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Activist: No regrets about Texas cartoon contest ended by gunfire


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I'll stick with Bill Maher, who has been every bit as forthright in pointing out the dangers and stupidity of Islamic fascism as Geller, but without all the insanity.

But, I don't give a s*&T about how supposedly "offensive" the activities of Geller were. She has a right to say whatever she wants, however stupid it is. It did not justify a couple of religious fanatics swinging by trying to kill people. They really think an omnipotent god needs their help? The funny thing is that ISIS has apparently claimed "credit" for this, and all they accomplished is shooting an unarmed security guard in the foot. Wow, real scary.

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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n01-19980102/eirv25n01-19980102_060-british_under_attack_for_harbori.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2000/eirv27n02-20000114/eirv27n02-20000114_050-british_establishment_admits_yes.pdf http://www.emannabih.com/hey-united-kingdom-remember-that-harboring-terrorists-begets-terrorism/ http://www.sinhaya.com/uk.htm

No reason to continue posts that may or may not lock in my point; a cursory search that UK, either for unknown reasons or secondary to Byzantium EU immigration proceedings provides a refuge for terrorists for a while. To have the UK then ban Spencer, Geller, and Savage for basically being on the front lines of an initially intellectual response to islamic aggression is in fact a badge of honor, not shame. In a world without borders the act of PNG is meaningless in any event. I honor people such as Geller though I have a bit more self reflection to note the TX event was not simply freedom of speech, though it was also. It was also a response to the line in the sand muslims have drawn for those people in the House of War, dar al harb, who are not yet even subject to sharia. It is basically warning shots that sharia is coming and to self censure or else.

The most amazing thing to witness as a human passing by these years is the intellectual dishonesty that is now epidemic in society; it is a nearly managed programing. Such dishonesty truly gives voice to certain motivations suggested in the movies Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda (though I dont agree with all of their assertions). The near diabolical disconnect humans are being forced to experience is both dizzying and enormous in both its magnitude of deceit and diabolism. With the advent of social media no other people in the history of the world have participated in the first global conquest by the manipulation of language and meaning as a singular stalking horse. This is the Third Great Jihad, but the horse is unlike Troy's.

From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.G. Orwell Thus we live daily with cognitive dissonance. War, blood, death, rape, slave, jews, death, bomb, war, behead, murder, enslave, capture, burn alive, conquer, car bomb, show bomb, camel bomb, world trade center, New York, Madrid, Mumbai, NWFP, Sanaa, Aden, Alepo, Beirut, Gaza... Islam has always been part of America” Fort Hood,Times Sqaure, World Trade Center 1, honor killings, daughters murdered in US, Canada... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia, taqiyya, jizya, the tax, throwing gay people from buildings, if they live, burying them up to their neck beside a wall, then using a tank to knock the wall down upon them... These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” TSA, countless billions spent on security, NSA, loss of liberty, women driving, women walking behind husbands, women in the workplace, child rape victims having to marry their rapers, daughters being traded for cattle, or debt... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia courts operating independently in the UK, sharia courts counting the testimony of a woman as 1/4, raped women requiring three male witnesses else-wise her assertion of rape becomes admission of sex and she goes to prison to have her baby and serve her time...

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” islam lacks inherent exegesis through jurisprudence to ever change to accommodate vox populi; the muslim founders were well aware of the pressing needs of various other cultures to change upon sharia and the tenet faith and made integral to the migration laws and jihad the conditioning which solely prevents modernizing. Whatever Islam is, it is not what the west has imagined it to be. What the West has imagined islam to be is basically, "us," but "not us," "Different!" This is a fallacy of incalculable error. Islam is not simply another relative religion preoccupied with the duties of getting their believers from here to god. Islam is a very real, very here sociopolitical military-judicial system of theocratic government. In the early 100's of the Roman Empire some reputed descendents of the then known Jesus of Nazareth were brought before the court. "In who's world do you serve," paraphrase. They responded that they serve the Emperor, but that their empire was in another world. Pleased, perhaps irritated that he had to even be bothered with such a trifle issue, he dismissed them to live their lives. Islam is not that story. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

In Islam when no religious claim is executed or even if so and otherwise conquered through any number of subtle or complex means that islam provides to describe conquest, the land becomes a waqf of islam. A dedicated, forever islam location; it could actually be called a trust. This can be as simple as muslims assembling and praying at a location- thus the historical compulsion to build mosques upon other religious icons. Indeed, it is this reason that mosques are going up throughout middle America, though Americans are only incidentally threatened as there are less muslims than space at nearly all these locations. Enter Obama, "if you build it they will come" (this is not his quote but his response). This is among the reasons the re population of displaced muslims from abroad is being managed with great secrecy in the US- to the tune of millions! Nevertheless, remarkably rural areas are getting large muslim populations- and coincidentally these same types of areas have been having large waqf/mosques built. It is the same as all the former lands once conquered or stolen by islamic jihad- they proclaim with great judicial authority that these lands actually belong to them, according to their law. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” becomes less an invitation than an execution commentary.

As noted, the above quotes are either Obama or cited as Orwell. It is important to look at Obama's quotes over time rather singular context. This pattern actually reveals more regarding Spencer, Geller, and Savage- they are heroes. When the president of the no longer christian United States of America states “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” he is giving explicit commands. “Islam has always been part of America” suggests the common revisionist mechanics used throughout the jihad world, from Boko Haram to the Taliban to Hamas and others. Revise the history, such as democratic/progressive gaslighting- say something often enough and it will be considered true. The following quotes conclude my point but cant elaborate further on the obvious.

Geller and company are heroes; they are our little furry yellow friends in our current coal mine.

These are only quotes from Obama woven into a fabric I choose to wear. Consider what greater minds than us have noted: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims#Rabindranath_Tagore

“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world “” including in my own country.”

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Yes, civilization is estimated to be in debt to Islam to roughly 110,000,000 in the Indian subcontinent and close to 300,000,000 lives totally since 632CE.

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” False

“Islam has always been part of America” False

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” False

“I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Perhaps, but irrelevant. Islam is at war with the world; its required.

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A brilliant comprehensive post covering the total disconnect between the Islam of reality and the pink tinged tissue of lies our politicians try to get us to swallow. By way of a side note had the UK Labour Party won yesterday's general election 'Islamophobia' would have been made into an aggravated crime. As we well know accusations of Islamophobia are political in their nature designed to further or at least acquiesce to Islamic supremacism. Truth would be no defense. Indeed as Pamela Geller once wrote.

Truth is the new hate speech.

It would have been welcome to George Orwell's 1984, just thirty years later. I expect the reprieve to last but years, depending on how quickly we bend down to alien totalitarians telling us what not to write, draw, wear, eat, think, or even be.

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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n01-19980102/eirv25n01-19980102_060-british_under_attack_for_harbori.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2000/eirv27n02-20000114/eirv27n02-20000114_050-british_establishment_admits_yes.pdf http://www.emannabih.com/hey-united-kingdom-remember-that-harboring-terrorists-begets-terrorism/ http://www.sinhaya.com/uk.htm

No reason to continue posts that may or may not lock in my point; a cursory search that UK, either for unknown reasons or secondary to Byzantium EU immigration proceedings provides a refuge for terrorists for a while. To have the UK then ban Spencer, Geller, and Savage for basically being on the front lines of an initially intellectual response to islamic aggression is in fact a badge of honor, not shame. In a world without borders the act of PNG is meaningless in any event. I honor people such as Geller though I have a bit more self reflection to note the TX event was not simply freedom of speech, though it was also. It was also a response to the line in the sand muslims have drawn for those people in the House of War, dar al harb, who are not yet even subject to sharia. It is basically warning shots that sharia is coming and to self censure or else.

