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Tourist Shot, Killed On Phi Phi

Maejo Man

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Bit off topic ,,,,, maybe,,,,,,,,,, as there seems to be hefty Aussie input on this thread, heard a group of Aussies last night use the wordl... can someone describe or give a definition of the word "Yabo" [sp]


According to the Australian / English dictionary, a "yobbo" is an uncouth person or country hick.

Thats what I thought, but did it have anyone on this thread, picture there ???

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being a recalcitrant punter is very dangerous in any country and thailand ain't that far ahead of the U.S.A and even australia.

What does recalcitrant mean?

" RECALCITRANT" = [adjectitive] = uncooperative, intractable, insubordinate, defiant, rebellious, difficult, awkward.

in just strait out plain street language relevant to this thread,

it means = a pissed up horrible, disrespectful tourist that will most probly die at the end of some thais gun. :o

Terry, do you remember your ex-PM Paul Keating being called a 'recalcitrant' a few years ago by

the great recalcitrant himself, ex PM Mahatir of Malaysia, for not attending some ASEAN meeting?

Back to the topic, this senseless death reminds me of the perils of airborne tourism.

Youngsters leave their home country and a few hours later are in a different culture and country.

They've no time to adapt, to comprehend and understand the different mores and rules.

It's not a question of right and wrong, it's a case of that's what happens here if you insult the locals.

The Belgian was shot but his mates were left unharmed, not 'mindless violence' as often happens in the West.

I remember the case in Kanchanaburi where the Englishman spat in the face of a drunken policeman and then was shot dead.

Again, no idea of what's acceptable in Asia.

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being a recalcitrant punter is very dangerous in any country and thailand ain't that far ahead of the U.S.A and even australia.

What does recalcitrant mean?

" RECALCITRANT" = [adjectitive] = uncooperative, intractable, insubordinate, defiant, rebellious, difficult, awkward.

in just strait out plain street language relevant to this thread,

it means = a pissed up horrible, disrespectful tourist that will most probly die at the end of some thais gun. :D

Terry, do you remember your ex-PM Paul Keating being called a 'recalcitrant' a few years ago by

the great recalcitrant himself, ex PM Mahatir of Malaysia, for not attending some ASEAN meeting?

Back to the topic, this senseless death reminds me of the perils of airborne tourism.

Youngsters leave their home country and a few hours later are in a different culture and country.

They've no time to adapt, to comprehend and understand the different mores and rules.

It's not a question of right and wrong, it's a case of that's what happens here if you insult the locals.

The Belgian was shot but his mates were left unharmed, not 'mindless violence' as often happens in the West.

I remember the case in Kanchanaburi where the Englishman spat in the face of a drunken policeman and then was shot dead.

Again, no idea of what's acceptable in Asia.

yes i do my friend

just one thing bannork,

you nearly got it right, but it was the other way around .

keating called mahatir a recalcitrant and it caused all sorts of problems for australia.

mahatir went nuts and the two countries did'nt kiss and make up untill keating steped down from politics.

just another example of my total belief that its just not worth the effort to piss asians off.

cheers friend :o

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Breaking News:

Thai police arrest 4 suspects in murder of Belgian tourist on resort island

"BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thai police have arrested four suspects in the murder of a Belgian tourist who was shot on Phi Phi island over the weekend, police said Tuesday.

Gregory Van Der Vaeren, 24, was shot after leaving Happy Bar, a bar on the island, early Sunday morning. He had arrived on the popular island in southern Thailand two days earlier."

Stickman Weekly 17/09/2006: "The perils of getting involved with married women in Thailand are not to be underestimated. A report came in this week about a Belgian (?) national who was pursued and shot by the husband of a Thai women he was purported to have been bonking. He was followed to Phi Phi Island from Phuket where a hitman put a few bullets in him. The scene was viewed by a long time reader who saw it all outside the Aquanaut scuba office on Phi Phi. The body had been removed and they were hosing down the area and market stalls which he described as blood-splattered. There were plenty of onlookers and police, all Thai, and when he asked what had happened to a girl he knows in the local cafe she was very tight lipped. His impression was that they were all told to keep quiet about it." ??

