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death and desertion


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hi all ,

its a very strange tale i have to tell today and for once i am at a complete loss to try and fathom out the

reasons behind what happened.

on Saturday the 2nd of may at about 10.30pm my wife got a phone call from the police in Bangkok

i could tell by her reaction something was wrong and she shouted " **** " is dead, at first i could not believe it

was true as she was at ours only two days before showing us pictures of her big wedding to her farang boyfriend

of three years,

in the next ten minutes we were told she had been in a RTA and was declared dead at the scene and they

had got my wife's number from her sim card (the sim and battery were the only things recovered ) we were

told she had been hit by three different cars and witnesses had stated she was having a big argument with

a farang just before the accident, but he neither went to her aid or checked how she was and just disappeared

from view.

in the next few hours the family tried to phone the farang but could not get an answer and there was no reply

from the farang until the sixth of may the day of " **** " funeral he said he was sorry and could he have the

death certificate and copy's of passport and i. d. to be forwarded to him in his home country.

the mother sent copies of the documents a few days later, but he has since been on the phone to say he needs

the original's and has even had his embassy in Bangkok to phone the mother over the documents and to inform

the mother he has a lawyer...

there is no property involved and they had only been married three weeks she was a beautiful happy go lucky

girl and all the family want to know is why did he desert her in her last moments and why is the death certificate

needed by her widower back in his home country.

i call him a farang as i don't want to give his nationality/identity away, there was also other strange arrangements that

the farang insisted on after the wedding which i think were the cause of the arguments between the two newlyweds

but i prefer to keep them private. at first i thought he fled incase he was going to be blamed for this tragic death

and he fled thailand the next day, but then phoning up for the all important death certificate on her funeral day

sort of nullified that,

R.I.P lovely lady.

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Traffic collision
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"Car crash" redirects here. For other uses, see Car Crash.
Vehicle collision 250px-Head_On_Collision.jpg
A head-on collision involving two vehicles
Classification and external resources ICD-10 V89.2 or V99 ICD-9 E810 - E819
  1. A traffic collision, also known as a motor vehicle collision (MVC), traffic accident, motor vehicle accident, car accident,automobile accident, road traffic collision, road traffic accident, wreck, car crash, or car smash occurs when a vehiclecollides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road debris, or other stationary obstruction, such as a tree or utility pole. Traffic collisions may result in injury, death and property damage.
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out of 13 niece's she was our favourite bright beautiful and a happy go lucky nature

never asked for anything and a lovely personality.....we are gutted.

Firstly, no embassy would directly phone the deceased Thai’s mother requesting a death certificate on behalf of the said woman’s farang husband, or at least not without giving a reason. This would more likely be done either by a Thai lawyer or someone else representing the husband.

The only reasons why I can see the farang (if he is the official husband?) would want the original death certificate, is to free him up to marry again or in the future or he has some sort of life insurance policy or other insurance policies taken out on the woman and is making a claim or for the purposes of withdrawing monies from bank accounts that were solely in her name, either in Thailand, his home country or both.

Whatever, the whole affair sounds very dodgy in my opinion, it`s either some sort of ploy or a misinterpretation from the deceased mother. It is very easy to make inquiries with the embassy in question or contact the guy directly yourself and ask him what’s going on? As there is no way possible that strangers can give you any accurate answers on an open forum.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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A few other points; why did the mother send this guy copies of the death certificate and to where did she send the document ? And how did she receive the death certificate so soon after the death. The issuing of a death certificate can take weeks, especially regarding as you said; all is not quite right here with this guy and inquiries have to be made.

Are there any children involved and if so, where are they? Have either you or your wife made any statements to the police regarding the strange arrangements after the wedding, If not, why not?

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A few other points; why did the mother send this guy copies of the death certificate and to where did she send the document ? And how did she receive the death certificate so soon after the death. The issuing of a death certificate can take weeks, especially regarding as you said; all is not quite right here with this guy and inquiries have to be made.

Are there any children involved and if so, where are they? Have either you or your wife made any statements to the police regarding the strange arrangements after the wedding, If not, why not?

If the cause of death is straight-forward, which is sounds like it was in this case (RTA - road traffic accident), usually death certificates are issued fairly quickly. Normally before the funeral occurs.

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We really don't know much from the OP other than the death sounds like an accident.

Is it possible that the guy was so devastated he fled back to friends and family and needs a death certificate to clear his finances for living now? Sometimes in the worst of times a guy just wants to go home.

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