The most amazing thing to witness as a human passing by these years is the intellectual dishonesty that is now epidemic in society; it is a nearly managed programing. Such dishonesty truly gives voice to certain motivations suggested in the movies Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda (though I dont agree with all of their assertions). The near diabolical disconnect humans are being forced to experience is both dizzying and enormous in both its magnitude of deceit and diabolism. With the advent of social media no other people in the history of the world have participated in the first global conquest by the manipulation of language and meaning as a singular stalking horse. This is the Third Great Jihad, but the horse is unlike Troy's.

From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.G. Orwell Thus we live daily with cognitive dissonance. War, blood, death, rape, slave, jews, death, bomb, war, behead, murder, enslave, capture, burn alive, conquer, car bomb, show bomb, camel bomb, world trade center, New York, Madrid, Mumbai, NWFP, Sanaa, Aden, Alepo, Beirut, Gaza... Islam has always been part of America” Fort Hood,Times Sqaure, World Trade Center 1, honor killings, daughters murdered in US, Canada... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia, taqiyya, jizya, the tax, throwing gay people from buildings, if they live, burying them up to their neck beside a wall, then using a tank to knock the wall down upon them... These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” TSA, countless billions spent on security, NSA, loss of liberty, women driving, women walking behind husbands, women in the workplace, child rape victims having to marry their rapers, daughters being traded for cattle, or debt... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia courts operating independently in the UK, sharia courts counting the testimony of a woman as 1/4, raped women requiring three male witnesses else-wise her assertion of rape becomes admission of sex and she goes to prison to have her baby and serve her time...

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” islam lacks inherent exegesis through jurisprudence to ever change to accommodate vox populi; the muslim founders were well aware of the pressing needs of various other cultures to change upon sharia and the tenet faith and made integral to the migration laws and jihad the conditioning which solely prevents modernizing. Whatever Islam is, it is not what the west has imagined it to be. What the West has imagined islam to be is basically, "us," but "not us," "Different!" This is a fallacy of incalculable error. Islam is not simply another relative religion preoccupied with the duties of getting their believers from here to god. Islam is a very real, very here sociopolitical military-judicial system of theocratic government. In the early 100's of the Roman Empire some reputed descendents of the then known Jesus of Nazareth were brought before the court. "In who's world do you serve," paraphrase. They responded that they serve the Emperor, but that their empire was in another world. Pleased, perhaps irritated that he had to even be bothered with such a trifle issue, he dismissed them to live their lives. Islam is not that story. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

In Islam when no religious claim is executed or even if so and otherwise conquered through any number of subtle or complex means that islam provides to describe conquest, the land becomes a waqf of islam. A dedicated, forever islam location; it could actually be called a trust. This can be as simple as muslims assembling and praying at a location- thus the historical compulsion to build mosques upon other religious icons. Indeed, it is this reason that mosques are going up throughout middle America, though Americans are only incidentally threatened as there are less muslims than space at nearly all these locations. Enter Obama, "if you build it they will come" (this is not his quote but his response). This is among the reasons the re population of displaced muslims from abroad is being managed with great secrecy in the US- to the tune of millions! Nevertheless, remarkably rural areas are getting large muslim populations- and coincidentally these same types of areas have been having large waqf/mosques built. It is the same as all the former lands once conquered or stolen by islamic jihad- they proclaim with great judicial authority that these lands actually belong to them, according to their law. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” becomes less an invitation than an execution commentary.

As noted, the above quotes are either Obama or cited as Orwell. It is important to look at Obama's quotes over time rather singular context. This pattern actually reveals more regarding Spencer, Geller, and Savage- they are heroes. When the president of the no longer christian United States of America states “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” he is giving explicit commands. “Islam has always been part of America” suggests the common revisionist mechanics used throughout the jihad world, from Boko Haram to the Taliban to Hamas and others. Revise the history, such as democratic/progressive gaslighting- say something often enough and it will be considered true. The following quotes conclude my point but cant elaborate further on the obvious.

Geller and company are heroes; they are our little furry yellow friends in our current coal mine.

These are only quotes from Obama woven into a fabric I choose to wear. Consider what greater minds than us have noted: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims#Rabindranath_Tagore

“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world “” including in my own country.”

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Yes, civilization is estimated to be in debt to Islam to roughly 110,000,000 in the Indian subcontinent and close to 300,000,000 lives totally since 632CE.

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” False

“Islam has always been part of America” False

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” False

“I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Perhaps, but irrelevant. Islam is at war with the world; its required.

Processing of displaced Muslims is not being managed in great secrecy. The programs are being managed by the State Dept, in conjunction with Dept of Homeland Security and openly discussed. Info can easily be obtained e.g.


Personally I find the level of spin & negativity in your post disappointing.

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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history.

Indeed. Thanks for pointing it out. What a bunch of politically correct hypocrites. thumbsup.gif

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A brilliant comprehensive post covering the total disconnect between the Islam of reality and the pink tinged tissue of lies our politicians try to get us to swallow. By way of a side note had the UK Labour Party won yesterday's general election 'Islamophobia' would have been made into an aggravated crime. As we well know accusations of Islamophobia are political in their nature designed to further or at least acquiesce to Islamic supremacism. Truth would be no defense. Indeed as Pamela Geller once wrote.

Truth is the new hate speech.

It would have been welcome to George Orwell's 1984, just thirty years later. I expect the reprieve to last but years, depending on how quickly we bend down to alien totalitarians telling us what not to write, draw, wear, eat, think, or even be.

I don't see any parallel in 'the briljant post' with the bad US economy who fuels racism and hate speech all over the country for a long time...

What kind of message does P. Geller provide to the 60.000 homeless people - 12.000 children - in New York State only if they have to watch the anti-Muslim advertisements on NY busses and metro walls ?

Are those associations not identical to the tragic wrongdoings from just before WW2 ? Each paragraph has a historical twin from 'Arbeit macht Frei' till 'Islam is a reilgion of peace'. And again justified with the same 'only truth' blindness.

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We all know how the Jew-haters like to try to suggest that the holocaust Jews have something in common with Muslims, but the Jews did not do anything to warrant being attacked, other than practice their religion peacefully. Radical Islam instigates violence constantly and have a lot more in common with the Nazis than the Jews.

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We all know how the Jew-haters like to try to suggest that the holocaust Jews have something in common with Muslims, but the Jews did not do anything to warrant being attacked, other than practice their religion peacefully. Radical Islam instigates violence constantly and have a lot more in common with the Nazis than the Jews.

Nazi rhetoric and association on this topic came not from me.

Quote from Arjunadawn post # 32 :

"From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them."

Edited by Thorgal
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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history.

Indeed. Thanks for pointing it out. What a bunch of politically correct hypocrites. thumbsup.gif

Don't forget that in 2009, Geert Wilders, an elected politician from an EU country, was banned entry to the UK as persona non grata by the government for his anti-Islamic views. (Wilders was a speaker at the Texas event, BTW).

Millions of economic immigrants from all over the world are welcomed in the UK, while one EU politician who warns about the danger of Islamism in Christian Europe is not. That is 'progressive' thinking for you.

