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The truth really does hurt

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Even if 90% of Thai people are lazy as you claim - surely that means it's down to you to find the 10% who aren't?

Im all ears?

"wanted workers who aren't bone idle"

Oh yes we have banners put up on the main road about 2 miles away and outside the house got them made in Pranburi they are 2 metres wide,we also use agents and word of mouth, do you think we should waterboard them?laugh.png

I'm no recruitment expert. But then, I'm not trying to recruit anyone - or laying the blame elsewhere when I fail to do so.

Its much easier to say " I don't know what Im talking about"

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During my first 8 of the 11 years I have been here I felt that the average Thai worker was taken advantage of and

down trodden but, the last 3 years, I discovered much of what you say to be true. Many, maybe most, are downright lazy, dependent on others,

primarily daughters, who deniability aside, are "sold off " to any occupation, ( few ), they may suited for. Often the girls end up on one flesh market or another and become the main support for the entire family. The male siblings resort to drinking, gambling, creating unsupported babies and, of course, petty crime. The education system is poor but it doesn't really matter as the students don't give a damn about anything and haven' a clue about what "learning" is supposed to be. Officials in every agency do well as do the foreign "connected " people,and the rest ? the rest just doze.Thailand is a land of lost souls who may never awaken !

Has in not always been thus,Kipling referred to the indolence of the east,then again when it is 40c and 76% humidity,why would you not be indolent,add this to the fact that Thailand has a very low unemployment rate[according to govt stastistics],the fact that near everyone now has a tv and internet access,they want the life they see on the tv and internet,not slogging it out in the feilds in 40c heat. you cannot compare this to the western 'work ethic', as all of us from Europe,Usa,Australia,have a much more temperate climate. i tried helping my wife and her cousin clear some overgrown land once,in the cool season,i was finished after two hours,gasping whilst lying on a woven mat like a freshly landed fish. However there are many in our village who work for a few weeks then do nothing for months until they are skint and have to go and work again,but this seems to be the way of it in SE asia.True what you say about the Thai men though,a more useless, spineless bunch{not all,but a lot],one would be hard pressed to find.

We advise staff to work 6am to 10 am then 3pm to 7pm thus avoiding the bulk of the heat.

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I guess there are two possibilities.

A - All Thai people are lazy.

B - Your recruitment and management methods could use some improvement.

"A" about 90%

Which with that answer, quickly brings us back around to possibility B.

And again "im all ears"

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Maybe put an automatic water system in place (such as the irrigation systems with timers we use in gardens back home). Then it's just the fish that need feeding and the tidying of trees. The fish feeding can be done by your wife and the trees don't need tidying every single day, maybe once a week. This will cut back on the amount of labour you need. Expecting people to work outside in this heat and sun would be a challenge, I certainly wouldn't like to do it and I come from a construction background.

I agree Thai's are lazy when it comes to work and it's not just manual labour type of work either. Thai's work long hours, some 12hrs with only 2 days off a month. However, it's certainly not hard work, but it could seem tiring because work is all they do. I have 22 staff working for me and it can be a nightmare to motivate them. They would much rather sit and talk and relax, especially when it's hot. Maybe offer them 9-5 hours, 5 days a week with the weekends off. This may entice them as they will be able to work and have time to themselves as well. Need to generate a balance.

Wife is one of the "few" she works in BKK from 8am to 12 midnight daily.

The land is 15 rai we have pineapples but the staff don't have to take care of these ie cutting picking but do have to weed them once every 3 weeks we have sprinklers on some of the trees we have power tools for everything we use makros to dig holes when trees go in the ground. Already explained about the heat staff work 6-10 3 -7 they get 5 hours down time form 10 am to 3pm also told them if they get a cloudy day work all day ie 8-5 rarely do they listen

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What type of work and how skilled do they need to be?

Yes, the wages sound very reasonable if you're in the rural North.

To be honest this is a dream turning sour slowly, i thought buy some land get some staff sit back and enjoy growing trees,

Reality is have ended up doing it all myself which is no joke, Im not the only one, my Wife thought the same, shes is seeing how lazy people are "now" want everything but want to do nothing for it, her words..

