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Plans to ruin Jomtien Beach?


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2) Any expert would have known to make sure the new water drains along the new curbing had to handle the large volumes of water during the heavy rains. The engineers did not consider this.(and expert would know better)

It does not take a expert to know this..

Anyone with a IQ slightly above a gold fish who had seen beach road flood

once would have put better drains and gutters in.

Beach road was compleatly torn apart.They had the perfect opportunity..

Yet they put the EXACT same gutters in the new beach road..

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Having lived here for ten years (work in Thailand, not retired or a tourist) it seems the various city projects are given to companies that are not held accountable. Maybe the rumor of some relative getting the contract or some high official pocketing part of the project money is correct. I saw the construction of the new Beach Road lane and promenade being built and this is what drew my attention to question the research and quality of the project: 1) during the normal day, Beach Road is not that busy except on weekends when everyone is going to Central and at night time, the lanes are almost empty... and if an extra lane was needed, why not force the left lane (east lane) to be cleared of parking motorbikes and vendors? Removing land from a narrow buffer between the beach and street did not make sense to me. 2) Any expert would have known to make sure the new water drains along the new curbing had to handle the large volumes of water during the heavy rains. The engineers did not consider this.(and expert would know better) 3) When the brick walkway was being quickly laid, I was surprised the retainment walls between the beach and the higher level of the walkway were not being repaired or built...now parts of the walkway is crumbling along the edge where the beach is due to no repairs. (and expert would know better) 4) It seemed no thought was put into the importance of the original trees that took over 50 years or so to grow to provide shade and stop erosion. Instead, chop them all down and plant palm trees with shallow roots. (an expert would know better) 5) With an important tourist attraction such as the Beach Prominade, it seems the city would have city policeman or someone with authority to do a foot patrol of the area to stop crime from the katoeys or stop the motorcycles that use the promenade for a road (an expert would know this) The biggest disappointment is that the new Jomtien beach project will be like the rest of the municipal projects- no maintenance budgeted after it is finished.


Pattaya officials destroyed the beach path, gardens and flattened it so they can lease the area to vendors. The erect more that 1,000 tents @ around 20,000Bt./week.

The trees had to go!

Of course they packaged the "improvements as traffic solution...but that was a lie.

They didn't need to remove the trees, gardens, footpath then pave another lane when the left lane is full of rental motorbikes. City Hall rents that left lane.

Goes to show how much the city cares for the town. Just a bunch of greedy hogs at the trough.

Now you know.

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Totally agree with Toenail and Jupiterjim. It's sad this rather large, important for Thailand city is stuck with the city administration it now has--a horrible combination of greed, total incompetence in everything it does, and vast indifference to anything except lining their pockets. Nothing is done for the greater good of the citizens, just for the graft opportunities. For me, the worst is the total lack of ANY accountability for anyone-- from those proposing, those designing, and those constructing these dreadful 'improvements'. Recently the already horrible sidewalks near Lumpini Park Beach condo on Jomtien Second Road were torn up for some pipe to be laid (why the pipe wasn't laid when this new road was first built is another question). The work is, I guess done, but what a mess and the sidewalks are even worse than they were before--loose paving stones, lots of missing pavers with just sand instead, uneven pavers to trip you, and lots of construction mess left behind. Nobody checked the finished work, as usual. Road work on the terribly engineered and constructed Jomtien Second Road has been done in the same vicinity the past week or so and we now have a big patch of sand on part of the road. Hmm. Shouldn't have complained about the loose gravel road and big potholes and sinkholes we had before. No oversight whatsoever. Another example of incompetence and indifference: Several weeks ago the busy intersection of Jomtien Second Road and Wat Boon Road was re-opened without any advance warning and the traffic light was not turned on again. Previously this intersection had been first open with a traffic light and then blocked to Wat Boon traffic and traffic had to make a U turn. Anybody with half a brain knows that you don't change an established traffic pattern at a busy intersection without some warning in advance and, if you have a traffic light, at least set it to BLINKING to give some warning that something is new here. It's lucky there were not any major crashes from people who were unaware that there was now, suddenly Wat Boon traffic going thru the intersection that had been blocked for a year or so. What is curious is, after a few days the barriers were up again. Huh? What's going on? Open, closed, open, closed again. Obviously, with this and everything else, the city administration has NOT A CLUE. Clueless and could care less. One last thing--it's been almost a year since construction on Waterfront condo was halted by the city administration. Does anyone know the latest news? Are we going to have to look at this huge, unfinished highrise hulk for the next 20 years? I'd rather see it finished than the way it is now.