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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n01-19980102/eirv25n01-19980102_060-british_under_attack_for_harbori.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2000/eirv27n02-20000114/eirv27n02-20000114_050-british_establishment_admits_yes.pdf http://www.emannabih.com/hey-united-kingdom-remember-that-harboring-terrorists-begets-terrorism/ http://www.sinhaya.com/uk.htm

No reason to continue posts that may or may not lock in my point; a cursory search that UK, either for unknown reasons or secondary to Byzantium EU immigration proceedings provides a refuge for terrorists for a while. To have the UK then ban Spencer, Geller, and Savage for basically being on the front lines of an initially intellectual response to islamic aggression is in fact a badge of honor, not shame. In a world without borders the act of PNG is meaningless in any event. I honor people such as Geller though I have a bit more self reflection to note the TX event was not simply freedom of speech, though it was also. It was also a response to the line in the sand muslims have drawn for those people in the House of War, dar al harb, who are not yet even subject to sharia. It is basically warning shots that sharia is coming and to self censure or else.

The most amazing thing to witness as a human passing by these years is the intellectual dishonesty that is now epidemic in society; it is a nearly managed programing. Such dishonesty truly gives voice to certain motivations suggested in the movies Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda (though I dont agree with all of their assertions). The near diabolical disconnect humans are being forced to experience is both dizzying and enormous in both its magnitude of deceit and diabolism. With the advent of social media no other people in the history of the world have participated in the first global conquest by the manipulation of language and meaning as a singular stalking horse. This is the Third Great Jihad, but the horse is unlike Troy's.

From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.G. Orwell Thus we live daily with cognitive dissonance. War, blood, death, rape, slave, jews, death, bomb, war, behead, murder, enslave, capture, burn alive, conquer, car bomb, show bomb, camel bomb, world trade center, New York, Madrid, Mumbai, NWFP, Sanaa, Aden, Alepo, Beirut, Gaza... Islam has always been part of America” Fort Hood,Times Sqaure, World Trade Center 1, honor killings, daughters murdered in US, Canada... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia, taqiyya, jizya, the tax, throwing gay people from buildings, if they live, burying them up to their neck beside a wall, then using a tank to knock the wall down upon them... These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” TSA, countless billions spent on security, NSA, loss of liberty, women driving, women walking behind husbands, women in the workplace, child rape victims having to marry their rapers, daughters being traded for cattle, or debt... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia courts operating independently in the UK, sharia courts counting the testimony of a woman as 1/4, raped women requiring three male witnesses else-wise her assertion of rape becomes admission of sex and she goes to prison to have her baby and serve her time...

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” islam lacks inherent exegesis through jurisprudence to ever change to accommodate vox populi; the muslim founders were well aware of the pressing needs of various other cultures to change upon sharia and the tenet faith and made integral to the migration laws and jihad the conditioning which solely prevents modernizing. Whatever Islam is, it is not what the west has imagined it to be. What the West has imagined islam to be is basically, "us," but "not us," "Different!" This is a fallacy of incalculable error. Islam is not simply another relative religion preoccupied with the duties of getting their believers from here to god. Islam is a very real, very here sociopolitical military-judicial system of theocratic government. In the early 100's of the Roman Empire some reputed descendents of the then known Jesus of Nazareth were brought before the court. "In who's world do you serve," paraphrase. They responded that they serve the Emperor, but that their empire was in another world. Pleased, perhaps irritated that he had to even be bothered with such a trifle issue, he dismissed them to live their lives. Islam is not that story. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

In Islam when no religious claim is executed or even if so and otherwise conquered through any number of subtle or complex means that islam provides to describe conquest, the land becomes a waqf of islam. A dedicated, forever islam location; it could actually be called a trust. This can be as simple as muslims assembling and praying at a location- thus the historical compulsion to build mosques upon other religious icons. Indeed, it is this reason that mosques are going up throughout middle America, though Americans are only incidentally threatened as there are less muslims than space at nearly all these locations. Enter Obama, "if you build it they will come" (this is not his quote but his response). This is among the reasons the re population of displaced muslims from abroad is being managed with great secrecy in the US- to the tune of millions! Nevertheless, remarkably rural areas are getting large muslim populations- and coincidentally these same types of areas have been having large waqf/mosques built. It is the same as all the former lands once conquered or stolen by islamic jihad- they proclaim with great judicial authority that these lands actually belong to them, according to their law. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” becomes less an invitation than an execution commentary.

As noted, the above quotes are either Obama or cited as Orwell. It is important to look at Obama's quotes over time rather singular context. This pattern actually reveals more regarding Spencer, Geller, and Savage- they are heroes. When the president of the no longer christian United States of America states “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” he is giving explicit commands. “Islam has always been part of America” suggests the common revisionist mechanics used throughout the jihad world, from Boko Haram to the Taliban to Hamas and others. Revise the history, such as democratic/progressive gaslighting- say something often enough and it will be considered true. The following quotes conclude my point but cant elaborate further on the obvious.

Geller and company are heroes; they are our little furry yellow friends in our current coal mine.

These are only quotes from Obama woven into a fabric I choose to wear. Consider what greater minds than us have noted: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims#Rabindranath_Tagore

“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world “” including in my own country.”

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Yes, civilization is estimated to be in debt to Islam to roughly 110,000,000 in the Indian subcontinent and close to 300,000,000 lives totally since 632CE.

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” False

“Islam has always been part of America” False

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” False

“I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Perhaps, but irrelevant. Islam is at war with the world; its required.

Processing of displaced Muslims is not being managed in great secrecy. The programs are being managed by the State Dept, in conjunction with Dept of Homeland Security and openly discussed. Info can easily be obtained e.g.


Personally I find the level of spin & negativity in your post disappointing.

Perhaps you could tell the good citizens of Spartanburg, SC, their fears are unfounded since everything is out in the open.


Requests for information often ignored, stymied
Published: 04/08/2015 at 7:36 PM
With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.
How does a city get on the U.S. State Department’s list of 190 communities selected for refugee resettlement? How can cities find out who will be coming and when? What services will they use, and what will be the cost to taxpayers?
And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?
The answers to these questions are simple. Very little information is available. And there are no guarantees that some very bad apples won’t arrive in your town, says a leading expert on the refugee resettlement program.
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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history.

Indeed. Thanks for pointing it out. What a bunch of politically correct hypocrites. thumbsup.gif

Like your country, our citizens are protected by law and entitled to due process.

I can only think of two people that would satisfy the criteria of "terrorism", one loosely, and neither had committed any offences against Britain or its citizens. One fought extradition to the US but lost, the other fought it for years and eventually voluntarily pissed off to Jordan. They both used the umbrella of European Human Rights laws to try and get off.

Anyone who has committed terrorist acts under British jurisdiction has paid the penalty.

So you're spouting again.

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Free speech which doesn't result in violence and which may or may not be true. This separates the murderous neanderthal extremist from the civilized world where varying points of view can be considered by all collectively and individually.