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stickman is saying the bloke was killed for screwing a thai man's wife in bangkok and that he was followed down to phi phi and executed.

Sorry, leftcross. I was writing my post while you posted yours and was not aware of your post when I posted mine 3 minutes later.

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if the source of these is nothing more than a "stickman" post, neither of these posts should even be posted here.

sorry, but without some sort of reliable concurrence... any old story or imaginary tale can be made up for this tragic situation.

It besmirches a murdered man and cheapens the Thai News Clipping forum .


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if the source of these is nothing more than a "stickman" post, neither of these posts should even be posted here.

sorry, but without some sort of reliable concurrence... any old story or imaginary tale can be made up for this tragic situation.

It besmirches a murdered man and cheapens the Thai News Clipping forum .


don't be so short sighted. sticks reads the thai newspapers and so often sees another angle to many of us. also his story is corraborated by someone who was at the scene.

your dismissal of an independent source besmirches your reputation....

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Well, speculation it is until we have a more reliable source.

The tightlippedness of the local woman seems like a normal reaction for a Thai business owner. She naturally wants tourists to feel safe and welcome, and talking about unpleasant things to strangers has never been popular in this culture. Appearances have to be kept up.

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Until Stickman posts the URL weblink to the thai newspaper with the story, or has something more than "someone" writing him and telling him that he was there, it's pure fiction... same as so many of his other "stories" of life in Thailand.

I'm sorry, but when the likes of something Stickman posts on a personal website/blog are supposed to be accepted along the same lines as Associated Press or Reuters... it's time to shut down the Thailand News Clipping forum or rename it as the Idle Gossip Forum.

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sticks reads the thai newspapers

who says the information in the thai papers is any more reliable than any other source of information here. nobody knows anything.

as for the woman in the restaurant (the girl in the local cafe !) , how did she manage to find out that this tourist had had an affair with a woman in bangkok and that he was shot by a hitman contracted to do the job , i suppose the hitman announced it to the restaurant staff before pulling the trigger.

bystanders rarely get involved here , to admit to knowing anything can get you in all kinds of bother.

just hose away the blood on the pavement and carry on as normal , its over , finished , now what was it you ordered for lunch.

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sticks reads the thai newspapers

who says the information in the thai papers is any more reliable than any other source of information here. nobody knows anything.

as for the woman in the restaurant (the girl in the local cafe !) , how did she manage to find out that this tourist had had an affair with a woman in bangkok and that he was shot by a hitman contracted to do the job , i suppose the hitman announced it to the restaurant staff before pulling the trigger.

bystanders rarely get involved here , to admit to knowing anything can get you in all kinds of bother.

just hose away the blood on the pavement and carry on as normal , its over , finished , now what was it you ordered for lunch.

i posted it to show there was another possible angle that hadnt been discussed before. i didnt say it was gospel truth. digest the information yourself and make of it what you will.

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To: terry57

You have 16 of the 80 posts here. That is one out of every five. This story seems to be close to your "heart."

***You stated below:


sounds like the dude had seriously pissed off one of the locals.

****But this is not stated as a fact in the story.

Here is what the murderer said, although with your infinite wisdom of this land, I am sure that you know enough not to trust the words of a murderer.

****Wanchai the Murderer:

Wanchai said the Belgian was drinking heavily and the two got into an argument after Van Der Vaeren insulted a Thai woman at the bar,


"its a tragedy that this drunken farang got a bullet sandwich for his bad manners. "

****Here you are, taking the word of the murderer for the reason for his murder.


"but punters must learn to treat thai with respect and dont get to pissed up."

****I have had lots of disagreements with Thais--about money as well, and none of them has ever made or shown any sign of wanting to harm me over this. It is not a STANDARD feature of the culture, but it does happen, and when it does, it appears in the news and on this forum. Hundreds of foreigners have hundreds of disagreements with Thais everyday and they do not get shot over it. This Thai man is the exception. If he weren't, then this would not be in the news.


