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Chinese couples may be allowed to have a second child soon, experts say


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Chinese couples may be allowed to have a second child soon, experts say
Wang Xiaodong
China Daily

(China) - All couples in China may be allowed to have a second child in the next few years with the relaxation of the family planning policy, population experts say.

Currently, most couples in urban areas can have a second child if at least one parent has no siblings, and couples in rural areas can have a second child if the first one is a girl.

"I think most scholars in China agree with further relaxing the family planning policy so all couples can have two children if they want, and the focus of disputes on the issue centre on when and in what form the policy will be carried out", said Yuan Xin, a professor in population studies in Nankai University in Tianjin municipality.

"In my opinion, all couples will be allowed to have two children after two or three years, following the current transitional period."

Family planning polices have a huge impact on the whole population and caution should be exercised in implementing any changes, Yuan said.

The National People's Congress, China's top legislature, adopted a proposal at the end of 2013 by the central government that allows couples to have a second child if either of them has no siblings.

About 1.07 million such couples had registered with the authorities to have a second child by the end of last year, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission.

"It is a transitional policy, and it has some incentive to stimulate population growth in China, but the incentive will be diminished over the next few years," Yuan said. "And then it will be the time for a policy that allows two children for all couples."

Yang Juhua, a professor of the population development studies center at Renmin University of China, said it will be time for a more relaxed family planning policy, considering the very low fertility rate and a rapidly ageing population in China.

"I think there will be no question that all couples across the country will be allowed to have a second child during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020)," she said.

Zhai Zhenwu, head of the China Population Association, said family planning policies will be further relaxed at the current level, according to a report of the Southern Metropolis Daily on Thursday.

China adopted a strict family planning policy as an essential national policy from the 1970s, allowing almost all couples in urban areas to have only one child. The policy is gradually relaxing since the late 1990s, and since 2011 all couples have been allowed to have a second baby across China if both of them have no siblings.

Full story: http://www.asianewsnet.net/news-74870.html

-- ANN 2015-05-08

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T.V is full of racists, especially against the Asians. Sadly, those racists do not seem to have a clue, how many billions are being invested by the Chinese in any given country. The U.S, U, K, E.U, Australia and of course others. Those Chinese investments employ people of those countries, pay taxes that benefits those citizens and the development. Stupid armchair commentators need to do some research to understand that they must be one way or other benefiting from the Chinese investments already if not in the future. According to the I.M.F, China, in 2015, will generate $17.6 trillion — compared with $17.4 trillion for the U.S.A. Go figure!

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Before all of you TV racist get carried away with this one...

I request that you start your reply by stating how many children people from your home country are permitted to have...then go from there with your comments..

Do we really need more people from your country in the world either? (sarc )

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This past year, I had the privilege of getting to know two female teachers from Mainland China pretty well.

When one told me she had both a brother and a sister, I told her that in America we are told that Chinese are only permitted to have one child, and since most couples want a boy, many girl infants "do not survive".

Her first reaction was to smile and tell me that she suspected that Chinese people were probably told many things about Americans that were not true also.

She then went on to explain that it is an economic issue.

Families who do not have the financial resources to raise more than one child are not permitted more than one.

Families like hers, who have the means to support a larger family are not restricted at all.

This does not seem like a bad policy to me when I think of my home country and how many large families are dependant on government ( tax payer ) support to survive and just continue to have more and more children.

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Sign of the times, when governments are compelled to try and control # of offspring. I'm not against it, indeed, I'm in favor of birth restrictions for every country ww. Over-population is not something which will kick in sometime in the future - it's happening now. Currently, the world has between 7 to 20 times more people than its reasonable 'carrying capacity' - depending who you ask about it. Japan, for example, wants its people to have many more babies. It's primarily an economic dynamic. Economics should not be the driving force of humankind. Environmental husbandry (for all species) should be, seconded by decent quality of life for people. Each new person, adds an average of 1 ton of CO2/p.a., and roughly 2 tons of garbage p.a.

Just heard on the news that the Earth now has a CO2 p.p.m. (parts per million) at 400, for the first time in nearly 2 million years. It was 280 ppm just 150 yrs ago. When the earth heats up 5 degrees (it's already heated up .5 inrecent decades), the next 5 degree increase is expected to be much quicker. Imagine a world where average temps are 10 degrees warmer.

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T.V is full of racists, especially against the Asians. Sadly, those racists do not seem to have a clue, how many billions are being invested by the Chinese in any given country. The U.S, U, K, E.U, Australia and of course others. Those Chinese investments employ people of those countries, pay taxes that benefits those citizens and the development. Stupid armchair commentators need to do some research to understand that they must be one way or other benefiting from the Chinese investments already if not in the future. According to the I.M.F, China, in 2015, will generate $17.6 trillion compared with $17.4 trillion for the U.S.A. Go figure!

Economics is not most important. "Money can't buy me love" Beatles.

I'd much rather be poor and reside in a clean world with clean water, than be filthy rich and live in a cesspool. How about you?

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Like there aren't enough people from China (not Chinese people as a race!) going overseas and pissing people off. Now they get to have two children...