Edited by NeverSure
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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n01-19980102/eirv25n01-19980102_060-british_under_attack_for_harbori.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2000/eirv27n02-20000114/eirv27n02-20000114_050-british_establishment_admits_yes.pdf http://www.emannabih.com/hey-united-kingdom-remember-that-harboring-terrorists-begets-terrorism/ http://www.sinhaya.com/uk.htm

No reason to continue posts that may or may not lock in my point; a cursory search that UK, either for unknown reasons or secondary to Byzantium EU immigration proceedings provides a refuge for terrorists for a while. To have the UK then ban Spencer, Geller, and Savage for basically being on the front lines of an initially intellectual response to islamic aggression is in fact a badge of honor, not shame. In a world without borders the act of PNG is meaningless in any event. I honor people such as Geller though I have a bit more self reflection to note the TX event was not simply freedom of speech, though it was also. It was also a response to the line in the sand muslims have drawn for those people in the House of War, dar al harb, who are not yet even subject to sharia. It is basically warning shots that sharia is coming and to self censure or else.

The most amazing thing to witness as a human passing by these years is the intellectual dishonesty that is now epidemic in society; it is a nearly managed programing. Such dishonesty truly gives voice to certain motivations suggested in the movies Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda (though I dont agree with all of their assertions). The near diabolical disconnect humans are being forced to experience is both dizzying and enormous in both its magnitude of deceit and diabolism. With the advent of social media no other people in the history of the world have participated in the first global conquest by the manipulation of language and meaning as a singular stalking horse. This is the Third Great Jihad, but the horse is unlike Troy's.

From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.G. Orwell Thus we live daily with cognitive dissonance. War, blood, death, rape, slave, jews, death, bomb, war, behead, murder, enslave, capture, burn alive, conquer, car bomb, show bomb, camel bomb, world trade center, New York, Madrid, Mumbai, NWFP, Sanaa, Aden, Alepo, Beirut, Gaza... Islam has always been part of America” Fort Hood,Times Sqaure, World Trade Center 1, honor killings, daughters murdered in US, Canada... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia, taqiyya, jizya, the tax, throwing gay people from buildings, if they live, burying them up to their neck beside a wall, then using a tank to knock the wall down upon them... These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” TSA, countless billions spent on security, NSA, loss of liberty, women driving, women walking behind husbands, women in the workplace, child rape victims having to marry their rapers, daughters being traded for cattle, or debt... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia courts operating independently in the UK, sharia courts counting the testimony of a woman as 1/4, raped women requiring three male witnesses else-wise her assertion of rape becomes admission of sex and she goes to prison to have her baby and serve her time...

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” islam lacks inherent exegesis through jurisprudence to ever change to accommodate vox populi; the muslim founders were well aware of the pressing needs of various other cultures to change upon sharia and the tenet faith and made integral to the migration laws and jihad the conditioning which solely prevents modernizing. Whatever Islam is, it is not what the west has imagined it to be. What the West has imagined islam to be is basically, "us," but "not us," "Different!" This is a fallacy of incalculable error. Islam is not simply another relative religion preoccupied with the duties of getting their believers from here to god. Islam is a very real, very here sociopolitical military-judicial system of theocratic government. In the early 100's of the Roman Empire some reputed descendents of the then known Jesus of Nazareth were brought before the court. "In who's world do you serve," paraphrase. They responded that they serve the Emperor, but that their empire was in another world. Pleased, perhaps irritated that he had to even be bothered with such a trifle issue, he dismissed them to live their lives. Islam is not that story. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

In Islam when no religious claim is executed or even if so and otherwise conquered through any number of subtle or complex means that islam provides to describe conquest, the land becomes a waqf of islam. A dedicated, forever islam location; it could actually be called a trust. This can be as simple as muslims assembling and praying at a location- thus the historical compulsion to build mosques upon other religious icons. Indeed, it is this reason that mosques are going up throughout middle America, though Americans are only incidentally threatened as there are less muslims than space at nearly all these locations. Enter Obama, "if you build it they will come" (this is not his quote but his response). This is among the reasons the re population of displaced muslims from abroad is being managed with great secrecy in the US- to the tune of millions! Nevertheless, remarkably rural areas are getting large muslim populations- and coincidentally these same types of areas have been having large waqf/mosques built. It is the same as all the former lands once conquered or stolen by islamic jihad- they proclaim with great judicial authority that these lands actually belong to them, according to their law. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” becomes less an invitation than an execution commentary.

As noted, the above quotes are either Obama or cited as Orwell. It is important to look at Obama's quotes over time rather singular context. This pattern actually reveals more regarding Spencer, Geller, and Savage- they are heroes. When the president of the no longer christian United States of America states “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” he is giving explicit commands. “Islam has always been part of America” suggests the common revisionist mechanics used throughout the jihad world, from Boko Haram to the Taliban to Hamas and others. Revise the history, such as democratic/progressive gaslighting- say something often enough and it will be considered true. The following quotes conclude my point but cant elaborate further on the obvious.

Geller and company are heroes; they are our little furry yellow friends in our current coal mine.

These are only quotes from Obama woven into a fabric I choose to wear. Consider what greater minds than us have noted: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims#Rabindranath_Tagore

“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world “” including in my own country.”

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Yes, civilization is estimated to be in debt to Islam to roughly 110,000,000 in the Indian subcontinent and close to 300,000,000 lives totally since 632CE.

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” False

“Islam has always been part of America” False

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” False

“I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Perhaps, but irrelevant. Islam is at war with the world; its required.

Processing of displaced Muslims is not being managed in great secrecy. The programs are being managed by the State Dept, in conjunction with Dept of Homeland Security and openly discussed. Info can easily be obtained e.g.


Personally I find the level of spin & negativity in your post disappointing.

I repeatedly am unable to provide you the courtesy of response. You are incorrect and the research to prove you demonstrably wrong can be garnered by a 4th grader assigned with the homework to "Gather information demonstrating local and regional displeasure with the Obama administration's resettling of muslims into middle America without first having a public debate." A child can figure this out.

My keyboard keeps crashing. Your response deserves a dignified answer; I am sorry I cannot give it. PS: there is simply Zero that can be trusted from the State or DHS any longer. Again. there is simply nothhing that can be taken as meaningful from the State department or DHS. They are a den of liars, they are not good at it, and are consistently caught lying. They have not only lowered the bar, the have erased the pretense of honor.

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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history.

Indeed. Thanks for pointing it out. What a bunch of politically correct hypocrites. thumbsup.gif

Like your country, our citizens are protected by law and entitled to due process.

I can only think of two people that would satisfy the criteria of "terrorism", one loosely, and neither had committed any offences against Britain or its citizens. One fought extradition to the US but lost, the other fought it for years and eventually voluntarily pissed off to Jordan. They both used the umbrella of European Human Rights laws to try and get off.

Anyone who has committed terrorist acts under British jurisdiction has paid the penalty.

So you're spouting again.

Considering brits are some of the toughest SOBs in the world the whole jihad terrorist at home thing that they deal wth escapes me. Some say liberal politicians, other lament shitty EU immigration policies which elevate the absurd rights of some of the most vile people on earth, and the brits have to pay them. My assertion from a previous post is correct, IMO. The suggestion you make above, including my post, suggestions no one has comitted terrorist acts under british jurisdicition and not paid the penalty; this is flatly false. Not only are those who have appeals in perpetuity, but they make a living with their families collecting lawfare handouts ( as some know, as Adem Choudry makes clear, the monies paid to muslims is sort of a tax from non muslims and it is out duty to take it).

