming from the heads of state of countless Muslim Countries are far more inflammatory than anything Pamela Geller has come out with, mind you in the world of Islam inflammatory so often takes on a different meaning, especially where foreign embassies are concerned.

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As for freedom of speech, I personally believe there should be limits.

You mean like drawing harmless cartoons, because they might offend someone? Might as well just ban free speech completely.

No, I think he means limits that happen to coincide with his views.

Certain political persuasions always refer to anyone who disagrees with their particular views as "fascist, racist, sexist, bigots" etc etc.

How ironic they defend free speech, but only if it agrees with them!

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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

80 years ago a foolish British Prime Minster brought peace in our times with a meeting with Herr Hilter

Sorry it doesn't work Muslim extremism must be killed last year.

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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

80 years ago a foolish British Prime Minster brought peace in our times with a meeting with Herr Hilter

Sorry it doesn't work Muslim extremism must be killed last year.

The West is not at war with militant Islam, they support the main sponsor Saudi Arabia while importing millions of Muslim immigrants, and kowtowing to their cultural practices such as Sharia law and polygamy

Edited by stander
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If she dies then it would be a good thing.

No. It wouldn't. She is well within her rights in a democracy that guarantees free speech. Only the usual hateful loons would support murder for sponsoring a cartoon drawing contest.

You really think that's all it is - a cartoon drawing contest. If I was you, I would get your head out of the clouds and stop being a racist!!

They are not drawing cartoons of Mickey and Minnie mouse you know

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If she dies then it would be a good thing.

No. It wouldn't. She is well within her rights in a democracy that guarantees free speech. Only the usual hateful loons would support murder for sponsoring a cartoon drawing contest.

You really think that's all it is - a cartoon drawing contest. If I was you, I would get your head out of the clouds and stop being a racist!!

They are not drawing cartoons of Mickey and Minnie mouse you know

Islam is not a race, but then your type play the race card when people voice their disdain for Islamic extremists

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We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings.

Then stop complaining when they fight back and murder people!!! All of that pathetic out pouring when those imbecile journalists were killed at Charlie Hebdo. They had it coming as far as I'm concerned. Don't play Russian roulette unless you are prepared for the consequences.

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Islam is not a race, but then your type play the race card when people voice their disdain for Islamic extremists

Most Muslims (not all) but a vast majority are people with black/yellow skin (Africans and Asians) so it is indirectly racism.

People are not voicing their disdain for a few hundred Islamic extremists, they are voicing their disdain for the Islamic faith - that is a whole lot different!!

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When someone puts a crucifix of Christ in a botle of piss and call it art no one goes out and grabs a gun. These sicko terrorists have to learn that free people can do and say as they please as long as it is within the law. People have a right to be stupid and do outlandish things like the Piss christ for example. If you don't like it thats too bad. Open discussion and debate cannot be stifled because some bozo gets offended.

The Southern Poverty Law Center said at least nine times that it is okay and a right to put crucifix oin a bottle of piss

Maybe in the name of equally we add a Koran to the mix

And see the nuts come out woodwork

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We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings.

Then stop complaining when they fight back and murder people!!! All of that pathetic out pouring when those imbecile journalists were killed at Charlie Hebdo. They had it coming as far as I'm concerned. Don't play Russian roulette unless you are prepared for the consequences.

The people at Charlie Hebdo did not put a gun to their own heads. The muslim terrorists did that. Just like they did to the cowering policeman they shot dead as he squirmed in the streets outside the CH offices. Fortunately, the policeman in Garland was better trained and more proficient with his weapon--the upside of gun culture--and plunked the two heavily armed and armored terrorists with his service pistol before they knew what hit them.

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