Allowing couples to have more than one child is a very difficult decision for the Chinese Communist Party is a very difficult decision for the party to accept.... as it was one of Mao's personal policies.... and for the party to accept that Mao could ever have been "wrong" is almost impossible to admit for the old party faithful stalwarts.

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What or who is a population expert pray tell.


Well, Mao was not..... but having to admit that is difficult for the party to admit.

As difficult for the Chinese to admit that there was once a high level Soviet agent in their Defense Ministry in the 1970's who was actively reporting to the KGB until the Chinese were given the intelligence to prove that by the western intelligence services.

That is why China changed so drastically around 1980 about when Mao died.

Of course, they will still deny this, but it is true.

Edited by IMA_FARANG
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

There is no mention of someone becoming filthy rich, because of the Chinese. What I am trying to explain is that China has and continuing to invest in numerous developed and third world countries. Every country with Chinese investments will have director indirect benefits in terms of employment, infrastructure and basic needs depending on where you are. Yes, of course you could go to the Himalayas and become a hermit. Clean world, clean water...

Economics is not most important. "Money can't buy me love" Beatles.

I'd much rather be poor and reside in a clean world with clean water, than be filthy rich and live in a cesspool. How about you?
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Like there aren't enough people from China (not Chinese people as a race!) going overseas and pissing people off. Now they get to have two children...


Allowing couples to have more than one child is a very difficult decision for the Chinese Communist Party is a very difficult decision for the party to accept.... as it was one of Mao's personal policies.... and for the party to accept that Mao could ever have been "wrong" is almost impossible to admit for the old party faithful stalwarts.

What was Mao's policy on that? I don't really care personally, because I think Mao make several very stupid decisions during his iron rule. He once told his countrymen to kill all the sparrows in China. Why? Because sparrows were eating some of the stored rice. Chinese dutifully went out and banged metal bowls all over the country, scaring the sparrows and tiring them to death. There are photos with p.u. trucks piled to overflowing with dead sparrows. Guess what? The following year insects destroyed more rice than birds ever did, because the birds weren't there to eat the bugs.

Mao also lusted after young girls. He had VD but scoffed at using protection, because he thought he was so great, the girls would be honored to get anything from him.

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This past year, I had the privilege of getting to know two female teachers from Mainland China pretty well.

When one told me she had both a brother and a sister, I told her that in America we are told that Chinese are only permitted to have one child, and since most couples want a boy, many girl infants "do not survive".

Her first reaction was to smile and tell me that she suspected that Chinese people were probably told many things about Americans that were not true also.

She then went on to explain that it is an economic issue.

Families who do not have the financial resources to raise more than one child are not permitted more than one.

Families like hers, who have the means to support a larger family are not restricted at all.

This does not seem like a bad policy to me when I think of my home country and how many large families are dependant on government ( tax payer ) support to survive and just continue to have more and more children.

and there is the real policy in black and white. Social engineering at its best. And the "girls do not survive the birth" story is not just myth either....

For the bleeding heart liberals in the western "civilised" countries, who bleat about more overseas aid for the poor in wartorn, droughtridden, faminestricken countries, the elephant in the room is the lack of will to tackle the population and family planning issues. The Chinese have made an effort, and rightly or wrongly, it has made a difference.

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This past year, I had the privilege of getting to know two female teachers from Mainland China pretty well.

When one told me she had both a brother and a sister, I told her that in America we are told that Chinese are only permitted to have one child, and since most couples want a boy, many girl infants "do not survive".

Her first reaction was to smile and tell me that she suspected that Chinese people were probably told many things about Americans that were not true also.

She then went on to explain that it is an economic issue.

Families who do not have the financial resources to raise more than one child are not permitted more than one.

Families like hers, who have the means to support a larger family are not restricted at all.

This does not seem like a bad policy to me when I think of my home country and how many large families are dependant on government ( tax payer ) support to survive and just continue to have more and more children.

Some people believe anything they're told as well.

People in rural areas of the PRChina, which are several hundred million of "em, have always been allowed to have several children because that continues to be their need to survive economically. Health care throughout the PRChina remains for instance mostly self-funded by the individual or family, the quality and availability are maxed out at a moderate level or extent, and it remains of the lowest quality in the rural areas.

Many urban or metro area married couples can afford several children at current prices and incomes in the PRChina but the metro areas are already swarming with 12 million people living in most of 'em and in instances such as Chongqing more than 20m people, which is why they are the focus of the one-child restrictive policy.

Imagine a country with a dozen Mexico cities and several dozen Bangkoks along with several hundred and more of Nakon Rachasima....actually we don't have to imagine it because we're already talking about China. LA and its SMSA are a small city in the PRChina.

A typical metro middle school has 5000 students in dense lines at the doors each morning with 5000 bicycles jammed into a mass of racks to avoid overwhelming the already overburdened public bus and subway services and the new street and road networks, meaning anyway kids on bikes are all over the streets and in between vehicles. Students are let out at noon to bicycle home for a two hour lunch and nap break to bicycle back for the 14:30 resumption of classes till 17:30 when swarms of bicycles join the end of day rush hour. (Yet there are never ever any media reports of accidents involving school kids, bikes, vehicles.)

The CCP has to import food and drinking water and now they're gonna relax the one-child policy in the metro areas too...

Edited by Publicus
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