I include one link only. I have failed miserablely with this new keyboard tongiht but there are exhaustive data to support why Arab/Muslim governnments have pleaded with UK to stop harboring terrorists. There is a lot of material out there showing either gross complicity by British agents or stupidity. I suppose it could be a mix, but there seems to be a plan and plans and stirring recipes dont works so well. http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2003/05/londonistan-follies\



And of course the must read (I did) classic primer for anyone who wants to know what has become of their beloved country. Londonistan is an exhaustively documented thesis. It stands in a class of its own yet is quite enjoyable and accessible. What do others think abhout it? http://billmuehlenberg.com/2006/08/31/a-review-of-londonistan-how-britain-is-creating-a-terror-state-within-by-melanie-philips/

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2007/apr/22/features.review1 http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/londonistan-by-melanie-phillips-409502.html

Not sure if Ulysses of me- If I am "spouting again" (what this suggested pejorative is intended to mean escapes me) then please do point out where I am wrong or my train has jumped a track. Skip me personally and show how my facts or the arrangement or the conclusion of those premises violates some basic principles of how we form knowledge and our knowledge of that knowledge. I am game. Geller is persona non grata from the UK. The UK, our dearest ally ever, is a nearly wholly owned subsidary of the very forces that are causing many of these jihadist problems. While that is beyond speculative and perhaps incendiary, the fact the Britain has housed protected, and provided cover for muslim terrorists is no secret to anyone, anywhere. Britain has been indicted among the top ten sponsors of muslim terrorism in the past ten years.

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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history.

Indeed. Thanks for pointing it out. What a bunch of politically correct hypocrites. thumbsup.gif

Like your country, our citizens are protected by law and entitled to due process.

I can only think of two people that would satisfy the criteria of "terrorism", one loosely, and neither had committed any offences against Britain or its citizens. One fought extradition to the US but lost, the other fought it for years and eventually voluntarily pissed off to Jordan. They both used the umbrella of European Human Rights laws to try and get off.

Anyone who has committed terrorist acts under British jurisdiction has paid the penalty.

So you're spouting again.

Considering brits are some of the toughest SOBs in the world the whole jihad terrorist at home thing that they deal wth escapes me. Some say liberal politicians, other lament shitty EU immigration policies which elevate the absurd rights of some of the most vile people on earth, and the brits have to pay them. My assertion from a previous post is correct, IMO. The suggestion you make above, including my post, suggestions no one has comitted terrorist acts under british jurisdicition and not paid the penalty; this is flatly false. Not only are those who have appeals in perpetuity, but they make a living with their families collecting lawfare handouts ( as some know, as Adem Choudry makes clear, the monies paid to muslims is sort of a tax from non muslims and it is out duty to take it).

I include one link only. I have failed miserablely with this new keyboard tongiht but there are exhaustive data to support why Arab/Muslim governnments have pleaded with UK to stop harboring terrorists. There is a lot of material out there showing either gross complicity by British agents or stupidity. I suppose it could be a mix, but there seems to be a plan and plans and stirring recipes dont works so well. http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2003/05/londonistan-follies\



And of course the must read (I did) classic primer for anyone who wants to know what has become of their beloved country. Londonistan is an exhaustively documented thesis. It stands in a class of its own yet is quite enjoyable and accessible. What do others think abhout it? http://billmuehlenberg.com/2006/08/31/a-review-of-londonistan-how-britain-is-creating-a-terror-state-within-by-melanie-philips/

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2007/apr/22/features.review1 http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/londonistan-by-melanie-phillips-409502.html

Not sure if Ulysses of me- If I am "spouting again" (what this suggested pejorative is intended to mean escapes me) then please do point out where I am wrong or my train has jumped a track. Skip me personally and show how my facts or the arrangement or the conclusion of those premises violates some basic principles of how we form knowledge and our knowledge of that knowledge. I am game. Geller is persona non grata from the UK. The UK, our dearest ally ever, is a nearly wholly owned subsidary of the very forces that are causing many of these jihadist problems. While that is beyond speculative and perhaps incendiary, the fact the Britain has housed protected, and provided cover for muslim terrorists is no secret to anyone, anywhere. Britain has been indicted among the top ten sponsors of muslim terrorism in the past ten years.

Can you offer *anything* to back up your statement that Britain "has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history" other than a load of irrelevant waffle and a few links to some anti-Islam blogs?

Because if not, you're still spouting.

Where are all these terrorists we are harbouring?

Are you talking about Muslim extremists on the watch list?

In which case you might want to look at home before you start feebly pointing fingers at others.

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Blaming Geller for the over reaction of murderous Muslims is like blaming a rape victim for dressing in a provocative manner, or blaming a mugging victim for leaving their home with money on their person.

Nothing Geller has said or done warrants the attempted violence against her, despite those that are trying to rationalize it and blame her simply for exercising her 1st A rights.

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"...56-year-old former media executive...Geller was raised in a Jewish household on Long Island and champions Israel as a "beacon of freedom in a very oppressed and violent region,""

You must be joking about Israel right? since when? Maybe for Zionuts like her it is. That pretty much says it all for the credibility behind this noble creature. A New York Zionist comes down stirring anti-Muslim sh#t in Texas. Just what the Texans need, I am sure the Texicans just love that. She has the temerity to hide behind being for the Christians, geez.

"We want to outlaw humor? We want to outlaw comedy? If you want to know who rules over you, find out who you cannot criticize."" We know who one can not criticize in the US and it sure aint the Muslims, ask Mel Gibson, et al.

So her idea is to make fun of the Prophet M. and ridicule an entire religion. That must be funny to a racist JAP (Jewish American Princess) from New York. Ok, but making similar cartoons defaming Jesus in Texas won't go far I can assure one of that. I don't see the difference, a religion honcho is a religious honcho.

What about cartoons of Negros eating watermelon and laying about shooing flies, etc. in racist stereotyped cartoons, is that funny as well? that's free speech according to this person. It's just a funny cartoon, right? That will probably get you jail time in certain areas of that emotionally crippled country, no joke with the "hate crime" laws there. Not her though, it seems she is from New York and bashing Muslims it appears is Ok there under their laws as long as it is done for Christians I guess or some other reason that is not so prima facie.

"Geller has always hired armed security personnel to protect the scores of events she has spearheaded..."

She obviously needs it. The Texans should send this crazy person back to the crazy person land in New York.

However, having said that kudos to the New York Times.

"The New York Times said Geller "has a long history of declarations and actions motivated purely by hatred for Muslims" and called the Garland event "an exercise in bigotry and hatred posing as a blow for freedom. ... To pretend it was motivated by anything other than hate is simply hogwash."" W

Why Americans put up with this it beyond me if for no other reason it is bad taste, bad manners and discourteous and seriously bigoted. What a Zionut. A shame whoever shot was not a better shot, maybe next time they will hit her and put her out of our misery. Who needs this.

So we can count you among those that believe murder is an acceptable reaction simply because you or others were offended by a cartoon?

And you call Geller bigoted as well as crazy?

Take a look in the mirror.

A very long look.

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Blaming Geller for the over reaction of murderous Muslims is like blaming a rape victim for dressing in a provocative manner, or blaming a mugging victim for leaving their home with money on their person.

Nothing Geller has said or done warrants the attempted violence against her, despite those that are trying to rationalize it and blame her simply for exercising her 1st A rights.

No-one is blaming her for their reaction - it is most definitely unwarranted.

Personally, I'm simply saying she did it deliberately to promote an anti-Islam agenda, not to wave the Stars and Stripes and say how brilliant free speech is.

