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The lies about the Rohingya get worse and worse and the above is a prime example.

There is no evidence that the Rohingya of Rahkine state want either autonomy or sharia. What they do want is IDs that have been taken away from their parents, to live and trade peacefully without fascist Buddhist monks stirring up those that they lived peacefully with for years.

Instead of expressing your obvious hatred of (all?) Muslims why not learn some facts and do some research on (for example) how many generations have lived in Burma/Myanmar. Start around 1825.

BTW the Burmese military have an appalling record of treating all the different indigenous people (Shan, Akha etc) and are still at a virtual state of war against some of them.

This has been going on for years- 1825 ( not sure where this date comes from in the scheme of things it's peanuts) . Have done as much research as I can.

Did you not read- it's up to Burma to sort this out- not push the problem on surrounding countries .

Do I love Muslims - no . This is a regressive appalling cult, they have gone from a leading scientific, artistic, cultural leading light in the world to one of oppression of women, homophobia , genital mutilation of men and women, poverty, total hatred of other faiths. They have embraced the idea of blowing up infidels with lead to a place in paradise ( does not exist) , they carry out genocide. They kill other Muslims - Sunni & Shia who don't quite follow some crap that happened centuries ago.

Sorry the Muslim agenda is the ultimate Caliphate - the world has moved on. Keep the masses illiterate- control them through the mosques- it's medieval times again.

Show me one, progressive, successful Muslim country where all the citizens are treated equally

Waiting for your reply

Yes I read your comment about Burma's problem but unfortunately you added that it's all the Muslims in Rahkine state's fault. In only one way is it their fault - that they are there and easy targets for the terrorists that have attacked them and driven them into squalid camps from which they are fuel for the traffickers.

I'm not going to get into an off topic argument with a Muslim hater that uses that hate to distort what is a humanitarian crisis into being the victims' fault.

Even Prayuth seems to have grasped that it's the Myanmar government that needs to address the issue.

Oops you can't answer my question, no I don't hate the Muslims - there are families , children who are just ordinary people.

It's the faith I dislike- it's totally hypocrisy - have you been in an S&M underground gay club in Bahrain? - I have.

Acid attacks?

Forced marriages

97% of girls undergoing FGM in some Muslim countries.

Endless first cousin marriages.


The slaughter of teachers in the Deep South.

No off course you won't go off topic- the problem is these people are Muslim- do to the events in the world at the moment ( Boston etc) they are not welcome in Buddhist countries.

Maybe the Muslim ' community ' should look after their own - they could not give a s***t about their brothers and sisters unless there was money involved.

This is reality - not some wonderful left wing fuzzy reality

You deny you hate Muslims and then go off on a tangent showing how you do hate them. What Hypocrisy.

Your latest rant is completely off topic with not a word about the Rohingya. So, that's my lot as it's a waste of time trying to use sense or logic against hate.

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The lies about the Rohingya get worse and worse and the above is a prime example.

There is no evidence that the Rohingya of Rahkine state want either autonomy or sharia. What they do want is IDs that have been taken away from their parents, to live and trade peacefully without fascist Buddhist monks stirring up those that they lived peacefully with for years.

Instead of expressing your obvious hatred of (all?) Muslims why not learn some facts and do some research on (for example) how many generations have lived in Burma/Myanmar. Start around 1825.

BTW the Burmese military have an appalling record of treating all the different indigenous people (Shan, Akha etc) and are still at a virtual state of war against some of them.

This has been going on for years- 1825 ( not sure where this date comes from in the scheme of things it's peanuts) . Have done as much research as I can.

Did you not read- it's up to Burma to sort this out- not push the problem on surrounding countries .

Do I love Muslims - no . This is a regressive appalling cult, they have gone from a leading scientific, artistic, cultural leading light in the world to one of oppression of women, homophobia , genital mutilation of men and women, poverty, total hatred of other faiths. They have embraced the idea of blowing up infidels with lead to a place in paradise ( does not exist) , they carry out genocide. They kill other Muslims - Sunni & Shia who don't quite follow some crap that happened centuries ago.

Sorry the Muslim agenda is the ultimate Caliphate - the world has moved on. Keep the masses illiterate- control them through the mosques- it's medieval times again.

Show me one, progressive, successful Muslim country where all the citizens are treated equally

Waiting for your reply

Yes I read your comment about Burma's problem but unfortunately you added that it's all the Muslims in Rahkine state's fault. In only one way is it their fault - that they are there and easy targets for the terrorists that have attacked them and driven them into squalid camps from which they are fuel for the traffickers.

I'm not going to get into an off topic argument with a Muslim hater that uses that hate to distort what is a humanitarian crisis into being the victims' fault.

Even Prayuth seems to have grasped that it's the Myanmar government that needs to address the issue.

Oops you can't answer my question, no I don't hate the Muslims - there are families , children who are just ordinary people.

It's the faith I dislike- it's totally hypocrisy - have you been in an S&M underground gay club in Bahrain? - I have.

Acid attacks?

Forced marriages

97% of girls undergoing FGM in some Muslim countries.

Endless first cousin marriages.


The slaughter of teachers in the Deep South.