Im in Sam Roi Yot area inland 16km form the sea RURAL, checked the locals for staff prices, the work is simple, see ANY weed pull it out, feed fish twice a day once in morning once at night ( they get free fish too 60cm long), water trees once a day. cut hedge once a week..................doesnt need a brain surgery degree does it.

Not only that to make it easy for them we have petrol hedge cutter, sprinklers grass strimmers.

What weve also told them is "look its hot working on the land" they can choose the hours they work, we suggested 6 am to 10 am then 3pm to 7pm but up to them but 8 hours a day 6 days a week.

I'm tempted to apply for the job , my Thai wife and I

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To be honest Kannot, I dont think you are asking too much at all. All things considerd, maybe the wage is not high enough to KEEP someone, but with the other benefits they are offered, I dont see a problem. You offer them their own accom, food and transport for free!

I think Thailand in general (like many many countries) changes as each generation changes and it seems like the attitude of the whole world is on a 'get rich quick' idea, or maybe the attitude is "it will come to me, i dont need to go out looking".

I remember hearing stories about the ladies of Thailand who would do anything for the farang man, fetch, carry, massage, cook, clean, and the rest. But again that was a generation ago, maybe 2.

The ladies here now see you as 2 things - an ATM machine or the mug that is gonna give her ALL your money via a house in Isaan where her 'brother' lives who is really her husband/boyfriend.

My point is, that Thais certainly seem to be after the quick buck rather than work for it. And anyone who goes on about how hot it is get real. They live here and are used to it, Kannot is not asking them to do a half marathon, he offers them power tools to do the job and feeding fish is hardly back breaking.

Maybe the negative comments are coming from the all day pissheads who cannot even stand in the sun long enough to get their next 12 pack of Chang . . .

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You have my sympathy kannot,

How dare these unscrupulous natives turn down the chance to labor away in the tropical sun for their colonial British masters and instead prefer a life of idolness. How are we expected to ever civilize such savages?

It's the white man's burden, kannot. I say old chap, I will surely being having a word with the fellow members of the Bangkok Club about the lazyness of the help who work on my estate as well, lest we all be importing our coolies in from the Raj before the monsoon begins.

Pip,pip, Tally ho.

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Perhaps you should just do it yourself, or get family members to chip in. Would you do that job for 9k a month (18k for 2 people)? Would you be enthusiastic?

I mean, not exactly going to create a better like is it? Can't save for a pension, can't get private health care, can't send the kids to a private school, can't eat out at restaurants, go to the cinema, bowling, can't go on a family holiday, can't pay a monthly payment on a car.

The wage might be higher than what is normally paid for this job, but it still isn't a fair wage and represents everything that is wrong with this country and indeed so many others.

It appears you have never employed staff in Thailand from this answer and have no idea of salaries, the salary is better than what anyone else is paying they could easily save well over half of that and most likely all of it, would you like to see their house? this was there house BEFORE they all decided they simply could not ne bothered to take care of it, second picture is their house now which requires NO cleaning on their part as they seemed unable to keep it clean. Free motorbike with Free fuel also so the 18k incudes , rice, electric, water, tv, fish, any vegetables on the land inc mango papaya banana lemon grass and a few others, they don't have any travel expenses or accommodation expenses or services bills.

Oh yeah I built t his staff house alone no help at all, all the work on the land I have also done at sometime so I know how hard/easy the job is,,,,,,,,,its EASY

You are suffering from a great misconception.

You provide the workers with their own communal accommodation, shared motorbike, Internet and some food on your illegally owed land to do the donkey work for your illegally run agricultural business, for a lifetime period you say.

This is not an average employer/employee situation, but rather you expect these people to be totally dedicated to serving you and the land, living and working on the land, obedient, subservient and all on your terms. This has tones of the 19th century slave workers who were expected to serve their white masters on the sugar plantations.