She hates muslims, period.

She's just a nasty little bigot with a political agenda straight out of the Likud playbook.

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Perhaps you could tell the good citizens of Spartanburg, SC, their fears are unfounded since everything is out in the open.


Requests for information often ignored, stymied
Published: 04/08/2015 at 7:36 PM
With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.
How does a city get on the U.S. State Department’s list of 190 communities selected for refugee resettlement? How can cities find out who will be coming and when? What services will they use, and what will be the cost to taxpayers?
And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?
The answers to these questions are simple. Very little information is available. And there are no guarantees that some very bad apples won’t arrive in your town, says a leading expert on the refugee resettlement program.

Have a read of the Presidential Memorandum that clearly directs relevant agencies to co-ordinate with communities who have been identified as refugee resettlement destinations. Again where's the support for the allegation of secrecy by Federal government.


The private organisation referenced in the article, World Relief, is a Christian Evangelical group that to date has assisted with resettlement of 250k refugees.


Edited by simple1
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Geller and Spencer and Savage and others being labeled persona non grata by the UK government is like a pot calling a kettle black. The UK has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history; certainly western history. http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1998/eirv25n01-19980102/eirv25n01-19980102_060-british_under_attack_for_harbori.pdf http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/2000/eirv27n02-20000114/eirv27n02-20000114_050-british_establishment_admits_yes.pdf http://www.emannabih.com/hey-united-kingdom-remember-that-harboring-terrorists-begets-terrorism/ http://www.sinhaya.com/uk.htm

No reason to continue posts that may or may not lock in my point; a cursory search that UK, either for unknown reasons or secondary to Byzantium EU immigration proceedings provides a refuge for terrorists for a while. To have the UK then ban Spencer, Geller, and Savage for basically being on the front lines of an initially intellectual response to islamic aggression is in fact a badge of honor, not shame. In a world without borders the act of PNG is meaningless in any event. I honor people such as Geller though I have a bit more self reflection to note the TX event was not simply freedom of speech, though it was also. It was also a response to the line in the sand muslims have drawn for those people in the House of War, dar al harb, who are not yet even subject to sharia. It is basically warning shots that sharia is coming and to self censure or else.

The most amazing thing to witness as a human passing by these years is the intellectual dishonesty that is now epidemic in society; it is a nearly managed programing. Such dishonesty truly gives voice to certain motivations suggested in the movies Kymatica and Esoteric Agenda (though I dont agree with all of their assertions). The near diabolical disconnect humans are being forced to experience is both dizzying and enormous in both its magnitude of deceit and diabolism. With the advent of social media no other people in the history of the world have participated in the first global conquest by the manipulation of language and meaning as a singular stalking horse. This is the Third Great Jihad, but the horse is unlike Troy's.

From "Arbeit Macht Frei" to "Islam is a religion of peace" humans are currently paralyzed by the act of forcing two contradictory 'truths' into their discordant mind- “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.G. Orwell Thus we live daily with cognitive dissonance. War, blood, death, rape, slave, jews, death, bomb, war, behead, murder, enslave, capture, burn alive, conquer, car bomb, show bomb, camel bomb, world trade center, New York, Madrid, Mumbai, NWFP, Sanaa, Aden, Alepo, Beirut, Gaza... Islam has always been part of America” Fort Hood,Times Sqaure, World Trade Center 1, honor killings, daughters murdered in US, Canada... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia, taqiyya, jizya, the tax, throwing gay people from buildings, if they live, burying them up to their neck beside a wall, then using a tank to knock the wall down upon them... These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” TSA, countless billions spent on security, NSA, loss of liberty, women driving, women walking behind husbands, women in the workplace, child rape victims having to marry their rapers, daughters being traded for cattle, or debt... “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” sharia courts operating independently in the UK, sharia courts counting the testimony of a woman as 1/4, raped women requiring three male witnesses else-wise her assertion of rape becomes admission of sex and she goes to prison to have her baby and serve her time...

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” islam lacks inherent exegesis through jurisprudence to ever change to accommodate vox populi; the muslim founders were well aware of the pressing needs of various other cultures to change upon sharia and the tenet faith and made integral to the migration laws and jihad the conditioning which solely prevents modernizing. Whatever Islam is, it is not what the west has imagined it to be. What the West has imagined islam to be is basically, "us," but "not us," "Different!" This is a fallacy of incalculable error. Islam is not simply another relative religion preoccupied with the duties of getting their believers from here to god. Islam is a very real, very here sociopolitical military-judicial system of theocratic government. In the early 100's of the Roman Empire some reputed descendents of the then known Jesus of Nazareth were brought before the court. "In who's world do you serve," paraphrase. They responded that they serve the Emperor, but that their empire was in another world. Pleased, perhaps irritated that he had to even be bothered with such a trifle issue, he dismissed them to live their lives. Islam is not that story. “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

In Islam when no religious claim is executed or even if so and otherwise conquered through any number of subtle or complex means that islam provides to describe conquest, the land becomes a waqf of islam. A dedicated, forever islam location; it could actually be called a trust. This can be as simple as muslims assembling and praying at a location- thus the historical compulsion to build mosques upon other religious icons. Indeed, it is this reason that mosques are going up throughout middle America, though Americans are only incidentally threatened as there are less muslims than space at nearly all these locations. Enter Obama, "if you build it they will come" (this is not his quote but his response). This is among the reasons the re population of displaced muslims from abroad is being managed with great secrecy in the US- to the tune of millions! Nevertheless, remarkably rural areas are getting large muslim populations- and coincidentally these same types of areas have been having large waqf/mosques built. It is the same as all the former lands once conquered or stolen by islamic jihad- they proclaim with great judicial authority that these lands actually belong to them, according to their law. “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation” becomes less an invitation than an execution commentary.

As noted, the above quotes are either Obama or cited as Orwell. It is important to look at Obama's quotes over time rather singular context. This pattern actually reveals more regarding Spencer, Geller, and Savage- they are heroes. When the president of the no longer christian United States of America states “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” he is giving explicit commands. “Islam has always been part of America” suggests the common revisionist mechanics used throughout the jihad world, from Boko Haram to the Taliban to Hamas and others. Revise the history, such as democratic/progressive gaslighting- say something often enough and it will be considered true. The following quotes conclude my point but cant elaborate further on the obvious.

Geller and company are heroes; they are our little furry yellow friends in our current coal mine.

These are only quotes from Obama woven into a fabric I choose to wear. Consider what greater minds than us have noted: http://wikiislam.net/wiki/Quotations_on_Islam_from_Notable_Non-Muslims#Rabindranath_Tagore

“We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world “” including in my own country.”

“As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.” Yes, civilization is estimated to be in debt to Islam to roughly 110,000,000 in the Indian subcontinent and close to 300,000,000 lives totally since 632CE.

“Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.” False

“Islam has always been part of America” False

“These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.” False

“I made clear that America is not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Perhaps, but irrelevant. Islam is at war with the world; its required.

Processing of displaced Muslims is not being managed in great secrecy. The programs are being managed by the State Dept, in conjunction with Dept of Homeland Security and openly discussed. Info can easily be obtained e.g.


Personally I find the level of spin & negativity in your post disappointing.

Perhaps you could tell the good citizens of Spartanburg, SC, their fears are unfounded since everything is out in the open.