"reason being, there's plenty of pissed up farang's with bad attitudes that need sorting out."

****It seems that you have jumped from "pissed off the locals" to "bad manners" to "bad attitudes" and need to be sorted out. Would you be so kind as to define "sorting out" for me and the rest of the board members? It certainly sounds like an unusual thing to say considering this case.

From the Translation:


The police say : "the cause is a dispute that started inside the bar". The victim's family and friends do not agree, they have doubts about this. They say that the victim was not a "fighter", and always tries to cool down situations.

TV Channel 11:

Wanchai confessed saying that they had a fight before he shot the man in the head.

Belgian Newspaper:

Wanchai confessed saying that they had a fight before he shot the man in the head.


dont know about that my friend as if you spat in my face and called my beloved mother a dirty monkey whore id frigging blow you away in 2 seconds.

and im a placid aussie fella.

**** No, I beg to differ. You are not a placid Australian, if you behave in anyway like you write.


its only the cock heads who have trouble in thailand and 99% of the time its there own doing, like our pissed up friend here.

****No, it is not only the "cock heads." Lots of normal people who mind their own business get killed and stolen from here. (Are you familiar with the policeman and the backpackers in Kanchanaburi?) And, there is as of yet any evidence or factual references that this was of the young Belgian man's own doing. The only one saying it was has been the murderer, Wanchai and you.


ive never seen a thai attack a farang for no reason,

****Then you need to get out more. People from this country and foreign countries are attacked here and elsewhere for no reason. Will your next argument be concerning the European women who have been raped here? Was this their own doing? Were the Thais "pushed too far?"


the U.S.A. is a frigging joke as its nearly law that you must own a gun and the nut cases running around shooting up schools and killing people is truly horrifying.

****The US does not have any laws which state that citizens must own a gun. It is not "nearly a law" either.


you obviously have not read all the posts on this topic,

****I have read each and every one of the posts on this topic while paying special attention to your posts.


so please scroll backwards and re read them and you will understand the meaning of that statement.

****I understand the meaning of all of your statements. The rest of the board members do as well.


you are light years away from my true meaning and its very clear if you choose to read the post properly.

****Please allow me and the rest of the board members to know your TRUE MEANING. You have basically shown yourself to be an apologist for the behavior of the murderer and in SO MANY WORDS showed us all that you believe that the young Belgian man got what he had coming and that he was the one who was out of line.

im reading your post here and you just dont get anything at all that im trying to say do you ?

****I am getting a lot of what you are saying. What is showing right through your words is your sanctimonious belief in yourself and your unequaled illiteracy that would put your fellow Aussies to shame. My apologies to the rest of the Australian community.

you sound like you have been in thailand 20 frigging seconds.

*****I have lived here 8 1/2 of the past 16 years.

I have bought and sold 5 houses.

I earn over 70,000 on the local economy without a foreign company sponsoring me and have nothing to do with bars.

I speak the language very well.

I have a dozen articles published on the country in FEER, Time Asia, Bangkok Post, The Nation, etc.

I have two books published on the country. One is a best seller here and the other one has just started selling in the USA. The new one in the USA has already been translated into French.

I have been here a few more than 20 seconds.


look i feel im wasting my time on you but here we go and i'll say it again for the 40th time and please bloody listen will you.

****You are not wasting your time with me, but I do feel that I have wasted just about enough time with you. And, that was your 13th post, not your 40th.


the law is extremely flexible in thailand and if one can near on buy his way out of anything.

****The law is not as flexible as you are trying to make it appear in a case like this. Buying your way out of something is very common, but not within the law. It is certainly within the system, but not within the law. And, in this case, Wanchai will not be buying his way out of anything, so your gibberish is once again irrelevant.


one can buy his way out of a murder charge if one has the money by paying off corrupt police very easily.

this case is a bit different because it is too hard to cover up and the killers will more than likely die for it, which is ok by me as its a tragedy that the young guy ate a bullet.

