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Singapore expresses support for Thailand’s political transition

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Singapore expresses support for Thailand’s political transition

SINGAPORE, 23 May 2015 (NNT) – The Singapore Prime Minister and the Minister for Defense have expressed their support for political transition in Thailand, hoping the nation will develop towards a proper form of governance.

The Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defence Gen Prawit Wongsuwon yesterday met with the Singapore Minister for Defence Ng Eng Hen during his official visit to Singapore.

On this occasion, both sides agreed to increase their military cooperation, and exchanged views on regional security issues, including the Strait of Malacca petrol to ensure maritime transport safety, and the information exchange system to reduce unrest in the region.

The Thai DPM praised Singapore’s contribution to the region, such as the establishment of the maritime safety center, and thanked the Singaporean Minister for Defense on providing assist to the wildfire-relief operations in the northern region of Thailand. He also informed the government’s reformation progress to the Singaporean Minister.

The Singapore Defence Minister affirmed the long lasting military cooperation between both countries, agreed to tighten the military relation, and thanked Thailand for its continuous support in military exercises with the Singapore Armed Forces.

He invited the Thai DPM to attend the "14th Asia Security Summit: The IISS Shangri-La Dialogue", which will be held in Singapore on 29-31 May 2015. At this summit last year, Singapore Defence Minister explained to the international community about the current situation in Thailand, saying that Thailand is in the transitional period which requires efforts from inside the nation and the support from other countries to facilitate national stability, which will help secure the security of the region as a whole.

The Thai DPM then called to Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. The Thai DPM affirmed the diplomatic relations of both countries, reaching the 50th anniversary this year, and informed the Singapore PM on the progress of Thailand's reform, according to the designated roadmap.

The Singapore PM said that the long lasting relations of both countries has contributed to many cooperative projects. He said that Singapore has been following the situation in Thailand in caring manner as friend.

He said that Thailand is the center of the region, while each country has their own histories and different social structures. Therefore, it is important to allow each nation to proceed according to their methods.

The Singapore PM mentioned that Thailand is during a major transition which he hopes that the country will develop towards proper form of governance, and the solutions shall come from the cooperation of the Thai public that choose to uphold national benefits.

He also praised the determination of the current Thai government.

-- NNT 2015-05-23 footer_n.gif


"....he hopes that the country will develop towards proper form of governance"

At least there was no hypocritical mention of democracy by Singapore.


I the accounts listed in this report is what the courts would call ''hearsay''. A lot of ''he said that he said'' etc. I'll wait for a transcript of what Singapore actually said -_-



Thailand's stunted transition


"One year after Thailand's 12th miltiary coup in it's 83 years of constitutional rule, and as the controversial trial for criminal negligence of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra gets under way, the country's future is periously uncertain".

This is from the Straits Times, Singapore's highest selling newspaper. The writer is a professor and director at Chulalongkorn University.

One year after Thailand's 12th military coup in its 83 years under constitutional rule, and as the controversial trial for criminal negligence of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra gets under way, the country's future is perilously uncertain - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/more-opinion-stories/story/thailands-stunted-transition-20150523#sthash.ZHgd83zh.dpuf
One year after Thailand's 12th military coup in its 83 years under constitutional rule, and as the controversial trial for criminal negligence of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra gets under way, the country's future is perilously uncertain. - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/more-opinion-stories/story/thailands-stunted-transition-20150523#sthash.ZHgd83zh.dpuf
Thailand's stunted transition

I seem to remember when there was only 1 opposition MP in Singapore and he could hardly open his mouth without being charged with something and yes defamation was usually right at the top of the list.

Singapore was discreetly referred to as a ' benevolent dictatorship ' .


I the accounts listed in this report is what the courts would call ''hearsay''. A lot of ''he said that he said'' etc. I'll wait for a transcript of what Singapore actually said sleep.png

I just Googled the Singapore Straits Times but couldn't find anything.


The Lee family, pére, fils et al, are notoriously litigious as a way of suppressing internal dissent in Singapore the moment it appears, and a tame judiciary is almost invariably willing to bend over and pull its trousers down for them.


I the accounts listed in this report is what the courts would call ''hearsay''. A lot of ''he said that he said'' etc. I'll wait for a transcript of what Singapore actually said sleep.png

I just Googled the Singapore Straits Times but couldn't find anything.

Are you sure ? Go to google.com and type Singapore Straits Times. After pressing RETURN, you will see a page where you can click on "Straits Times". You will then be on the newspapers website.

Scroll on down, and you will notice an article "One year after the military coup: what's happening in Thailand". The article is not the one I've posted above. The article is here:




Thailand's stunted transition


"One year after Thailand's 12th miltiary coup in it's 83 years of constitutional rule, and as the controversial trial for criminal negligence of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra gets under way, the country's future is periously uncertain".

This is from the Straits Times, Singapore's highest selling newspaper. The writer is a professor and director at Chulalongkorn University.

One year after Thailand's 12th military coup in its 83 years under constitutional rule, and as the controversial trial for criminal negligence of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra gets under way, the country's future is perilously uncertain - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/more-opinion-stories/story/thailands-stunted-transition-20150523#sthash.ZHgd83zh.dpuf
One year after Thailand's 12th military coup in its 83 years under constitutional rule, and as the controversial trial for criminal negligence of former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra gets under way, the country's future is perilously uncertain. - See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/opinion/more-opinion-stories/story/thailands-stunted-transition-20150523#sthash.ZHgd83zh.dpuf
Thailand's stunted transition

Singapore 1963. "trapped between authoritarianism and democracy", Lee kuan Yew kept a stranglehold on free speech for years. The only difference being military presence replaced by cops,overt and covert. Has Singapore changed? We still have the late Lee Kuan Yew's protegees in power. Did Singapore need such a tight grip on the local populace? Forty eight years later the results are plain to see.

I do not think the editor of the Straits Times would be as free to criticize the Singapore government as the media are here in Thailand, despite Martial Law.

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