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No plan to mobilise red shirts: Thaksin


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Rubi, do you think Thaksin still have the power and influence to mobilize the red shirts in mass? He may have the wealth but there will be little of anyone willing to put their lives at risk for the few hundred Bahts. If the Reds are mobilized, it will not be due to Thaksin influence or his money but for their beliefs that they have been discriminated and unfairly treated. That will be a even more dangerous proposition.

And there probably are elements who would have no hesitation / are itching to stir up trouble in any way they can.

I suggest that jatuporn, nattawut and many more are still locked into their red / udd manifesto, which by the way is about as clear as mud and no doubt locked into their personal benefits, and they will stir trouble at the drop of a hat. and this 'group' do have the capabilities in terms of clever (but dishonest) rhetoric to seriously stir and to cause division and dissent.

And if you believe that the paymaster is not involved then you probably believe in the tooth fairy.

Which means that the new government as part of the reform process needs urgently to show the people who believe they have been discriminated against (and I have no hesitation to believe that they have been discrimated against) that there is reform in process to ensure going forward they have equal opportunities and have easy and fair access to fair justice.

What you say is true to a degree

I suggest that jatuporn, nattawut and many more are still locked into their red / udd manifesto, which by the way is about as clear as mud and no doubt locked into their personal benefits, and they will stir trouble at the drop of a hat. and this 'group' do have the capabilities in terms of clever (but dishonest) rhetoric to seriously stir and to cause division and dissent.

I don't think that they would get the backing needed to cause big trouble. The people are tired of the nonsense they saw they were getting nowhere and have opted for peace and unity instead. They may still have their beliefs but I think a lot of them have changed their mind. They no longer have the same crap being drummed into their head on a daily basis. Also the Government would nip them in the bud. They are indeed a group of low class self centered trouble mkers but their support is gone now. Also I think Thaksin is not willing to spend the money any more. He knows the the Shinawatra dynasty is dead.

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A bunch of corrupt, draconian dinosaurs on one side and a corrupt megalomaniac on the other.

Thailand desperately needs something new.

Are you sleeping? Do you live in Thailand?

Thailand has some thing new. A government that cares about the people and is trying to bring unity to a country that has been divided by a man with no morals and an ego bigger than a 747. It is a long process but all ready we see signs of the political corruption being punished. It will take a long time to get rid of it and as in any country in the world there will still be some. Also they will be starting to eliminate the corruption among the day to day bureaucrats.

All time consuming jobs that can not be done in a day or the time period dreamers like you think.

They have made Thailand a safer place than it was. The red shirt organization has been destroyed. It still has the leaders drawing money from Thaksin but the supporters who did not receive pay are no longer interested in it they are enjoying the peace. Of course there is still the criminal element who would gladly support the red shirts if Thaksin was to bring his check book out but they are a small minority.

Thailand has turned a corner and can never return to the corruption led style of the Thaksin era.

Wow! Do you wanna come over for a game of poker?

You obviously couldn't afford it.

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The final battle is coming in a few years, when the next coronation takes place.

For now Thaksin is just biding his time. He has lots of money, and the red shirts

love money, so it is a match made in heaven. If anybody thinks Thaksin is going

to gently fade away into the night, they are wrong. The true endgame has yet to


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One thing I've learned about this guy: whatever he says is a lie.

So, translation: the Red Shirts are alive and well, ready for action, and my son will become leader of Pheu Thai.

Haven't heard anything about his health in recent years. Anyone else remember when his wig fell off during a video address to the red shirt masses and the "just a little chemo" explanation?

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He just needs to grow a little mustache and he

would be spitting image of Adolf.

Fugitive,with a diplomatic passport,could only

happen in Thailand.

regards Worgeordie

Too late mate, Prayuth has already don it. whistling.gif

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This fugitive speaks as though Thailand's well being is at his mercy.

Fugitive from justice he certainly is. But it is worth noting that world organisations and foreign government officials are still willing to listen to him, i don,t see the same enthusiasm directed towards Prayuh

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Thaksin is just waiting for PM Prayut to rebuild the country so that he can plunder it again. Typical behaviour of a psychopath who is incapable of seeing his own misdeeds and preaches peace and obeying the law. Those advices are of course not applicable for superior beings, as he sees himself in his delusions of grandeur.

I dont see much chance of Prayuth rebuilding the damage done to Thailand during the Suthep-Abisit days ( note Suthep- Abisit as Suthep really was the defacto leader of the Dems., hence the mess that they created) During the days under Thaksin, Thailand was swiftly merging from the 3rd world and the poorer members of the community were at last getting a better deal in life, even if Thaksin was doing what ALL Thai persons of high office, that is "feathering their own nest"

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quote "Thaksin, who was in Seoul to speak at a conference, said there was no plan for his son Panthongtae "Oak" Shinawatra to take over leadership of the Pheu Thai Party."

