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IS executes 17 people over 24 hours in Syria's Palmyra


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It is not possible to screw something like this up, so consistently, so often, so negligently. For 6 years Obama et al have screwed up every single Arab muslim related issue they have touched. From Syria to Libya to Africa to Iraq to Afghanistan to Pakistan to Yemen to Iran to everywhere else- every single initiative has failed. I assert they have not failed at all. I dont really care what others think, and this is not conspiracy. It is overwhelming fact- Obama has aided terrorist jihad in every single country throughout the muslim world. Indeed, Egypt finally woke to this fact before it was too late for them, expelled Obama's stooge, flipped the finger, and saved their country. Good for you, Al Sissi. If you disagree with my take on this simply do this. Do not consider Obama initiatives. Only consider outcomes, divorced from the PR talking points. It is overwhelming clear.

There is evidence now released in DIA reports that DAESH is in fact a creation of US policy. doesn't mean IS answers to the west, however. Shelley pretty much warned us how these creations turn out in his cautionary tale. I dont know the end game here but if you mapped this on a board, overlay transparencies reflecting the outcomes of various US policy initiatives, you would see an overwhelming example that DAESH is a beast of the West. Was... it is not likely any longer. (Toward this end, even jihadis are turning a way a bit as they are increasingly suggesting the West is controlling IS).

"Which Path to Persia?"

Some of us have been saying since day 1 DAESH is a child of the West. Kudos to us, but it is an empty victory. DAESH will be wielded or cajoled into closing in on Iran, at the expense of Baghdad- I suspect. Baghdad will be forced to seek proper Iranian troops as Obama intentionally withdrew all forces and failed to set up a SOFA with Iraq. In this manner IS can increase the bipolar region that Obama is seeking to do. Collectivize sunnis, rail shias= two opposing camps with Mutually Assured Destruction ability. Sadly, this concept, though insane-like, can only be managed by rational actors. The single thing the middle east lacks the most is rationale faculties.





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And following on from my point concerning the degree of support in the Muslim world for ISIS, here is an Al Jazeera poll.


With 81% polled supporting ISIS who still believes the Sunni states can fight ISIS militarily without imploding in the process? You would have thought Western governments would at least have considered this question when formulating a middle eastern policy, or shockingly perhaps they did and this is the desired result.

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