Requests for information often ignored, stymied
Published: 04/08/2015 at 7:36 PM
With Muslim immigrants streaming into the United States at a rate of 100,000 per year, some of the communities targeted for new arrivals are seeking information on their new neighbors, only to be frustrated by federal bureaucrats and their hired contractors.
How does a city get on the U.S. State Department’s list of 190 communities selected for refugee resettlement? How can cities find out who will be coming and when? What services will they use, and what will be the cost to taxpayers?
And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?
The answers to these questions are simple. Very little information is available. And there are no guarantees that some very bad apples won’t arrive in your town, says a leading expert on the refugee resettlement program.

The information being given is biased and incorrect. Immigrants are generally resettled with their family, since there has to be an Affidavit of Support filed on their behalf. Refugees are resettled by NGO's and those NGO's are spread through all 50 states and determination as to the numbers is determined by a variety of factors.

The US Department of State does not resettle anyone and people are free to move about as they see fit.

If you live in a city that has a large immigrant or refugee population, you can expect that as they sponsor their relatives the number of people from that area will increase. It is not about targeting certain cities or areas.

Years ago, a group of Cambodians were resettled in North Dakota. It was a massive failure, since the extremely cold weather was something that they had never experienced. The entire group up and left and moved to the Gulf of Mexico area and successfully started fishing.

But this topic is about Ms. Geller and her activism against Muslims, not about where immigrants live.

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Blaming Geller for the over reaction of murderous Muslims is like blaming a rape victim for dressing in a provocative manner, or blaming a mugging victim for leaving their home with money on their person.

Nothing Geller has said or done warrants the attempted violence against her, despite those that are trying to rationalize it and blame her simply for exercising her 1st A rights.

No-one is blaming her for their reaction - it is most definitely unwarranted.

Personally, I'm simply saying she did it deliberately to promote an anti-Islam agenda, not to wave the Stars and Stripes and say how brilliant free speech is.

She hates muslims, period.

She's just a nasty little bigot with a political agenda straight out of the Likud playbook.

The only bigotry and hate is that which is being directed towards Geller.

And there are people that are in fact blaming her for the actions by those that fired shots at the exhibit and some in the Muslim community have gone as far as to say that she deserves to die.

Did you consider the staff writer's at "Charlie Hebdo" to be "nasty little bigots" as well?

Or do you save that rhetoric only for Jews?

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Blaming Geller for the over reaction of murderous Muslims is like blaming a rape victim for dressing in a provocative manner, or blaming a mugging victim for leaving their home with money on their person.

Nothing Geller has said or done warrants the attempted violence against her, despite those that are trying to rationalize it and blame her simply for exercising her 1st A rights.

No-one is blaming her for their reaction - it is most definitely unwarranted.

Personally, I'm simply saying she did it deliberately to promote an anti-Islam agenda, not to wave the Stars and Stripes and say how brilliant free speech is.

She hates muslims, period.

She's just a nasty little bigot with a political agenda straight out of the Likud playbook.

The only bigotry and hate is that which is being directed towards Geller.

And there are people that are in fact blaming her for the actions by those that fired shots at the exhibit and some in the Muslim community have gone as far as to say that she deserves to die.

Did you consider the staff writer's at "Charlie Hebdo" to be "nasty little bigots" as well?

Or do you save that rhetoric only for Jews?

Curiously, I think all of you are correct.

I adore Geller and personally see her as no less than a soldier behind enemy lines. She,has no doubt she is the enemy of radical islam, therefore the enemy label is not a concession but a label given her.Geller being an enemy does not thus make others her enemy; others have declared her enemy long ago. Find me one instance where she has used that term but I can find others where it is said of her.

That which she opposes, that hate... that bigotry and mayhem and utter brutality of the ancient world previously only had its 'line in the sand' in Aleppo, Baghdad, Kabul and other far flung places. It was easy to stand tall in Long Island and with a middle class background and a New York big mouth shout out all day long this and that about jihad and emerging threats to liberty. But the battle lines changed, the demarcation shifted, and it was not subtly; it began 6 years ago! Her front line was then to be found not in some far off desert but in a transnational world, next appearing in the oddest places. Next the jihad radical line in the sand was for Geller the UK, banning her, Spencer, and others access to the State as hate mongers- persona non grata (an act of dhimmitude by definition). Clearly, the line was moving. In short order the line in the sand was in Texas, Mexico, and she found herself behind enemy lines.

Agree or not, she is a child of this State and the US has done nothing to protect her (and others) from emerging threats like this. So, now behind the enemy lines of radical islam she does the one thing a person of honor does- the same thing they did yesterday! Some one here mentioned some silly comment that if someone near her dies- they were referred to as "bigots" then they suppose then Geller would have "regrets." No she would not have regrets! Only a coward lives a life in such a way that they can even see regret as a potential future methodology for processing the past. Regret is a tool of cowards and honorable people dont even labor under such delusions, let alone suspect it in others. When people live their life by maxims of virtue and truth regrets dont take place easily.

But this event in Texas was not wholly about free speech. Yet that alone can defend her actions. Was this event an anti islamic rally, that alone can defend her actions too. So, for those of you who have dropped to your knees and hardly realize you have callouses (required when paying "the tax") take note that being anti islamic in free speech is not prohibited in any event. Introducing that theory here as some sort of evidence of great brilliance is not. Dhimmitude by force or concession is that process whereby through fear, reward, regret, or outright cowardice, one trades defining their own destiny for a road declared for them, a very subordinate road where you are required to be made to feel "subdued." =Shar'ia

They drew the line in the sand, Geller crossed it. The alternative is to collectively cave in now or have more of these confrontations. The fools who think there is some mechanism to appease fascism please do share.

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Blaming Geller for the over reaction of murderous Muslims is like blaming a rape victim for dressing in a provocative manner, or blaming a mugging victim for leaving their home with money on their person.

Nothing Geller has said or done warrants the attempted violence against her, despite those that are trying to rationalize it and blame her simply for exercising her 1st A rights.

No-one is blaming her for their reaction - it is most definitely unwarranted.

Personally, I'm simply saying she did it deliberately to promote an anti-Islam agenda, not to wave the Stars and Stripes and say how brilliant free speech is.

She hates muslims, period.

She's just a nasty little bigot with a political agenda straight out of the Likud playbook.

The only bigotry and hate is that which is being directed towards Geller.

And there are people that are in fact blaming her for the actions by those that fired shots at the exhibit and some in the Muslim community have gone as far as to say that she deserves to die.

Did you consider the staff writer's at "Charlie Hebdo" to be "nasty little bigots" as well?

Or do you save that rhetoric only for Jews?

No, I considered the cartoonists at Charlie Hebdo to be artists practicing their trade.

If she was Christian, I'd say she was doing it out of the Pastor Roy Jones playbook.

Although as I've already posted, when one of the Charlie Hebdo employees dared to take a poke at the Jewish faith, he was sacked.

Free speech indeed.

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Like your country, our citizens are protected by law and entitled to due process.

I can only think of two people that would satisfy the criteria of "terrorism", one loosely, and neither had committed any offences against Britain or its citizens. One fought extradition to the US but lost, the other fought it for years and eventually voluntarily pissed off to Jordan. They both used the umbrella of European Human Rights laws to try and get off.

Anyone who has committed terrorist acts under British jurisdiction has paid the penalty.

So you're spouting again.

