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Thai Police Chief: Rohingya boat people will face illegal entry charge


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Police chief: Rohingya boat people will face illegal entry charge

BANGKOK, 22 May 2015 (NNT) - Commissioner-General of the Royal Thai Police Pol.Gen. Somyot Phumphanmuang has lauded a meeting between 15 countries to find solutions to the problem of Rohingya illegal migrants. Thailand will play host to the meeting scheduled for 29 May 2015.

The national police chief on Thursday expressed his confidence that the meeting would be able to tackle the Rohingya issue efficiently. Malaysia and Indonesia had agreed to allow Rohingya migrants to land on their shores, Pol.Gen. Somyot said.

The commissioner-general explained that there were two groups of Rohingya migrants. Those who had not yet reached Thai territory had the right to float in the international sea and wait for assistance. The other group had entered the Kingdom and were later detained by immigration police officers. They would be charged with illegal entry in line with the international standards, the police chief said.

Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon has called a meeting between relevant units on the Rohingya illegal immigration and instructed them to urgently identify those who have been detained.

-- NNT 2015-05-22 footer_n.gif

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New slogan for TAT: Humanitarian Thailand

>>The commissioner-general explained that there were two groups of Rohingya migrants. Those who had not yet reached Thai territory had the right to float in the international sea and wait for assistance. <<Quote

They have "the right to float in the international sea", how very generous of the commissioner general.

Once again Thailand and the Thais have proven to the world, that in Siam it is all about me, me, me...........

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"Have the right to float at sea" reads as "Hope they drown at sea"

Scabott and his sickopants in australia started this "turn back the boats"

Do you think this would be the last boat if Australia agreed to take them? Of course not, it would be a green light for the people smugglers to start business again. Let them go to a muslim country, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia are all within easy reach.

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This is a typical remark made by a Police officer who speaks before engaging his brain . Humanitarian Thailand it is NOT at all.

Do you think that even if he had a brain to engage it would make any difference to what his mouth says.

I don't.

It's a typical comment by someone who paid for their position.

''if you can't pay, go away''

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"in line with the international standards, the police chief said."

Do all refugees get charged for illegal entry ? Do these people have refugee status ?

Do you honestly believe they are refugees, maybe a small percentage. As in EU they arelooking for free handouts without having to work for anything. I will ask the same question I asked on another thread.

Are you willing to put them up in your home for free or pay more tax to look after them to the detriment of any future pensions you may have coming ?

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The commissioner-general explained that there were two groups of Rohingya migrants:

Those who reached Thailand, and those who did not yet reach Thailand.

Those who reached Thailand will be locked up, and those who did not yet reach Thailand, well, we can't lock them up as they haven't reached Thailand yet...

Meeting adjourned! Thanks for attending the press conference.and stay tuned for more in depth analysis by the comissioner-general tackling the crisis.

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"in line with the international standards, the police chief said."

Do all refugees get charged for illegal entry ? Do these people have refugee status ?

Do you honestly believe they are refugees, maybe a small percentage. As in EU they arelooking for free handouts without having to work for anything. I will ask the same question I asked on another thread.

Are you willing to put them up in your home for free or pay more tax to look after them to the detriment of any future pensions you may have coming ?

Have you followed the news??

Seen the horrific pictures of those poor people brought to shore, more dead than alive.

And you have the nerve to call them economic refugees!!

Whatever happened to solidarity and human decency??

Don't care what ethnic group they are, or what God they pray to, first of all they are human beings!!

And yes I would contribute a little for some people to get a better life!!

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This story gets worse every day.

Arrested for being trafficked? Brilliant -- that way they can be immediately deported to Burma (like the Laos girls found crying on the side of the road four months ago because some Thai men had brought them here for jobs and locked them up in a rancid hotel for boy toys, and were subsequently deported before they could file charges, of course).

Some very high up fat cats are smug about not being implicated, domestically and in the Thai Navy (according to Reuters).

sick.gif This shit makes me sick.......

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"in line with the international standards, the police chief said."