As for the fundamentals of how Thais prefer to work in agriculture, these jobs are mostly seasonal, they work on a temporary basis for a few weeks, then move on to other jobs. I have never known of Thais working long term on land unless they own it or working for relatives. And being realistic, for live in full time staff these days we are looking at a minimum of between 15000 to 20000 baht per head.

If as you state, you are desperate for loyal, competent staff, than why not advertise in the local Thai newspapers and the Thai job centres, giving your name, the name of your company, the work involved and the pay?

I would be interested to know what sort of visa you are on and whether you file tax returns here in Thailand? Because judging by your photos, you are running an agricultural business on a grand scale and those like yourself who are abusing the systems here in such ways place us all under scrutiny, not doing yourself or us any favours.

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Even if 90% of Thai people are lazy as you claim - surely that means it's down to you to find the 10% who aren't?

Im all ears?

"wanted workers who aren't bone idle"

Oh yes we have banners put up on the main road about 2 miles away and outside the house got them made in Pranburi they are 2 metres wide,we also use agents and word of mouth, do you think we should waterboard them?laugh.png

I'm no recruitment expert. But then, I'm not trying to recruit anyone - or laying the blame elsewhere when I fail to do so.

Its much easier to say " I don't know what Im talking about"

Just as it's much easier to blame others when things go wrong.

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You have my sympathy kannot,

How dare these unscrupulous natives turn down the chance to labor away in the tropical sun for their colonial British masters and instead prefer a life of idolness. How are we expected to ever civilize such savages?

It's the white man's burden, kannot. I say old chap, I will surely being having a word with the fellow members of the Bangkok Club about the lazyness of the help who work on my estate as well, lest we all be importing our coolies in from the Raj before the monsoon begins.

Pip,pip, Tally ho.

Yes Kannot how dare these people turn down the opportunity to be offered a job?

Another ridiculous, negative post by a 2nd hand Brit . . . . Cobba

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Yep. Clearly another case of the hard-done-by expat and the lazy, thieving, no-good Thais.

You know, I cannot believe this country did not get colonized and even has the Internet. With all this bone laziness, you would think the country would just be a desolate hole with tumbleweed everywhere, rolling around all the sleeping bodies.

Oh, what a nightmare! Stuck among the lazy, lazy ways of The Kingdom. So, I guess the Thais have not lifted a single finger over the last century, and everything has just been handed to them by the diligent foreigners. Oh, the lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, lazy, no-good Thais.

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strange indeed. You certainly pay a lot in my opinion.

I hired a Thai farmer for my pig farm and pay him less and I guess the work is harder, less comfortable than what you describe. However I pay a bonus at year end if performance is good and I will pay a lock in bonus after 3 years. He is now 2 years with us, no holidays, work every day (7 days a week).

I recommend you review your pay structure, pay a considerable portion only after 2-3 years, depending how long you want them to be locked in.

Ah and by the way I had a number of other people asking for the same as pig farmer too. Now obviously those who can find a job in an office with aircon won't want such a job, but those who cannot get an office job, may like such a job. Because you have a secure income/job long time, you get some additional benefits if you stay on the job etc...

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During my first 8 of the 11 years I have been here I felt that the average Thai worker was taken advantage of and

down trodden but, the last 3 years, I discovered much of what you say to be true. Many, maybe most, are downright lazy, dependent on others,

primarily daughters, who deniability aside, are "sold off " to any occupation, ( few ), they may suited for. Often the girls end up on one flesh market or another and become the main support for the entire family. The male siblings resort to drinking, gambling, creating unsupported babies and, of course, petty crime. The education system is poor but it doesn't really matter as the students don't give a damn about anything and haven' a clue about what "learning" is supposed to be. Officials in every agency do well as do the foreign "connected " people,and the rest ? the rest just doze.Thailand is a land of lost souls who may never awaken !

