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How Do Thai People Sell Their Houses?


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Hey Guys, we are trying to sell our house on soi 102 for about 2 months, and have been unsuccessful so far.

we have listed it on this website in the classifieds, as well as bahtsold, as well as putting big "For Sale" signs on the gates to the house, as well as posters on some of the lamp posts in soi 102 / 94 / 112 etc in both thai and english

we have also listed the property with about 3 of the bigger agents in town, and the response through them in terms of numbers of viewings has been poor..... a total of 2 viewings over 2 months, from 3 big agents

the property is priced reasonably i believe, and is in a fairly desirable area

altogether we have shown maybe 10 or 12 parties around the house, but as i say, only 2 of those have come from estate agents

a lot of the people interested in the house have been thai, and so we want to try to market the house more towards thai people

it seems the agents we have used are more farang oriented, and with european buyers being quite scarce it seems, we want to aim for a thai buyer

does anyone have any suggestions how we can market the property towards thai people here in hua hin, and maybe to bangkok buyers? as i say, we have the for sale sign up, plus lamp posts signs....... what thai language options do we have online, and what estate agents exist in the town that cater for thai customers?

for information purposes only....... tongue.png .............here is the house we are trying to sell..........


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12 viewings in 2 months.......what feedback have you had from the clients?....with that many viewings and no offers there seems to be an underlying problem. DD Property and OLX are two other websites directed at Thais.

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If you have a relationship with your local land office, they can usually connect you with people looking to buy. Be aware they may also want to make a significant commission on their efforts.

Our place sold after a year and a half on the market through word of mouth with the wife's friends. We had maybe two people express interest in the first 16 months, and during the high season up here, we had over forty people look at the house with about three very serious to buy it. We feel very fortunate to have sold.

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12 viewings in 2 months.......what feedback have you had from the clients?....with that many viewings and no offers there seems to be an underlying problem. DD Property and OLX are two other websites directed at Thais.

I agree. 12 viewings is not too bad considering the state of the eeconomy at the moment.

One of the tricks of selling a house is to make it look as new and unlived in as possible. Try to put as many personal effects as possible out of sight and reduce clutter by putting it out of sight . Anything that is broken should be repaired and where necessary repaint cracked or stained walls.

There are a lot of videos on YouTube giving advice on how to sell a home and you might find them useful.

We sold both our homes in Bangkok within two weeks of putting them up for sale. We found that the sign on the gate worked a lot better than the internet , from which we had no viewings , and lamp post signs did not help much either. With our first sale we agreed to pay someone else in our village 5000 baht commission for introducing prospective purchasors. That person also ran the local mini store and knew everybody and often met people looking for a house in the area for another family member.

Good luck with it.

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Try Khun Chitlada at DD Properties to get it sold; she's quite good. T/0866020685. And, good luck!

thanks guys - i have just listed the property on DD Properties. it's a very impressive website! i used google translate to convert my english to thai script, so hopefully it will attract some thai buyers

Michael...... you say to contact Kuhn Chitlada....... even if i have listed the property already, is it still worth contacting her? can she offer stuff that isnt available through the automatic listings?

also, is it worth paying the premium you think to get the house "featured", so that it appears above the other properties listed on DD?

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Try Khun Chitlada at DD Properties to get it sold; she's quite good. T/0866020685. And, good luck!

thanks guys - i have just listed the property on DD Properties. it's a very impressive website! i used google translate to convert my english to thai script, so hopefully it will attract some thai buyers

Michael...... you say to contact Kuhn Chitlada....... even if i have listed the property already, is it still worth contacting her? can she offer stuff that isnt available through the automatic listings?

also, is it worth paying the premium you think to get the house "featured", so that it appears above the other properties listed on DD?

Definitely worth the extra to be featured as DD have so many listings it soon slips down the pages. Bahtsold also offer a featured ad for not too much. Lee at Century 21 seems pretty clued up you may want to contact him if you havnt already. Also try agents in the BKK district as you are aware clients are looking for property in HH area. Feet on the ground always works better than an enquiry from miles away so the idea posted above of Mom & Pop shops in your area of course offering them a finders fee/commission may very well get you that buyer. Although riddled with complications, many potential buyers like the idea of try befor you buy or financing, you could consider this...albeit at your peril.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I looked at your ad and have nfi where this is on 102

Or where the Tesco Lotus is.

pcliff - the house is about 2km after the railway tracks, up soi 102. it is a quite densely populated area, and lots of small housing projects are situated (suk sabai 1 & 2 & 3 being the main ones)

thanks phattayaphom - i think i will upgrade my DD listing in a couple of days, once the listing has slipped down from the top. i have already upgraded the bahtsold listing...... try before they buy may be difficult mate, as the house is sold unfurnished...... they can for sure sit on the balcony all afternoon and watch the world go by if they are interested, plus use the loo as much as they want smile.png

the nearest Tesco Lotus is at market village, or the bottom of soi 112

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Your ad is worded perfectly with accompanying pictures that gives a professional and detailed look. Just a note, if you wish to target Thais, the company would not interest them. Thais wish freehold for security and simplicity, not to mention lawyers fees and annual taxes. Company-Thai transfer would incur taxes at land office of approx. 8.3% so bear this in mind plus expenses to close company...unless of course you are leaving Thailand and are not bothered about the company.

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Try Khun Chitlada at DD Properties to get it sold; she's quite good. T/0866020685. And, good luck!

thanks guys - i have just listed the property on DD Properties. it's a very impressive website! i used google translate to convert my english to thai script, so hopefully it will attract some thai buyers

Michael...... you say to contact Kuhn Chitlada....... even if i have listed the property already, is it still worth contacting her? can she offer stuff that isnt available through the automatic listings?

also, is it worth paying the premium you think to get the house "featured", so that it appears above the other properties listed on DD?

I'm sorry, I don't have the expertise to answer your questions myself. It's free to call Chitlada, tell her your story and then ask what she can do for you. She is an experienced agent who may very well be able to help you sell your home. Her English is quite good, too. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is priced to sell mate...... rents like that are unattainable, even in a highly sought after soi such as this one smile.png

I think your post fully demonstrates the truth in the saying, 'sarcasm is the lowest form of wit' and reveals your highly defensive nature however, I agree with you that the property is reasonably priced and definitely 'priced to sell' as opposed to priced in anticipation of happening upon a mug-punter who will happily pay over the odds for it.

To answer your query; in my, personal, experience Thais' sell their properties through 'word of mouth' i.e. people informing other people that they are aware that the property is up for sale or, alternatively, via an unofficial, local agent/broker.

Don't bite my head off but something relating to the costs, responsibilities & rights complicit in administering the company that holds the property as an asset, the costs as well as responsibilities, rights, restrictions and set-up of the company or association responsible for maintaining the village/gated community and the reason/s for your selling might help a potential, falang buyer to consider making an offer.

Perhaps stating your reason/s for selling in your ad' and just informing readers that you'll be happy to explain fully, to interested parties, the aforementioned arrangements.

Edited by piersbeckett
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Stick a for sale sign on the gate.. Sold in 24 then!!

we have 3 for sale signs on the perimeter / gate of the property Biker......

the thing is, the housing project where the house is has a security gate, so Jo public cannot ride around in his car having a look for properties..... therefore we are quite unlikely to find a buyer through that traditional for sale sign method i think

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You would be surprised who security let in.. Several times I have driven up to decent looking moo baans and just said " I look house (actually HOW) and given a ticket and waived on in..

PS: if you do it at 1000baht a week I will take it off ya hands.. Done deal guvner!

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