Considering brits are some of the toughest SOBs in the world the whole jihad terrorist at home thing that they deal wth escapes me. Some say liberal politicians, other lament shitty EU immigration policies which elevate the absurd rights of some of the most vile people on earth, and the brits have to pay them. My assertion from a previous post is correct, IMO. The suggestion you make above, including my post, suggestions no one has comitted terrorist acts under british jurisdicition and not paid the penalty; this is flatly false. Not only are those who have appeals in perpetuity, but they make a living with their families collecting lawfare handouts ( as some know, as Adem Choudry makes clear, the monies paid to muslims is sort of a tax from non muslims and it is out duty to take it).

I include one link only. I have failed miserablely with this new keyboard tongiht but there are exhaustive data to support why Arab/Muslim governnments have pleaded with UK to stop harboring terrorists. There is a lot of material out there showing either gross complicity by British agents or stupidity. I suppose it could be a mix, but there seems to be a plan and plans and stirring recipes dont works so well. http://www.danielpipes.org/blog/2003/05/londonistan-follies\



And of course the must read (I did) classic primer for anyone who wants to know what has become of their beloved country. Londonistan is an exhaustively documented thesis. It stands in a class of its own yet is quite enjoyable and accessible. What do others think abhout it? http://billmuehlenberg.com/2006/08/31/a-review-of-londonistan-how-britain-is-creating-a-terror-state-within-by-melanie-philips/

http://www.theguardian.com/books/2007/apr/22/features.review1 http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/reviews/londonistan-by-melanie-phillips-409502.html

Not sure if Ulysses of me- If I am "spouting again" (what this suggested pejorative is intended to mean escapes me) then please do point out where I am wrong or my train has jumped a track. Skip me personally and show how my facts or the arrangement or the conclusion of those premises violates some basic principles of how we form knowledge and our knowledge of that knowledge. I am game. Geller is persona non grata from the UK. The UK, our dearest ally ever, is a nearly wholly owned subsidary of the very forces that are causing many of these jihadist problems. While that is beyond speculative and perhaps incendiary, the fact the Britain has housed protected, and provided cover for muslim terrorists is no secret to anyone, anywhere. Britain has been indicted among the top ten sponsors of muslim terrorism in the past ten years.

Can you offer *anything* to back up your statement that Britain "has been one of the great sanctuaries for Islamic terrorists in history" other than a load of irrelevant waffle and a few links to some anti-Islam blogs?

Because if not, you're still spouting.

Where are all these terrorists we are harbouring?

Are you talking about Muslim extremists on the watch list?

In which case you might want to look at home before you start feebly pointing fingers at others.

I will search those sources. Fair enough. I fear you misread me. I love Britain. The UK is to many like me, like a brother. You are not processing my intention correctly though I will still search the data. It would be unfair to suggest that as an American I point my fingers at others. Without question the biggest promoter of terrorism on earth, in sheer money and scope, is the US. To what degree UK sleeps in this fold I do not know. I do know the UK has been leveraged by its EU associations to such an extent that the most undesirable people on earth have had open passage there and I will provide. I only kindly ask you see that my position is not anti UK; it would just not be true. Some of the greatest men I have ever worked with were from Hereford and this makes a lasting impression!

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I will search those sources. Fair enough. I fear you misread me. I love Britain. The UK is to many like me, like a brother. You are not processing my intention correctly though I will still search the data. It would be unfair to suggest that as an American I point my fingers at others. Without question the biggest promoter of terrorism on earth, in sheer money and scope, is the US. To what degree UK sleeps in this fold I do not know. I do know the UK has been leveraged by its EU associations to such an extent that the most undesirable people on earth have had open passage there and I will provide. I only kindly ask you see that my position is not anti UK; it would just not be true. Some of the greatest men I have ever worked with were from Hereford and this makes a lasting impression!

Before you start commenting it's a good idea to understand enacted UK legislation was not sufficiently up to date for law enforcement to address specific issues raised by the threat of Islamic terror. There has been considerable effort by HMG to close legislative gaps; link provided below for your & others research.


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I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the ISIL monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

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I will search those sources. Fair enough. I fear you misread me. I love Britain. The UK is to many like me, like a brother. You are not processing my intention correctly though I will still search the data. It would be unfair to suggest that as an American I point my fingers at others. Without question the biggest promoter of terrorism on earth, in sheer money and scope, is the US. To what degree UK sleeps in this fold I do not know. I do know the UK has been leveraged by its EU associations to such an extent that the most undesirable people on earth have had open passage there and I will provide. I only kindly ask you see that my position is not anti UK; it would just not be true. Some of the greatest men I have ever worked with were from Hereford and this makes a lasting impression!

Before you start commenting it's a good idea to understand enacted UK legislation was not sufficiently up to date for law enforcement to address specific issues raised by the threat of Islamic terror. There has been considerable effort by HMG to close legislative gaps; link provided below for your & others research.


Yes, I know. The sources that influenced me made quite clear that in so many cases hands were tied either by legislation, EU legislation, judicial oversight, EU Human Rights, etc. I think its fair to say that the book by M. Phillips, Londonistan, impressed me a great deal. A great many arguments can be made regarding her ancillary observations regarding the merits, or not, of multiculturalism- I just dont look to her for that information- but considerable primary research has been done to demonstrate a collision of storms made UK a haven for the better part of the past 20 years. When this is coupled with a poor assimilation program/rate the consequences become evident. They are. It is a disconnect for me to indict UK as, IMO, they are my cultural and intellectual forebears. Moreover, it was their perspectives on government, etc., that lay the foundation of US common law, and other. No, its not UK I indict, only the sad state of affairs that has many in the UK, like me, strangers in their own country.

I dont know I could ever convince someone to see the world as I do, but I could hope to ask someone see why I see the worldview I do. In this effort I kindly offer people to search Londonistan PDF. If you peruse the online version perhaps you would buy the book and honor the author. But it is exhaustively researched. Now, as in my younger med school days, I stumble across an impossible assertion- example: UK refuses to hand over a terrorist murderer to another country because xyz* See citation. Bibliography. etc., lose the whole day wandering down a rabbit hole learning about the human rights debacle that paralyzed UK and enabled this actors to continue to exist and often get paid. These are known murderers. Like it or not, explain it or not, the UK continued to provide them abode. This point factually responds to the notion that the UK shields or harbors bad people. I reread my post earlier and if I could I would re word it differently. No wonder chicog responded so adamantly. Yet my point remains. UK, for whatever reasons, sown the seeds of the very thing Melanie Phillips and I assert- UK has been known for a long time throughout the muslim world as the go to place for protection while you launch jihad elsewhere. I regret I fail to make my point. The UK is as much a victim as Americans are.






The data is overwhelming. If we are to deteriorate to a debate about what constitutes valid information then it is better to refrain from discussion. These are palpable facts. These above points are what I previously refer to when discussing the changing "line in the sand" of people such as Geller. Previously her line was a world away on some barren desert; it slowly shifted to very present places in the western world- Paris, London- and now in the US. Others have gone into hiding. I understand that too. A choice must be made for what you are willing to die for. In her case, I applaud that she noted the line shifted from EU to the US and remains present. This is heroic.

UK - The Independent.pdf

UK Terror Sponsor 2.pdf

UK Terror Sponsor 3.pdf

UK Terror Sponsor Londonistan Author.pdf

UK Terror Sponsor.pdf



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I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the ISIL monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

Which is exactly what IS have been doing for the last few years.

It seems to be "caliphate or die".

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