I think your experience is somewhat limited to a certain small part of Thai society. There are many hard working Thais, seeking opportunities, doing everything so their children can get a top education, a better life, etc. I see low skilled workers going to work in factories in Chonburi, Samut Prakan and work very hard, send money home to support their relatives etc.. Some go abroad to make more money. Some with better education work their way up in companies, open their own business etc. To say that quote "most Thais are lazy, dependent on others, sell off their daughters into prostitution" is just rubbish in my opinion. There may be some that do this, the vast majority don't.

I recommend you mix with some other people to get a different perspective.

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Perhaps you should just do it yourself, or get family members to chip in. Would you do that job for 9k a month (18k for 2 people)? Would you be enthusiastic?

I mean, not exactly going to create a better like is it? Can't save for a pension, can't get private health care, can't send the kids to a private school, can't eat out at restaurants, go to the cinema, bowling, can't go on a family holiday, can't pay a monthly payment on a car.

The wage might be higher than what is normally paid for this job, but it still isn't a fair wage and represents everything that is wrong with this country and indeed so many others.

It appears you have never employed staff in Thailand from this answer and have no idea of salaries, the salary is better than what anyone else is paying they could easily save well over half of that and most likely all of it, would you like to see their house? this was there house BEFORE they all decided they simply could not ne bothered to take care of it, second picture is their house now which requires NO cleaning on their part as they seemed unable to keep it clean. Free motorbike with Free fuel also so the 18k incudes , rice, electric, water, tv, fish, any vegetables on the land inc mango papaya banana lemon grass and a few others, they don't have any travel expenses or accommodation expenses or services bills.

Oh yeah I built t his staff house alone no help at all, all the work on the land I have also done at sometime so I know how hard/easy the job is,,,,,,,,,its EASY

You are suffering from a great misconception.

You provide the workers with their own communal accommodation, shared motorbike, Internet and some food on your illegally owed land to do the donkey work for your illegally run agricultural business, for a lifetime period you say.

This is not an average employer/employee situation, but rather you expect these people to be totally dedicated to serving you and the land, living and working on the land, obedient, subservient and all on your terms. This has tones of the 19th century slave workers who were expected to serve their white masters on the sugar plantations.

As for the fundamentals of how Thais prefer to work in agriculture, these jobs are mostly seasonal, they work on a temporary basis for a few weeks, then move on to other jobs. I have never known of Thais working long term on land unless they own it or working for relatives. And being realistic, for live in full time staff these days we are looking at a minimum of between 15000 to 20000 baht per head.

If as you state, you are desperate for loyal, competent staff, than why not advertise in the local Thai newspapers and the Thai job centres, giving your name, the name of your company, the work involved and the pay?

I would be interested to know what sort of visa you are on and whether you file tax returns here in Thailand? Because judging by your photos, you are running an agricultural business on a grand scale and those like yourself who are abusing the systems here in such ways place us all under scrutiny, not doing yourself or us any favours.

10 out of 10 for hilarity....all cobblers of course but amusing, Im off wild boar hunting now, the boys carry me in my chariot and gratefully kneel on the floor when I need a place to sit down or if I need somewhere to wipe my boots on. The other rosey eyed views are equally hilarious.

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Perhaps you should just do it yourself, or get family members to chip in. Would you do that job for 9k a month (18k for 2 people)? Would you be enthusiastic?

I mean, not exactly going to create a better like is it? Can't save for a pension, can't get private health care, can't send the kids to a private school, can't eat out at restaurants, go to the cinema, bowling, can't go on a family holiday, can't pay a monthly payment on a car.

The wage might be higher than what is normally paid for this job, but it still isn't a fair wage and represents everything that is wrong with this country and indeed so many others.

It appears you have never employed staff in Thailand from this answer and have no idea of salaries, the salary is better than what anyone else is paying they could easily save well over half of that and most likely all of it, would you like to see their house? this was there house BEFORE they all decided they simply could not ne bothered to take care of it, second picture is their house now which requires NO cleaning on their part as they seemed unable to keep it clean. Free motorbike with Free fuel also so the 18k incudes , rice, electric, water, tv, fish, any vegetables on the land inc mango papaya banana lemon grass and a few others, they don't have any travel expenses or accommodation expenses or services bills.

