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Coming soon! Eurovision 2015. The "officialThaivisa Eurovision 2015 thread.

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many years ago eurovision was good to look at because every country sang in their own language and there are many languages in europe

now almost every country sings in english which is very bad for the cultural richess

my country france at least until these last years sings always in french they are always among the last but i am proud they did nt become eurovision prostitutes

in singing in english the multi language europe has lost much of his richess with this bastard eurovision

France's entry is in French again this year. It's quite nice. It won't win.

As far as English being widely used. Things change.

The Italian entry is in Italian and it's got very good odds.

The Spanish entry is in Spanish and it's not out of it either.

A lot of countries mix English with their language. That can work.

As far as France's entries, perhaps like a lot of countries they don't actually want to win? coffee1.gif

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Celine Dion won it for Switzerland once.

shame if countries engage foreign signers to heighten their chances... Celine Dion was Canadian (did win 1988). At least Lyss Assia (winner of the first ever contest in 1956) was Swiss...

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OK, watched the 2nd semifinal.

Spoiler alert ... yada yada yada.


Austria's entertainment value doesn't compare to the show countries like Sweden and Denmark put on.

Speaking of Sweden ... the performance in the 2nd semifinal was super strong.

It will be really hard to beat Sweden.

I noticed the Slovenia song for the first time. Cute. Made the finals but first in running order for the finals, so no chance there.

Spain, automatic qualifier, I think is stronger than people think.

Golden Boy from Israel who the crowd seemed to love looked real nervous on stage.

Because of that I thought they might not make the final. But there was the real dramatic moment when they were the last announced of the 10 to advance to the finals.

Won't win of course.

So who if anyone can beat Sweden?

I don't know. Maybe Italy.

The FINALS are in about 24 hours.

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I think most songs has been terrible for years , but my own country Norway has a ballad this year which is among the favourites , not to win but probably top 10 .

It's called "A monster like me" , too good for Eurovision really so maybe it will be a "dark horse" . The final is tomorrow night , it starts after midnight here in Thailand if anyone is interested...

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I think most songs has been terrible for years , but my own country Norway has a ballad this year which is among the favourites , not to win but probably top 10 .

It's called "A monster like me" , too good for Eurovision really so maybe it will be a "dark horse" . The final is tomorrow night , it starts after midnight here in Thailand if anyone is interested...


Monster has grown on me but I think not quite formula enough. The "contest" works on many levels. Don't forget Russia ... another "winner formula" entry but I think maybe too soul castrated even for Eurovision.

There seemed fewer freaky and novelty acts than usual, even in the semifinals. I kind of missed that. Were the Finns the only one?

Sometimes those acts even do really well such as the Russian babushkas.

Arguably Conchita was such an act but he really has talent and picked a perfect song.

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OK, now the real fun begins.

Predictions time!

Name your top TWO favorite songs and your top TWO predictions for the winner.

My favorite songs:

1 - Golden Boy - Israel (no not only because I love Israel, I REALLY think this is the best song this year)

2 - Goodbye to Yesterday - Estonia

My predictions:

1 - Grande Amore - Italy (also I love the song and the performers)

2 - Heroes - Sweden (really do not like this one)

Yes out on a limb here. I'm predicting ITALY.

I would be very happy to see Italy win and it's also nice that it's in Italian.

Sweden winning would be depressing ... the formula again.

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Could it be that MOMENTUM is building for Golden Boy Israel?

Stranger things have happened.

If you want the most FUN, you want Golden Boy, The King of Fun.


Some back story on the Estonian male artist Stig. Apparently he tried about NINE times before finally successfully qualifying to represent his country in Eurovision. I love it.


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I'm going to be watching Britains Got Talent for the first hour and a half, then i may switch over and watch The Eurovision.

See, brain freezing boring British TV at it's best. A bottle of wine shall ease the pain and lots of nibbly food products.

It starts at 9pm here in Suisse, so that's 8 in the UK.

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I don't follow the lead-up to the contest, but usually tune in on BBC for the actual absurd proceedings.

In the UK it has become a long-standing tradition to subject the contest to a massive amount of good-natured mockery. The BBC coverage is the prime example of this, voice-overed now by Graham Norton, who like Terry Wogan before him, keeps up a tongue in cheek barrage of satirically funny commentary. There's also a strong tradition in the UK of watching the contest at parties while drinking heavily, in a spirit of irony rather than earnest appreciation.

This is much resented in the rest of Europe who take it rather seriously, and in one year, the official commentators actually ambushed Graham Norton in his commentator's box and tried to banteringly insult him back. Graham Norton, being pretty witty, got the best of it.

The Guardian newspaper also do a live as-it-happens commentary on their website, contributed by journalists of an equally satirical bent, and clearly also enjoying a drink, which is usually very funny.

So if you want to appreciate the Eurovision contest as it really should be experienced, filtered through a stream of good-natured invective, tune into it on BBC iplayer with a UK VPN.

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I would never ever watch it with the Swiss or French commentary. Too serious.

Graham Norton or nothing!! And before him, Terry Wogan!! Irishmen are renowned for their gift of the gab and black humour.

Jingthing, i shall think of you sitting there at 2am!! Whereas us in Europe we can zap between channels when it gets too much!!

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My predictions

1 Sweden , not because I like the song but it is a massive favourite to win

2. Italy , very intense and perfect for Eurovision

3. Australia (for the first time and also last time since they were invited for the 60 year anniversary)

Personal favourites:

Australia , Estonia and I have to cheer on Norway with the best ballad this year.

But my kind of music taste is more closer to Australia so I actually hope they will win it with Guy Sebastian and Tonight again

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Voting has always been ridicolus , but the bookmakers were correct , the favourite won . Top 10 had no real surprises.

And UK failed to impress again .

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Oh, well.

Congratulations Sweden.

I'm sure they'll put on a great show next year.

Not Malmo this time, OK?

The scene where Conchita (gay propaganda on a stick) talked with the pretty Russian lady while she was in the lead was priceless.

That must have played well back in Putinland. cheesy.gif

I thought Spain would do better.

Happy to see Estonia do OK ... that song is so good.

I didn't think Russia would almost win like they did but I figured they'd be up there.

Italy ... oh well, nice try.
UK ... so you guy's aren't really trying, are you?rolleyes.gif

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