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7.3 magnitude aftershock in Nepal not affecting Thailand, says TMD


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7.3 magnitude aftershock in Nepal not affecting Thailand, says TMD


BANGKOK, 12 May 2015 (NNT) – The Meteorological Department has released a statement regarding the latest aftershock in Nepal today, saying it has had no effect on Thailand.

The Director-General of the Meteorological Department Wanchai Sakudomchai's announcement was in regard to a 7.3 magnitude earthquake that struck Nepal at 2:05pm today, claiming the quake posed no danger to Thailand.

The epicentre of the earthquake was in the area of Namche city located approximately 80 kilometers away in a northeastern direction from Kathmandu, Nepal, at latitude 27.78 degree north and longitude 86.07 degree east. The quake occurred 10 kilometers below the surface.

The Meteorological Department will make further announcements with more information on this incident , as it becomes known.

-- NNT 2015-05-12 footer_n.gif

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These poor people must be living in constant fear, having just started to clearup/regroup/rebuild after the last quake.

As an aside I feel that statements such as this given by the Thai Met Dpt are so insensitive, not a mention of the people in Nepal, just IMHO an I'm alright jack attitude.

Given the fact that the quake is over 3200 km away as the crow flys, in a landlocked country, I find the statement unecessary.

Edited by BigBadGeordie
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I do hope that the people of Nepal get the help that they all need.

I also do hope that the government, military and police of Nepal are

not too corrupt and are possibly keeping the people in need from receiving the

help and supplies they need with their villages, and towns in Nepal. I saw a media

clip on people fixing up a temple area, hauling the debris away and

talking about rebuilding, when the houses in the area were all still

falling down, and not getting any repairs. I just wondered, what the bleep is going on with

these people. Another news clip showed people in one village getting no help at all , when a truck was going past

with supplies for a village further from Kathmandu that had privately paid to get relief supplies

sent to them. That was when I figured out that there is indeed lots of corruption in that

poor country. This kind of thing also happened in Haiti when they needed all the help after their earthquake.

The corrupt government and gangs, would keep ships from unloading needed relief supplies

until they got their cut, and money. It was disgusting! At least the Nepalese people seem to be trying to help

with their own places, as in Haiti the people seemed to be happy to have the foreign companies

come into their country and to a lot of the rebuilding work, while they just hung around.

There was even some documentaries made from some of the people involved with the

relief and rebuilding of Haiti.

Of course this is only my humble opinion of the world and the corruption in it.


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