Why does this little snippet keep re-appearing? It's absolute nonsense and even quite offensive to the reds. Thaksin as a champion of democracy would not just shoe-horn his awkward son into the position. If he did that he would be an elitist and nepotistic, two of the things that Dr.Thaksin must abhor. Is there any evidence, anything whatsoever, that shows Thaksin would use nepotism to benefit his clan(other than making his brother in law and sister to be PM).

Wonder how the Shinawatr family would compare the Bush's ? Wonder which side come out on the bottom.

He knows this Junta will fail like the last one and that he will still influence . Abhisit is an example of just how little opposition there is to Thaksin. The day of change in Thailand will be soon.

Dream on.The past will reveal the future.At least Prayuth looks like he is trying to clean things up.Only time will tell,5-10 years,i rekon.The troublemaker will never be allowed back unless he wants to do time.The fool could have done easy time and be back out now,but ego(face) wouldn't allow that.Som num na.

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To be correct Thaksin should say that the red shirts "were" his foot soldiers. Except for a few diehards and the ones at the top who will continue to bark because they've made tons of money and there is nothing else they can do, red shirt grassroots is a thing of the past. The only way to resurrect them is with hard cash, and that is not even sure.

So he is bragging that the red shirts are his foot soldiers.

Perhaps a couple of pints and he would admit arming them with war weapons too.

Don't be too sure that the Red Shirts are "...a thing of the past."

They're quiet now and laying low because they won't confront the Royal Thai Army.

If this government falters and loses support, the Reds could become a force to be reckoned with again.

So who is going to topple the Army?They decide when they go.

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I may be a bit pedantic in my interpretation of this article, but to me it smacks of sensationalism with a contrived and misleading headline. Where in the quoted exchange and replies to questions did TS state that "he had no plans to mobilise red-shirt supporters"?

I am no supporter of the Shin clan, the sooner he is brought to justice the better, but this headline is totally out of context with the text of the article.

Slack and shoddy reporting of a very real and serious issue...

"No, we want to see the government be a success, but it's difficult, as you can imagine," Thaksin said on the sidelines of the conference, when asked if there were any plans to mobilise red-shirt supporters.

I had to re-read it,but he does say it in a pollie speak way.

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"..he had no plans to mobilise red-shirt supporters."

This staggering sentence proves the entire red-shirt movement is simply his personal tool, and I doubt a single one of them has the wit to realise it.

Basically if Thaksin says go out and fight then you do. If he says stay at home then you do.

What a shining example of a group claiming to represent democracy !. NOT. Compare yourselves to those who went protesting against the Amnesty bill without any 'orders', despite the terrorist attacks against them. You are not fit to clean their shoes.

Red Shirts are nothing more to him than the Brown Shirts were to Hitler. And he will do the same to you as Hitler did to them if he ever gets the absolute power he has always craved. Luckily for you his own greed has made sure that will never happen.

You really ought to calm down, getting so worked up can't be good for your blood pressure. This "staggering sentence" proves nothing other than when asked Thaksin remarked that he had no such plans. It doesn't prove that he has the power or influence you are convinced he does. It in now way even begins too have any connection with Adolf Hitler, the SA and the way that they were purged, 80 odd years ago, on a different continent under totally different political and social circumstances.

Now do be careful not to burn up on re-entry, you may have a few tiles loose!:)

Edited by JAG
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Thaksin is just waiting for PM Prayut to rebuild the country so that he can plunder it again. Typical behaviour of a psychopath who is incapable of seeing his own misdeeds and preaches peace and obeying the law. Those advices are of course not applicable for superior beings, as he sees himself in his delusions of grandeur.

I dont see much chance of Prayuth rebuilding the damage done to Thailand during the Suthep-Abisit days ( note Suthep- Abisit as Suthep really was the defacto leader of the Dems., hence the mess that they created) During the days under Thaksin, Thailand was swiftly merging from the 3rd world and the poorer members of the community were at last getting a better deal in life, even if Thaksin was doing what ALL Thai persons of high office, that is "feathering their own nest"

The Dems spent most of their time swatting the flies emerging from the already maggot ridden carcass of the dead horse that Thaksin had flogged.

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To be correct Thaksin should say that the red shirts "were" his foot soldiers. Except for a few diehards and the ones at the top who will continue to bark because they've made tons of money and there is nothing else they can do, red shirt grassroots is a thing of the past. The only way to resurrect them is with hard cash, and that is not even sure.