Oh yeah I built t his staff house alone no help at all, all the work on the land I have also done at sometime so I know how hard/easy the job is,,,,,,,,,its EASY

You are suffering from a great misconception.

You provide the workers with their own communal accommodation, shared motorbike, Internet and some food on your illegally owed land to do the donkey work for your illegally run agricultural business, for a lifetime period you say.

This is not an average employer/employee situation, but rather you expect these people to be totally dedicated to serving you and the land, living and working on the land, obedient, subservient and all on your terms. This has tones of the 19th century slave workers who were expected to serve their white masters on the sugar plantations.

As for the fundamentals of how Thais prefer to work in agriculture, these jobs are mostly seasonal, they work on a temporary basis for a few weeks, then move on to other jobs. I have never known of Thais working long term on land unless they own it or working for relatives. And being realistic, for live in full time staff these days we are looking at a minimum of between 15000 to 20000 baht per head.

If as you state, you are desperate for loyal, competent staff, than why not advertise in the local Thai newspapers and the Thai job centres, giving your name, the name of your company, the work involved and the pay?

I would be interested to know what sort of visa you are on and whether you file tax returns here in Thailand? Because judging by your photos, you are running an agricultural business on a grand scale and those like yourself who are abusing the systems here in such ways place us all under scrutiny, not doing yourself or us any favours.

Why is his land illegally owed, and why is his business illegal?
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Ok 18,000 for 2 people a month. My sister in law is a police Sgt in Surin and earns 15,000 a month before tax and pension etc. Perhaps you should vet your employees better and employ an overseer to make sure they work.

Get real.

Not a fair comparison there.That 18k would be tax free,plus extras,so very well paid for labourers.That pay rate for sil is exactly the reason the govt give the green light to tea money.

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Perhaps you should just do it yourself, or get family members to chip in. Would you do that job for 9k a month (18k for 2 people)? Would you be enthusiastic?

I mean, not exactly going to create a better like is it? Can't save for a pension, can't get private health care, can't send the kids to a private school, can't eat out at restaurants, go to the cinema, bowling, can't go on a family holiday, can't pay a monthly payment on a car.

The wage might be higher than what is normally paid for this job, but it still isn't a fair wage and represents everything that is wrong with this country and indeed so many others.

It appears you have never employed staff in Thailand from this answer and have no idea of salaries, the salary is better than what anyone else is paying they could easily save well over half of that and most likely all of it, would you like to see their house? this was there house BEFORE they all decided they simply could not ne bothered to take care of it, second picture is their house now which requires NO cleaning on their part as they seemed unable to keep it clean. Free motorbike with Free fuel also so the 18k incudes , rice, electric, water, tv, fish, any vegetables on the land inc mango papaya banana lemon grass and a few others, they don't have any travel expenses or accommodation expenses or services bills.

Oh yeah I built t his staff house alone no help at all, all the work on the land I have also done at sometime so I know how hard/easy the job is,,,,,,,,,its EASY

You are suffering from a great misconception.

You provide the workers with their own communal accommodation, shared motorbike, Internet and some food on your illegally owed land to do the donkey work for your illegally run agricultural business, for a lifetime period you say.

This is not an average employer/employee situation, but rather you expect these people to be totally dedicated to serving you and the land, living and working on the land, obedient, subservient and all on your terms. This has tones of the 19th century slave workers who were expected to serve their white masters on the sugar plantations.

As for the fundamentals of how Thais prefer to work in agriculture, these jobs are mostly seasonal, they work on a temporary basis for a few weeks, then move on to other jobs. I have never known of Thais working long term on land unless they own it or working for relatives. And being realistic, for live in full time staff these days we are looking at a minimum of between 15000 to 20000 baht per head.

If as you state, you are desperate for loyal, competent staff, than why not advertise in the local Thai newspapers and the Thai job centres, giving your name, the name of your company, the work involved and the pay?