****Then why did you bother mentioning it if this case is different? Are you trying to show us all your foolishness on a variety of topics.


of course there is no good reason to shoot this fellow, UNLESS YOU ARE A THAI AND HAVE LOST FACE BECAUSE OF THE YOUNG FELLOW LOSING HIS MANNERS.

****Once again, the only one we have saying "THIS YOUNG FELLOW LOST HIS MANNERS," is the murderer, Wanchai. Now, there is little doubt that they had a some form of a disagreement, but you continue stating that the victim behaved in a way which warranted the response he received.


can you understand that ? if not get yourself a book on the thai psyche, sit down and read the whole thing and you might learn something.

****Which books would you recommend? Do any of these esteemed books which you recommend have a special section on Aussie Apologists?


you say you have spoken to the thai's about shooting people over disagreements and they said your not allowed to do it.

****NO, that is not what I said. I said that I had spoken to Thais about this case, and that they were embarrassed over it. They were embarrassed over the behavior of their countryman. Even if this young man was obnoxious beyond all belief, it would still be unusual for him to get shot over. There are a very large number of boisterous, vile drunken men in Pattaya every day, insulting everyone in their path, and only occasionally does one of them get shot. It is rare because IT IS NOT STANDARD BEHAVIOR to shoot someone who insults or ridicules you in this country. If it were, there would be a dozen foreigners being shot every day in Pattaya and this would not be big news here.


now please,

what did you think they would say ? oh yes, thats perfectly ok in los?

****As none of them has ever shot anyone from any country, they just might be the placid type. I should meet more "real manly types" like you. Whether you want to believe it or not, every Thai does not run for a gun after a disagreement. Thais, just like people in my country, are perfectly capable of having a fight, yelling, throwing things at each other, and then leaving after they have had their go at each other.


its open season on drunken farang these days. get real please.

look mate,

this is a strait up case of the dangers of tackling the thai.

you just dont piss them off if you want to live a bit longer as they will shoot you in a nano second if you cause them to lose face.

****A percentage of them will, as in this case. And, I appreciate the advice.


listen and learn please and please dont misinterprate my posts.

****Do I interpret "misinterprate," as misinterpret?

****If you want to make friends and influence people, get a dictionary or spell check and display your views for your own eyes to see on a Microsoft Word Document first prior to showing it to the rest of us. Then, correct all of the errors such as the lack of capitalization, apostrophes, commas and spelling errors. Then, if you have any energy left, work on content.

****If you want to show some respect to the people of Thailand, then spell the name of this Kingdom “Thailand.” Please note that the letter “T” is a capital.

****When is Australia going to start administering IQ tests prior to issuing passports?

crikey.... that's top shelf stuff... :o

Geeze if you guys are gonna keep quoting Terry's wessy's posts ... what good does the ignore function do?

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Lefty -----

If it were credible we'd see it somewhere real. In fact the shooter would be screaming it as mitigating circumstances!<probably save him from the death sentence!> But no ... the reason given was "insulted a woman at the bar"

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Breaking News:

Thai police arrest 4 suspects in murder of Belgian tourist on resort island

"BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thai police have arrested four suspects in the murder of a Belgian tourist who was shot on Phi Phi island over the weekend, police said Tuesday.

Gregory Van Der Vaeren, 24, was shot after leaving Happy Bar, a bar on the island, early Sunday morning. He had arrived on the popular island in southern Thailand two days earlier."

Stickman Weekly 17/09/2006: "The perils of getting involved with married women in Thailand are not to be underestimated. A report came in this week about a Belgian (?) national who was pursued and shot by the husband of a Thai women he was purported to have been bonking. He was followed to Phi Phi Island from Phuket where a hitman put a few bullets in him. The scene was viewed by a long time reader who saw it all outside the Aquanaut scuba office on Phi Phi. The body had been removed and they were hosing down the area and market stalls which he described as blood-splattered. There were plenty of onlookers and police, all Thai, and when he asked what had happened to a girl he knows in the local cafe she was very tight lipped. His impression was that they were all told to keep quiet about it." ??