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Regarding all observations and photos and especially posts #128 & #133. Even if one were not a world traveler they would not be going out on a limb to state the the sustained level of

incompetence at all levels here is way beyond that in any other seaside resort in Asia. And probably Latin America also.

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Regarding all observations and photos and especially posts #128 & #133. Even if one were not a world traveler they would not be going out on a limb to state the the sustained level of

incompetence at all levels here is way beyond that in any other seaside resort in Asia. And probably Latin America also.

Since this thread topic is centered on the incompetence in all the beach related projects that was what I was referring to. Scrolling down the link ^ to " The Future of Pattaya " and to the beach erosion section is good for a laugh. Starting at the North end , take a look at Pattayas grand canyon, the disaster of the collapsing sea wall and caved - in sections of beach walk. Mexicans could have done much better in 1/4 the time. OK if this guy is raking in the cash from kickbacks and scams thats another subject.

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Are we supposed to sit on this?


It looks uncomfortable and in the full sun it will be unbearable. Too bad. In the past they did create places to sit. Now, apparently, they only want people to sit underneath the umbrellas.

The area from the police station to about soi 7 now looks like a war zone after a major disaster. It is very strange to stand on the beach near the police station, where there were too many old-growth trees to count, and look south. Where there once was row after row of old-growth trees providing shade and beauty, now there is nothing but a few palm trees.

It is so ugly now. I was just in a bhat bus with some Thais who were talking about how "beatiful is now is." It is hard for me to grasp their mindset, but it is clearly the opposite of my mindset.

At some point, Thais will have to start placing a very high value on their natural capital--at least what is left of it. That is what "advanced" societies do. They embrace "green growth." Thais have no idea what green growth is.

People who like the FUBAR project might argue that most beaches have no old-growth shade trees. Yes, that is true, but it misses the point that Jomtien Beach is/was very special precisely because of the presence of old-growth shade trees.

I am afraid they are about to slaughter all of the old-growth trees all the way down to the end of the beach. Here is a picture of what the area looked like in the past (not sure about the date):


The old-growth trees stretch for miles. I remember when they were 4-5 rows thick! Jomtien Beach was gorgeous back then (ca. early 1980s). Future generations will not see it because of what they are foolishly doing today, and that is a crime IMHO.

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I guess those of us at the southern end of Jomtien Beach can take heart that the renovation money will likely run out long before the tree destruction reaches us. But, it would have been nice if they had started with sidewalk repairs--the sidewalks at the southern end are in horrible condition.

Edited by Rimmer
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I am afraid they are about to slaughter all of the old-growth trees all the way down to the end of the beach. Here is a picture of what the area looked like in the past (not sure about the date):

attachicon.gifJomtien trees.jpg

The old-growth trees stretch for miles. I remember when they were 4-5 rows thick! Jomtien Beach was gorgeous back then (ca. early 1980s). Future generations will not see it because of what they are foolishly doing today, and that is a crime IMHO.

I think the picture is about 5 years old and agree it is a shame to see all the old trees chopped down.

I thought it looked more like this though biggrin.png


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Regarding steps and question "are we supposed to sit on this?" well, heck no! That's what the umbrella vendors are there for. Those steps will be used for attitude adjustment seminars in mid day sun. Noticed that large boat shaped concrete whatever going up... seems to have seating, but design has everyone facing away from each other (and no shade of course), unlike the circles they had and still have (awaiting destruction). Maybe Thai like the new plan because they can see the sea better.... only reason I can fathom.

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Those steps - while they last. They are just sitting on potato chip cement slab on top of fluffy sand.

Take a look at the steps disaster on Pattaya beach in front of Soi 6 and all the other washed

out slapped on cement work they did. By the way that Pattaya disaster will be 2 years old this October.

