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Texas cartoon contest organizer known for inflammatory rhetoric


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We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings.

Then stop complaining when they fight back and murder people!!! All of that pathetic out pouring when those imbecile journalists were killed at Charlie Hebdo. They had it coming as far as I'm concerned. Don't play Russian roulette unless you are prepared for the consequences.

We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings. Is not a complaint, its advice as I know people are afraid to speak openly about the threat of radical Islam,

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We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings.

Then stop complaining when they fight back and murder people!!! All of that pathetic out pouring when those imbecile journalists were killed at Charlie Hebdo. They had it coming as far as I'm concerned. Don't play Russian roulette unless you are prepared for the consequences.

The people at Charlie Hebdo did not put a gun to their own heads. The muslim terrorists did that. Just like they did to the cowering policeman they shot dead as he squirmed in the streets outside the CH offices. Fortunately, the policeman in Garland was better trained and more proficient with his weapon--the upside of gun culture--and plunked the two heavily armed and armored terrorists with his service pistol before they knew what hit them.

Been to the cinema lately, have we?

They knowingly goaded the Muslim faith with something they cannot and do not accept, they are worm fodder because of this. If they had lived normal lives doing normal things that doesn't offend anyone, then they would still be sitting in their office drawing away!!

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We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings.

Then stop complaining when they fight back and murder people!!! All of that pathetic out pouring when those imbecile journalists were killed at Charlie Hebdo. They had it coming as far as I'm concerned. Don't play Russian roulette unless you are prepared for the consequences.

Fight back! Your inversion of reality is something to behold. If you would rather live under Islamic Sharia, which is exactly where your attitude would lead then all I can say is don't let the door hit you on the backside when you leave.
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When someone puts a crucifix of Christ in a botle of piss and call it art no one goes out and grabs a gun. These sicko terrorists have to learn that free people can do and say as they please as long as it is within the law. People have a right to be stupid and do outlandish things like the Piss christ for example. If you don't like it thats too bad. Open discussion and debate cannot be stifled because some bozo gets offended.

Just try to do the same with a Buddha figure here, and see how nice and civilized the people will be...

We all know that this texan event (one of the less racist state of course) did this for only one purpose :give the fingers to the Islam religion. Not only the extremists but all the muslims community.

I don t hear a lot about chistian cartoons in USA and i am quite sure it is never happening.

Defiling the symbols of Christians, the Cross and every aspect of Christianity is a national sport in the USA... where have you been?

You surely know about the 'ART' work - probably still on display -- Jesus on the Cross - small statue - in a jar of Piss ... the liberals in American claim it to be a work of art. No one was shot at or killed, maimed or slugged or anything else ... by anyone over this outrage ... because in America this is considered Free Speech and Expression.

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The truth is plain to see, Islam is replacing tolerance and freedom of speech with the murderous violence of the Third World and 7th Century barbarism.

What is your view about buddhists in Burma who kill muslim minority?

And Vice Versa .... read fully the accounts of things that go on there

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We don't need to tip toe around Islam's precious feelings.

Then stop complaining when they fight back and murder people!!! All of that pathetic out pouring when those imbecile journalists were killed at Charlie Hebdo. They had it coming as far as I'm concerned. Don't play Russian roulette unless you are prepared for the consequences.

Fight back! Your inversion of reality is something to behold. If you would rather live under Islamic Sharia, which is exactly where your attitude would lead then all I can say is don't let the door hit you on the backside when you leave.

I can fully understand why Charlie Hebdo happened. I am not saying that it was right that it happened, but they really did bring it upon themselves. They were warned to stop and they decided to push it to the limit - we all know what the results of that was.

I disagree with Sharia law and do not wish to live under this. I simply think that goading fanatics by ridiculing their Prophet is not a particularly sensible thing to do knowing the likely backlash.

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When you think in the 70's, 80's and into the 90's the IRA had few dozen terror cells in Britain and then compare that with the sheer numbers of Muslims communities in the UK and US , then almost certainly there are many cells of radical Islamists, who are being harbored and defended within these communities.

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It is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists.

It's a cowards wager;- Can I live out my likely time left on Earth with a feeling of marginally greater security by giving in to Islamofascists? The luxury of making such a choice is sadly not available in much of the world where the corpses are piling up by the thousands every month.
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It is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists.

It's a cowards wager;- Can I live out my likely time left on Earth with a feeling of marginally greater security by giving in to Islamofascists? The luxury of making such a choice is sadly not available in much of the world where the corpses are piling up by the thousands every month.

They are the cowards who will not see the Islamic threat until the sword is on their own neck.

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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

Sure it does... the event exposed Islamic Terrorists for what they are... mindless killers who will attack with intent to kill over a insult of a cartoon.