I would be interested to know what sort of visa you are on and whether you file tax returns here in Thailand? Because judging by your photos, you are running an agricultural business on a grand scale and those like yourself who are abusing the systems here in such ways place us all under scrutiny, not doing yourself or us any favours.

10 out of 10 for hilarity....all cobblers of course but amusing, Im off wild boar hunting now, the boys carry me in my chariot and gratefully kneel on the floor when I need a place to sit down or if I need somewhere to wipe my boots on. The other rosey eyed views are equally hilarious.

Your title to the thread; The Truth Really Does Hurt, is apt.

You are the type I have a strong disdain for in Thailand. You blatantly flaunt the fact that you and your wife are into illegal activities here that makes a mockery of Thai/ex-pat relationships that can strain the tolerances the Thais have towards us. It is people like you that create more hurdles for us ex-pats that abide by the laws and tow the line here. Please let me assure you, if I knew of your location and that of the said land, I would shop you to the authorities without hesitation. I certainly hope that in the not so distant future the authorities will latch onto your activities here and clamp down on you and others like you.

However which way you take my criticisms, that I couldn`t give a rat`s behind about, the fact is, it is you abusing the system and contravening the laws of Thailand, not me or the majority of us here. You are outrageous.

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One of my best friends has a top restaurant in Hua Hin, he couldn't find good staff for years....despite the fact that the tips at the end of the day were more than there good salaries....and the work is not hard.

It seems that after many years he has got good staff now , waitresses I have seen for several years now....

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Employ burmese workers, they'll be more than content on a 18,000 baht salary. Thailand is getting richer and richer, Thais dont want to those manual labor jobs anymore, thats why more and more people are resorting to hire Burmese workers.

Hmmmm many of them have been Burmese BUT even the Burmese now are going for gas station jobs, security guards etc and found them mostly to be the same , want money for nothing.

And chicks for free.

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Lots of interesting comment here. My guess is that while Kannot thinks he's offering good wages and benefits for a decent job (and from a Western perspective he is), for the type of people who are likely to apply and try it out, it's not. It's a boring job with little satisfaction. Money and comfortable living is not enough. Most SE Asians are not used to being isolated, away from family, friends or a community of their peers. They won't stay long in a job if they do not have this; they need to be 'happy' and this usually means working as part of a group they can socialise with after hours too. He can only hope that luck will send the right couple along one day.

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Your title to the thread; The Truth Really Does Hurt, is apt.

You are the type I have a strong disdain for in Thailand. You blatantly flaunt the fact that you and your wife are into illegal activities here that makes a mockery of Thai/ex-pat relationships that can strain the tolerances the Thais have towards us. It is people like you that create more hurdles for us ex-pats that abide by the laws and tow the line here. Please let me assure you, if I knew of your location and that of the said land, I would shop you to the authorities without hesitation. I certainly hope that in the not so distant future the authorities will latch onto your activities here and clamp down on you and others like you.

However which way you take my criticisms, that I couldn`t give a rat`s behind about, the fact is, it is you abusing the system and contravening the laws of Thailand, not me or the majority of us here. You are outrageous.

Anything else or is that it?

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Lots of interesting comment here. My guess is that while Kannot thinks he's offering good wages and benefits for a decent job (and from a Western perspective he is), for the type of people who are likely to apply and try it out, it's not. It's a boring job with little satisfaction. Money and comfortable living is not enough. Most SE Asians are not used to being isolated, away from family, friends or a community of their peers. They won't stay long in a job if they do not have this; they need to be 'happy' and this usually means working as part of a group they can socialise with after hours too. He can only hope that luck will send the right couple along one day.

Which is why we provide them with as much entertainment a s possible tv internet etc free fuel they can go out on the motorbike all day to the sea or wherever, obviously after i have beaten them and they have licked my boots clean...................according to some

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Your title to the thread; The Truth Really Does Hurt, is apt.