So he is bragging that the red shirts are his foot soldiers.

Perhaps a couple of pints and he would admit arming them with war weapons too.

Don't be too sure that the Red Shirts are "...a thing of the past."

They're quiet now and laying low because they won't confront the Royal Thai Army.

If this government falters and loses support, the Reds could become a force to be reckoned with again.

So who is going to topple the Army?They decide when they go.

Historically no one really topples the army. They seem to take power, occupy a

nice spot at the feeding trough for a while, and then just fade away when

they get bored of ruling . Poor Thailand.......

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Wonder how the Shinawatr family would compare the Bush's ? Wonder which side come out on the bottom.

He knows this Junta will fail like the last one and that he will still influence . Abhisit is an example of just how little opposition there is to Thaksin. The day of change in Thailand will be soon.

Dream on.The past will reveal the future.At least Prayuth looks like he is trying to clean things up.Only time will tell,5-10 years,i rekon.The troublemaker will never be allowed back unless he wants to do time.The fool could have done easy time and be back out now,but ego(face) wouldn't allow that.Som num na.

I think the 5 to 10 year figure is some thing most of the people do not realize. They are simple minded people and think all Prayut has to do is say stop it and every one turns honest immediately. Even if they turned honest it would take a long time to clean the mess up.

I dont see much chance of Prayuth rebuilding the damage done to Thailand during the Suthep-Abisit days ( note Suthep- Abisit as Suthep really was the defacto leader of the Dems., hence the mess that they created) During the days under Thaksin, Thailand was swiftly merging from the 3rd world and the poorer members of the community were at last getting a better deal in life, even if Thaksin was doing what ALL Thai persons of high office, that is "feathering their own nest"

The Dems spent most of their time swatting the flies emerging from the already maggot ridden carcass of the dead horse that Thaksin had flogged.

Check the corruption level in Thailand. It was on a continues rise until Abhist took over. He did not manage to end it but it did not grow under his leadership. The minute Yingluck took leadership it continued on it's upward spiral.

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Wonder how the Shinawatr family would compare the Bush's ? Wonder which side come out on the bottom.

He knows this Junta will fail like the last one and that he will still influence . Abhisit is an example of just how little opposition there is to Thaksin. The day of change in Thailand will be soon.

Dream on.The past will reveal the future.At least Prayuth looks like he is trying to clean things up.Only time will tell,5-10 years,i rekon.The troublemaker will never be allowed back unless he wants to do time.The fool could have done easy time and be back out now,but ego(face) wouldn't allow that.Som num na.

I think the 5 to 10 year figure is some thing most of the people do not realize. They are simple minded people and think all Prayut has to do is say stop it and every one turns honest immediately. Even if they turned honest it would take a long time to clean the mess up.

I dont see much chance of Prayuth rebuilding the damage done to Thailand during the Suthep-Abisit days ( note Suthep- Abisit as Suthep really was the defacto leader of the Dems., hence the mess that they created) During the days under Thaksin, Thailand was swiftly merging from the 3rd world and the poorer members of the community were at last getting a better deal in life, even if Thaksin was doing what ALL Thai persons of high office, that is "feathering their own nest"

The Dems spent most of their time swatting the flies emerging from the already maggot ridden carcass of the dead horse that Thaksin had flogged.

Check the corruption level in Thailand. It was on a continues rise until Abhist took over. He did not manage to end it but it did not grow under his leadership. The minute Yingluck took leadership it continued on it's upward spiral.

Are you seriously suggesting that the Democrats and Abhisit were/are not corrupt?? You might want to check your blinkers!!

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Dream on.The past will reveal the future.At least Prayuth looks like he is trying to clean things up.Only time will tell,5-10 years,i rekon.The troublemaker will never be allowed back unless he wants to do time.The fool could have done easy time and be back out now,but ego(face) wouldn't allow that.Som num na.

I think the 5 to 10 year figure is some thing most of the people do not realize. They are simple minded people and think all Prayut has to do is say stop it and every one turns honest immediately. Even if they turned honest it would take a long time to clean the mess up.

The Dems spent most of their time swatting the flies emerging from the already maggot ridden carcass of the dead horse that Thaksin had flogged.

Check the corruption level in Thailand. It was on a continues rise until Abhist took over. He did not manage to end it but it did not grow under his leadership. The minute Yingluck took leadership it continued on it's upward spiral.

Are you seriously suggesting that the Democrats and Abhisit were/are not corrupt?? You might want to check your blinkers!!

You might want to learn how to read.

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