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Good for PAMELA GELLER. Her methods might be disturbing, but her message needs to be heard. wink.png

The Southern Poverty Law Center have made major screw-ups, so not to be taken too seriously. They also described the Family Research Council - a conservative Christian organization - as a '"hate group" , because of their traditional stance on marriage. FRC were attacked by an armed terrorist who admitted he chose his target based on the the Southern Poverty Law Center web site. An affidavit filed in the case stated that the attacker had told the guard of the building that 'I don't like your politics.'

well, its nice to have a clear picture of where you stand on hate speech.

nice to have the bigots on board revealed

You live in another dimension ... in America as has been established there can be hate crimes - act / actions taken but no such thing as hate speech... That is because we have freedom of speech under the 1st. Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

To assist you... the text of the First Amendment ...

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

Sure it does... the event exposed Islamic Terrorists for what they are... mindless killers who will attack with intent to kill over a insult of a cartoon.

Everyone already knows what extremist terrorists from any race or religion are.

So what exactly was the purpose of the event? It was simply to antagonise and anger extremists, nothing else.

If any of the attendees had also been killed they too would have got what they deserved.

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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

what part of fee speech don't you understand? are you from the UK? and what would you do to address the muslim extermism? they destroy anything that does not agree with them, they behead men women and children, they have sex with goats(,check out the military videos of the "muslims banging a goat before trying to attack an outpost). no wonder they are looking for 72 virgins!

The right to freedom of speech can be used much more gainfully than the equivalent of poking something until it bites back.

This particular stunt, and that is all it is, will achieve absolutely nothing except highlight how clueless the organisers are.

There are far more constructive ways to debate extremism of any form than to deliberately do something that offends even moderate groups of a religion with no intent at anything else. Make no mistake, this was a provocation, nothing else.

As for freedom of speech, I personally believe there should be limits. For instance, I would deny paedophiles the right to describe their sick fantasies and I hope most would agree.

Especially if in Arabic, Urdu or Farsi where it is highly prevalent... :)

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Islam is not a race, but then your type play the race card when people voice their disdain for Islamic extremists

Most Muslims (not all) but a vast majority are people with black/yellow skin (Africans and Asians) so it is indirectly racism.

People are not voicing their disdain for a few hundred Islamic extremists, they are voicing their disdain for the Islamic faith - that is a whole lot different!!

"People are not voicing their disdain for a few hundred Islamic extremists, they are voicing their disdain for the Islamic faith - that is a whole lot different!!"

And - if so ... it makes no difference as far as free speech goes... There can be no free speech if one group or another become serially and constantly offended -- and that gives authority for stoppage of that speech ... If this were the case Free Speech would end in a short period of time.
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If she dies then it would be a good thing.

No. It wouldn't. She is well within her rights in a democracy that guarantees free speech. Only the usual hateful loons would support murder for sponsoring a cartoon drawing contest.

You really think that's all it is - a cartoon drawing contest. If I was you, I would get your head out of the clouds and stop being a racist!!

They are not drawing cartoons of Mickey and Minnie mouse you know

It is not racist -- and even if it was -- in America even racist Americans have freedom of speech ... their positions will win or lose in the opinions of the public

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It is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists.

I think Muslims, with a minuscule 0.6% of the US population, have got quite an uphill battle to dominate and impose Sharia Law on their fellow citizens. Which just goes to show how hysterical Islamophobia has become.


I am very grateful to news editor for presenting this topic. After 911 and Bush’s phony Iraq war I thought the rise in Islamophobia was some sort of fad bogeyman. I even started getting anti Muslim jokes emailed by my friends, most of whom have never even met a Muslim.

Now I realize that this whole phenomenon has been a carefully orchestrated brainwashing campaign by the likes of Pamela Geller and her backers the Fairbrook Foundation mentioned in the OP. Quite an expensive business to maintain this hate industry with all their websites to support. Look at where the rest of their funds end up. Take a close look at Geller’s and the Fairbrook Foundation's real political allegiances.

That’s why I urge readers not to be sheeple but to follow the money to discover who ultimately is behind this planned hatred. Google Fairbrook Foundation...you will be amazed. You will realize you have been duped into fighting someone else’s political and religious war for them...yet again.

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Here come the nutter brigade. Yea, it's all because of the international bankers cosmopolitan Jewish conspiracy. Nothing at all to do with gun toting madmen, lunatic bombers intent on blowing up whoever draws a cartoon, writes a book, or produces a film they don't like.

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It is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists.

I think Muslims, with a minuscule 0.6% of the US population, have got quite an uphill battle to dominate and impose Sharia Law on their fellow citizens. Which just goes to show how hysterical Islamophobia has become.