You are the type I have a strong disdain for in Thailand. You blatantly flaunt the fact that you and your wife are into illegal activities here that makes a mockery of Thai/ex-pat relationships that can strain the tolerances the Thais have towards us. It is people like you that create more hurdles for us ex-pats that abide by the laws and tow the line here. Please let me assure you, if I knew of your location and that of the said land, I would shop you to the authorities without hesitation. I certainly hope that in the not so distant future the authorities will latch onto your activities here and clamp down on you and others like you.

However which way you take my criticisms, that I couldn`t give a rat`s behind about, the fact is, it is you abusing the system and contravening the laws of Thailand, not me or the majority of us here. You are outrageous.

And you, Beetlejuice, are the type that I have a strong disdain for in Thailand. Accusing others of illegal activities or contravening the laws, all from your high horse. Then because the thais don't roll out the red carpet for you and bow down at your feet, you make up ridiculous claims like those other foreigners damaging the thai-expat relationship (whatever that is?) which creates more "hurdles" for you. Always looking to blame someone else.

Tell us, what exactly the OP has done to break the law? I suspect the only crime he is guilty of is being a pompous british ass.

Edited by Time Traveller
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strange indeed. You certainly pay a lot in my opinion.

I hired a Thai farmer for my pig farm and pay him less and I guess the work is harder, less comfortable than what you describe. However I pay a bonus at year end if performance is good and I will pay a lock in bonus after 3 years. He is now 2 years with us, no holidays, work every day (7 days a week).

I recommend you review your pay structure, pay a considerable portion only after 2-3 years, depending how long you want them to be locked in.

Ah and by the way I had a number of other people asking for the same as pig farmer too. Now obviously those who can find a job in an office with aircon won't want such a job, but those who cannot get an office job, may like such a job. Because you have a secure income/job long time, you get some additional benefits if you stay on the job etc...

We tell them at the off they will get one months salary as a bonus at the end of the year...............none have lasted more than 6 months.

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Your title to the thread; The Truth Really Does Hurt, is apt.

You are the type I have a strong disdain for in Thailand. You blatantly flaunt the fact that you and your wife are into illegal activities here that makes a mockery of Thai/ex-pat relationships that can strain the tolerances the Thais have towards us. It is people like you that create more hurdles for us ex-pats that abide by the laws and tow the line here. Please let me assure you, if I knew of your location and that of the said land, I would shop you to the authorities without hesitation. I certainly hope that in the not so distant future the authorities will latch onto your activities here and clamp down on you and others like you.

However which way you take my criticisms, that I couldn`t give a rat`s behind about, the fact is, it is you abusing the system and contravening the laws of Thailand, not me or the majority of us here. You are outrageous.

And you, Beetlejuice, are the type that I have a strong disdain for in Thailand. Accusing others of illegal activities or contravening the laws, all from your high horse. Then because the thais don't roll out the red carpet for you and bow down at your feet, you make up ridiculous claims like those other foreigners damaging the thai-expat relationship (whatever that is?) which creates more "hurdles" for you. Always looking to blame someone else.

Tell us, what exactly the OP has done to break the law? I suspect the only crime he is guilty of is being a pompous british ass.

Heyyyyyyy less of the pompous, however back to reality as this thread spirals downwards and beetle boys blood pressure explodes, we have two new staff started yesterday, my Wife brought them down in the car from Bangkok ( yes we even save them the bus fare), girl already said she cant/wont do the work ( they were told the type of work before coming) and the boy has told us she'll be going back to Burma and he had a relieved look on his face. I think he knows already their relationship is doomed.

We've had this before where one half is bone idle and the other is ok, invariably the "power of pussy" wins and the girl drags the man away to other pastures.

On speaking with the agent she then tells us all the gossip, how this is their 6th job in 6 months, how the girl has a baby by another man and the new boyfriend doesnt know etc etc.

Its just a numbers game I feel.

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as to the "painting aspect" of your post, i owned a house coating company in UK (spray houses) so i know a bit about keeping the area covered. 2 guys painting a shrine on my condo, never seen so much paint on the pavement, and the hotel by me, also 2 guys painting, and the road is covered in white paint, havent got a bloody clue

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