:D wow this really makes sense. First it says the husband shot the guy. Then it says a 'hitman' shot the guy. :o

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Lefty -----

If it were credible we'd see it somewhere real. In fact the shooter would be screaming it as mitigating circumstances!<probably save him from the death sentence!> But no ... the reason given was "insulted a woman at the bar"

not sure about that. might be best to say it was a bar fight, heat-of-the-moment thing rather than a paid-for premeditated execution.......

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To: terry57

You have 16 of the 80 posts here. That is one out of every five. This story seems to be close to your "heart."

***You stated below:


sounds like the dude had seriously pissed off one of the locals.

****But this is not stated as a fact in the story.

Here is what the murderer said, although with your infinite wisdom of this land, I am sure that you know enough not to trust the words of a murderer.

****Wanchai the Murderer:

Wanchai said the Belgian was drinking heavily and the two got into an argument after Van Der Vaeren insulted a Thai woman at the bar,


"its a tragedy that this drunken farang got a bullet sandwich for his bad manners. "

****Here you are, taking the word of the murderer for the reason for his murder.


"but punters must learn to treat thai with respect and dont get to pissed up."

****I have had lots of disagreements with Thais--about money as well, and none of them has ever made or shown any sign of wanting to harm me over this. It is not a STANDARD feature of the culture, but it does happen, and when it does, it appears in the news and on this forum. Hundreds of foreigners have hundreds of disagreements with Thais everyday and they do not get shot over it. This Thai man is the exception. If he weren't, then this would not be in the news.


"reason being, there's plenty of pissed up farang's with bad attitudes that need sorting out."

****It seems that you have jumped from "pissed off the locals" to "bad manners" to "bad attitudes" and need to be sorted out. Would you be so kind as to define "sorting out" for me and the rest of the board members? It certainly sounds like an unusual thing to say considering this case.

From the Translation:


The police say : "the cause is a dispute that started inside the bar". The victim's family and friends do not agree, they have doubts about this. They say that the victim was not a "fighter", and always tries to cool down situations.

TV Channel 11:

Wanchai confessed saying that they had a fight before he shot the man in the head.

Belgian Newspaper:

Wanchai confessed saying that they had a fight before he shot the man in the head.


dont know about that my friend as if you spat in my face and called my beloved mother a dirty monkey whore id frigging blow you away in 2 seconds.

and im a placid aussie fella.

**** No, I beg to differ. You are not a placid Australian, if you behave in anyway like you write.


its only the cock heads who have trouble in thailand and 99% of the time its there own doing, like our pissed up friend here.

****No, it is not only the "cock heads." Lots of normal people who mind their own business get killed and stolen from here. (Are you familiar with the policeman and the backpackers in Kanchanaburi?) And, there is as of yet any evidence or factual references that this was of the young Belgian man's own doing. The only one saying it was has been the murderer, Wanchai and you.


ive never seen a thai attack a farang for no reason,

****Then you need to get out more. People from this country and foreign countries are attacked here and elsewhere for no reason. Will your next argument be concerning the European women who have been raped here? Was this their own doing? Were the Thais "pushed too far?"


the U.S.A. is a frigging joke as its nearly law that you must own a gun and the nut cases running around shooting up schools and killing people is truly horrifying.

****The US does not have any laws which state that citizens must own a gun. It is not "nearly a law" either.


you obviously have not read all the posts on this topic,

****I have read each and every one of the posts on this topic while paying special attention to your posts.


so please scroll backwards and re read them and you will understand the meaning of that statement.

****I understand the meaning of all of your statements. The rest of the board members do as well.


you are light years away from my true meaning and its very clear if you choose to read the post properly.

****Please allow me and the rest of the board members to know your TRUE MEANING. You have basically shown yourself to be an apologist for the behavior of the murderer and in SO MANY WORDS showed us all that you believe that the young Belgian man got what he had coming and that he was the one who was out of line.

im reading your post here and you just dont get anything at all that im trying to say do you ?