I am very grateful to news editor for presenting this topic. After 911 and Bushs phony Iraq war I thought the rise in Islamophobia was some sort of fad bogeyman. I even started getting anti Muslim jokes emailed by my friends, most of whom have never even met a Muslim.

Now I realize that this whole phenomenon has been a carefully orchestrated brainwashing campaign by the likes of Pamela Geller and her backers the Fairbrook Foundation mentioned in the OP. Quite an expensive business to maintain this hate industry with all their websites to support. Look at where the rest of their funds end up. Take a close look at Gellers and the Fairbrook Foundation's real political allegiances.

Thats why I urge readers not to be sheeple but to follow the money to discover who ultimately is behind this planned hatred. Google Fairbrook Foundation...you will be amazed. You will realize you have been duped into fighting someone elses political and religious war for them...yet again.

Follow the money, that's easy it's the Saudi's and the spread of Wahhabism sponsored by $$$$$$s of oil money and our political elite have been bowing down to them for years.

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If she dies then it would be a good thing.

No. It wouldn't. She is well within her rights in a democracy that guarantees free speech. Only the usual hateful loons would support murder for sponsoring a cartoon drawing contest.

You really think that's all it is - a cartoon drawing contest. If I was you, I would get your head out of the clouds and stop being a racist!!

They are not drawing cartoons of Mickey and Minnie mouse you know

They can't. Mickey and Minnie are copyrighted. The Muslims should copyright images of M. Oh, that's right. I forgot. There aren't any. Maybe they should file a defamation lawsuit or, better yet, have M. come back from wherever it is he is and file it personally.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

Sure it does... the event exposed Islamic Terrorists for what they are... mindless killers who will attack with intent to kill over a insult of a cartoon.

Everyone already knows what extremist terrorists from any race or religion are.

So what exactly was the purpose of the event? It was simply to antagonise and anger extremists, nothing else.

If any of the attendees had also been killed they too would have got what they deserved.

"So what exactly was the purpose of the event? It was simply to antagonise and anger extremists, nothing else.

What you are saying is the cartoons somehow make extremists...extreme?

Please explain that little bit of brilliance. How exactly is that supposed to work?

Your philosophy rather reminds me of closing the barn door AFTER the horses get out.

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It is now time to fight back or accept that Islam will dominate

People are out of their minds, if they think they can ignore the unrelenting push for domination by Islamists.

I think Muslims, with a minuscule 0.6% of the US population, have got quite an uphill battle to dominate and impose Sharia Law on their fellow citizens. Which just goes to show how hysterical Islamophobia has become.


I am very grateful to news editor for presenting this topic. After 911 and Bush’s phony Iraq war I thought the rise in Islamophobia was some sort of fad bogeyman. I even started getting anti Muslim jokes emailed by my friends, most of whom have never even met a Muslim.

Now I realize that this whole phenomenon has been a carefully orchestrated brainwashing campaign by the likes of Pamela Geller and her backers the Fairbrook Foundation mentioned in the OP. Quite an expensive business to maintain this hate industry with all their websites to support. Look at where the rest of their funds end up. Take a close look at Geller’s and the Fairbrook Foundation's real political allegiances.

That’s why I urge readers not to be sheeple but to follow the money to discover who ultimately is behind this planned hatred. Google Fairbrook Foundation...you will be amazed. You will realize you have been duped into fighting someone else’s political and religious war for them...yet again.

"I think Muslims, with a minuscule 0.6% of the US population, have got quite an uphill battle to dominate and impose Sharia Law on their fellow citizens".

Well -- that does not keep them from trying --- and try they do -- everyday in some place in America and it is quite irritating ... Why do they not realize they have to leave their laws at where they came from --- from where their parents / grandparents came from ... Why cannot they not figure out that their efforts to install Sharia Law in America is an AFFRONT to Americans? Why cannot they figure out that they must ASSIMILATE to adopt Americanism not try to change it to something foreign and incompatible with Americanism and our Constitution? ....

That is the problem -- the fact that they even TRY to do install Sharia Law. Sharia Law is not wanted - not allowed in America but Muslims push push push... people who push push push their parochial ways on to Americans instead of becoming Americans - adopt traditions of America will always FAIL at some point ... And Muslims are failing right now in America... They are becoming enemies of the rest of America by their push push push -- foot baths and prayer rooms at an American airport - paid by taxpayer money, insistence that Halal food be in public school cafeterias -- paid by taxpayer money, insistence that public schools make Muslim holy days school holidays ... when they are only a small percentage of the local population. The fastest way to make enemies in America is for Muslims to go about a constant effort to remake America into their own image of what they think it should be... Sit back - leave American society. culture and customs alone -- stop trying to change them - actually become 100% Americans - and watch what happens... Take a tip from the many Vietnamese in America -- become Americans -- after a number of years - no one takes a second glance and even become proud of a new group of productive Americans.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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Geller said that she was not going to abridge her rights to free speech in order to apease savages......