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Are those steps doing double duty as a spillway? I think so. That is the area that gets washed out during a rainstorm.

They will collapse and lay there a broken mess after a few storms. No?

Maybe if they build up the sides to contain the water and extend it further to the sea. The concrete boat launch further down the beach has been in service for years with no problem that I know of.

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I will not start complaining about this before the project has finished. I had a look at it yesterday and so far it looks like they have a plan and there will be big open areas but also palm trees and benches to sit on. As always I am worried about the quality of the constuction and how long it will last but at least give them a chance.

Edited by balo
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I will not start complaining about this before the project has finished. I had a look at it yesterday and so far it looks like they have a plan and there will be big open areas but also palm trees and benches to sit on. As always I am worried about the quality of the constuction and how long it will last but at least give them a chance.

Cutting down all of those old-growth trees should be enough to generate a complaint or two. I see no evidence of any plan for the construction of benches to sit on. I hope they do include benches, but they need to be in the shade and the shade is being removed systematically. Interesting that Juperterjim noted that the "steps" might also serve as a spillway. Maybe.........

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Sorry to see the trees go - does anybody know what species of tree they were - the one with the broad leaf that has small nut like fruit at times - a lot of them were Casuarina sea pine feathery leaves small seed like nuts/fruit

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Some pictures from today:



The steps to the beach are not proper seats, but no doubt lots of Thais and some farangs will use them for that. I wonder if they are going to include places to sit (e.g. benches). I finally talked with a Thai, in Bangkok, who thought it was insane to cut down the old growth trees, noting that those trees are what makes the beach special. She even added that the trees provide much needed shade and hold the soil in. Smart girl! At this point, all I can say is:


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Maybe they are just thinking of Thai tourists. Who never come down to the beach during the day unless sitting under one of the rental umbrellas???

I did a 3km walk down the beach the other day and most of the shade trees in the open areas had thai families under them.

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I keep reading these letters complaining about the Jomtien Beach improvements. The first thing that surfaces is very few complainers actually consider what is best for the community as a whole and only think of there own needs or wishes.

In any country when you create a New project the first things that any city will consider is how it will effect and improve exspense and budgets.

I like most of you love trees regardless where they are but from the city's perspective they have to pay to have them pruned every two years and continually they add to additionally cleaning from dropped leaves. Yes the shade is nice but if we were al honest we would admit that these shady places usual end up being the places where undesirables sit, so to eliminate the trees and replace them with Palm trees saves the city money and keeps the undesirables at a minimum.

As for seating, this is something also that should not exist or should only be there at a very minimum, if you walk down Pattaya beach you will see most every bench filled with undesirables , making the the beach area less presentable and appealing to tourists. If you want to go to the beach and sit, pay the $40 Baht and get a nice comfortable beach chair with a umbrella and a table .

Also if the siting area were increased then the amount of garbage generated would increase and that would mean an additional expenses to keep the cans emptied and the area clean. If you walk down Beach Road in Pattaya you will se that the city has not done a good job at this and rubbish over flows the bins daily making the area undesirable........So further more this would give me all the more reason not to want additional seating.

If the city were to have left the big trees and added more free siting areas the only thing that would happen is your would get more undesirables, which in affect would mean more crime and expenses to Police it.

The common solution you all prefer would be more trees and more benches CORRECT? If they did that would you be willing to pay a fee, such as a tax increase on hotel rooms or increased VAT or a new local tax? This would be necessary to do what you want and keep the area safe, clean and policed.

I'ms ure a few of you will whine about my posting buy the facts are the facts.

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Hey, Jessvanpelt. Your posting might have made some tiny little sense except for a few things. I don't see any evidence that the city is spending any money to trim any trees and the city certainly doesn't sweep up any leaves--I haven't notice it sweep anything. The city spends the bare minimum for trash collection and has the bare minimum of horrible, ugly trash cans and that wouldn't change. Ditto for police protection--the police aren't out on the streets, beaches, and busy traffic intersections now and more or less trees and benches isn't going to change that. One last thing--if you design an area so that your so-called 'undesirables' don't want to hang out there, it's likely few others will want to either.

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