****I am getting a lot of what you are saying. What is showing right through your words is your sanctimonious belief in yourself and your unequaled illiteracy that would put your fellow Aussies to shame. My apologies to the rest of the Australian community.

you sound like you have been in thailand 20 frigging seconds.

*****I have lived here 8 1/2 of the past 16 years.

I have bought and sold 5 houses.

I earn over 70,000 on the local economy without a foreign company sponsoring me and have nothing to do with bars.

I speak the language very well.

I have a dozen articles published on the country in FEER, Time Asia, Bangkok Post, The Nation, etc.

I have two books published on the country. One is a best seller here and the other one has just started selling in the USA. The new one in the USA has already been translated into French.

I have been here a few more than 20 seconds.


look i feel im wasting my time on you but here we go and i'll say it again for the 40th time and please bloody listen will you.

****You are not wasting your time with me, but I do feel that I have wasted just about enough time with you. And, that was your 13th post, not your 40th.


the law is extremely flexible in thailand and if one can near on buy his way out of anything.

****The law is not as flexible as you are trying to make it appear in a case like this. Buying your way out of something is very common, but not within the law. It is certainly within the system, but not within the law. And, in this case, Wanchai will not be buying his way out of anything, so your gibberish is once again irrelevant.


one can buy his way out of a murder charge if one has the money by paying off corrupt police very easily.

this case is a bit different because it is too hard to cover up and the killers will more than likely die for it, which is ok by me as its a tragedy that the young guy ate a bullet.

****Then why did you bother mentioning it if this case is different? Are you trying to show us all your foolishness on a variety of topics.


of course there is no good reason to shoot this fellow, UNLESS YOU ARE A THAI AND HAVE LOST FACE BECAUSE OF THE YOUNG FELLOW LOSING HIS MANNERS.

****Once again, the only one we have saying "THIS YOUNG FELLOW LOST HIS MANNERS," is the murderer, Wanchai. Now, there is little doubt that they had a some form of a disagreement, but you continue stating that the victim behaved in a way which warranted the response he received.


can you understand that ? if not get yourself a book on the thai psyche, sit down and read the whole thing and you might learn something.

****Which books would you recommend? Do any of these esteemed books which you recommend have a special section on Aussie Apologists?


you say you have spoken to the thai's about shooting people over disagreements and they said your not allowed to do it.

****NO, that is not what I said. I said that I had spoken to Thais about this case, and that they were embarrassed over it. They were embarrassed over the behavior of their countryman. Even if this young man was obnoxious beyond all belief, it would still be unusual for him to get shot over. There are a very large number of boisterous, vile drunken men in Pattaya every day, insulting everyone in their path, and only occasionally does one of them get shot. It is rare because IT IS NOT STANDARD BEHAVIOR to shoot someone who insults or ridicules you in this country. If it were, there would be a dozen foreigners being shot every day in Pattaya and this would not be big news here.


now please,

what did you think they would say ? oh yes, thats perfectly ok in los?

****As none of them has ever shot anyone from any country, they just might be the placid type. I should meet more "real manly types" like you. Whether you want to believe it or not, every Thai does not run for a gun after a disagreement. Thais, just like people in my country, are perfectly capable of having a fight, yelling, throwing things at each other, and then leaving after they have had their go at each other.


its open season on drunken farang these days. get real please.

look mate,

this is a strait up case of the dangers of tackling the thai.

you just dont piss them off if you want to live a bit longer as they will shoot you in a nano second if you cause them to lose face.

****A percentage of them will, as in this case. And, I appreciate the advice.


listen and learn please and please dont misinterprate my posts.

****Do I interpret "misinterprate," as misinterpret?

****If you want to make friends and influence people, get a dictionary or spell check and display your views for your own eyes to see on a Microsoft Word Document first prior to showing it to the rest of us. Then, correct all of the errors such as the lack of capitalization, apostrophes, commas and spelling errors. Then, if you have any energy left, work on content.