Right On...

Today....I saw thai people swimming and wearing clothes paterned on the US Flag.....I asked mg Gf if I could make a pair of shorts or underwear with a thai flag pattern....oh no....cannot....forbidden.

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Typical ploy of those on the Left. Blame the victim. In this case, it's Geller and her event. The cartoon exhibit was legal, peaceful, and in the tradition social/political satire that runs throughout American life. Now, those who wish to stifle, control, and limit speech to officially sanctioned speech are out to attack the victims of an attempted terror/murder attack. SOP for the Left.

As I said on the other thread, this deliberately offensive "cartoon competition" was designed to provoke exactly this response, and the rancid Ms. Geller has got what her and herJewish buddies wanted, a burst of anti-Islamic publicity and the usual rhetoric from the right wing talking heads.

Probably her only sadness about it is that she didn't manage to provoke the killing of an innocent, or then she'd really have something to dramatically wail and gnash her teeth about.

She should crawl back under the rock where she belongs.

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Typical ploy of those on the Left. Blame the victim. In this case, it's Geller and her event. The cartoon exhibit was legal, peaceful, and in the tradition social/political satire that runs throughout American life. Now, those who wish to stifle, control, and limit speech to officially sanctioned speech are out to attack the victims of an attempted terror/murder attack. SOP for the Left.

As I said on the other thread, this deliberately offensive "cartoon competition" was designed to provoke exactly this response, and the rancid Ms. Geller has got what her and herJewish buddies wanted, a burst of anti-Islamic publicity and the usual rhetoric from the right wing talking heads.

Probably her only sadness about it is that she didn't manage to provoke the killing of an innocent, or then she'd really have something to dramatically wail and gnash her teeth about.

She should crawl back under the rock where she belongs.

Here we go again. It's the fault of "the Jews." Says everything about you. Just to remind you that had the muslim terrorists kept their guns holstered, there would be no story, no news to report. Had they simply showed up with protest banners shouting slogans similar to yours, only the local media would have noticed. But it was when they tried to massacre a group of people at a private event that THEY generated the news. Good to see that they're rotting in some morgue somewhere right now.

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Typical ploy of those on the Left. Blame the victim. In this case, it's Geller and her event. The cartoon exhibit was legal, peaceful, and in the tradition social/political satire that runs throughout American life. Now, those who wish to stifle, control, and limit speech to officially sanctioned speech are out to attack the victims of an attempted terror/murder attack. SOP for the Left.

As I said on the other thread, this deliberately offensive "cartoon competition" was designed to provoke exactly this response, and the rancid Ms. Geller has got what her and herJewish buddies wanted, a burst of anti-Islamic publicity and the usual rhetoric from the right wing talking heads.

Probably her only sadness about it is that she didn't manage to provoke the killing of an innocent, or then she'd really have something to dramatically wail and gnash her teeth about.

She should crawl back under the rock where she belongs.

Here we go again. It's the fault of "the Jews." Says everything about you. Just to remind you that had the muslim terrorists kept their guns holstered, there would be no story, no news to report. Had they simply showed up with protest banners shouting slogans similar to yours, only the local media would have noticed. But it was when they tried to massacre a group of people at a private event that THEY generated the news. Good to see that they're rotting in some morgue somewhere right now.

Whatever you think is up to you, but be assured that Ms. Geller is far from being a genuine person. The two guys deserved exactly what they got, but she is not a victim.

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Typical ploy of those on the Left. Blame the victim. In this case, it's Geller and her event. The cartoon exhibit was legal, peaceful, and in the tradition social/political satire that runs throughout American life. Now, those who wish to stifle, control, and limit speech to officially sanctioned speech are out to attack the victims of an attempted terror/murder attack. SOP for the Left.

As I said on the other thread, this deliberately offensive "cartoon competition" was designed to provoke exactly this response, and the rancid Ms. Geller has got what her and herJewish buddies wanted, a burst of anti-Islamic publicity and the usual rhetoric from the right wing talking heads.

Probably her only sadness about it is that she didn't manage to provoke the killing of an innocent, or then she'd really have something to dramatically wail and gnash her teeth about.

She should crawl back under the rock where she belongs.

You seem unhappy.

Would you be happier if the two terrorists had managed to get into the event and kill some citizens, along with a few police officers?

The only wailing and gnashing of teeth around here seems to be coming from your keyboard.

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