Do all refugees get charged for illegal entry ? Do these people have refugee status ?

Thailand is not a signatory to the UN Convention for Refugees and has no domestic legislation that addresses refugee rights.

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"in line with the international standards, the police chief said."

Do all refugees get charged for illegal entry ? Do these people have refugee status ?

Do you honestly believe they are refugees, maybe a small percentage. As in EU they arelooking for free handouts without having to work for anything. I will ask the same question I asked on another thread.

Are you willing to put them up in your home for free or pay more tax to look after them to the detriment of any future pensions you may have coming ?

Have you followed the news??

Seen the horrific pictures of those poor people brought to shore, more dead than alive.

And you have the nerve to call them economic refugees!!

Whatever happened to solidarity and human decency??

Don't care what ethnic group they are, or what God they pray to, first of all they are human beings!!

And yes I would contribute a little for some people to get a better life!!

I also wonder why your country is not flying plane loads of them back? Easy to criticize when you can say it is someone else's problem?

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Scabott and his sickopants in australia started this "turn back the boats"

And what is your solution, may I ask? whistling.gif

Or are you just another armchair critic? Or, god forbid, you are looking for a high position in the RTP where you can freely mouth off without engaging brain first? coffee1.gif

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"in line with the international standards, the police chief said."

Do all refugees get charged for illegal entry ? Do these people have refugee status ?

No, these people don't have refugee status. They are illegal migrants.

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I am seeing in the last 10 days many posters of TV that are stunned by the way the Thai's behave. Cambodia behaves in the same by the way and an illegal entry into Myanmar or Vietnam puts you also in jail.

May I suggest to all the TV posters that feel Thailand doesn't do enough to go down to the UNHCR office in Bangkok and pay each 20,000 Baht so you all feel better.

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I am seeing in the last 10 days many posters of TV that are stunned by the way the Thai's behave. Cambodia behaves in the same by the way and an illegal entry into Myanmar or Vietnam puts you also in jail.

May I suggest to all the TV posters that feel Thailand doesn't do enough to go down to the UNHCR office in Bangkok and pay each 20,000 Baht so you all feel better.

I'm sensitive to both sides of the issue. However, nobody is right because another is wrong too or doesn't have the infrastructure to deal with their own growth issues.

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it would seem from the ground up, the Thai authorities are at odds with world options on this issue - there a e 50 million displaced people on the planet at moment; more than at any time since WW2 - Thailand looks like being on course of being in a tiny minority of pariah nations who wan t to turn their back on this issue.

Edited by cumgranosalum
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I am seeing in the last 10 days many posters of TV that are stunned by the way the Thai's behave. Cambodia behaves in the same by the way and an illegal entry into Myanmar or Vietnam puts you also in jail.

May I suggest to all the TV posters that feel Thailand doesn't do enough to go down to the UNHCR office in Bangkok and pay each 20,000 Baht so you all feel better.

I can never understand why people think that pointing out the failures of others on this topic in some way mitigates or justifies the behaviour of Thailand.

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I am seeing in the last 10 days many posters of TV that are stunned by the way the Thai's behave. Cambodia behaves in the same by the way and an illegal entry into Myanmar or Vietnam puts you also in jail.

May I suggest to all the TV posters that feel Thailand doesn't do enough to go down to the UNHCR office in Bangkok and pay each 20,000 Baht so you all feel better.

I can never understand why people think that pointing out the failures of others on this topic in some way mitigates or justifies the behaviour of Thailand.

Thailand, like any country, have the first responsibility to its own citizens. The failure would be if the inadequate social programs in Thailand were further depleted by assisting illegal immigrants with no valid claim to refugee status.

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Police chief: Rohingya boat people will face illegal entry charge

This explains the problem...Thailand is trying to determine how much to charge these people for services rendered...This is Thailand...

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This is the Thai way to show Humanity !! what a sh.t of a country !!

Maybee EU should do the same ?? charge all this refugees with illegal enetering the boarder !!

PLease UN -can you see how to solve the problem with refugees !!

Thailand will ask for a UN resolution ::





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