****If you want to show some respect to the people of Thailand, then spell the name of this Kingdom “Thailand.” Please note that the letter “T” is a capital.

****When is Australia going to start administering IQ tests prior to issuing passports?

crikey.... that's top shelf stuff... :o

Geeze if you guys are gonna keep quoting Terry's wessy's posts ... what good does the ignore function do?

Always vigilant to improve its service, it's thaivisa's new fail-safe system that periodically verifies that ignore is, in fact, what you'd like to do with terry57's posts.


We can presume then, that you do.

OK... verification for this week is complete. We'll send it through again in a few days time with a new thread of terry57-dominated posts. :D

Edited by sriracha john
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who was pursued and shot by the husband of a Thai women he was purported to have been bonking. He was followed to Phi Phi Island from Phuket where a hitman put a few bullets in him.

:D wow this really makes sense. First it says the husband shot the guy. Then it says a 'hitman' shot the guy. :o

Another year and another Pulitzer Prize award goes to some other source of information besides Stickman. Ah well, it's back to investigating the fidelity of bar girls for the Stick.

Edited by sriracha john
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who was pursued and shot by the husband of a Thai women he was purported to have been bonking. He was followed to Phi Phi Island from Phuket where a hitman put a few bullets in him.

:D wow this really makes sense. First it says the husband shot the guy. Then it says a 'hitman' shot the guy. :o

Another year and another Pulitzer Prize award goes to some other source of information besides Stickman. Ah well, it's back to investigating the fidelity of bar girls for the Stick.

kind of like investigating to determine if water is wet. :D

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its a tragedy that this drunken farang got a bullet sandwich for his bad manners. :o

but punters must learn to treat thai with respect and dont get to pissed up.

different country , different rules and it never happens to people that play within the rules.

reason being , there's plenty of pissed up farang's with bad attitudes that need sorting out.

now dont spit the dummy punters as its not good that this guy got a bullet, but we all must remember were we are, and what's going down. :D


Treat thai with respect mean simply most of the time have to put your pant down and let them f*** you for free. IF you like (faggot?????????) that is good for you, in my case I am nor fagg nor BDSM, so I still do not accept to put my pant down for some ######ing idiots.

Another point, I do not call those bastards who think foreigners are lower than them thais, OBVIOUSLY they have nothing to deal with traditional thai culture. They are simply mentally ill sick as nazi were, or any other people who think they are better than anyone else.

So I repeat , because mostly it's hard to get my point : there is no way to identify those murderers as thais , mean as the respectfull children of a tolerant culture, but simply as murderer. Also, the day you give up your personnal honor by accepting willingly what is unacceptable is the very same day you became worst than them (a low class motha######a).

I do understand we do not have the same friedns nor meet the same kind of thais. I would glady die rather to have to claim my firend had a hit man and messed up with the local mafia. If oyu are a foreigner, I simply invite to take a charter to your country where I am sure some judges will be glad to meet you. If you owne a thai ID, so you are in fact a disgrace for your nation and I do hope your father did not recognise you and by so do not let you make his name a symbol of cretinity.

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  • 1 year later...

I dug out this old thread as

1) there was a comment on one of the current "Canadian" threads about starting up a website listing deaths of foreign tourists in Thailand and it was suggested also on this thread.

2) I could find no record of any convictions or acquittals using google.


Edited by Briggsy
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If the killer(s) were underage, it's because it likely went through the child courts (where you guessed it... there's no death penalty and the jail times are often half... just in time for these folks to come out tougher and meaner in their mid 20's), where there isn't much media coverage.


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Thanks for the insight, Heng.

From the attached teenee news article, the killing gang were, 21,22,25 & 25 respectively.

Perhaps the case was dropped but that is more likely to have made it to the press particularly in Belgium.

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That's good to hear, because it's been a trend for some time now for criminals to commit a crime and have the youngest non-adult member of their group or grand confess to the crime. Milking the system at its worst, and worst of all for society, if the convict doesn't die or get rehabilitated in prison, he comes out a better criminal in his/her prime.


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