No off course you won't go off topic- the problem is these people are Muslim- do to the events in the world at the moment ( Boston etc) they are not welcome in Buddhist countries.

Maybe the Muslim ' community ' should look after their own - they could not give a s***t about their brothers and sisters unless there was money involved.

This is reality - not some wonderful left wing fuzzy reality

You deny you hate Muslims and then go off on a tangent showing how you do hate them. What Hypocrisy.

Your latest rant is completely off topic with not a word about the Rohingya. So, that's my lot as it's a waste of time trying to use sense or logic against hate.

No I hate what this cult is forcing people to do in the name of some totally fictitious non existent God- it causes untold pain, death and suffering. The minute that humans wake up to the fact - there is no supreme being- it's nonsense- will bring about a total change to the world.

The Muslim community in Burma are suffering - because of the rise in nationalism, population growth, a total distrust of the Islamic cult .

Why don't the Muslim brothers and Sisters in Malaysia and Indonesia welcome these people ? It's what we are led to believe- it shows the total hypocracy of this cult. We are all better than you- we are moral, never do anything wrong, never drink alcohol , never have sex outside marriage, never take drugs, heaven forbid have sex with another man - just rubbish.

I go back to my original post - it's religion that is driving this appalling situation - and quite frankly amongst the world religions Islam is just the most destructive . It's the way Mohammed would love it - a war Lord


Like a woman who refuses to talk about a problem with her husband...Myanmar does not want to discuss this problem because if they do...they will be forced to acknowledge years of wrong in regards to the desperate Muslim population...


Mayanmar does not seem willing to do anything about the drug problem either...even though most of the drugs are made there and "exported" to Thailand for distribution. Nothing has really changed there...just window dressing.


Legally Thailand needs to rescue and provide food and shelter to anyone drifting in their waters on boats..Just like European countries are doing.

But thats not how they follow these rules in Thailand.

Those Rohingya were only welcome in Thai smuggle camps on transit to Indonesia.So Thais could make profit from it.

Now Thailand does not want them anymore cause they will only cost them money..

So now they push back their boats and let these people sort it out them selves in the middle of the ocean.

Thainess !


It's a neck-and-neck race between Myanmar and Thailand to see who wins the "Callous Indifference to Migrants" award for 2015. My money is on Myanmar, with their ethnic purge well under way, but with a few sinkings or mass starvation on boats turned away, Thailand could come on strong yet.


solve the problem for thailand:

Myanmar dont send Rohionyas,

Bangldesh dont send your citicens,

and thai will not do any trafficking !!


Dear Mr. Prim. Prayouth !

I feel now much better to hear that only local officials were involved in the trafficking,

district and state officials are all clean !!


There are several nations that are complicit in this horrific crime. The Thai PM is the only person to state the obvious that this is an international problem What is happening here is a genocide. These people are fleeing, often into the net of traffickers because Myramar is allowing the harassment and killing of these people. It will take a UN effort to determine the Rohingya's legitimate homeland and then UN force to re-establish them in a defensible appropriate home. They did not just fall out of the sky. Where is the great human rights media star of Myanmar in all this?

Of course, the genocide may just continue. That seems to be the likely course. I guess all that religious and philosophical literature espousing gentleness and generosity towards the wretched and poor is to be removed from the dialog revealing the bitter truth about everyone involved.


Prayut says Rohinya problem needs cooperation from all sides to resolve


Thailand has considered the "Rohingya migration" problem a transnational problem and is inviting concerned countries and international communities to join in its effort to resolve the problem.

But Myanmar seemed to reject an invitation to join the upcoming international meeting in Thailand to discuss joint solutions to irregular maritime migration with other 15 countries.

Prime Minister General Prayut told reporters Friday that Thailand’ stance toward the problem is firm, pointing out that the problem needs to be jointly addressed by all concerned countries and international organizations.

Thailand should not be left to shoulder the burden alone, he said.

He made clear that his government will not allow any illegal migrant to stay in Thailand permanently, citing potential impacts they could cause to the Thai people.

The prime minister said any Rohingya people who enter Thailand illegally will be prosecuted and deported back to the country of origin.

Earlier Myanmar has indicated that it would not send its representatives to attend the international meeting over irregular maritime migration in Indian Ocean, which will be held in Bangkok on May 29.

15 countries which are affected by the problem have been invited to join the meeting.

Commenting on Myanmar’s stance, Gen Prayut said Myanmar was entitled to make its own decision.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/prayut-says-rohinya-problem-needs-cooperation-from-all-sides-to-resolve


-- Thai PBS 2015-05-16

Cooperation, as in other countries looking the other way and minding their own business?


"Thailand is non-partisan" in this matter...What the hell does THAT mean? The Thai junta will do whatever suits them best, it's certainly not acting objectively.

Military, police, local authorities and civilians profiting from human trafficking. Sounds pretty damn partisan to me.

That the plight of the victims originated in another country does not excuse the misdeeds of Thais.

Profiting from Human misery and suffering is repugnant to most tourists going there .

Once the coming sanctions get world press ...hopefully the boycott might get the Thai military to objectively reconsider their position , and stop making pathetic excuses.

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